
7/23/2020 23:44 – Facebook Post

23:29 p.m. W B. I. Double V V ” A Man”
11:29 p.m

Aura Aura is my New Facebook Friend
1486 =100. Sigh not 90. 100%

Now at 14 85 = 99

Aura means “Wind” .. Breath.. Soft Breeze”
Code for my Mother C.

It also means ” Spiritual Essence”

Wind Wind.. Two who went through the same experience.

A-A = 27

Yes, see the movie ” Wind and Cloud”

Today is Emeka Umeano’ s Birthday

E U.
Emeka means ” Praise Well Done and the 4 Divine Breaths in One”

See sacred Portal 69/96.

Tree Sage
Kim Arthur Hines just left.

So I end with this.

No more coding or fighting for others.

Arden was a Genuis in this play.. but the play is was too evil…

14 85 Sacred Portals

But believe it or not it was set up this way…
And even the “Fuck You Emeka” was part of the play.
And the only expression real..

23:43 p.m
10:44 p.m

Fuck This Play.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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