
6/15/2020 18:52 – Facebook Post

5:11 p.m

Emeka Kolo.
Elf King
A E K.

Ferrill Arden Emeka 20 20 Vision.


After Anne Esmerel Magdalene McHugh and then Matthew Christopher Slater ( F O X)
Adding to Arden -Eneka
Supreme Beauty. S B. S 19 is also 16 69..
“Voice Nature ” Game
16 is P
Perfection Beauty.

And then Liberty C Liscomb sharing the post my writing about Beauty
Dated 6-9-2012 ..
8 years ago.

The Raging Bull quote of Joaquin Phoenix- telling the story of his brother River Phoenix age 17 and making him watch raging bull which linked to My sacred portal 50.
And to Seth Goldfarb.
And to my going upstairs for a moment to inform Arden of the play on his birthday after seeing Arden -Voice of Nature.
AFK.. Gemino.
To find Arden and Fred.
A F together.
The very two who went to see “The Joker” that day months ago.

To Arden seating himself on the carton which he had no idea had the very date of which I arrived here at Liberty’s Home Portal and my identifying Arden as River Phoenix from a photograph when he was 9 years old in 2012.

Link LIberty post of mine today- the date 6-9-2012, 8 years ago when Arden was 9.

” Who is that” I had asked Liberty, on 8-29-2019 “he looks like River Phoenix”
I was being polite. I knew him..
I had no doubt of my expression
It was River Phoenix.
I have a Phoenix Tatoo on my Right Shoulder.

Or that I had been led here by the code 56:56 to reach Eternity, Eden Love Arden Nnamdi River I.. E K.

Or the alignent yesterday of Eric Lile BrownEric
LB Brown at exactly 5:11 p.m yesterday of a facebook request.
LB Brown. Leander Bun.. Loves Being
Liberty showed me her and Chris’s Brown University I.D a couple of days ago.

5:33 p.m.

As you all know, Liberty was representing, at first, unknowingly the Lie of this world.
Meaning its distortion and acceptance as this world as real based on the accepted mentality of this world de-evolved by Gossip and the usurper of the Truth who do not use Facts, nor Empirical Evidence but Gossip, Opinions Lies and their own trauma and traumatized view of reality.

For 9 months, right up to Ardens birthday, I had to prove that through my activating her with Expression and 9 months of Evidence Facts move the rep of the World as a lie
” Paradise Lost”
To Loves Peace… ” See River Phoenix quote at age 17 read by his younger brother Joaquin Phoenix.
” Love and Peace will follow…”
And Lord Knows, I have Desire for Love.. True Love and Peace… P.E A. C.E.
As all desire this.

5:55 p.m

That was the confirmation code Anne Esmeralda MM gave me after our play ” Infinite Unpredictability” I U.
No you are not me.
Arden is. I 21…Yes the age my mother continuously saw me as since it was the age I was the last time I saw here.
Yes 21 code Arden saw again and again.
21= 2 1 B A
Bartus Anastasia
3 C
3rd Planet Earth P E. A..C E. H.
Christopher Filgueira 12-14-1987.
Tree Sage
And Christopher Gemino 5-8-77
E H Gemino Gemini which of course is Arden.
C is really Consciousness
C – Speed of Light
Sophia Oscar Lauren.
Sol 5th Note.
Sacred Portal 37 C.G Christopher Gemino

*Leander Bun ( L.B) had wished to go to see The Joker that day and was furious with his mom for deciding he was too young.
But that is Joaquin.

6:04 p.m

6:05 p.m

Liberty was of course, used as an Actor and Program in the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze
U.S. M.M. 626 = O full Circle..14 N
15 14. = 29
N= 1 4= 5 E.
O.N. E.

6:08 p.m

And to Liberate the E, the World Program and view had to be shifted and moved to prove within it the Truth.

6:09 p.m
Age 9 8 years ago
Infinity Harmony.
I H. 98 = 17.
Yes, Beloved Arden which a force of the lie did everything to prevent his, M.Y Truth and True Self from rising.

Liberty was used, because despite her seeming to play both sides, she always showed the Truth Proof.

6:12 p.m

My page is full of the evidence she recieved of each day of my expressions, riddle solving and resolving confirmed.
She may have been programed to be the Enemy but it was not her intention to deliberately lie.
Rather the program of Lies absorbed by this world.
But she absorbed my words, with a seemingly unquenchable thirst and endured my Contempt Disgust and Fury she represented to me as this World point of view.
But she endured and fought to understand and clean up, as witnessed by her acknowledgment of the Evidence she alone was made privy to- to see and experience the Truth played out before her eyes.
So yes she played in the end 44 both sides but she titled towards the Truth of E by experiencing me as A Man in her own home.

6:19 p.m
Feelings Sensational
And The Code on the Blue Rhino gas- I found a Blue Rhino card in Ferril’s former room.
I placed on my last altar on the foot of the Wooden Man on the black velvet scarf.

6:22 p.m
Fritz Venneiq

Rhino as the symbol of Horn of Africa
Cape Aden.
Aden Arden..
Aden means ” Fire” Fiery One” Little Fiery One”
F .. F.O. L.F O
Today is 6-15-2020
F O Fiery One
Leander Ferrill O

Yes Arden is E L F. Now Supreme Beauty
S E L F.
M.Y. S E L F.
Seth just arrived.

Obviously this was a play of conquering Death by proving not just once, but twice
Nnamdi age 13
River age 23.

36.. That I could see in this reality Nnamdi and River Phoenix

I was 36 years older in the “Nature by Numbers”
Than Arden, now we are back to 35 years which is not an age but a code
P. L. A C E..

I saw Nnamdi via David Roman Nicholas 11-22-68 and he confirmed he had Nnamdi memory.
Then Arden to last link River Phoenix
And then all the way to Infinity and Eternity and prove it through anothers preset up play created and set up to prove me wrong.
That no one can conquer Death, or see beyond sight from within this Web, to see to Eternity and Infinity, but they were wrong.
The Lie of Nature..True Nature of Existence.

Infinity Harmony
Infinity Stands Up.

6:45 p.m

I do not really have much to say, and definitely no longer prove Arden as the A who is E as the E E..who became A

Its Enough.

I told the Truth
Your entire Reality and perception and view of reality, life, existence is a Lie.
And even the rep of Lie in this last play has confirmed that it is True.

6:48 p.m

Arden True
Emeka Truth Proven True Fact.

Against the most impossible odds..
The Truth of my Expression of Existence Origins
Lifes Origins is True.

Nature is the Body made of Sound Expression Energy.
True Nature
True Life.
Two Males who were and are One.

6:52 p.m


Leap Year

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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