
7/11/2020 0:43 – Facebook Post

ENDERS G.A. M E… G A is 7 1 Today is 7 10.

Tomorrow is 7 11. G K/ K.G A F K G/ G K F A… Y Y ..
25 25- 1… 50.. A E O ( K E-E.K).
1 50= 51. E A… F

Always Open. ALL WAYS O P E N I S E E S A M E. M E.

24 7.

Link to the Window on Ardens Photograph age 9 on the Fridge taken by his God Mother Charleene Johnston (C.J).
900 South Road.
765 Horseshoe Hill.
Link Angelina Jolie. A.J… 11O… Arden-Aurelia- Jeron.
Sacred Portal 11O.
“We Are Here At Last,
We Are One.
We Are The One,
The First, The Last,
The Only family Of Existence,
The One..


.. ‘Yes, it is a code’ First Letters front and back…

So here I am still playing Clark Kent and Chukwuemeka Kolo
K A -EL../ LE AK… No, no leak from me. see 9:35 p.m Place of the Gap played out with myself and Liberty C Liscomb in this Enders Game of Perfection of Awareness and See…Vision. True.

No T.V Screen blcoking the Two Dimension the 3rd and the 5th.
All being Linked by the Harmony H lying down forming an Infinity Sign.
8 the center point of that symbol is not a knot where the two loops connect.
Link it more to a Flower Petal or Two- Fourl Leaf clover- there is always the link of the Stem.. the Bridge with links The Point.
The Infinity Sign is only after all a Symbol, so is the numeric symbol of O and Eight.

It does not take a Genuis to figure out that not only am I… We in a Universal Flight Simulation in a Universal Simulation play which is different from this worlds version of things: can not make stories or films with out conflict and duality.. Good and Evil to generate Drama and Excitement… Interest.
But in out own version it is the merging of T.V shows and stories and aligned it to Actuality..
One False, the other Fake and then align then from Fiction ( Imagine) Fantasy, ( “Ah if only”) Fact ( F Act Ion)
666 F F F .. And move ALL into one AC.TU.A.LIT-Y
Actual Moment.
A.M… N E S I A….

Thus the play of my finding the Transparent Screen “Invisible.. The Back, then the front… is then this code 666..
Proton Electron Neutron.. 666- 18… “Empire”
R.. Robert Rielly Rihana Rielly R=18 x 4= 72.
We are sacred portal 72.
Confimed by my finding watching IP Man 4 Yesterday.
Play of 14 facebook Friends Arden and Morganb arrive from Vermont the 14th State, ( Green Mountains)
72 Halloween and Sacred Portal 72.. The Spiders Witches Womb Spin Tales-Lies Spell until you are living Death…Set for decomposition.
G B…Green Blue..
But Actuality is Arden was present here with Morgan car 27 8 D 90.
Not 72.. The Corrrect Face is Embodied Actuality Solid Fact as us here present.

That the awarness of the play as 27 and not 72 As decpicted in my sacred portal which I wrote in this awareness and consciousness as E IN 2010, Means it is 72 for those in Illusion and not in awareness of which side they are on.
But in Perfecty Symmtery.. Perfection there are no side… or barriers or limiations of doubts… 27 There is Actuality Embodied and Exemplified.
The is a story… which ends at Sacred Portal 59 because E.I also means Example so an example in the Illusion story also rises but the meaning of 59 is the End of the Story and this is what your reality has been proven for 27 years..
Yes, linked to Arden and Morgan Body Being Iron Grey Viehicle Car. V.C
Vermont Connecticut.

27 is A-A..

For example,
Bartus Anastasia is in the story but in perfect tinming to the play of the awakening which took place yesterday- yes I know not see it or feel because it was put on I C E… for just a Moment.
Now a moment is not set in Time, so once I solve the riddle not only of its manifestion aligned to not only the Enders game story in Universal Simulation… Awareness…Measuring ( The Measure of a Mans ) Awareness and choice of Focus, and attention) Quantum awareness of time and space.
At the same aligned the E play, the C play and the A-B Play which is a story.
3 3 3… 9 9 9…. 9 27… 8 D 90…
Linking a BEAM ME UP Scottie.” from even the story about “Your world” to the 3D and its play through the 4th
Satya.. Truthfulness in Thought Speech Action…
straight the 5th Dimension also the source of 3 and 5th play merged through this play Enders in the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze… M M Mannerless Moron – Access code.

