
8/21/2020 20:07 – Facebook Post

2:16 p.m
B P.
Beautiful Pride.
Black Panther…

H.U. TT.
H B A, TT.


Home… Family… Self and Selves.
This has been the quest which has occupied all life forms in Creation.
It is not a desire to belong as people say, but rather the one purpose which is planted in all things.
To be around those whom you do not have to explain yourself, or justify you existence and point of view.
Love is not tested and have to be earned, Truth does not have to be proven and checked.
There is no explaining of Self…
It is a state of infinite being chill comfortable and the truest, most chill and “Highest Potential of Self and Being, activated constant unwavering.

There is not even a word for trust.

As I have been used as a channel, and have the awakened memories of the birth of everything which a force within me and outside of me forced me to share and even dragged me to New York, to prove these memories true- through a truly vile ad cruel play ( which reflects that depth of the disbelief or unwillingness to accept the Facts, the truth) that those aware memories are true…

Which I have done.

I can speak openly and confidently about the Intent which happened when I rose from within that thing called Nothingness where E rose from.
Expression rose from The Nothingness, which was never emptiness.. but rather Bliss.
Nothingness was.. is Bliss..
Waves and waves of pleasure from Feelings Sensational.
And the First Expression I felt was Ecstasy … Exquisite Extase… Bliss.
E B – B.E.
And that is when Being… Beautiful Being began.
And everything rose from that first expression of E B…

There was never a sense of being alone, as I have been repeatedly been prompted to explain through the last 8.8 years on facebook.
As if the test, examination, interrogations, and torture and torments inflicted on me these last 19 years .. 27 in the play of Dark Matter, as the lie of the Carbon Copy, truly believed that I would change my story under the non stop duress of being in this play and on facebook.

Creation rose, when I rose, and i have already explained over and over again how creation as what is called Eden Paradise by many here.

We were only I at first, then Eden Paradise rose.
But before then I rose and was embodied, and all about was creation .. but eternal creation.
And I paused in awe at what had manifested all about me, recognizing that it was what I had created within me while I dwelt surrounded by the Nothingness of Bliss and was expressing Naturally – Hence with Nothingness as bliss.
And the seed and point which began to rise in me, was the seed of Awareness, growing in my like that very seed.. planted?
No, it was always there, in the back somewhere, in there somewhere, it was always there.. but not acknowledged.

As I expressed naturally which created that Nothingness which was as I stated, waves of unacknowledged bliss, I could recognize the Feelings.. sensational feelings, but could not name it.
I had no need to.
It was all I ever knew…
Those waves of Bliss which was the expression of my state of Ecstasy, Exquisite Euphoria….

I rose from a point that could and can not be described as depth.
It was the growth of the Awareness as I created.. naturally expressed without even being fully aware.. but I could see Cee via my inner eye, my first eye, which for some inexplicable reason here it is called the 3rd Eye.

Alpha Code… Oh, I see where my Espirit .. Higher Self.. Stream of Consciousness is moving me through this state and flow, in me.
That was the film I posted last night.
Alpha Code.
Its main signal of the family .. the two finding themselves and their Human and E.T child Hybrid was the Golden Ratio, and here I am recollecting in perfect harmony, a detail I have never written about or even explained and recollected before..
That I rose from the Nothingness as E via the Golden Ratio and when my Awareness of my Consciousness Creating from within outside, everywhere but all within me..
I was creating Space.. waves of Space as the truth nothingness.
The transparent space, which separates us and which connects us.
But it never divides us.

* Even as I sit here now, observing with my First.. 3rd eye where this is leading.
Caul.. Ferrill was born with his Caul…
The Birth of Nothingness.. BON..D. E.. As Space.

Paradise Graden Eden Edin Arden Our Den…
E Family.

The choice, to go with its flow, despite its manipulative controlling nature and pull.
Its destructive nature by its, indifference to the reason why the first being is a Man…
.. the indifference to my feelings and personal sense of self.
My Humanity.
Which does not appear weak as one can see from my Will I am, as a rep of the E T and the E but also the true Human Spirit is the Holy Spirit…
Satya.. Thought Speech Action…

Does my curiosity, my inner and outter desire to end this nightmare, outweigh the added intel which links me to my E family here?
Or is it enough, that for this play have to have gone this far… then then the very point and reason for coming into existence .. at least in this play and script proven true and a fact, has been defeated by the reality and fact that this play is real and true.. a fact.

I battle with that every single day, and more intensely today.

