
11/14/2019 20:34 – Facebook Post

7:18 p.m
Golden Ratio

That was quick…

Reached 1480 with Djemaa
And now He is Gone.

But he left his Energetic Signature in the play script.

Djemaa means ” The Congregation”
The Gathering.
” Place of Death and Extinction ”
Last Mosque in the in the World.”

Sidali means ” Leader”

Leader of the Congregation and The Gathering..
Leader of Death and Extinction.

That sounds rather correctm

Still at 14 79
Evolution of Consciousness
E O..C. .5O. C. Connecticut
Blue Print of Existence.
B.P. O.E. Beautiful Pride
Symmetry Perfection E.

14 +79= 93. I.C…E. L C. E..

7:28.. 29

Liberty C Liscomb noted that we left for the Zero Gravity wellness center at 9:29 a.m

Full Circle

I. A. M.A.N.

Obviously, something is still doubting me, or why on Earth would my Echo and Son Father me still respinding to Liberty and my perfect timing with the prompting her to check the Time..
9 00 South Road
9 Planets..

I A. .M.A.N.


7:34 p.m

G C D. E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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