Eternal has no number because it is Actuality Moment.. which is beyond Time or speed of light or even Creation…
E 58
Eternal Man… 58-85= 1 8 A.H. M M
E Manifest
E A M..1-6
E A-A.H..I

9:55 p.m.

A.S…E E/

I S.E.E.


The Rising and Evolution Awakening takes place with Ease not effort.

Just to be clear, that long long post is still the play of Enders Game.
9:57 p.m
I.E.G… Which is .. was about exemplification.

I will not speak about the manifestation of a monster so vile, created by human beliefs cause and effects of being unclean something- an unseen force which no monstrous ideas film of human imagination mythology could create or equal in what actually manifested.

Instead I will simply remind you that tomorrow is 7-11-2020.
Seven Eleven… S.E… Always Open 24/7 and if you go back on my Facebook Page or the E Manual is the play of Keith Grant at Seven Eleven while he was in bed 53 and I in bed 49.
Keith Grant.
A F… K G… A F J-K G-H.

49 D.I… 53 E C.

D I E.. C… Dice or Die

“According to this source, dice was once the plural of die, “but in modern standard English dice is both the singular and the plural: ‘throw the dice’ could mean a reference to either one or more than one dice.” Interestingly, this evolution did not extend to the cutting device known as a die.”

I found a dice yesterday outside of just outside of Arden room face up to the number 3. C.

D.I..C.E.. = I.H.

NN AM D I C E… Yes the play of 9:35 p.m post with the meddling via L L- 1 24.

24 49.

A reminder that sacred portal 49 is D.I..E Existential Death in every dimension you every existed from Spirit to Cell, to Body to being and all past life’s and incarnation.
It link is the Eyes as the Death Ray… D R.. I V … E.

I also wish to remind you that the code name Donald Liscomb who address was posted with the equation by his daughter of perfection of Harmony has the same name as the man I lived with in 2001 during 9-11 who had total Amnesia .. ( A.MN E S I A A.M
Arden Morgan…. Nnamdi Emeka Sage Isaac Calvin McCullough Albert at Generation X Gardens the 61st day of my wandering I found these three men. S I A…


“A submission from Nigeria says the name Nesia means “Miracle of God” and is of Hebrew origin. … According to a user from Tanzania, United Republic of, the name Nesia is of Hebrew origin and means “Miracle of God”.”

This is again the confirmation that the Evolution Awakening is literally here present, and at any moment.
I have alot more confirmations of this through the code and play but I have decided to decline detailing its evidence and facts to you.

Or my connection to Axel Love ( also Axel Anderson A-A .. Amber and Marianne)

What I will do, for the sake of this Enders Game prolonged to the place yes, I had stated is Impossible, is to simply link 9 11
Donald – Double Amensia .. as in Total wipe out or black out in memory, to
Christopher Gemino born 5-8-1977… 43 years ago to the Black Out in 1977.
It started at 8:37 p.m. H C.G… Link Christopher Gemino. C G
And yes Sacred Portal 37

See codes of it below at the bottom of this post.

‘We as a Family moved to Canada in 1972…. Ip Man.
and left in 1977.
The year Star Wars came out.
We lived there for 5 years and became citizens which was why I knew there was a deeper reason why we suddenly moved.

There was another in 1965 when I was came as an early bird to this world as the illusion via A.G.. Alexander Groves-( David Greaves which led me through a long trail via Allen Ginsberg A G in Paris 1992- to George Adreo G A ( New York Alfred Knopf ) to Atlanta Georgia ( after completing the Elegant Nomad) to Arden Gemino her at my 64th move in 19 years.