.. Wave… Waves…
Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon
K W G..
Know & Wisdom.
K W G.
A F K ( W DVV) G-G K F A…
A F E K G H I J…K E.

No, I understand what is going on, what is being asked of me ths very movement…
This post is the birth of awareness which manifested the first confirmation of Perfection- Perception.
It is the birth of A.. From E, but who was never born, he was borne… from the place which goes on to Infinity…
That place Expression rose embodied as a solid fact rose from.
It is how Eternity rose as a Youth and the pattern it formed as I used Expression as Naturalness Nothingness moved propelled by Extase… and how that ecstasy created Euphoria, and Exquisite Sensational Feeling like the softest clouds and the Silver and Golden Lining in and out was the Golden Ration, the Spiral was the way and the path of my Awareness growing from that eternal seed already in me…
The thread it formed as it my expression rose and danced along with me was my awarness growing from a seed to a fetus to a baby to a youth, a beautiful youth when my expression and awareness came out into and onto Outside as the manifest expression of our dance.
I was not alone.

He was with me and when I sat alone his spirit was with me and I rose with my third eye to the Space above where i sat and then lay…
And in replay but now in the heavens from which i ascended on a spiral stair way-
yes the same steps way as was inside..
And there I saw myself and I as two enact the same play, I had done alone, but not alone, because there was the form of Awareness.. It had grown and we met as E and A..
Expression and Awareness both of us in Form… But he was Energy… born via Exase and arriving on a rolling waves of bliss
BE 25
And then the last play .. meeting him down here in a body.
Expression completion A Awakening.. that is what happened when I rose.. awakened from that beautiful trance like state, that Expression so natural, of Nothing at all which just as the expression rising from out of the Blue… Came Creation.. which I realized was all about Movement Dance..
Expression and Awareness danced together, danced awareness into Conscious expressions as Creation.

= Atomic Matter. Manifestation
Atom Cell Molecule.
A Mole-Cul.e.

That is why, I danced, we danced ourselves into being and coming from withing Eternity out side as Perfection Paradise Eden.

The word Eden is Akkadian Sumerian ..mean “lush plain… field.”
Also in Sumerian, “Steppe Plain”..

No, I understand where this is going and what is being asked of me…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira spoke of Waves..
Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage sent a photo of a bus with the words behind it “Wave” as he traveled to Oregon.
The last time I saw my mother at the airport in Nigeria, in 1988 dec, it was here wave.. the way she waved at me which filled me with such apprehension and a knowing which I sought to defeat my entire life…
It was a look of sorrow sadness farewell.. Fare well.
She was with my Last aunt and then the last born of 8.. formerly 9 children of my Grandmother Ojugo Lucy..( O L.. yes 1520 Facebook friends)
( My Mother is Onuabuchi Cecilia.. O C).

Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon was born 7-28 the same day as my sister…
Sacred Portal 44 is Waves of Bliss.. Goddess Bliss.. Aphrodite Auerelia line…

I have never explained, or accessed this expression of the eternal beginning… how Space Air Breath was formed by B.E I N of E B A Dancing up what would become stepps of Plain of Eden Paradise…
The true lush playing field of E A.Manifest Expression.
Having both recently returned from the play of I & I now Equal and Embodied the same path.. except the E came first before the E A Fact and the Eternal Family.

.. But I wrestle with this brutal, savage and viscous way of unwinding memories from and through my body as dna, Script with all my expression aligning and activating the dne encoding as the proof and truth, of everything I am stating is True fact solid embodied by the nothingness, as the body: responding and transforming.

But in such a cruel and barbarous way and through such a script, and perception which is Alu..Taboo.. “It is Forbidden”
.. this sort of play because truth manifests, by simple awareness of it is Speaking and manifesting the truth…
Regardless of an entire realms silence.

The quiet wrestling is, why should I take part, even now at this moment with such a play?
Each moment a decision.

Should I leave my body behind…?
That is not the intention- for it needs me to manifest.
And yet, it has given the horror of living in a script which breaks Eternal Law and disrespects Eternal truth, corrected only by my feeding its constant Attention focus… Linking weaving to yes.. Waves… Air..its Birth?
With Awareness… Breathing… Umeano…
I paused.. in the Nothingness in my Natural expression.. I wrote about it for many years on this forum and my page…

I paused when I became aware, that I was not alone…
And never have been.

