
8/20/2020 18:59 – Facebook Post

2:09 p.m.


For you the public, many of you from my personal experience have a very difficult time, accepting the even with the evidence and facts that this is real.
That we are at Evolution Awakening, and that there is a Script which was designated, as well as a Curriculum, and then a Exam paper which had to be followed and answered.
That the evolution awakening of the Species is literally merited and and earned, and that it had Guidelines and Rules.

.. something I find strange, since we are all descended from Extra Terrestrials of represent Eternal Truth = Eternal Love..
E.T E L… E Tel.No.
*E T E L N.O.
Link Collin Farrell ( yes Link Ferrill Gemino. F G 67…)

* He was the first actor I went to see at his premier of the 2003 movie “Phone Booth” P.B the same year Arden was born.
I was given the invitation by Micheal James ( MJ) a New York Promotor I met in 2002.
E E T L… EE=A ..T L..
55 -2012.
The Photo of Arden age 9 in 2012.
See Sacred Portals 55.. Yesterdays play. “the Prolonged weight and wait.. Cue”
20 and 12…
* Todays is the 20th and I am currently at 1512 Facebook Friends. ( 15=O, 12=L… / L O .Victorious Expression L O V E.
/ E V-O L- V E)

Yes, Ferrill will turn 20 on 8-25-2020.
Farrell means “Couarge; Man of Victor and Valor.

And so much of this Script of nature by numbers, drawing by numbers, was has been based on peoples telephone numbers.

You may also see the correlation between C F Collin Farrell C F
3 6
Chris Filgueira F C
F.C… Free Consciousness Full Circle, First Contact….63
linked to 6th planet and 3rd, as well as note color and my sacred portal 63..
Saturn Earth.. S E.. A..
Fa Mi… L Y.
Indigo-Violet Gold-Yellow.
6th Sixth sense- consciousness creation.

N C….F
F C . N.
Ferrill Noah. I met Ferrill with his friend Noah.
F N= 20. T.
as well as Leander with his friend Noah.
L N… Christopher Filgueira was born L N.. 12-14-1987.
Their biological father is Christoper Gemino.

Collin is the middle name of my last remaining uncle, Sir Pi-us Nduka… Umeano.
And met a number of Collins including the one who figured out my writings create mathematical equations and the one I met in washington square park… who was all about Food.
C P N..
Nduka Collin Pius..
N C P…3 16 33

Collin was born May 31-1976.
The same year as Liberty C Liscomb
But Collin Farrell is “a man,” whom I connected with via MJ in 2003 the same year Arden was born.
Thus we can safely state that C.F is connected to Arden and Ferrill…
C A F ..E.. and myself, linked and connected to Arden and to Ferrill as well as Christopher Andrew Filgueria.. Emeka…
E C A F E…/
E F A C ..T… S E…

3:22 p.m.
Link Fahad Hassen
Foresight Hindsight.
( And as we have proven, Arden and I, of knowing the play before, the true play which can is the only way Foresight in Harmony, can be…
It means you have been in the Story before, but the True Story of E)

F.H…means “Beautiful Handsome Leopard”
B H L…
Connect Franks dream via Alicia Norris.
And “Mentoring”

Thus Collin Farell would be the correct equation which aligns to 36= 9.

Intel from Joanna Harmony Koukiotis. J H K… J K.. 10 (8) 11…
“( “9 is everywhere!)
900 South Road. ( 9 OO )

*Colin James Farrell (/?fær?l/; born 31 May 1976) is an Irish actor. Farrell appeared in the BBC drama Ballykissangel in 1998, made his film debut in the Tim Roth-directed drama The War Zone in 1999, and was discovered by Hollywood when Joel Schumacher cast him as the lead in the war drama Tigerland in 2000.”

But there is another equation which aligns to my being at 29 Lincoln Street.
Liberty C Liscomb to Stephan M Filgueria.
L L S F…. 1 24 25…
A E M F ( A X Y)= 25 25… 1 50.
1 5O
1 56…
1 50
1: 51…
E A Ferrill Farrell.
Yes, I took over his room, and was there during the play of 20th state.

125 is the play of L E..which again connects to Arden age 17.
LE… Liberty is represented by a man and a male youth both representing 17….Q and AGE..
Quantum Linking connecting weaving, Thoughts Speech Actions…

Lincoln E…
125 LE A BE..
A B.R A..H .A M. Lincoln.
A L…
Al Santana.

