
10/11/2019 22:21 – Facebook Post

7:37 p.m



The Code 737 appeared in this my resolution of this riddle and mind maze of deciphering a preset up play game, examination, test, riddle ( and Play Theater in which it is acted out in what is obviously 7 stages of Exprsssion)

Liberty C Liscombs Harmony of even movies she chose to watch since the month I have been here, from “The Last Unicorn ”
to Valerian and the 1000 planets and most recently- and only after passing the driving test in ths E-spirit world, through the Grave Yard @ Yale.
* Anirbas Lem went there and she was part of the play.
Death ..entering this dimension.
Aug Tellez..
Abby Temple
Akil Apollo Davis
Evan ALexander Judson
And Tims then girlfriend ” Beyond”
A.T. E. B. E. Beyond.

Aug is rep of Human Consciousness as Clone or Replicant..

To our watching Keanu Reeves in the movie
“The Replicant” and finally “The Cube”
T R .. U E
T C. Lady Echo Response, True Clarity.

And the play of her brother “Chance” sculpture, perfectly aligned with excactly where we are
* And witnessed by Liberty of our being at the place of the Full Circle, Above as the Big one and the small one…as a man.
O o..aligned.
And which I marked with the code 737
And the code 737 with Liberty also noted without realizing I had noted the that time code.

737 is a Full Circle ( 777..3)
Which equates to 17 which is Q.
Which denotes Quantum.
Which we know represents what Nevi Ehko poetically yet realistically, called the Invisible.College..I C.

Quantum mechanics is invisible the Naked Eye.
But we all know we have an Unseen Eye.
We use it every day.. Minds Eye, Imaginary Point, M.E, I.P… The Eye we use when we dream.

Invisible College I.C.


There is a Galaxy called 1101 I C which this ” Video Game ..( V G/ G V) 22 7/ 7 22…
29 29
A MAN ×2 58.
Sacred Portal 58 Two Men and a Winged Unicorn. WU.. NU. A NU. Leave this reality.

I call that Universe Seen through the correct guise of E GA LA XY 1O 11 C.I.

I am not here, to bring Liberty home, rather to give each a choice to leave this consciousness of a sleep or non existent states, or to help resolve the riddles of their lifes here, which brings them resolution but here, in a lie, which releases the Code or Equation they represent which is a visual piece of the puzzle..
Such as Hers being my Ride and My Ladies Espirit called Pegasus Unicorn.
P U. Reason Eternal.. R E
E R U P. T. I O N. Orgasmic and or, Violence
Earth Quake.
My Ride out of Here and the Release of My Father Self.. aka the Beautiful Truth of my past Sum Total and Lady P U R E.

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
RD. RS. O A. I E. IN G

8:11 p.m
Leanders birthday.

A Choice.

Its all based on what they act out after each of them have act out after being given the Intel.
The Facts and the Evidence- they are then given an unspecified amount of time to chose what to do…
Of course, I already know what each choose, having been through the Original version.

After all, I am the one compelled to proclaim by this truly ridiculous script which decided to make first contact and Evolution Awakening such a game..
A Mind Game.
Yes, the 13 year old boys at the Fair wearing Navy Blue.. Royal Blue.
As Auriella had done in perfect harmony of the Seen and Unseen play.

8:17 p.m
A M G. Not just M.G.. I am also present in the play Mr A… or E
AH Tom
A.T E. Beyond.

Yes, H.Q. Head Quarters, which is Crown Chakra linked to Space as 8th Chakra..
And to I.

A Mack.via Liberty.
John Mack via moi led me as a trail through this portal.

A M G.
A M..E G. A M.E. H.
58. 29 +29 =58. E.H.

Three Lines of us Leave.
Triple E.
E.T. N..
E N N. O T E..

( Etonne. Means “Surprise” in French)

En Note…
“En” In Note.
Note Tone of their Voice.

See my Album Memories 2013.
“AH is the Element of Surprise”


Note Book
5th of the Porn Fantasy For Woman.
Yes, Ryan Gosling.
R G…/ G R. Line of the Golden Ratio..
6.8. 1.16 18
A P R. I.L.. Infinite Limitless.
April means “O PE N”
O Proton Electron Neutron.

5th 5 is E.

Of course, nothing is written in stone, those who rose in the Original play may be more this time, given its is all about Expansion. “Joseph” meaning to Add..Increase” to perfection, and truly nothing is set it stone.

Mary and Joseph.

Its a code from A Memory Game of Human Expression and Human Memory.
History retained
Hi Story remained.

M J.
Was the last Universal Story of the Middle East to the West influencing

Yet, it has been for me personally, a tedious trying tiring process, because Humans always lie, and the only to establish those who are telling the Truth and have earned the right to come home are the ones who are in Harmony to the Unseen Play.
Such as The Story of Colors.
And those responding to my presence with the right note.


True Respect.
True Clarity.
Awareness of my I.D and or, what.my.presence signifies in their lifes and in their worlds.

And that is why there is an unseen script, which I watch knowing even as a Human Being who understands would naturally respond.

I, of course have protested this Script.

1.Because it is unfair to put any one in such a role of reminder, especially given whats at stake.

2. People should have done their homework before I arrived on the Scene, to spare me the ultimate insult of having to enter into their realities and bear witness to so.many who insult my supreme intelligence.

3. There should be a time limit, in which I stay, not based on the persons grasping the true meaning of the intel, linked to the release of that which I am meant to retrieve from their portal.. such as The Last Unicorn

The taking advantage during my stay, by using me to help them with the riddles of their personal lifes, which has nothing to do with the Eternal Play

And, the obvious duplicity of people, the hosts who unknowingly have already revealed to me their choices.
And it is unfair, to keep me in their realms because some truer idea of themselves or their Beautiful Past

8:43 p.m

Or Beautiful Ancestors is holding me, seeking to get their attention and clean cure or heal.their see.
When it is patently obvious if they sense an inkling that this is real..
They would never forget.
Nor would you have to speak more than twice to get their attention

If Its truly important, believe me people would not forget.