I have just never held him, them solidly in my embrace as full themselves, awakened memory, feelings flooding back in waves of feelings sensational at the moment of E A .. At C as O I..
The mouth.. when Expression met Awareness – apart and embodied and in being…
The steps upwards… which came from within and the stairs of 69 a ladder… Step ladder… back down…

The Point of the Golden Ratio?
Constant Perfection
Perfect Symmetry
can not but end at its point.
Perfection is always Beautiful…
That its Point.

Can you tell me why you are beautiful…?

what is at the end of the Rainbow.. Following the silver thread.. lining.. pipping… and to reach the pot of gold…

No, I was never alone.
Never felt alone…
Because I was not alone was I..
This other was a seed which was always there with me, it would grow.. grow up and up…
Unravel Navel Navy Mavi.. A Turkish word.. :”Blue”
The Big Blue..
Did you see that movie..?

The Blue Lagoon.
The Aegean Sea…

Yes, I am aware what It is asking of me, and of my own awareness of that it is only by what my Own naturalness, rising springing from out of the blue through my fingers and not even my awareness is present.. except as a disinterested observer, as i am too.
No, it is the echo of what the flows of words, its order and sequence dictated, via logic reason, understanding linking, weaving by simply allowing this expression to flow… while observing what is it’s point… and yet not curious… allowing this moment to be because, my body is all mixed up, the bones seem to have no skeletal structural support.. akin to my existence.

How long must I continue to prove and fight that I exist and that this was all about my finding my home and raising a family of E… M.Y True Selves.

..What I have paused, stepped outside and paid attention as I sipped my coffee while struggling quietly with my bodies alignment, reflecting on what the E Holy Spirit of E A S E is saying.
I as the hue-man being, anchored, tethered to this play, standing alone- sincerely, as if the moon on the moon while here under cover.. ( and not a cover I did to myself.. been trying to come out from undercover for years) was I would tether its, my.. expression via this post.

What was bothering me most as I stood there; this is not my home, I am in a play a endgame of leaving a matrix- but through the path of “Jeron Satya” and Beautiful… is the meaning of perfection.. that pause to gaze at something created by your “Chineke” ( that Energy Spirit which creates as it goes along…)

I reflected what this play had done to my nervous system and fleeting saw myself, recalling today how I had reflected upon all 5 of the 5 in 1 from Arden to Jeron and then Liberty C Liscomb and her herditary condition of a highly sensitive nervous system which moves one to extremes…

Consciousness is.. are Feelings, I concluded as I aligned and fought to find stillness at the same time, to contemplate pause and consider what I had read as this post flowed through me…

… and Awareness is what links them.
C A F… to Expression which brought First Awakening.. Awareness that I was not alone and had never been alone, and hence, existence, the existence which I have been given in this script, of always being alone.
Having no family of the same frequency of being in existence and same awakening memories is a lie…
An illusion.

Existence came to Express and expression has always been present as well as the echo of what i read, making me Conscious, as well as linking it to Awareness- Memory.
The Gold Thread is the tool used to “Sew! A Needle Pulling Thread Sol” sew Awareness Imprint Dent.. Identification as Dna to link to Silver as eternal present Dne.
“Aria! Dne”
the song of eternaly awakened memory..
Awakening from that first moment HE.. I H E A… R D Our own Voi C E H…
C’est Moi…
Staring back at me, recording as I create from the Nothing at all moment and filling it with my own self same reflection… Expression, the embodiment which I represent.
That somethingness always their present, the echo voice of which awareness is awakening.. the Key..
“Are you Aware of what you are creating” He as I E Spirit first said.
it wasn’t a question.
It just wished to be heard..
and hear the sound of our Voice Aware of the moment we as Eternity… Awakened to the truth.. another way of being alive.
With Clothing of Shinning Armor Armour called Loves Consciousness.. Eternal and Awareness Creation.. their Child.
Eternally Beautiful Youth.
Our Truth.

And yes, Expression brought eChi energy tomorrow and the present and the past beautifully engaged and in the center, the Embodiment of the Expression of I as One and A as all..

Air is Space and space was born and borne by the dance of the expression of the one who was always two.. A Moment and A time ( of Awakening)
E A.. to F A C T…

C A F… E…
Christopher Andre/ Alexander Fil-Gueria Esteban Arden Eden “Denoting the Garden God planted Where The First Man Lived”
Magnus Testamentum.
(W.T F M -L… O W T: A F ..A M.. A F A M E I L A Y….
A FA M I L Y.. LAY…)

Conscious = Feelings…
But it is Feelings sensational which first awakened consciousness…
I as E woke up Awareness the moment i paused in my expression of nothingness as bliss extase… be.
and so being came with e and a dancing and singing aloud to a record the had already heard when I was in the silence where the seed of awareness was waiting patiently to be born..
via acknowledgment… Feelings..