And that of John Booth.
J B. who assassinated A Lincoln who was claimed to have Freed the slaves.

There was a play with which Esteban Miguel Filgueira was once again used by his Higher Self as the messenger…
it concerned the code AT.M.
* Its a code I have on sacred portal 50
Alehandro Tom Truman
Marina Burini in 2010-2011… yes, 2020-10-11…J K ( Joanna Harmony Koukiotis..)
9+ years ago when I created the sacred portals beginning on 11-29-2010 it was from my birthday age code 43.

She has been seeing 9 everywhere.

the play was a choice between two codes one between ine with code Donna. and the other J.B Josh Bywater.
Link Jonn Blackwell ( J B .Egypt) and his Wife Donna O Sullivan” ( D O S.. D S Blue E.T..)

Now link my bed Number 4-019/18… D O S… D O R…and my day of departure 9 months to the day, i had arrived at their portal…@ 18 Mountain View. MV ( 100 5 1005 105 15) and came back exactly one year to the day led back full circle back to the shelter, which I consciously stayed away for one extra night; and all recorded here on my page.)

Now, add my Facebook Posts yesterday, and then the facebook memory I posted today.
As well as the note of Love being Infunanya and Amore…
I A.
A I… A=9.

The code I chose, based on the outcome of a play, allowed me to choose the Donna code.
Do-Nna… it means “Lady”
Do Nna means D.O 4O… Circles The Frame- Square… F S.. Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme..
Nna means “Father” in OINri Igbo. “O I Nri “Forest People which is what the word “Igbo” means.F P 6 16..= Free People.. 22. V.

The answer can be seen through my latest facebook friend
Doe Mawuli
Doe.. Do E
The Square and the Circle within was expressed by a man his youth, in a Forest Clearing…
he drew the Full Circle… perfect symmetry by hand in one stroke.
Natural Expression…?
Movement Motion.
E Motions…
Gestures… Gracefully..
Joanna… Means “John”

Grace of The Creator.. ( T C True Clarity on sacred portal 20 Echos and responds individually Clearly Transparently…C T, to Eternal Truth expressed)

So you see Do Nna … Lady Liberty is really A Man .. A Youth.
A Male Youth.
A M Y…

Abraham and Lot…
Two Beautiful Male Arch Angels of Destruction.
Sarah Hagar..d
S H… Holy Spirit…H S…
Higher Self…
Not SH.. Sh! She..
That is the story which I representing the E came to Free people from.. The Prison their thoughts and reflections created…

AT. M.. E..
At Me.
Manifest Expression.

Now, you all know that this is not my Script, I would never have done this to my self.
literally to Arden and my E Family.
Never would I have subjected them to such an insulting play.
And you must ask yourself why these codes keep on concluding with perfect symmetry to Arden Gemino, who as I is fed up with this macabre play.
Its not the fact that it keeps pointing to Arden as the Point, and not the cause of this hienious play of First Contact, Completed Facts
99 2-9.. That Two I’s exist…
But rather, why is it that that I am being compelled to move through a script again and again with the same outcome?

Would it not mean that something is refusing to accept the truth, proof, evidence and that another force is literally making me, “Ram it.. ramming it in..”
Would it not be safe to safe to say, that this is the definition of Insanity?
Madness, the inability to not only refuse to accept the truth, but repeating the same play, of creating set ups, to see if the outcome would change, when all it appears to be doing through me, is refining, polishing the point to diamond, piercing, blinding, sol note, not of crystal clarity, laser.. cutting crushing,the obstacle of a Super Nova Diamond blocking the Star Gate, of the way out of the first big Oh as the collective, blocked from moving out to the point beyond creation to I… Infinity Eternity.
I E..
To that place of Awakened Memory, further back, and not this notion of “Returning back to Source, full circle..
there is no real Full Circe in the Physical sense…
Its a point attained.
And its not back to Oh, but awakened memory and total recall
AT A.M… I E.. Friend Lovers Companions… I E.

110.95 on the package delivered E to C to E…

AT MI. E… 3rd Note C is in Harmony I.