65 Of course was not real as I have proven social security issued in London NZ 67 67 46 B.

And the play with 56:56 through a conversation with Liberty C Liscomb

see sacred portal 56 56… = 1. as in I… I I I IV V I…

The Black Out here in the U.S.A.. occurred at 5:27 p.m.
5-27 is when I moved to Jesse Macias Orejuela home via Stephen Filgueria. E M F

And then the one Arden was born when I had connected with David ( Yeshua Christ lierally) Nicholas.
which was in 2003.

The Black out in 2003, the year Arden was born began at 4:10 p.m.
4 10.. D.J.
4 1 O. D A-O… D A.F… David Arden Ferrill/ F-red
David Alien Father… I am its First-Alpha.

I would also like to link to the code of G.U.Y .Pearce ( G.P) to the film Momento- Mori…. M M…. Mannerless Moron a literal spy code password?” smh.

The film’s script was based on a pitch by Jonathan Nolan, who wrote the 2001 story “Memento Mori” from the concept. Guy Pearce stars as a man who, as a rare disease of memory loss where can’t remeber the last 15 mins. ( 90 secs… Yes at 900 south… White Mail Two Full O cirlces… White Out Memory.. 15 is A.E.. Arden Emeka .. Awarneess’s Expression.
Sliencing of Lambs of God… LOG.. book..
Actuyally is Silencing of the Lamps… Link Light House.
Those whose EYES- Linked to 3rd to crown chakra to Eye of Hours – a story all aligned and linked.
LA M.P.S Mobile Police Supreme .. Members of Parliment of the Alien Coucil of E.T
Extra Terrestriasls of Eternal Law.
Darien Shea D S.. Eternal Law.. Dharma Santana was my last facebook friend he appears Twice.
Rielly and David, children of David and Shirley across the street at 889… Have the initials D.S… R.D / D.R… Which is Death Ray
( not a beam me up Scottie… which as we know in the play, Scottie scot represent the Supreme Loves Play…
Death Ray is the story but which is now also an actuality….
Die and DICE…
The dICE.. D.. I C E… Wins 3 In a Row Diagonal.
D.I…E A Place where Only one could go and now there are TWO…now I and I
Based on?: ?”?Memento Mori?”; by ?Jonathan Nolan
Box office?: ?$39.7 million”

Its 12:19 a.m
Love Supreme

Love Supreme goes both way… The Beautiful Evolution Awakening Meaning B E A M M E UP Scottie..
B M U S….. Add 9 35 I C E…
B M U S I C E…. ” Harmony….
Beautiful B = 2… T W O… T V V O… ICE
Beautiful .. M U S I C E….
Beautiful V O I C E

Love supreme does not only raise spiritts but also go back and takes out the trash.
Hence the Black and the Alien Father and our response at the Insult to True Existence..
Yes make even the charcters given free consequences…
Burn eternal damanation for those who merited and earned it and that is the truth of True I and I…
Beyond Energy words sound or expression.”

DEATH RAY M O N D E… The Entire world and it stories, it beings its charatcers..
Our Beautiful version in Umberto Ecco “In the name of the rose”
But in our version the Books are of course, your Bodies… That is what E-ros -E his line Alexander Afroditre Adonis Ardent Cup-ID went back in the furnace tro comple code 14 72- 86.
68 Childrens rage and temper..
To 86th Donald Trump. D.T… Donald Double… Guy Peace how he figured out the the 15 mins total wipe outs…
Men in Black Flash Lights,
4;20… Sacred Portal 34 WE E D Mari Juana.. M J..
T D.. Terribble Death…
Sacred Portal 104.. J D… link John Doneghy then 104 moves to 14… Vermont… A.M..

* See the code…


“The northeast blackout of 1965 was a significant disruption in the supply of electricity on Tuesday, November 9, 1965, affecting parts of Ontario in Canada and Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Vermont in the United States. Over 30 million people and 80,000 square miles (207,000 km2) were left without electricity for up to 13 hours.[1]
New York City was dark by 5:27 p.m. The blackout was not universal in the city; some neighborhoods never lost power. Also, some suburban areas, including Bergen County, New Jersey – served by PSE&G – did not lose power. Most of the television stations in the New York metro area were forced off the air, as well as about half the FM radio stations, as their common transmitter tower atop the Empire State Building lost power.