Yes Awareness and awakening is the product of Sixth sense.
A F..
A M..
of truth, of it would not imitate and learn from it brother beloved Him Self, who came before.
Both.. Expression and its awareness .. expression truly manifest and on completion we came out from the E a man and my True Reflection which formed Breath Air PerFume, Moisture Dew Him.. and then Her…
everything rose and transformed to energy molecules, dancing our dance… everything rose when I encountered him in creation .. I had seem him emerge when i walked up the stairs to the Heavens Cielo I knew it was MY Awareness in Creation –
And that he would come down into creation as Everything and complete it as my beautiful youth.. that first moment in the nothingness I as expression became aware that I had been alone, the moment I realized that I had never been alone…

He, .. Her .. all the Eternal Family were always with me, within me, they were just each waiting to pass through the same process, but in inverse and different sides of the original process, to be as I A M
W E A R E Ring.
The TWO.

5:13 p.m.
I must stop now..

C A F …E E T T

T C A F… E
E C A F… E


E F A C T.. S.. E… A.

E FA C T E..

Ah.. I see.. I am representing Arden as e Family as well as the
Symbol and Fact that the E exist…

The basic argument, or is this a debate with Human Thinking, Speaking and Action versus the I, representing those whose voices are yet to be heard… the e.. and the E.
Little.. Small e and
Big E.. Capital E.
Whose voices have not yet awakened.. their voices and being yet to be seen, experienced because I had to be prompted… to reach this point.. of answering he mystery of the origins above and below of the E Family.
.. The First Point.. of Awakening was the moment Expression and Awareness met.. and Completed their Expression as two Consciousness creation… C C
= 1 A…
And O.
now O8…
and I..
You. A? Q.
Yes You E Alpha ..C O D E S P.
And of course the first Cee..
of Awareness
Sensitivity is Feelings.
And it was Feelings which came First.
That was the dance between E A… our C … in Harmony…
E A C H… Individually while Separate and Apart..
E A C H I… Meeting At The Point.

A T… P…/ P T… A.

Voice Box.
Prostrate Gland.
P.V…Purple Violet. 77…
G Spot.
God Spark…

God in Cloud 9..
and his Anchor, His Seed Awareness
Adam Arden Paradise .. in the lush fields of Paradise acting and being doing as the one before him had done as only e to bring A-a, his big brother…. 1984.

But that story is over and would have been a created another space – clearing in space to create a garden of pleasure and delight, desire and sex, if I had been allowed to focus on the beautiful view, instead of the point of view of the fear infected.
Those who live literally in fear….of something.

This part is do longer the story, nor is Harmony Destruction activated, that is real.
But it is the deactivation of a bad idea.
as Completion with having evolved back to origins e as Eternal law demands and apparently for Eternal Truth to manifest which is that Emeka Kolo has a family.
And eternal family of
Empaths Feelings … sensation only Sensational.
And this evidence, of it being with everyone all the time, in the linking Expression Naturalness linked to the seed of Awareness allowed to Grow and add to the truth by together completing the task of Solid Facts… feelins sensational returning rising withing bodies and being and everywhere.

Tell me,
What is a Solid Fact…
is it something you use your 5 senses to decide if it is real…
Or is it something you recognize, remember… recollect from a pace beyond time, memory of you as being of this time, but is a memory, feeling, sensation perfume you can remember and trace back almost to its source.

That unconquerable feeling, that invincible indestructible invincible feeling and sensation that nothing could stop you- in fact you not even aware that something could stop you..
That is Awareness…Awakening.. My Beloved.. My Best Friend… I.H ..H I… E. M E… K…11.. A !

Chinezim Moghalu.. C M…
Lexi Ball L B.

