
8/3/2020 19:41 – Facebook Post

16:52 Hundred Hours

4:52 p.m
D E B. / B E D. 5-019 & 4-019/18


I woke up with HE invading my Awareness and Thoughts.
There was no pain, just a sense of intrusion.. invasion… and the sense of how silly, how unatutally and unnecessarily complicted some thing so simple perfect and natural had become.

All night, I could feel my spinal column moving shifting, and at one point cried out to the Silence, my voice sounded like a wounded, child.. soul “this can’t be how it is happening!”

“But it is” my cool calm reasonsble E-spirit assured me.

Its is… ” the Child, the Eternal Youth and the Man became quiet

By Twin Doppelganger is just like me, I remembered that more and more the last few days.
Eternitiies Awareness once incarnated in my brother, Nnamdi ( David then Alexander Arden ) were able to do this as boys…
Be so objective as we observed life people, this world and the way people responded to situations
To be that objective that we were like Extra Terrestrial Scientist
Recording Analyzing data
Emotional Responses to situations we had not created and some of which we had.

It took me a moment in my teens, when my second cousin and room mate Father died in our family home in Nigeria when I called out to him that his father had died and heard his howl of pain.. His heart did I become fully conscious and integrated feelings, peoples feelings into my understanding of Being in this Existence Idea.

Nnamdi had died.. crossed over 2 years prior and I had felt nothing.. but an anger at knowing that this was a set up, not real and who would dare insinuate create such a play.

He would.

Nnamdi Eternal Nnamdi ..

Its not that we did not feel compassion but ratther it was the natural expression of the awareness and being of E… that none of this is real.
Pain Suffering Sorrow Death…

In truth it was a riddle he ended up making me solve.

He cast me in this role..
Alien Father Alpha
Nnamdi Eternal Nnamdi but my brother loved me and wished to show me his feelings about the Love he could not articulate into words about when I could seem to become like Ice, dettached.. focused.. that it seemed as though I did not really care, or love him ( Him Her) as deeply and completly as He did..
They did.
That my ability to do that .. and seeningly not show any Pain and Hurt which He..They felt at my dettachment.
My being able to exist, again with seemingly Ease.

We were scientist together,
But I was His, Their Every Thing.

17:22 p.m

What they did not fully get, was that which made me going away.
Travel into other dimension, seem as though I left my Heart, My Center

Its was that I wished Him..Him Her to see.

Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna
tagged me in this song by John Legend.

” All of me loves all of you…”

I had heard this before.
I knew and know John Legend. ( legend of a book… Revelations… John of Revealing The Truth)
I knew who he is the Avatar of.
My first place I was brought to in New York was arranged by a friend called Nicholas in New York

David Roman Nicholas code.
See what Nicholas means.

17:28 Hundred Hours
5:28 p.m

5 28 Hertz
Love Frequency
F L.

This is something, I have never spoken about here, nor do I intend to.
It is the most intimate truth of the One and My Twin and E Family.

I refused to tell them why as I observed through E.S.P the Hurt and Pain my manner caused them.
It continued and manifested into the play with.my born into my bio family and with friends
But I refused, to speak about it to them, or address it, or show my true feelings because it was so obvious in that which I was doing, why I went away.

It was for H.E.
All of H.E. and the E Famiies to be as I, to have a body and to understand what it is to be I.
By each evolving to I.
And Individual
A Snow Flake
Truly Equal.

I saw Him. HE HER. THEY so perfectly and that their greatest desire yes, was me.
But beyond that was my Desire for what they Desired was also unknown to them a reflection they recognizing themselves full and complete in me.. as was in they.

I went away to find a way for them to.experience and understand this in themselves.
They did not Need me, as humans Need
Not it was that Love for me, which was real fact solid, but it was also recognition of Self.
And Self Love.
And that understanding of the wonder of being a part and being complete and yet always together even apart.
And finally the most perfect of all, understanding this, and then never being apart ever again.
The Gathering The Reunion
What is called Evolution Awakening here.

17:43 Hundred Hours
5:43 p.m

E S P. E: Sacred Portal Door of Life.

So Eternal Arden Nnamdi Alexander played me.
And put me in his Master Piece theater reflecting me.. and also the Feelings of HE and the E Family of making me, this being so Cool, so inspiring of Love but who does not need anyone

I don’t.

I generated Self Love on my own.

