
1:43 p.m

1:43 p.m

11: 43 pm. Stephen Johnson

Blame Me.

If some one has to bring to your attention what he is doing for you.

Has to proove and defend his meaning and being which, is a role that One is not meant to proclaim.

To shout out I am Love

I am Beauty

I am the warrior of your most beautiful truth.


Does that not defeat the purpose?

Does that not mean that it is too late,

That the point of this whole exercise has been lost?

Acknowledgment Recognition of E.

If some one acknowledges you.

Is given a test and challenge to recognize value, fight and appreciate all of you for 29.11 years and He is not recognized in return?

After all this time, does this.not mean he is rejected?

Does it not mean that all the self evident facts, Proofs Responses of this Sacred Journey been Rejected Denied by all of you.

Tell me, what other conclusions can be drawn from the Silence of The Lambs

S O. T.L ..So? 20 12..

Is that not what this Script has been all about- is that not the trail.

All reflected by my walking through trail reflected by all of you..The Script.

1999- 2012.

13 Years M

2012- 2019 Jan to October.

7.10 years and 2 days.

From Akil Apollo Davis

Evan ALexander Judson

Tim and Beyond.

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

Rachel Young

Savannah Blair

All at Akil and Per’s portal of Green Street Brooklyn.

Akil of the Balinese Masked Dancer- Masks Movenent…

* Today I went with Liberty to a holistic chiropractor.

She trained in Bali and instantly recognized my movements and acknowledged not only my body but also the contributions to Jerons healing.

She understood my body recognizing its truth and original language.

She should have been my facebook friend, perhaps she would have arisen and posted her support of the Truth of the E..

Bali Indonsesia..

They have a religion which includes a portal to the black hole.

What will it take for you to See Cee me?

Perhaps, its that idea of power, people believe they have in recognition of another, and that love for the denial of it.

But more so, I believe its more about personal gain, resentment and spite.

Jealousy, why him and not me.

Despite my willingness to invite any one to take over my role.

No volunteers.

But yet all seem to wish to compete, or take advantage of my being made available to you.

Have you ever wondered why?

Why I had to move through each of your home portals, at your mercy.

In which each person was trained, and shown evidence..

Shown so much grace..

Have you ever wondered why…?

Why would this force move me through such a hellish journey, all so that you may rise?

How do you know I am not leading you to a black Hole, The same one you came out of.

Perhaps I am more decietful than all of you put together.

Or perhaps, I am harvesting your souls…

All E.

Asking such questions is very wise.

Perhaps you are being obseved and when you awaken the human I have had to deal ceases to exist?


7.9.. now 7.10 years.

Talking To The Silence 79.

7 10

G.J. G A O.

Gods J.B.

I am at the end, T.L/ Liberty Thomas Lang

T.L/ L.T.

One thing I am not, is a stupid man.

Why would this force push an innocent man, its Source through such a play of people and ingratitude.

That decision by most of absolute refusal

I will not see you.

Acknowledge you.

All you did for us.

Never publicly,

Never telling the Truth.

Yet, here I sit giving you proof of the Absoulte Truth.

A.T ..E B

Why did I go so far..





A T E B.

R R S.

18 18. 36. 19.. 9 19.


At 14 03 Facebook Friends

Why am I in this Script?

Why did I go so far, where my.books, and all contributions and gifts have almost be unanimously denied.

Why did the Script, and definently not me have me praise you, raise you, come visit you, educate you for people who deny, stay silent..

Never give to praise or accounting or even speak up, a word of praise of their experiencing the Truth of E.

Why is it okay, for one to be the slave, while all others sit back and are free to choose how they see the world.

Why was I sent to 64 people each one expressing that they had prayed for the intel, and message which I bring to them.

Ask the correct questions

The obvious questions..

And when people do not,

You can read and understand without a shadow of doubt


They do not rise.

To stand with you.

Perhaps each has their own secret agenda?

Hmm just as the true force behind this Script, I went so far to obey, for forced to obey, but I still did trust and obey despite my hollering out my indifference.

How foolish this world must think I am.

We Are.

E= C M e 4/3

Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life.

Liberty C Liscomb age code 43.

3:50 p.m

C E O..

Why do you think this equation I had to.solve equated to C E.

Chima Ezejiofor


Do you really think I created this Script and manipulated it so that it resolved itself me, being acknowledged by Thee?

How foolish would that.not truly be..

That I or the E would need thee?

When Everything has been proven to be made of Energy.

3:53 p.m

I am not a nice person











But of, and only.for those who are true.

ASK the right questions.

Your Questions and Silence.and Sounds reveal who your are.

I never make threats

I.simply make good on a Promise and Vow.

That I would return.

Do not trust me,

Trust only your Truth.

And we will see if it will save you from The Truth.

3:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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