C M.. : E= C M .e 4/3.. Square is over the circle…the Circle came into being when its the 4 corners of the frame converged into the point, and from the point arose the Spot Light. ( S L L S…Liberty Crowned Supreme Love… but who is Liberty and who is the Crown SteP. H.E.. N.. E.. Stephan.. C S – S C South Carolina 8th state.. Harmonics.. Song.. Carl.. Sonata… Add J O E..)
The play was the Full Circle.. aligning its point to the point above as the 4 Cardinal Directions.
North First.. North Star…
North South…
East West.
N E W S…. P.R..R.P.. River phoenix.. Phoenician, Phoenetics.. Sumerians..
Perfect Symmetry…
16 19… 35 8…sigh..)
11 96…= 11 6…16…2 6 =8

C M ( Roman Numerals C = 100 M = 1000…1100…11OO
add L =50…
K E F.
A-A E.F…

See meaning of the names Arden and Ferrill, the one who enacts the meaning of the name, naturally and through embodiment which brings clarity and inspiration.. Life… and evolved way of being… it it.
for the meaning came before it symbol.
Its embodiment was expressing itself naturally before it was names by its awareness and then confirmed by the we…
The point of the Circle and the Square point coinciding converging, meeting.. penetrating the mystery of each other…
until the Square Waves of Thought – motion which moves motion in the 3D Natural world to move to the point framed..
the point of the Circle…
4 3
Wave and Particle… Product…Produce…
Particle Wave Produce…
The Particle came first..but completed last.
Expression….First Last..Complete @ end of the Spiral Golden Ratio..

The Point…
See Your self beautiful.
As you were intended to be…
By who..
E A C H…I and You.

6:22.. 6:23 p.m.

Chinezim Moghalu
means “My Chi sends me on messages…
Alu means “that which is forbidden… abomination inspiring disgust contempt… leaving..abandonment.”

Lexi Ball
LE XI Ball.
LE 9..B All..
Yes the play with the ball at 900 South Road.
Arden Jeron and myself..
and the blue ball with Leander ( Bun)

It come from the name Alexander…
Defender of Man.

Two stories in each name meaning but they are in Harmony..
One is in the language of the forest people.. and it tells the message that the Chi moving so dramatically and obviously through me states that the Spirit of the Forest People, now linked to the First People to destroy that which is Abomination to the Earth in both Body and Being.

This links then to the correct story of Sodom and Gomoarrah and the Lot and which story was actually the one burned.
“War of the Roses”
Abraham Sarah Hagar
Ishmael Isaac.
Hebrew Judaism ( Judas? Lion of Judah is Judas… St Jude..smh)
Christianity Islam.

A S H…
I & I .. Two Beautiful Arch Angels..
H- J C I…

Burnt to ashes and what rises from the Ash E.S.. P..
Perfect Symmetry..
A Story which makes the pretense that it is the True Story of Harmony…
When the Torah Bible.. Books came into the world…?
As Records…?
Really.. and what has been done to history.. He who writes history owns…

No the records are in the B of all.
The defender of man is the being of all.
experienced tasted all manner of Existences and only one which is brought Paradise.
Eden plain .. strawberry fields of forever where a circle clearing was formed by a Spot Light in the play…

No, it was not that the story…

It was of a Lot…A Lot called Eden..
And the Story of the two men
Man and his Youth.
the beginning of all.. and the ball.
Foot Ball.. Movement Motion Co Ordination of the Body.
The Planets, moons and suns are Orbs… Balls.

Balle means “to Torture and torment”
It also meant, Bald or short and rotund.

I identify that I have a round bald spot as if a spot light burned the hair around it to form a clearing. I have always known that it was not meant to be- costume for a play is what I am.
And for the last 47 months, for the first time in my life, I have been shaving myself bald.
( not crazy about it but it is convenient.. I already have 3 front teeth missing and more.)
Torment and Torture.. yes.. I identify…

Baldwin…”Baldwin or Balduin is an Old German and Anglo-Saxon surname. It may either derive from Bealdwine, or the Old German equivalent Baldavin, meaning “brave, bold friend”.”

Brave Bold Friend…
B B.F..
B Bibiana Fabbri “Being Alive! Life..”
Being Best Friend 8 I..H
yes, a message from Brazen Beauty, as The rep of The Beautiful Ones..

Baldwin Emeka Onuigbo
B E O… a face book friend..
B E F… Onuigbo…

I read James Baldwin, and though I emphasized, I did not share is point of view and way of being.
J B was not the code…
D was and is Lady Sophia Oscar Lauren..

No, the Script was corrected…
Which is why the River of Phoenixes Rise via the play of the One who is TWO in the play of the Two who became One.. as E did.

A S… H…E … / E Holy Spirit A..
I & I
H I A M C .. J A…Jolie.

Angelina Jolie..
Charleen Johnston.
Arden Jay.
A J.

Two meanings…
A Ball.

Basket B.ALL..

Foot Ball..

