
2/16/2020 13:20 – Facebook Post

Treasure chest. The treasure is in the chest. Your chest, the heart of gold. If you follow your heart you know where to dig for what you seek. Whatever we do externally is done internally. The external world is what we perceive as literal reality and the internal world is what we perceive through both literal and metaphorical means. When you walk a labyrinth you create that same pattern in your brain via your equilibrium registering the symmetry and geometry. When you dig externally you dig internally within yourself. The experienced dowser finds what he or she digs for externally because they are already tuned into the internal treasure chest/heart. The heart’s magnetic field is always in communication with the earth so magnetism can guide us and effects our muscles (the technique of muscle testing for example) and effects pendulums, dowsing rods and to some degree even sticks (known as “ water witching.”). The body alone is a dowsing tool, you will generally sway slightly forward for “yes” and slightly backwards for “no.” It can be pretty subtle and not so much of a physical sway at times. There are various forms of dowsing and muscle testing. Typically dowsing involves being able to feel energy. To be able to hold gold, feel it’s frequency through your body and in turn tune your body to gold so when you search for it your subconscious mind (which knows everything) will let your conscious mind know when the substance you are looking for is near in the form of bodily intuition whether it be a gut feeling or the tingles or chills you feel when listening to uplifting music. The term “treasure chest” tells it all. When you “dig” (feel) within the chest (heart/magnetic field) you become magnetized towards what you have tuned your body to as well as the ley lines of the earth. It takes a heart of gold in order to successfully dowse for gold so to speak, you have to tune your heart to the vibration of whatever you are dowsing for. Nobody who is lodged in their head-space will get accurate readings, you can see that as creation’s natural filtration mechanism to ensure only those who are heart-base can obtain the “treasures.” Dowsing however can be used for other purposes as a means of sheer survival more so than finding something “extra.” Certain militaries used to use dowsers for various reasons. One example is the they would dowse maps for landmine fields.

The overall idea is finding what you are seeking. Usually we rip the whole house apart looking for the keys and when we finally surrender to not leaving the house any time soon and flop onto the couch, we hear that jingle. And where is the jingle more often than not? Right in your pocket. You had it this whole time. The heart, the treasure in the chest. The treasure chest. When we integrate that the rest will follow. Though gold is repelled by magnetism, it is attracted to a more metaphorical form of magnetism. Meaning the most precious things aren’t things at all, and in that state of surrender all is follows automatically. The state of allowing, manifestation.

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