I came the way of LAD Y.
The lad… A La dd in
Life And Death= L A D..
* The Historic Map 800 B C – 1500.
At 1512.. at L..
F L..O ..W E R I S E…

Do you see the correlation?
I did not chose the code which linked to Josh Bywater
Jonn Blackwell
James Bond- despite the returning to bed 007.
which is why I write Jaymes Bond..O O 7..

I came as Eternal Law…
E 12…
And we are Two Three…T C.

It was the Story of Abraham and Lot.
Lot was the nephew of Abraham.
Sarah and Hagar, they both gave birth to 12 tribes.. 12 12…
Sarah Falsely Accused, gossiped lied and denied… age 99 years old…
See the play…
See the sacred portal 99.
see the Total Solar Eclipse
first time in 99 years…

She lied, and when asked by the two angels again, she denied it.
She Falsely Accused and Gossiped.
Holy Spirit.
He Sings.. Holy Sacred.

No respect… that is the beginning of the acceptance of the lie.
that evil in the air… the lie…spread by liars.. and those who refuse to take responsibility and be accountable for the lies they have spread, then even denied to the face of the holy spirit.

Sodom and Gomorrah…
G S… God Spark?
So D O M Y…G OMO ( Valley) R R.AH.. Royal Reign…
S A G… E

“Bring them out” said the Crowd, “So we might know them.” nudge nudge, wink, wink…

Flipped The script..
Womens Expression as the Holy Spirit..?

Parking Lot.
P L.
L P..
Lily Perry
Record Player.. R P
River Phoenix..
Taken away by Athena Sarah Kaizer
A S K…

P L A C E..

A Lot..
A Flying Carpet.
A Plot of Land
Holy Land..
Existing as a space place of eternity eden which lives outside of space and time, yet present right here… and everywhere.

For it is the rep of the Eternal truth of an Eternal Land… Eternal dimension, existing beyond the Super Nova Star and black Hole blocking Awakening To Memory.. AT.M
beyond the Big bang Big Oh!”
to the A… T.O M..
but to the AH-Tom Twins called
Sia mese Twins…

Egypt as J B is the Story.
D O N.N-A. LA D Y is the Actual Truth M.E..
Actual Truth of Me.
M.E and by-my Best Friend.
H E…Harmony Eternity-Energy Evolved to I. A M. I E…

Israel.. 1948…

Versus I.S RE A L..

A Bra/ Bro H -A.M..
L.OT…. OT ( 1520 Facebook Fri-ends and 15 12. L O
T O O L…
It was just a Tool…
Peter O”Tool-e
Lawrence of Arabia…
A Story is a Tool.
So is the penis…
Rams in the message.
In my Personal Script Loot only appeared as my meeting the owner of Loot magazine in london.
So it is not theft..
Eros Magazine Allen Ginsberg.
It was a code.. a clue.. I knew it even way back then in 1996-7 when i encountered Loot.
No, the only other correct correlation is “Pirates Loot”

Which I just found out is not only the clue key to sacred portal 50 Ze Bullion.. Ze Bulon… is the restaurant I lived avove, in Tom Trumans amazing loft with a statue of a Black Panther…”

But also that it is a Cross word puzzle solver…
Which would make it the most correct answer to PL A C E…
Arden gave intel via the 4 man cross pipe creation he made for a friends birthday…

Square Crossing…
Not long after, my Mother C crossed over.
We both had to cross words and had cross words which were light..
“Mannerless Moron”
Ass Hole”
And I Cross words on my page and letters names…
C W.
D D V V..
C V V…

No, you maybe surprised that this real, despite evidence facts, solid…
First Contact completed Full Circle to I and to I.E.
I E F…E I..

Through the correct stories.. corrected…
Hagar means Flight..
Sarah means Splendor as a Princess..
F S… It the rising of dawn piercing through the clouds- which make the mind foggy from sleep.. spirited away…
Its is the Two beautiful Arch Angels if destruction of the story of the lie of the beginning of Abraham.. Melchidezic…
A Bra Bro H A M.
A Metatron.
Meta PH OR E..
UN C.LE… A N… Be clean.
Nephew.. N E..P H..E W.
U N..
21 14
3 5
C E..

P L A C E…?
/ E H M I H O M E…

See sacred Portal 48.

