
6/14/2020 0:43 – Facebook Post

12: 24 a.m

A F. Complete..

Link The Joker.

Joaquin Phoenix

River Phoenix .

“Rescue with Love and Peace will Follow.”

River Phoenix age 17.


Arden for the first tine ever, knocked on my door, I opened it and he said that he had left some cheesecake for me upstairs.
New York Cheese Cake..
From his friend Fred.

I hugged him, I doubt he knew why.

He said he left some for his mother too.

I shrugged inside, indifferent, I was not alluding to a 3D play where a Mother gives a party for her Son.

Anne Esmerel Magdalene McHugh told me her company is called Supreme Beauty.
S is 19

My younger Twin is called Beauty.

Supreme Beauty… S B. 19 2.
2 19 – 217 South Whitney Tree Sage ChristopherFilgueira.and I
E T C.
3 17 3 19 Fairfield and Freeman Avenue
Jesse Macias Orejuela

12;33 p.m

I am E D E N. L O.V.E.
ADI. The First

Adi Erlanger
A E.

I later went to the Kitchen there was Liberty C Liscomb
I saw the Cheesecake one last piece.

Liberty left and then Leander came in .
Only us.

Then he left,

And in perfect timing arrived Arden followed by Fred… A F.
And 3 male friends.

River Phoenix prose read by his younger brother..
Arden Love.. Eden Paradise Love.
Fred meaning Peaceful Ruler
River Phoenix
R P/ P.R.

A F. K G
.Keith Grant bed 53 Green Point (G P ) Avenue
Assessment Shelter
A S.
Phillip Gruber.. P..G

5″3 is Aurelia Height.

Do you really think I am seeking to convince you?
No I am completing the Curriculum Vitae and course of Miracles and the prize is.the End of Humanity in a blink of an eye, replaced by the E..
Energies Truth.


12:43 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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