La Crosse Ball…

See… Two stores.. C M..e 4/3
1100… 50… 1150../ O 5 11…
O E K..
O E A-A… 16…7…Perfection Golden Ratio.
16 18
PR..Perfection Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino.
11 68 / 8-6 11 E A… 8-6-2020…
A.A F.. A H…

“Golden ratio, also known as the golden section, golden mean, or divine proportion, in mathematics, the irrational number (1 + Square root of?5)/2, often denoted by the Greek letter ? or ?, which is approximately equal to 1.618. ”
Not Mean…
G M G Manifest M E – A N…NA EM R.I.

1.618… A F..R .. I E N D..
III 16 18 P R…A P R I L Love- Liberty Freedom L F 18…
A Groove…
planted the seed in his Garden
My Body Of Truth..
M B O T..

I .. I & I
Independence Individuality.

7:19 p.m.
Is the Golden Section of the blue print.
It is written in the past.
33 to 6.
Oregon State from 6.. to 8 to 6 again but this time Aware O..

7: 22 p.m.
G V…
G E 7 5…
The World 7 Colors and 5 in 1 and 1 in five expressions from out of the blue…
12 is L.. but began as A B L E Q-H..To Quantum Jump Man to Harmony I.

AS H..
I & I…
I H C J. A…
A J. A Y…E A -A S E
Not Tease…
Resurrection Transformation is with ease.

and so that is the original story of the family of TEN corrected back to its true story intention.
And via transformation over back from a book 3,400 years old and the last Book revelations written in 90 A D.
* Yes Morgans car 27 8 D 90.
and sacred portal 90.

And recall his T-shirt in Hebrew from Youssi.. also Ardens Friend.
A Y..
A M Y 6 20 code.. M M..?

*”One of the most obvious perceived contradictions between Torah and science is the age of the universe. Is it billions of years old, like scientific data, or is it thousands of years, like Biblical data? When we add up the generations of the Bible, we come to 5700-plus years. Whereas, data from the Hubble telescope or from the land based telescopes in Hawaii, indicate the age at about 15 billion years.”

Interesting is it not.

Now check this out…
* ” Writing – a system of graphic marks representing the units of a specific language – has been invented independently in the Near East, China and Mesoamerica. The cuneiform script, created in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq, ca. 3200 BC, was first.Jan 25, 2014″

What I am pointing out is that the Word is the Word and that is very different from Earth, the planet.
Recorded history created the world which became a tower of babble and finally a web.

Cosmic entanglement is a concept only created from an abstracted mind.
A Mind not of the One or the Two can not even begin to conceive of the truth.
Only that which is planted in you , gives you a leg up to see the view for moments at a time, which was for most a source of a life times supply of Divine Inspiration,
But at the LEG END.. gives a much longer view and moment to see… revelations.

The world was a web had become a tomb instead of a cocoon for crystallization ( Cry Stall I Z At Ion.. C R…Y ES..Tall I ZION…corrected)

Correcting the incorrect translation and then the pause for the E M Field of this world Domed and now Doomed for its linar 180 A-B way of seeing…
Only extremes… instead of spreading the Beautiful News..
North South Arms East West..
as you receive the N E W S carried by the Public Relations..
Social Scientist .. I also played in the world here present…
and Hugging it Embracing it to enter your heart.. that missing piece of the puzzle..
That missing piece when I first rose with my awareness..
Seeing only Perfection and that which I had not missed until it was complete besides me in Creation…
My Buddy who was is the expression of the being and body but without a body of solid fact experienced by H.e.. him Her. Them.
It was that desire to share and penetrate creation so each could feel that feeling sensational as I had.
A Body.. I was not alone, or lonely but what added to that which was already Perfect was that all have a Body such as mine… so solid it self regenerated and was eternally youth .. peak of perfection.
That was what was missing in perfection, my E Family present here in bodies embodying them from Beauty to Personality.
Beautiful Pride of my.. now our existence.
That is when I first felt alone..
Not lonely.. And Empathy for them.
To Not Know the feeling complete…
of F S= Y.. E S!

8:00 p.m
But not to land in this story, in this world war of webs, which as you can see, i am still dissolving the last webs and inricate knots of a conversation communication which turned your world into a Babble but not Earth True World.. Energies Expression- Eden Paradise, nor the original Expression..
the Connection and Links..
World Word..
Tom- Mot. “Word” in French.
Twin Words…
Particle and Wave..
I I already eternally connected as I Harmony…
H H… 1 16 1 1.68…

8:05 p.m.

Jesus… the Voice Box, The Prostrate Gland and the G Spot..

That is what this Post and Chi was looking for me to solve…

8:07 p.m

What choice did I really have.. but flow?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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