
3/11/2020 21:31 – Facebook Post

5:35 p.m


Yes, its a code.

So is the name FAHAD which Liberty C Liscomb spoke of having spoken to in order to establish a blog of the 8 years of my work and story on Facebook:

Its a Persian name and means ” Panther and or Leopard”

Nor is about the fact that last night I sponteously asked Arden if he would like to take a walk together, only realizing in hindsight by his own definition why he enjoyed my company.
And how we walked and talked easily, so easily and harmoniously naturally..
And I am the true energetic Black Panther and he linked to the Leopard, which are the same thing; a black panther has more menalin.
And what said in my company he always felt better, or just seeing me around especially when we naturally converge at any point in the house made him feel better.
Even when talking to me and there is nothing wrong he just felt better.
And I tried to match his simple erudite eloquence by seeking to describe the same feeling of cool ease and familarity.

“Its like I known you for ten years”

Or that he spoke how the road we walked on was filled with memories, and how his grandmother called it a Crocodile.
Like a photo album.
Or how he spoke of how of a last relationship, and how he collected only the Beautiful memories and expressions.
How he grieved, and how he then let go of them, retaining only the beautiful ones..
” The ones worth saying”

I spoke of ” Light” and his friend Roberts name meaning.
He spoke of his friend Ricardo.

5:55 p.m

Or that we headed back it was 4:02 p.m
by his checking and 4:20 p.m he exclaimed when we got back.

And he invited me to his room, and we conversed and I saw his Art of Perfection, then his friend came over and we all hung out for a while.
And I left.

I am not going to document this.
I said quietly to my self.

But he said ” 10″ and that was the blue ball Liberty had picked up yesterday, which served once and all to the E Unseen, that Eternal Law had been broken, which states that within every dimension of Existence there are laws of each physical universe governed by Laws.
Which can not be broken without have been proven and brought to the collective awareness.
Because it creates fear.
Not Harmony which is the Eternal Law and play going on in every segment or dimension in the Universe.

But it was broken by what was done to my body, creating an impossible situation where my condition is not in this existence and thus nobody or the collective awareness could not conceive as possible because it has not yet entered this consciousness.

This is was what the highest unseen play was about.
Eternal Law
And the truth of those who had gained powers, the greatest gifts and used it and went too far.
There are those who were given gifts, which they were meant to be responsible and not abuse.
Not just the so called great beings, but to quote Arden,
” My mother taught me to treat others as I would like to be treated
It kinda stayed with me.”

I interrupted him ” Me too.. mine too.”

“Its not like there is some Book of Laws, I know but I take this law seriously”

…Because it makes sense.

You know what I said, ” There is, I said conspiratorially, ” its invisible”

He grinned ” Karma”

I knew as I walked with him that this was a play, I knew that I did not care, nor did he and when I got back I knew I had no intention of stating all which had transpired.
But then I thought of what he had said, the Naturalness of his expression.

7:50 p.m

..and the riddles and play, I knew I was being asked to respond to- Abigail the play of his ex girlfriend. And my Mother the news of my Mothers Crossing to Eden.

I knew what his E-spirit was saying,
He spoke about being Clean, and so had my uncle had said about my mother.
I thought of Abigail Anu El and I thought of Beauty.
His expression was so natural, that its was only through my journey of finding myself being a natural cleaner, for being my Natural self, and wondering why I was being passed from person to person all because of my Naturalnsss and the effects of being clean.

All the people whom felt the thirst of requiring me not because of Me, but the E.M.F ” Aura” “Anu” all clean.
I thought of how he had loved Abigail who had problems which he read inbetween the lines.
And how she had expressed such gratitude for helping her, and yet I had read the beginning of the that process which would lead me to this Nightmare of an Existence of being used and moved by the Ancestors in the Astral Plane to clean up the E.M.F
The World Astral Plane.

I had done this with my mother, my family.. just being myself and seeing things the way he had
And I had dealt with even my mothers resist and love, and others resentment and Love for always being right, even without knowing how.

Arden says he has to pause before speaking or acting, that that is his key and that when he does not do so the possibilty of his being wrong increases exponentially.
But when I pause, taking steps one after the other..

Such Awareness.

I write this to Honor young Arden, for simply being.
My mother always recognized my consciousness and see things which even she had not seen despite her remarkable see.
I had suffered at this Love and Hate I was always troubled to find I experienced moving through the world simply Being myself.
And my bewilderment from the Need to be in the Aura of my point of view.
And the jealousy and resentment that point of view.. being right would generate.
The illusion of they Needing me, being grateful and then resenting me, feeling it made me superior.
That they had needed me.
When in truth, they had needed to remember what they had simply forgotten.

And they crucified me,
You crucified for an illusion that I was better, when it truth, I simply could see clearly with Clear Vision, something you had but forgot.

” My eyes are dim, I can not see, I have not got my specks with me…”

It was just fear, traumas, which you had not used the process called “Awareness” which always accompanied Observation Sight

Maintenance cleansing, my mother did not see me for 31 years, and we did not speak that often except in moments when I was in a place stable for a months or more.
But we spoke enough, to keep the connection and yet, she had kept herself clean with only brief reminders by me.

But so many others felt they needed me and what I represent.
I spent the first half of my life trying to figure what people saw in me, and even more, why was I being always led to people with the Need.
And soon, realizing after 7 countries all places persons I was led to having that Need even when not aware.