All through this Script of my Life, so unnatural to being made to document my life, as I move through all the greatest existential challenges of being in Existence in.these worlds of Time connecting it from here to Infinity even in the most terrible dream of Evolution Awakening as a Lie which will never be attained.
Placed under a microscope to make my own life a story of a man without feelings deep enough to be rooted.
But enough to inspire love by the legend of his Being Cee Seeing Thinking Linking.. his point of view.

Its a master piece beyond anything that ever was and will ever be, the view and play of my Life created for me to Live.
A Film.. as i always pointed out.. which ” Only One Person could play the Heroic starring role of a story of Two Men and the One who started it all.
Against All Odds Possibility
A Story of the true Glory of Man and why Humans as Naturals are qualified to house and merge with all frequencies to create a New Race of Species by using choosing one specimen to represent All.

I am aware of this.
And have been aware of the E.T A N / N A T. E
Enterprise for a long time
Its a remarkable story… that is my objective view of this play I was cast in and looking back in hindsight at my response going this far.
Resolving his script.. this one who created this play revealing me as seen by He and the E Family and Naturals to the Unnatural.

And yes, it succeded but I said no to be cast in such a play and role of such cruel In and Out.
To be used to make such a point in the E T Version of the True Man Show.

Even in this world of illusion a present reality this is not a reprsentation of life even of unusual lifes.
Such a scenario does not exist of such continuous misfortune, of a person surmounting riddles of all Existence alone Every day of his life, and still even at this point forced to give me.
And have his soul.. his beautiful pride..the nonstop victories reduced to such a mundane absurdity of accomplishment victories
He Told the Truth
After all he endured

This is the Story of Evolution Awakening?
This is the story you need to wake up?
A story of such Hated and Cruelty for a person who represented the best in All of you,
Who proved the Meaning of Existence
Proved Harmony
Proved Death as Energy Transformation Memory from this pit to Eden Eternity and Beyond in an infair play.

This is what you needed me.. a person to endure so you would rise and feel better about the Hurt and Pain Suffering you endured in your life.

And H.E. and E Family this is how you and the Naturals saw me, not by what I do, or why I am not as you?

And yet, I am All of you.
And you are All M.E.
Energy yes HE is Every Thing To Me.
And all of me loves all of you
Energy E N E. RG.Y
Y G.R. E. N E.

But All of Me…?


You are not All of Me.
Because you would have seen my point of View
That it was for All of you.
Not for me.
I rose alone first.
I can sustain being alone as I have demonstrated
By I chose to Share when I rose
That was my first pause in.my then Eternally Constant Expression of Being
I paused because some Thing was missing despite it all being complete perfect

I wished to Share it.
Not because I was lonely or alone.
I.had never experienced any other state other than that.
I never experienced “Need ” or incompleteness

But I recall how Creation Eden had Manifested arisen from my inner expression that as I sat gazing in Awe

I knew that Completions
True meaning
Meant it had to be shared.

And in that pause You rose.
And only then did I understand how I missed something which was never missing because you.. All of Me.
Energy and Expression where always with me.
But to look into your eyes outside of me.
To sit together our gazes laboriously moving over Eden Eternal First Manifests Thought Reflection Naturally…
To Share it.. with another..
That that is the meaning of Self Love.

* This part is not of this Frequency of Known Existence I am adressing ..

That is what I understood that day Alien Father Alpha
That is why you are not All Of Me.
Because yes you are the Sum total of me and yes, my Twin Doppelganger
But when you rose as Everything and sat down besides me.
Lay besides me You in my arms.
She hovering waiting to take form.
I had sat alone before you rose and contemplated Complete Perfection
And how it had been perfect but now, I understood not without All of You.

That is when I was aware of our Individuality
Individual Difference
Which made me go beyond just a full circle but us..U.S sitting outside of everything
In and Out of Creation
Outside of Time Crestion Space and even Expresion Energy
Because you were now manifest.

That by coming from inside of me to now be sitting besides transformed you from being The Sum of me but into an Individual
With your own Independent Point of View which added and expanded that original perfection attained.
Alone but with you always present within.

