
10/23/2019 20:01 – Facebook Post

7:22 p.m



J-W-T S. J O W T S.
/ S. T W O. J
Jay Wu Man The Script.


I am about to get into a bath…

Excuse me, for saying that but it is relevant.
I have just had a Reiki session with Liberty C Liscomb.

Since yesterday, I had not slept a wink.
I had been wrestling with a induced migraine caused by my body rising up to fight the binds and knots which have made me feel like a cripple inside, blood circulation blocked.
Making me feel constantly like a pupplet whose limbs were attached to strings and a body caught and glued to a mesh with my muscles entangled with a sticky web.

My body was fighting to release itself from an illusion, a story made real of witches Warlocks which had bound me…

I the discomfort and pain was awful, as I struggled to use breath to unclog the passage of Brain Fluid blocking air to my brain.
My Neck… shhessh..

I had made contact via Liberty, and Anne McHugh.

Two Woman, I understand now, I had to reach.
Earth and Heaven represented in them.

It was contact again with the E line family whom had made contact via Liberty and Anne.
One through Instinct and Intuition E S P, and Anne, through Telepathy a, Medium.

I had no doubt that something was going on last night after Liberty recieved intel via an e mail John Donne, and Jan Douglas had asked me on facebook about Terrible Death.

Then amost at the same time, I was noting this, there was an interaction between Libetrys Son and Daughter, Auriela and Leander
Anne sent a message at 9:39 pm.
I C I.. Ici which means ” Hear’ in French: which I had just found myself speaking outloud to the dark sky.

Auriella Leander. A L
Liberty Anne. L A.


Anne gave me their message..
*Ask her..

I grew infuriated and said no more waiting,
Anne had spiken about what Liberty had within her and her voice: it was the Original Script.

I was correct, The Script on Facebook is meant for her.
Its also inside her- planted.
The Frame Work and the Blue Print.

7:43 p.m

A new one, in her which once I solved would lead to her.

Liberty went to the Stone at 765 Horseshoe Hill it was important” Time Travel

See the Series :” Outlander”

My body and entire being had been throbbing, aching in pain and sore.

As she preformed Healing Touch, which I could not allow her before.

I had never experienced such a thing, I already felt the brain fluids of her touch like a time machine, The Earth as a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze..
Gears moving.

By the time I lay in the red carpet and I closed my eyes to her touch.
I was floodesd with a sense of familarity.
Which my body earlier had in its strange sapasm like jerking, was familar movements of Ancients Egypt or similiar.

The movements seemed to act like gears..
Suddenly, I was in a dark temple, or a dungeon.
It was my sister lover..
I was Osiris.
Broken Bloodied, tortured in pain sore.. her touch was heat focused burning as she did rirual healing.

I.kept seeing an image of one of my photos I had shared on Facebook.

7:53 p.m.

I will share it.

I remembered 13 years ago what Albert Santana at 268 had told me as well as later Maritza “Ritz ” had told me, which is of seeing me with second sight, chained, bound, castrated, third eye gouged out mouth gagged.

Bones broken, chains binds to my body, all he said to stop from manifesting creating .
But nothing could stop me from creating, manifesting…

Then I was on a Slab in a dungeon.. tortured by the rage of The Furies.

Then a Dragon..

I said enough, and signalling to Liberty..
I am now going to soak in a bath.

For some reason for the past 19 years, I never was permitted the luxury of soaking myself in a bath.

8:00 p.m right now is

Time of my birth.
8 pm

8:01 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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