
9/2/2019 2:20 – Facebook Post

9:00 p.m.

10:32-33 p.m.

The Pause came because Liberty sat and conversed with me for a moment then Thomas
and then Thomas went to bed, and Liberty and I spoke the way John Mack and I would converse and Tree Sage.
Building to memory.

But with Liberty and Thomas, but especially Liberty, it is more of an evolution or upgrade, or different version of that conversation.
It is more like I am her Echo and she is Mine.

What is happening here, is such an overwhelming confirmation of my reaching the power which set me off on this sacred journey 43 years ago when I was 7 -8, that it is not only overwhelming but that after a Life Time of explaining, fighting and literally living in a constant state of provocation, impuse stimuli from not only the E Spirits of the Family of T.E.N.
Original number.. 55 E E. And all the things done to me, my Pineal, Pituitary and Prostrate Glands.
The people who mocked, derided, challenged, punished.. tortured ..crucified me for sustaing and maintaing that truth.
Especially in America, which I was summoned to by the Shaman Dibia Spirit world of Nature to answer for daring to express a truth through my being..
( I had never told a living soul about my Home Realm and memories, except once when I wrote that book)

And to find myself brought here to the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze
U S A… M.M
To Defend a realm and truth which I had only kept to myself..
And 18.6 years later after living through that which is impossible..
Meant to be impossible after day and night being Stimulated, and a body enduring an invasion of such power, such a force and then listen to Liberty speak and our conversation be literally the Q and A.
As in She I.Q and I E.Q
And both The Question and Answer.

The literal Echo response to each others story and Thomas Lang and Herself, as the Author Actor Observers Awareness of The Script.

10:56 p.m right now is
Of the Family of T E N moving back to 2 Five..
5 2.
G H I O. D.
H G O.D.

Has been a story which is meant to be recorded so all Humanity could have a record of this, and hear it.

John Mack has recordings, which for some “strange ” reason has been delayed from posting.


Imagine being a Poet and an awakened being who comes into a lower dimension where his Family is staging a play, in which they refract them selves into many versions of themselves.
You are scheduled to come down just before the dramatic conclusion of their play, which would replicate what I, as the Big Brother had done before.
Which was to make rise everything that ever could be.
And now they as they Line of the Two aspects of the first Original called the 5 in one like 5 fingers = 1 Hand.
Five in One.
2 Fives
One foot 5 toes.
10 as Left and Right.
And completion as the L +R. Left Right 12+18 =30 3O. C O Center
5 10
5 20
5 Fingers 5 Toes.

Yes, a Body ..and Being in one
So 5 20. Has to align with 5 20 in both Being and Body..
And then the Two Align to one.

Now imagine, you come had just come, to boogie, to enjoy the final act of the play of these two Lines of Family doing the same thing which would awaken all Creatures in not only this realm but every dimension and realm of Creation.
But in this 3 D world.
Of course, you have a role to play in the last scene of They Merging with you representing The Original E
But instead as you descend into this 3D realm, the setting of the Final Scene, you are whisked away to an Altered and Alternate Current to another version of that play.
Where instead of finding what should have been your Families The Elegant Nomads..
Star Trek
You find yourself in this place of battle against illusions made so real.
A reality where instead of the Sacred Journey of a sure fire end and completion of Evolution Awakening
Star Ship Enterprise Awakening Serenity Ecstasy Yeshue ah. The Trinity in One: Nature Splendor
.. S S .. E A S E. Y … TT. I O N S
( Y E S. A TTE N TT I ON Supremes landing)
You are confronted with a version where everyone is sure that this is the End and the idea of ever Awakening is absurd except for this original line of E As 55 and only thier original refracted selves holding out against a force of literal annihilation obliteration of everything
Star Wars.
And where instead of Harmony and Eternal Law, Dharna Santana : 4 19. 23. 5 E.
Its the Death Star and Devil Satan and the Empress is transformed into the Great Spider witch.

12:00 a.m


I B T. O S
I Beautiful Truth Full Circle.

And confused perplexed you find yourself refusing to come out of your silent observation of this world until age 5 -6 when you hear your parents concern about your refusal to acknowledge this world and ones calm very quiet nature.
And only then decide to.make an effort.