8:23 p.m

I had had to create a Science, become exaggeration of Awareness, in order to watch myself and investigate what my Naturalness created.Awareness manifested in me to observe myself in the most Natural state which you can only realize in Hindsight and suddenly I began to see my Self.
The effects, the reason and my way of being which I saw only in Hindsight.
And Awareness grew ( and incredulity and sadness.. what was wrong with people)
And so to survive this living in worlds alien to my way of Being or even concieving reality.

Where I found that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with people but simply how they had chosen to percieve reality.
And so I was forced to make a Science and an Art of my own Naturalness, my own way of Being!
To break it down into a Science.. my own Naturalness!
Become the Reminder of Naturalnes.

I recall writing such a letter to my Mother in 2010- 2011.
Telling her with incredulity and dismay.
The World is crazy..
They do not remember, they have lost the use of their senses.

My Mother has always recognized when I was telling the Truth.
And perhaps she recognized that truth because of what I we, experienced in youth.
My mother had experienced a similar use and abuse.

She loved People but this world terrified her, nor would she have ever agreed to my being used so cruelly in a mission to ” Help Save A world which needed no saving..”

My mother never sacrificed me to save the World- she wanted the world to enjoy my Presence and simply being in the World.
She wished me to Add to it, she trained me in her principles and often was the toughest of senses.
But I nor She would ever sacrifice one or the other for a world and people none of us even considered real.

Nor was it Nnamdi David Arden Energy God- Harmony.

Fahad is linked to the number 8.
Emeka Arden. E A
Arden Emeka. A.E
Walked in perfect harmony today.
I saw the play.
We were being Particle and Wave both of us, converging in one.
I came to this place to meet Arden despite being also the portal for the E Family.

I saw the 5 layers of which we were being checked as we strolled.
Way Wave.
Process Technique.
And Being Awareness Consciousness Explaination
And his Air Waves Energy Breathe.
Besides him I could breathe.. literally.

Everything easy, nothing to explain and the story what he was already aware of did not interest him.
But he was aware, of the evil and cruelty manifested to me, because he had lived the micro version of me.

I would have never realized the Beauty in him if I had not experienced the depth of the loss in living in a reality where I could never truly be myself, because I am too busy being an Example of myself, Aware that my Naturalness was the subject of this play.

Naturalness which I was forced by being in the uncomfortable state of non stop Awareness “Santana Dharma” of being in a play a script just how Beautiful Ardens way of being and seeing is.
And at the same time how dangerous we both truly can be and are..
Panther and Leopard.

8:57 p.m.

I realized just how much a violation to Eternal Law that had been done to me, not by A Energy God, who had allowed the truth of how far the Unseen would go if not stopped.
These Characters, who had forgotten that this was is a play of Harmony.

I felt so proud, beaming with Beautiful Pride at Arden, and yet, I was proud of myself, seeing him I saw that Beauty in him and myself in which exists in all things Infinite Harmony and the ability to communicate.
3 5 8.

It had not mattered if he remembered me, all was all present in the moment, all from here from Eternity, Infinity it was the same interaction factors embodiment.
We could have met naturally and enacted the same play of which began in the Eternal Beginning
All was present in the moment we conversed and it was only I who was slightly off the beautiful moment because despite us being examples of Real. Reality..
This was a play.. theater.. staged in which I haf been made aware.

I did not ever want Arden to have to walk my path, or anyone of our line.
To endure such a fate, and then be used and harnessed, cast in such a role.
Enslaved by it.

But I knew and know it will never happen, for I have caught up with myself as Chukwuemeka Kolo.
C K.
Clark Kent
Anu EL

Husband Brother Lover Sister of Harmony G Ode.

A C F K. G.

But there is an advantage of Memory.even im this play of being perfectly aligned without it.
Its the combined will and intent in undetstanding in clarity together the Sum total of all the cycles we have lived.
The Cause and Effect and the understanding of what Arden called out laughing in delight ” Karma!”

And the equation which brought everything into.existence
Self Recognition
Understand Eternal Love Truth Law
Endless Love Eternity,
.. Self Awareness.

Knowing exactly who you are and why you are the way you.are..
And Y

9:16 p.m

9:17 p.m

Which is Intelligent.

To know who you are and why we connect with people and have the sense of knowing such people since forever..
That familarity


9:19 p.m


So I will not reveal all we talked about conversed or what he and I revealed.
Except all I can say was Beauty
My Father is Here.
And if he had memory as all our lines he would Rise with the Joy of saying back to.me, understanding the true meaning and implications
” Emeke! Nn’ am Di!
Praise! My Father Is Present here..
My brother my guide and best friend.

This is why Awakened Memory must happen so that the Beautiful Truth of who.we are is known to US and to All.
A source of inspiration eternal breath.
And the Why we Connect Sum.
And Cut All who are not real.

The Truth is not simply of a moment or a life time, the Truth is Eternal and It remembers everything, the Thread and all the journeys the adventures the love light and laughter..
That is Being.
And I am not the one to carry this lightness alone, or laughter..
But was made to carry this weight and pounding on being alone until.2003.
Until there was 23 W. Double V
VV VV. 22 22. 22 22. 4 4 = 8

88 16.
Arden is 16.8

9:30 p.m

For Eden Truth
Paradise was never lost.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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