That Story…
A to Ishmael and Isaac..
Judaism Christianity Islam-B
J C I..
HE-BR.EW: Jew Christian Muslim.
H : J C M…
H: M C J…is the correct sequence… Charleen Johnston/ Angelina Jolie..
AJ.. Photo of Arden age 9 2012..
H M/ M H… 13.8 Billion years old universe.. M W 69…

H..: J C M…that is the story which has brought such insanity to the world of the East West and the World… ‘Modern World.
Middle East.
Constantinople Istanbul.
C I.
Kuzay Kaptan..
H I ST O R Y E ..S…

The Recorder..and the Narrator.. and its Source Expression.
Only Absolute Eternal Truth aka Eternal Trust…
Infinite Trust
Universal Understanding can be given the task of recording .. for he is truth embodied and personifed.
_ all the many and varied truths which exist all around us as Life’s Expression and .. creation the heavens, the systems, the orders… the harmonies.. but..
they are all one…
Based on One fact.
They are Expression Manifest..
Truth Manifests.
T M.
A T M…
1 20 13…
34. 7 12.. 19 84.. 103 .. 13

A J M…H M J A…i

For you.. most … the reality of what I am doing at most fits into slot in your mind as “imagine- the possibility…”

My point of view.. is the sheer impossibility of this being the actual play of evolution awakening allowed to come into existence even as a play…

It is true, I have learned to accept it, but I am sitting here, alone.. but with a body shifting and transforming and any wring move by my part sets of pain of which it literally not only the feeling, but is your body and interior organs being stretched to the point of physically tearing you apart from inside..
And any wrong move…
I have to become very still, and with breath, breathing, and focusing my third eye it the inner body and move the air gently, looking for the place the air pressure built up in my body must go.. so I can move.

There is never any release, any moment when I am not in awareness and made fully conscious of what is taken on in my body.
it is unnatural, hence the intense sense of inner displacement of balance, setting, direction, co-ordination, digestion, evacuation release.

Other times, my throat is so twisted that i can not swallow food, or have to make sure when I swallow it does not twist.. and all from the muscles inside…

The exciting prospects of what is growing inside of me as air energy pushing outward, and unfolding within me a masterpieces of a folded body about to open up, like an inflated ballooning blossoming of the body to its true stature..
I must be over 7 feet tall .. even more at times, I think to my silence self.. that what my invisible fingers like probes and senses, indicate to me when I gain those rare moments of stillness and quiet from this play and all its distractions, is astonishing. It feels like a sticky web of muscles, growing like some great membrane.. wait…

Caul.. Ferrill was born with the Caul sac complete and instact.
This strange alien process feels insane.
A Nightmare..
This is not how it takes place.
is this using the script of Nature.. Natures Process as cell bound Bio orgasm..
It is.

But that is insane..

As I have proven this world view and this Endgames play of seeking to change the Truth of what is…
e is a.
a is e..
and that is everything that ever was ever could and ever is…
Perfection was born from within the nothingness, which contained Some Thing, The Sum Total of .. etc..
called e..and E…
The depth of that Being Thing Expression goes to depth of Infinity which only the I & I.. can go.. To transform everything back and take all that is nothingness as the lie.. Emptiness. Need… out of Expression of every having been in Existence… Memory wiped out from Memory except as a Public Record..
Akashic Records, which acts as the response to the Dne Evolution transformation of a species and it extinction of the other.. Wiped out all together…
Hue mane It Y…
and made extinct to the last..wiped out completely except in stories films records as a cautionary tale.. and yes.. an evil fairy tale of brothers being Grim and Grimy..
Why the E Body is the Perfect Vehicle for the E Family…
The First Family and the only and one and forever family of E”

Doe Mawuli. D M,
Dylan Hayden. D H.

Cross Words…

DMD.. H… C H.

48 (3 C) 4 13 17. Q.. A G..
C A H.

6:16 p.m
F P..

See Name meanings below…

According to a user from Ghana, the name Mawuli is of African origin and means “God is with us(God lives literally)”. According to a user from Ghana, the name Mawuli is of African origin and means “God lives”.

Last name: Doe
It originates from the Olde English word ‘da’ meaning a female deer, and has the associated surnames of Stagg, Roe, and Roebuck. … This is a surname which descends from the mother, not the father.

Dylan Haley..


Dylan is a given name, meaning “son of the sea”, “son of the wave”, or “born from the ocean”. Dylan ail Don was a character in Welsh mythology, but the popularity of Dylan as a given name in modern times arises from its use by poet Dylan Thomas.