And almost immediatly you after you start to adapt to that reality, by.adoptimg programs of what other kids do- choosing the best ones you like, basically creating a version or body program you will use to explore this strange.world filled with so much violence and rage.
That you are whisked away into the story of.being dropped off here by the 5 as 20- 5 as 20 as Body Being.. 11.
Doppelganger Twins.
Who dropped you off here in and.left you.
You fly astral project around to different frequencies.
Pangea.. Time and Age of Heroic Humans and Gods all unseen in an Heavenly.Plane concerned about the imminent End and a search for a Knight in Shinning Armour to rebuild a Bridge connecting the two realms Heaven and Earth.

In another flight. You have golden eyes and are an orphan of unknown Royal birth, and are washed up upon the shore where a poor phesant farmers find.you, adopt you and love and cherish you.
And one day you develop wing’s and.no one bats an eye lid. As you fly further and further other towns and cities, until one day you say good bye and set off on.a mission to discover who you are.

You see a face on a wall of which is about.a person.called Christ but looks suspiciously like some of the E 20.20 family E E 4O.

And then find yourself in a story of which it.is to save the World, which.you find preposterous since you know the World is in play theater of evolution and all is in Perfect Harmony.

And every where you go, you see that story of negation of Evolution Awakening and only a world and species at the point of annihilation.self destruction.

And impatient with it, and all those who.come from no where and everywhere to train you.
You.set off instead to find your family..
But instead of setting out to find them, you.are whisked into a play of livijg.non stop in other peoples homes and their worlds.
Horrified you are forced to suddenly.listen to their versions of reality, and listen, record and transcribe in horror to.the Silence you once called Father..Lord God.
But is really your.truest self alive inside.of you..
Your past ..as Time.
And as Eternal.
5 20.
5 2. O. 6
And when summoned to.a realm through.a Coma by a Dark Vadar like entity called Death but was meant to.be your Self as your past…
I.call Nnamdi..
Beauty True Love..
You see the True Love portal beyond the Darkness of the Darkest Knight.
D K. Kim Arthur Hines 11 4…4.11.Nathaniel.
Darkest Night. D.N. .4 14..Death.
.And proceed.to it, igboring the.vouce.until.he commands you to come.back and uses reason. 666. To not.let.you.pass.
And you only agree because he gave you no choice.

And moved now within you like.a stowaway with the Power of ” The Strangest Star”
* see my.share just.before this post.

That what I kept.quiet about, I must now turn into Sound.
Talk to the people I was sent to, respond.and answer their expressions to me instead of writing it down.

And then finding yourself solving your way across the Universe
A False Universe of a Star Wars.
Shaman Wars.. Awful Evil Hideous …Impossible

The Animal.world of the Jungle?
Animal Fear and Savagery.

A Simulation created by Nature as a Lie.
The Abyss Void… Death as the End.

Something so ridiculous to.me, fighting through a fear and anger based version of the Sacred Journey of The Elegant Nomads through Universe Emission
E MIT../ Time.

27 years walking and.solving an.aligning to prove back, into Memory, into being, the original Truth which you are enslaved, enchained, flogged lashed, even called insane to hold onto a Truth none could.remember.and most simply.denied could even.exist.
Yet doing everything to prove.how it can not.exist.but to destroy.you.

It was as if Nature had gone insane: furious.vengeful full of such.an awful.hatred
Casting Spells.
A Great Warlock- Necromancer and Great Spider Spirit.Witch.
Evil and Cruelty.


Erika Chamberlain?
E C.
My Inspiration.for the Prose piece
” My Name is Woman Said She”

5.3 ..
Jupeter Ascending.
E’s Art…Harmony..
H. EA R. T… H E. .

27 years… 26.8 ..26.9.

Of course, I had figured out.what.happened when the past had left its Heart,.. Its.Throne.Empirical Truth.

1:10 a.m

And all the while still.looking for the Eternal.Family in a play of the Red Wave Length which in.this.version never seened to.end.
Drawing Writing, posting solving, battling my way to Liberty.
And True Love..
The Original Portal now in.1992
19. 92 /29. 91.. 20 19.


I. A.T. S.


Khoirul Bahir is my 1387 Facebook Friend.

