
9/12/2019 0:43 – Facebook Post

8:56 p.m
1393 Facebook Friends

H.E.F. Harmony Eternal Family.

13 93


I have one last conversation and I am fully aware its with Liberty C Liscomb.

But I know one conversation we will not be having, in order to resolve that issue.
Racial Equality and Justice for all.

I have long enough in the United States, to understand my refusal to come here, that that stain is way too deep, to be resolved.
Too deeply clung to by others, despite all they may say..

And it is not white and brown/black.

I sang today,
To the trees, to nature whhich surrounds me.
I took a stroll with my feet and with through a song which rose softly but firmly from my heart.

It was more than a prayer, and it definetly was not beseeching, rather, lets say it was a Paen to my father after 27 years since our last encounter.

It was the song of the Beautifil I sang,
The truly Beautiful, in word, thought and deed.

* Please recall, I have delivered the final riddle Death and the Illusion, demaded that I prove, how I can see, and read peoples subconscious -Mind Thoughts, with out getting into their heads.

I proved that people reveal their Truth, even when they intend to lie, or lie to themselves, it is as A B C..
That was my proof that you can read peoples Electro Magnetic Fields..

Which was kind of obvious when the person who invited me to this State- from a Shelter, and 3 missing front teeth, from which I had partialy gone to escape.

9:11 p.m
I Know.
9+11. 20
9 1 1. .11.
20 11.

The True Conversation between Energy and Ahtom.

Manifested onto reality with John Mack
And Kim Arthur Hines- Tree Sage.

All through the portal and invitation of Stephen Filgueria S F, who turned out to be
Esteban Miguel Filgueira

29.. 30 yrs in a few days.
43 since I have been used as a Slave and the Rag of Existence…
18.6 since being forced to play the American Rag.
When I really represent the Rage of Ages- the True Self as Righteous.

I sang..
I did not care that Libertys 83 old father might here, me or when her sons Leander and Arden
LA arrived home … and I am sure heard me singing to my Sum and my Father who was my son and brother/sister.

I sang about the story so appalling of the Brown/Black and White story and my evidence that there was nothing which could heal that story of racial superiority.

As I sang, two horses, like lovers, like companions descended onto the Field,
As I sang about this illness, these disease so held onto my the idea of conquerors, and who are the one supreme.
All based on color of ones skin.. and camp each in the End each choose to be in.

I called out to The Beautiful,
My power, my true will and family,
Beyond the Viel and wall of this Matrix.

* I began my Journals in London, about the same time the Berlin East West wall fell.

But there is no amount of conversation which in this realm which can reunite the Caucasian.Man Woman to the Brown Black Man and Woman.

I recall when the Documentary on Discovery channel came out called ” All About Eve”
( A-A E)
I by this time was not surprised when many of the Caucasian race, refuted that their Holiest Phliosophy of Science, to negate their own findings,
Of the 5 Women out of Africa, carrying.the Gene Pool of the Entire World.

Many in the white race will forever hold onto.and even protect thier decisions to.hold one race as superior over another..
At at long last even the Ancestors of All have given up bridging the Gap.
And the response of so.many black.peoples and other ethnic groups hate.

Lets not speak or mention, Jew versus the Caucasian European hate.

As I sang out to the Beauty,
I suddenly saw that the two horses..
One was white and one was brown.

They had arrived as if summoned to bear witness to the song which I sang in such sadness but heroic and strong in my stance.

The stupidity of my 31 years on walking through that foolish hope, of using me as an emissary for Pangea..
Bridging the Gap of Race.

I have witnessed how I have been treated in West Africa and in Europe,
Its too deep a habit, which.often the seemingly most liberal people can not, do not wish to break.

I sang my song of the Beautiful
and after, a life time of observing how, and why people negate the Existence of others..
Not realizing to negate the expression, truth, experience and gifts of Another.
To use techinques, so subtle and so awful, it truly defines belief.

I sang my song of the Beautifil, and to the Fury and Fires so suppressed in me, by what I have seen and witnessed through all the peoples who invited me in.

I have always been fully aware why I was being made to pass through each portal and my amused sardonic understanding of each persons translation of that Truth.
The Truth.

A 31 year journey, I had been sent on
18.6 in United States.. and the conclusion?
Why My Son Father, did you waste my Time?

Liberty has been gracious, and has given me two months to stay, and in 2 months she and her children, would revise the terms.

But, I am The Source, not hiding, through with proofs and reasoning that I am a Man.
Made to Merit and Earn that which I already A.M.

Its cool that I have been given a space of Beauty and Comfort.
For a Conversation.

Which I just had with Liberty which was with her as Jodi Foster see the movie Contact.
And Johns play and mine J O D I..
See play Fosters… a child.

That is the conversation I ageed to have and it just took place.

Insanely beautiful logical…

Liberty is a character she represents for the Hue Mans.
But the Jodie Foster person she represents.
Jonathan David Frechette
Fith Dimension J.
John Mack
She from the ” Fifth Dimension C
.. that characrer is Real.

No, my departure from here with the E is all I wish to speak about,
For time does not exist im the E play, its more about finishing the Final Scene of the play.

A conversation about Race?
Black and white while your planet is evolving and 2/3 dying off…
When that takes place, with awakened memory, there will be none even interested in a question of Race and True Respect.

12:43 a.m

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