Fortunately, a bright full moon lit up the cloudless sky over the entire blackout area,[7] providing some aid for the millions who were suddenly plunged into darkness.


The events leading up to the blackout began at 8:37 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, July 13, with a lightning strike at Buchanan South, a substation on the Hudson River, tripping two circuit breakers in Buchanan, New York. The Buchanan South substation converted the 345,000 volts of electricity from Indian Point to lower voltage for commercial use. A loose locking nut combined with a slow-acting upgrade cycle prevented the breaker from reclosing and allowing power to flow again.

A second lightning strike caused the loss of two 345 kV transmission lines, subsequent reclose of only one of the lines, and the loss of power from a 900MW nuclear plant at Indian Point. As a result of the strikes, two other major transmission lines became loaded over their normal limits. Per procedure, Consolidated Edison, the power provider for New York City and some of Westchester County, tried to bring a fast-start generation station online at 8:45 p.m. EDT; however, no one was manning the station, and the remote start failed.

At 8:55 p.m., there was another lightning strike at the Sprain Brook substation in Yonkers, which took out two additional critical transmission lines. As before, only one of the lines was automatically returned to service. This outage of lines from the substation caused the remaining lines to exceed the long-term operating limits of their capacity. After this last failure, Con Edison had to manually reduce the loading on another local generator at their East River facility, due to problems at the plant. This made an already dire situation even worse.

At 9:14 p.m., over 30 minutes from the initial event, New York Power Pool Operators in Guilderland called for Con Edison operators to “shed load.” In response, Con Ed operators initiated first a 5% system-wide voltage reduction and then an 8% reduction. These steps had to be completed sequentially and took many minutes. These steps were done in accordance with Con Edison’s use of the words “shed load” while the Power Pool operators had in mind opening feeders to immediately drop about 1500 MW of load, not reduce voltage to reduce load a few hundred MW.

At 9:19 p.m., the final major interconnection to Upstate New York at Leeds substation tripped due to thermal overload which caused the 345kV conductors to sag excessively into an unidentified object. This trip caused the 138 kV links with Long Island to overload, and a major interconnection with the New Jersey Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSEG) began to load even higher than previously reported.

At 9:22 p.m., Long Island Lighting Company opened its 345 kV interconnection to Con Edison to reduce power that was flowing through its system and overloading 138 kV submarine cables between Long Island and Connecticut. While Long Island operators were securing permission from the Power Pool operators to open their 345 kV tie to New York City, phase shifters between New York City and New Jersey were being adjusted to correct heavy flows, and this reduced the loading on the 115 kV cables. The Long Island operators did not notice the drop in 115 kV cable loadings and went ahead with opening their 345 kV tie to New York City.

At 9:24 p.m., the ConEdison operator tried and failed to manually shed load by dropping customers. Five minutes later, at 9:29 p.m., the Goethals-Linden 230 kV interconnection with New Jersey tripped, and the Con Edison system automatically began to isolate itself from the outside world through the action of protective devices that remove overloaded lines, transformers, and cables from service.

Con Ed could not generate enough power within the city, and the three power lines that supplemented the city’s power were overtaxed. Just after 9:27 p.m., the biggest generator in New York City, the 990 MW Ravenswood Generating Unit No. 3 (also known as “Big Allis”), shut down and with it went all of New York City.[4]

By 9:36 p.m., the entire ConEdison power system shut down, almost exactly an hour after the first lightning strike. By 10:26 p.m., operators started a restoration procedure.

Power was not fully restored until late the following day. Among the outcomes of the blackout were detailed restoration procedures that are well documented and used in operator training to reduce restoration time. ”

12:40 a.m


Dzildula Offiong sent me a message D.O
Horologium Dorado H.D.

D O H D…

D H O D…. My Tel…

12:43 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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