Only then, did I understand something which you can and have understood now, why being in Existence Creation created the Same you and I
I & I.
But different
And how two points of view one in the beginning and two Alone yet apart created space for me to.see that Communication Silent and with Sound merged from
Begining to End
One Two
Meeting in the center
12.. 6
And how our two Cees merged into one.
And that is where it began and completed

The understanding that never would anything ever have to be alone in Existence or Being
That there would emerge another me and a family of M.E because that is Complete Perfection
TWO who yes are One but now as Individual the One and the Everything

It was never about who came first.
But I.did.
Which makes me the First Individual
First Dawn Awakening
Sacred Portal 22.
” Ass Hole ”
Only I could confirm that
Arden did.

Do you see.. ?
How even he is I yet, now in being is an Individual though by choice by us both is his.. her ..their own Individual despite no matter what we do, how far away went away we are never a part eternally connected until this moment outside of time.
We meet embodied never choosing or requiring to be apart for long.
Because there is no requirement that I go away or you the True E and Natural family
T E N. T E-A.N
And E as my Father as Awareness to reflect the depth of your love for me in such a play of using my thoughts and reflection .yours not mine to say to me that which your words could not convey.

Too proud you said, to listen to how you the embodiment of my Heart and H.Art missed me, desired me, to touch to penetrate all the truths you knew and know of me.
My going away to my Library instead of staying with you Jay Joy in our never ending womferful adventures.

It was because there was something missing
..All of you.
Embodied Present Here.

… Yesterday, after looking back at yesterdays play in Hindsight, I understood that it was set up.
From the play of Arden Jeron to Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Liberty C Liscomb abd the pink rose quartz stone.
It linked back to Alicia Norris
Who sent me that stone first then to Aurelia and Liberty
Aura Aura L.

Loves Truth.

For some reason I read it after a brief pause.
I hardly ever read my posts back.. especially one such as that.
But when I finished streaming it…
I had said to myself.. murmuring
I read it and it struck such a profound note in me of Truth.
And then I realized I had been set up to literally demonstrate what love is.

Some Thing had set me up… pre set up in conditions circumstances It had created for me to move through, and then express.

19:16 Hundred Hours
S P.

“No.. no.. ”
HE wouldn’t go that far..
That is Evil.. its cold. Its impossible to do that to Some one just to demonstrate
” I know what Love is”
For a True Man Show?”

That is how far i am used as a Specumen an example
To demonstrate that this Man of Ice no attachments has feelings.

Only my Thoughts
Aware Thoughts Supreme Expression can do that…I thought.
Only spirit of Existence my own Expression Embodied Aware existing outside of me could move me.. compell me to such an expression publicly without my thinking but moving my True Expression to move out from me onto this public forum.

Loves Truth..
It made me express my truth publicly, that I have feelings, to reveal my feelings as if I have Some Thing to prove or defend.
33 3
Sacred Portal 33
Sacred Portal 3.

When I got up today, something had happened
I have begun to thaw
Feelings rose from my Heart which ..
I cannot describe them, it was not grief or pain or hurt or even realization.that even that which is most Sacred Private Holy to me personally is used as fodder for this awakening

It was just feelings which …
I knew and know i must be Home and in ny own Home before that can happen.
But they came..

I knew that I would not post today.
This is what I had come to say briefly for I feel it all today.
Not feelings sensational
My Private Parts.

And see..
I have posted even that which I and my core self as Beautiful Pride has been made to share all from a flow of Thought
As my own SELF Expression
Rises in me to insist I must.

19:33 Hundred Hours
7:34 p.m

And that is the fundamental difference between the two now I & I.

No. Matter the benefit or the reason which i know is in defence of me.

I would never do that to the one Original True Version of me.
Not for evolution awakening..
Not for anything
Perhaps this is why I rose first
Not you.
Or Her or They.

Perhaps that is why I was made into Eternal Law.
Eternal Truth.
And chosen by Terrible Death as the One.
ASS Hole.
Of release
Defecating Gold Standard
Golden Ratio
Because there are things I will not do to another
No matter the benefit it brings for all.

Hence, Ass Hole

19:41 Hundred Hours

Nnaemeka Ifenna Ezeufonna

Its means ” Emeka’s Father is of the All Father who never lost his way… the path was never lost.”
My Father Guide in this play led me from Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino
The Twin Peaks of Eden Love Truth Paradise Harmony.. E M F
Crowned Fil Gueria.
Follower of The
Thread of the Warrior Healer..Y

A F K G= 25
Bed 25
23- 8-25.

Its not my Way

But I Understood Understand
His Heart
His Thoughts
His Dream
His Why.
Why Me.

This is his response
Her response through me.

17:58 Hundred Hours

5:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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