
9/25/2019 13:13 – Facebook Post

11:22.. 11:23 a.m.

Adama Bangre. A.B

Chufa Kabu. C.K.

Diane Alexa. D A

Rita Emmanuel. R E.

D A R E…

Ah Be Ce.. the 11
D A R E. To Challenge the Eternal Source.
Eternal Truth, and Eternal Love.


Most of you will may recall Kyle Murphy ‘s message and intel to me.

First let me remind you of the intel..
The last vision he had was of a Purple and Blue being in an Epic Power Struggle.

Purple of course is the 7th Chakra and represents the Crown Chakra ( C C 3 3)
Blue represents the 5th Chakra and Rainbow color.
Yes, linked to myself.

The Purple color is a theme of all the portals I have passed through from 2016 with Donna O Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell ( Delguidce)
Even to the my present portal chez Liberty.
” Purple Flower”

331 and 443 are the two numbers he said kept appearing everywhere, linked to Libertys car 331 last digits, and the car of her son Farrell which she is currently using.

Not all battles are viscious as experienced in this reality, and in the Spirit realm.
Some are founded on Love, even between siblings, Family..
Where one line believes that its principle is Supreme.
And challenges, for example their Source and Big Brother to prove how His Truth and Principle is Supreme.

5 is E
7 is G.
E G..
Enders Game.

The 7th Chakra has to merge with the 1st Chakra or color to create a Full Circle to return to its origin as Transparent White Light.
G can be attributed to 7 in the Alpha Bet or 1 depends from which point you see.
Red, as the 1st or 7th..
A G.

I was born in England Alexander Grove.
I was “Discobered” by Allen Ginsberg A.G
Who directed me to George Andreo of Alfred Knopf a subsidary of Random House in 1993.
I was still code 25 years old representing 27.

Ag is Silver.
Light Electicity the Moon.
L E M.
Anirbas Lem

Blue is the 5th Chakra and is where the Throat is based.
7th is the Crown represented by the Head.

5 is the Throat Chakra.. And the Color of Sky, Water, It surrounds us, it is in us..
One can call it the Nothingness which has Somethingness..
Breath.. * Which is the meaning of the name Eve.
( That which comes from within.. Air Breath..
Blood.. The Human Body is made up of primarily water, and Breath Air is Outside of us and the Dance of Inside Ouside
I O allows us to breathe.

Babies in Amonial Fluid breathe underwater in the Womb.

In Out.
10 10
In Out..
Balance allows us to participate and experience that which is Outside of us, while living as we all do within.

5 is the letter E
The throat transforms Silence To Sound.

* Susan Train of Conde Naste Vogue discovered my Journals as well as me as a Fashion Designer in Paris 1992.

* Tree Sage T S …
Spencer Thomas Lincoln is the uncle of John Mack.

T S.
S T.. L

I am at Liberty C Liscomb home and Human Portal.
She has decided that she is not the one to Edit my book.
Instead as her Natural Harmony dictates, she has begun working on her own projects, she had long since put on the shelf.
They are all based on a form of Awakening, which is fine with me.

It not my Script.
I am following orders of Another, despite recognizing that fundamentally, its a Version, which had been so perverted of my original Script.

I am thus, walking through a version of my Orginal Expression, which had been translated into a different version, which in consequence became perverted to become almost totally unrecognizable to me.

5 is the letter E
The throat Brings Silence to Sound.
It transforms That mixture of Nothingness Somethingness to become the First Form of Creation.
A Portal from which it sets everything to Vibrating- creating Frequencies, which manifest Harmonies Music Color..
The Arts Tools.
Seeting all things in Stillness to Vibrating, to Acrivation to Waves.

All things return to Origins.
And to their Source.

Before their was Sound, there was Expression.
Energy is crrated from Expression..
Expression is Motion Movement
Particle to Wave.

I created 155 sacred portals begining to draw them forth from deep within me in 2010 literally beginning on my Birthday
11:28. I had just turned code age 43.

Please see my sacred portal 43.
Door of Life.