True, this is also a the End Game, and the.odds are much greater, but lets get real, at least based on this play, and first contact.
No one has passed through my portal, though I have harvested every person I was sent to Eternal Beautiful Truth.

8:49 p.m

But the Hosts of the last 19.. yrs, 31 years, since I was a boy.43 years ago.

None but the Two met in 2003..
And perhaps one in.2005.

Never listen to what Humans say.
They decieve even themselves.
What what they do, how they treat you and others.
Watch most of all what they act out and how they show appreciation and gratitude or lack of it for something you are fully.aware of how priceless it is, and its true worth.

They will use you, and rant about how others use you, or them
They will act as through they are totally with you in that moment of exchange, them observe their response to.a situation in this reality.


What a waste of time.
Even training those who are meant to.be.left behind.

Is a waste of Time.
At least to.me, because this entire play of 43 yrs is a joke to me personally.
And is fit for the Trash except for the record of it as a Play.

I mean lets get serious, how can you force someone to.play such a role, who did not.agree to it, and then you forced him
Used him as a servant.and slave to fullfill a need which was done to you ..and.you can not stop yourselves from doing the same thing to others.
Classic Behavior of a species insane.

Of course, there are those who do not do this, these evolve Narurally.
At least in a Rational Logical Story Program and Script.

But the one I.am in..?
And without asking permission .
Using dominion, control force,
Mind and Emotional Games.
In a Script totally unfair and.one sided?

Of course my.response is N.O.

This is not the Script of Evolution.
The Numeric play such as 5th State, yes that is accurate.
11th State..
But this is a Wirches and Wizards play, and complelty illogical

A Script really of an Insane

9:07 p.m

Ah, it would appear that I got it correct.
See my Sacred Portal 97.True Cranium Brain I

Who would tolerate such a Script, and use it to do whatever they wish, truly believing that there is no consequences because they decided that they are God and have the authority to say what goes?
To convince themselves that their way of percieving.things, doing things is the one correct way..
And im that or those states, of delusion believe that they way they see and.be, ” suspend and bend all Univeral Laws, Eternal.Laws..
Reorganization of the Intel,.logic even the manifestation they witnessed..
Declaring it null and void by adopting a way of constant imbalance.
Changing meaning of experiences and facts as they go?

Its not that these people do not understand Reason, Truth, Perspectives and.meaning, but rather they have the ultimate conciet that they can skip the meaning, create factors, stories, excuses to transform the meaning into what they chose, or which direction to wish to go, vacillating on a daily.basis.

9:17 p.m

I.Question the Sanity of people, and ultimately the Mind Head..Being of this Script.
And Yes, Brilliant, Intelligent, even Creative but ultimately and absolutely insane.

In others words,
How can you defy, challenge and contest The Creator..
The Source of your existence and being.
How could anyone seek to believe that they can prove them selves smarter, cunning, devious… more than their Source Creator.

Even to convincing Themselves that he does not Exist?

When He, She.. It ..They Exist..
Irrespective of your opinion.

Your the one who does not exist,
You only exist, by the attention and focus he or It gives you.

And that is why what I have understood at.last by the true Nature and meaning of This Script.

Proof of Insanity

Not Mentally Ill, but a choice .. a choice to retreat into.a space and place where you can do.whatever you want.
To anyone, and have no reprecussions and consequences but of course you do, but you blame everyone but yourself, ( despite what you may say deep inside you blame someone)
And so you do it again.


What is the true meaning of Insanity?


Yes, I am sure you all know.

I am currently at 14 15 Facebook Friends

My 14 15 Facebook Friend is

Tobalase Olabamiji

Tolo Alase

Means to being given the Command and Authority to change reality.

Olabamiji means ” Double Wealth” ” Double The Joy”
Merging two into one:


10:11 p.m

E Galaxy 10 11 C I

N O T. O..

Ah.. I C


Be Given the Command and Authority earned through Respect of Ritual and Dedication” to Change and Transform Reality..
Merging the T.W.O back into One

Particle and Wave

Milky Way

A.M. W.. O R L. D. E ART. H. Expression.

W.E.. E.”


And as for the question of insanity, used by People, Individuals.. Forces to use others or this Script to get what they want..


Megalomania like this kind of Play, is not ” Insanity” but a Choice.

10:17 p.m
10:18 p.m


I knew something did not make sense with this Script.

10:19 p.m

A Young man fell.
And a Tree Fell all besides a young man.
Maple Tree.
Maple Leave.




10:20 p.m


John Thomas
John John..

10:21 p.m

14 15 Facebook Friends
A MA N. 1 13 1 14= 29

29. 11.. 2.

I am at the portal of Gemino.
Twin Gemini Man.


And Arden found my wallet it the Burgundy Truck 158 License Plate
15 8 O.H.
1. 58
A E H. Chris-T.

There was 2 USD in it.

B ..
Bun Leander was wearing the number 2 jersey when I met him.

Leander Farell
Both mean Man
1st and 4th Child
1st and 3rd Son

1 3
A C 1 3
13 M A C. K=11

10:37 p.m

See sacred Portal 37 Artful Professor of Love
Versus The Mad Scientist.

The People of this planet who are bound for exrinction are those proven by the “Invisible College” ( I C. )
As Insane.
Voluntarily Choosing the way of Pain and Suffering
Selfishness at the cost of others to the most extreme.

10:39 -10:40 p.m


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