
10/20/2019 0:54 – Facebook Post

12:37 a.m

I am Wu Man of Course..

Let her be what she Chose
And correctly, I might add
J O D I. .Foster
Of First Contact

Not First Dawn Awakening
She has no memory of this unlike Anne McHugh

Her code is I.Q
Supreme Human Intelligence Quotient
Proficient in Language Communication
Enough to help the world understand the Nature Of E..
Eternity and Existence.

Famed for making First Contact with
The Source.
Jump Men ( J.M) who Quantum Leap.
The Creator T.C
The Beautiful Truth. T B T
The Being of Existence .. A MAN. T B OE

12:43 a.m

That is it.


If you know and recognize The Source..
You will not require the Need to Believe or Question.
You will just know..
And Instantly Trust.

Only Human Naturals
8 14
22 V
Recognize Their Creator in Hindsight.

The E and E T recognize instantly and Water beings –
3 Days.

This is Fair.

So Perfection is not required
Only Human..
If you say so.

I am MAN AN/NA (And Manyana ” Tomorrow)

O H Y E S I A M. E S E.
Full Circle Complete.


I love Liberty and perhaps, this is why I found Grace and Favor in her Truth.

Intelligence. Humility. ( when she feels safe)
And wonder sense of Humor.

E and E.T. and Super Naturaks

And they don’t believe, need proof,
The Know and Trust.

Kasien Thompson

So Let It Be.

( S.. L.I.B. )

And so let this diabolicaly evil cruel one sided Human Animal Script End.

Liberty and her Humans of Nature.
H.O.N Line are S.A F E.
To build a new world of their own.

12:54 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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