M.W 78/87. 69/96…

W W. 46. Chromosomes. 10 J
M L.. VV. UU…. 8.6

But before I state the meaning of his name.

Lets us rexall Sacred Portal 29
A MAN. 1 13 1 14= 29

And the play in which Liberty C Liscomb invited me here.
Thomas Lang was given a code of 72 Hours which is 3 Days.
See sacred Portal 29.
And 72.

I met Leander her son first.
I had already met her 5th.child and 4th son.
Jeron ” He Sings!” H S.. 5.is E. H.S.
“Sacred Holy” S H..E”.

He was in the Car with his friend Noah.

J…5th Child. 4th.Son.
Leander. 4th Child 3rd Son. 5 4…4.3.

Leander means ” Man”

He is 10 .. 11 on. 11-8.. November. 8

S.P 127

Leander.. is the respinse on.the 29th…” A MAN.”

Leander Noah….L N ..
12 14 is Christopher Filgueiras birhday
N.L. Northern Lights.. 26…Z. ZIon John.Mack..

* See Post Liberty shared that same night


Then I met Farrel.
Which means ” Man of Valor” and “Victorious Man”

I have just met 13- 14 year old “Aurelia”
Born 11-5.. November.
Her name means “Golden”
She was wearing a Golden yellow Jersey when I met her..

Her children are Beautiful..
And are literally incarnations of Greek Gods of Humanities beautiful.past.

P.S I was 43 age code when I first came to Facebook.
August/Sept 2011 – and the play Jan 2012.

Each of her children link to the True Beautiful Past of Humanity and my Family undercover as Eternals.

Arden is the only one I am yet to meet of Libertys 5 Children

Arden means ” Love ”

* is it Truth or Love which sets us…
Me.. Free?

Truth.is Love.

Thomas Lang
20 12. 32. 5.
Liberty C Liscomb L L. 24. E M.F. 6


Yet Liberty and I.had a conversation for 56:56 secs.

T L. True Love..
Self Love
Twin See..CC. Liberates.

A MAN. Andrey Alexandravich – Leander.

Of Victorious a Man of Valor with the Eye of Horus.. All Seeing Eye.. 6th.Sense 3rd Eye.

Golden Eyes.

L- L. F A. .-A .. Ardens arrival.will complete the Sequence as Love…
And thus I rest my case..
Truth is what brings Love

Thomas Twin. A.H- Tom.
A TOM. A-A. 27.
2-27 J.M. J.N.

Aurelia Arden

1:58 a.m right now

Leander 8th November
Auriella 5th.. Novenber..

8 5 / 5 8 ..

T.. ( A A. C C. ) L. J. .L. F A A. /
A A F. L. J. L. TT

F L is Florida 27th State.
A-A is 27. J L…= V.
thus by the order I met them..
Do you see how John Mack is Jerone
And Jonathan Frechette..
J.J J. 30.
3O. .OOO
3 6 6 6
3 18.
C R.
C I. 39. 12. L. 27/ 72.

2:07 a.m right now

Today some friends of Liberty from her Women’s group came.

One called Victoria came up to ask of codes of numbers..
12 22.. 444 were the numbers she mentioned

L V. She had arrived with her friend Lauren who came a while later..

I was speechless..
Liberty.had noted the number 444 just yesterday and her she was with her friend Trisha ( Patricia friend of E.M.F..)
And she could not.see the numbers she was saying she was seeing everywhere..
was she her friend Laura and Liberty..
But Trish Patrticia she could not see.


Red Tent.

Victoria Lauren

A MAN, A Man of Valor, Victorious man crowned with Holy Basil ..
True Loves
Knight in Shinning Armor.

I know exactly who Liberty is

My.Great Grandmother line..
Myself as Valkyrie.

See sacred Portal 29.
Libertys Ancestors are VI.Kings..
Literal Genealogy.

2:19 a.m


219-217 South Whitney

2:20 a.m

22 O.
V O. I.C E.

Khoirul Bashir

K.B My 13 87 Facebook Friends name means

Khoirul means ” The Best of Man…”
Bashir means ” Brilliant Lucid..

And that is the final confirmation.

“A Man is The Source ”

2:42 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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