I have been on a 29.11 year “Secret Mission and Sacred Journey ” ( so secret, even to me)
On the 29th of September 2019.
( 9-29-2019)
I was invited by Liberty to be a guest in her home, through dramatic circumstances.
Linked to her boy friend Thomas Lang.
L.L = 24..
T L = 2012.

29. Is numberically “A. M.A.N”

I had just completed the last section depicted on my last or First Sacred Portal 155.
* Connecticut the 5th State, Full Circle.

Emeka Odiamma
E O.
E is 5 .. Solfeggio and the color blue.

* Sigh, so many people and beings Seen and Unseen. S U. S. A.N. U.
Have underestimated me, because when they meet me, 31 years after being at war on a battle field, tired, exhausted, body twisted face haggard, they assume “Ha! It can’t be he.
Also I am very chill…

John Mack
Jesse Macias.

Kim Arthur Hines.
Are the Two Men depicted in the First and Last Sacred Portal representing my way out- which I came in, Two Men who were One.
T.M… 10 13= 23. W.. Double V ..I.E.
T O M.. Thomas.

K is 11
J M … 10 13… 23. J.M.W.
M.W is Milky Way
M W 69
M.M. 26
WW. 46.

Farrells car is number 26. 443.
Albert Santana.. Generation X Gardens 2006.
Zion 17 year old son of Jesse Macias.
A-Z..To 16 year Old Arden. A.

So yes, in Sacred Portal 155 shows Two Men.
And in the center a Woman.

Are 1 1..

11. K. Kolo.
A.H.. A is 1.. H is 8.

K A H..
Kolo Authored Harmony
See sacred portal

John Mack
Jesse Macias

( Tree Sage)

Kim Arthur Hines

Liberty which completes the Sacred Portal Home by which I came through.

J M has been aligned to mean Jump Man
Quantum Mechanics
One born 1997.
other born 1979.
Sacred 97 is “Brain Cranium ‘Crown Chakra”
Sacred Portal 79 is “Blue Print of Existence”
Body Everything

Two Men and a Woman … born 1976.

See sacred portal 76.
Liberty C Liscomb

John Jesse.
Mac Donald. Maccias.
Liberty … C Liscomb
Her Father came to visit.
His name is Donald
John Mack. M A C. /
C. A M. E.
He Came.. he is 82 years old.

You see, J M J.M.. L C L..D L
Donald Liscomb.

J M x 2
L L.
22 25.

4-7-19 85. Thomas Lang.

47. 11 28. 39. 12. L
3 C
P.S my full name is Chukwuemeka.

You see I am rather indifferent to other peoples expression, and its cool when we are in Harmony, but each is an Individual, with free will and choice.
I am following the Blue Print of how U came in and how I with some of you aligned to my E Harnony, come home with me, following me.

12:56 p.m

A.G. H.

I am not fighting with me, nor am I in a Power Struggle for a crown.
I am simply fullfilling the Opening and Closing Creation to Destruction.
Beauty Leaving the realm of Liars..
Leaving one aspect of a Harmony once of the E who challenged my Authority, to do a version She created herself.
One which was always predestined and already written when She went too far out from her True Self.
She becames the Golden Blessing to all those who are left behind, because they choose to follow a blue print, not of I.E.
Which is a Choice and of Free Will.

Thus as you can see from my facts.
E G.. 12. L
E H. 13. M
E I. 14. N.

L E M O N. D. E. All M.E.

There will be no more E
And those who challenged good naturedly even, will left behind to do it their way.
And from Nothinness manifest
Expression which generates Energy.

Of course, I am not offended, this is their Divine Right.

But they had better be right,
That they can do better than I.E.

Adama means Earth.
Banga means ” Crowning of the Cock”
In Hindi.

Chufa means a Nut ..Flowering Nut.

Diana Alexa..

Rita Emmanuel

C K.
D. A
R. E

B C D. R. Death Ray. Sacred Portal 49. ( D.I)

1:11 p.m

I always Share Everything
What you do with that Kindness Knowledge Light Love and Laughter..

The Response is up to thee.

I am indifferent.
I C you already
And I Love you..
So I respect your Free Will
But perhaps not your Choices.
Because it ends up hurting you.

1:13 p.m

A.M p.m

Not me.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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