
12:55 p.m

12:55 p.m

L.E E.


Happy Birthday Day Tree Sage

T S.

A.K.A Kim Arthur Hines.

1:04-5 p.m.

May you rise to being that which you have been selected by your own actions and expressions to be, elected by your own Eternal Spirit,

As the living book of Elijah- Eli Jah.

Remember, how you incarnate this new destiny as the living embodiment of The Book, was up to you, and by the way you recieved the amazing grace of The Presence.

Carry with you in your Heart and Art no matter what comes, Serenity your Muse.


At 10:30 a.m

I recieved the Echo Intelligence Confirmation of the Arden Apollo Aristotle Alexander Autumn play from Anne McHugh.

Hi Emeka,

I have been experiencing body stuff similar to yours. Muscles tensing up to rigidity, it seems as if they are siezing.

The codes are non stop as usual, but one thing I saw relevant to you.

I was guided to look up and the number plates across from me to my right said the words

Arden 13

Thought you would like to know

1-16.. 1:17 p.m


A Q.

I am reading Percy Jacksons Trials of Apollo owned by Ferrel Arden and co.

Its true as Tom Truman remembered and then say me on his first Ayhuasca trip in 2011 as The Creator God.. ( Eros Apollo/ Aphrodisiac).

And that at 16 years of Age, I had been Spirited Away when I was moved by my Grandfathers chauffeur, Donald to go on an adventure via my grandmothers Hotel, to a party of Lay men and women.

The working class who many whom worked and benefited from my Grandfathers largesse

And my familys reaction when I sauntered home in the early morning hours- my sisters weeping held by my young aunt..

( you should have seen her face when I casually landed on my feet, after scaling the enormous gate, a mixture of ncredulity..relief, disbelief.. and anger..sigh)

They were sure, that I had been kidnapped.

Nnamdi had been killed just a few months before.

But I knew, something had happened to me, it took me some years to finally figure it out, the stares of the people who had been around me, the desire.. The animal rawness of the way their eyes gazed at me, like prey but I felt non desire to harm me, though I felt the Desire, Need in them for something the saw or knew about me made me feel unsafe, almost but not quite afraid.

1:30 p.m

Hmm a person called Nandi Ezeugo Stanely just sent me a message..

I have oready done that, you are free to come in my brother

It alludes to his sending me a facebook request months ago and not realizing he had reached the facebook limit of 5,000 facebook friends.

Nnamdi my own brother left this world at age 13.

So, yes, I was aware that I had been Spirited Away.

And even at that moment, I had a strange suspicion that it was all set up by my brother Nnamdi.

Liberty C Liscomb father is named Donald F.L.

And is 82 years old, the year Nnamdi left.

Don was the name of the Driver who had spirited me away, and had not told my family that he was taking me on an excursion.

Libery just sent me a photograph of her daughter whose birthday is 11-5, ( tomorrow) which for 9 years she has been seeking to recover a treasure trove of her family photos.

Imagine what she felt and what she must now be feeling.

Her then Husband Chris, is infront of her, helping with the Home Birth and delivery.

Her daughter is about to turn 14.

1:40 p.m right now.

You should see

An amazing image, she sent me, she on couch and in the corner where I sleep surrounded by Ferell in golden sweater and Arden in Blue.

1:43 a.m.

I know what it feels like to have your powers taken from you.

My grandfather has a portrait done of him by an Artist in the his country home which I instantly recognized as Zeus.

Black Zeus.

That was 37 years ago.

And before I was with that family of Creator Gods, I was of a Family of E.T.. 43 years ago

And before that there was just me and my Self

Two Men.

1:47 p.m right now.

See sacred portal 147


See my number of Facebook Friends right now.

147 5



I was sent down or stripped 3 times, going down deeper and deeper down the Rabbit Hole, Each time stripped of my powers.

Until I was a naked boy in the bottom of a supposed unfathomable Abyss.

A Boy ..

A Man.

And eventually had to climb out of that bottomless pit with nothing but the Will I AM

To prove the Truth of how The Creator..




11. Two Men Actually.. A MAN A MAN.



Arden 13


Intel Anne McHugh.

See the meaning of Hugh.. and Mac.

I must rest now..

1:55 p.m

Muscle so Rigid..

Rigor Mortis.

Universal Body waking up.

Dark Matter Energy

Tom Cat

Twin Cats

5 1

5 in One

6th Sense

1:57 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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