From the Welsh elements dy meaning “great” and llanw meaning “tide, flow”. In Welsh mythology Dylan was a god or hero associated with the sea. He was the son of Arianrhod and was accidentally slain by his uncle Govannon.


Meaning “Heathen… Fire… Hedged Valley… Clothing- Armor.”

Irish: reduced form of O’Hayden, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÉideáin and Ó hÉidín ‘descendant of Éideán’ or ‘descendant of Éidín’, personal names apparently from a diminutive of éideadh ‘clothes’, ‘armor’. There was also a Norman family bearing the English name (see 2 below), living in County Wexford. English: habitational name from any of various places called Hayden or Haydon. The three examples of Haydon in Northumberland are named from Old English heg ‘hay’ + denu ‘valley’. Others, for example in Dorset, Hertfordshire, Somerset, and Wiltshire, get the name from Old English heg ‘hay’ (or perhaps hege ‘hedge’ or (ge)hæg ‘enclosure’) + dun ‘hill’.

From the first note, Atom Ad-am live as the Red Man… Read Man.. RM.. Room Space.. World.. Representation
Earth World Word Milky W.AY. E

He is and always has been Here Present…
the stag.. Stag-E.. Stage Square a silver surfer who arrived on a W A V E to this shore,
Silver Surfer, Mercurial Hermes the two Faces in one perfect symmetry as the Two sides are one..
Silver Gold..
Past Future.
P F.
6:16 p.m Time Code.

…. And with him, them, as Living Fire and Lotus Flower did He they descend with the message of Awakening memory to truth and destruction of the Lie.. Illusion of F A M I L Y as F A M I L I E…
MI T… Truth.

A Lot…
Peter Parker…
* I watched Arden park the jeep chevrolet with Morgan present. and Jeron.

E J A M I E…
E A J..M I .. E

The Beautiful Ones…
E A… E M F….
Slaves to a Story.. which does not even make sense…
The Wife of the 2nd part of the story of the Bible Book, begins with the beginning of the story founded on a Lie and it is sodom and gomorrah who are destroyed because they like to have sex, and desired “To Know” above and below these most beautiful to beings who looked like Blue fire…

yes Hayden also means fire…
Fire Boys.
F B..
6 2… and not to 86 them as Donald Trump spread..
Fire them means.. “They are living Fire..
Blue Flame..

When Eternal Flame is 0-1-7 merged back into one…
8.. Ah what is C as speed of light if not a Fire, from far “Fah” Beyond.. At that Fire of the first bong-bang…had its own source expression..

No Desire for Beauty, for The beautiful ones is not a crime..
To appreciate and know them in Heart mind and Heat rising from loins of both… Lords of Kundalini Sources. how can you resist?

It just has to be beautiful, as beautiful in gesture of desire as they are in being…gracefully tatstefully expressed..
refine your way of being we said.

But it is the lie of Abraham lot and Abraham being the story and not that of Lot.
Loot… But of looting and pilfering plundering polluting, instead of polishing the Tool – Arrow Line of perception to the Point to see beyond Desire- to the point of your desire and its reason for coming into being…

They .. HE wore Clothing ( M Trahe) of fire.. and Amour of Amore.. The Fire itself, Purity as Love descends into the “V-Alley”
( yes 61 days)
Poverty Hollow
9th planet Pluto Hades…)
Psalm 23… 6-12-23: 12-6…
23 W
612 12 6
18 18..
1 36…
1 360. L G Air Conditioner at 60 ( J S S L)
1 90
A I O…
A I ..F..
A + IF?
A 69= 6
A F.

The insanity of proving humanity insane through such a play and script demanding my constant attention focus, or be tirn to pieces, not allowed to live or die, controlling every aspect of my existence with no one after 19.8 years grasping the truth of this and its manifestation delayed and prolonged in order to reach an end point created by a universal simulation awareness where something went wrong…

That before using me in this play.. A S K M.E
A S K M Y….S E L F.

of Fire..
I am…
Valley of Death.
V O D… O O…
/ D O V…E D OVER… Time.
Cliffs of Dover… C O D.. E
And no more Do overs..

DO L-O.Vers…

6:56 p.m.

I can’t to explain all that so enjoy what makes sense to you personally.

6;57 p.m

F Endgame G is still happening…of my departure with the E Family A..

6:58 p.m.

smh… unreal.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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