
8/30/2020 19:31 – Facebook Post

15:27 Hundred Hours



Its been quiet, here except for the work
No one has been here in days,
And I am appreciative of Stephan Filgueria
Esteban Miguel Filgueira and The Script for providing me this space and time to be alone to deal with my body and pause to reflect upon this entire journey Mission.

Its true, earned it, was made to code my own departure to this play to pause, via Arden and Jerons approval.

*I love that impossible but charming S.F but oh Lord, what a Hard Head..

So it makes sense that the people code here was Aj Joe Mook.
A J M.
Meaning it was AJ wave, script and expression which I decoded which brought me here to Their Scripts Conclusion.
Their Higher Selves.
And their Hueman Avatar Descendants.

And yesterday the 1 year Anniversary of the Play of 56:56
Which led me to Them and the 5 in 1.
( I was at two age codes 1967.
1984, now completed via 1966.
Thus I was age code 51 and 34 when we met).

Via here, 29 Lincoln to 319-317 South Whitney
( C S. C Q. ../ S C South Carolina 8th State Q C
Quantum Cee.. Conscousness)
There I “danced” with John Mack ( beloved)
And moved through his Wave and heart to
Jesse Macias Orejuela J M. at 217-219 Fairfield Ave. 317 319. 217 219. .
J M J M = O

A J M. O back here.
A J M. F. A -A., A-J, A.M.. A O- A F.

317 319. C AG. C AI. C Q. C S
217 219. B A G. B A I. B Q. B S .
117. 119. See Sacred Portal 117 Chosen by both Arden and I.
See Sacred Portal 119.
A Q.. A-A G. A S.. A I

* All played out with and chez Arden to completion with me leaving via solving the riddle of a Photograph taken when he was 9 by His God Mother ( G M) C J.
Age 9 .. 2012.

* see the play of General Manager with Jesse when I was staying there.

As well as that of Jeron taken by his Baby Sitter ( B S)
C J.

And on my way backwards, to 29 Lincoln Street where I began the play in 2018
To its end point, and eternal connection
Of the Eternal Beginning.
OT. E B. 1520 Facebook Friends 52
/B.E.T O.

Alpha Bet?
Or Beautiful Extra Terrestrials Full Circle
( Moon Luna.. M L = 25. Y.)
The Elegant Nomads
TEN. 10
The Beautiful Ones
Who descended from symbolic rep of Completion Perfection
The Satellite ( Sat- E-Lit.E)
The Moon
Confirmed via Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna
( N I E ) who connected with me through a play of 33 which he respinded to citing his age as 33.

N I E. 14 9. 5 see Sacred Portal 149..
14, 9 and 5.
Add G B Golden Blue. 3 5 Planets C E = 8
( NE.PT UNE.. Poseidon Poise I DON. A- LD )
G N I E B / B E I NG
Eric Donald- Donald is Ardens Grandfather Name and it means ” World Ruler”
Eric ” Eternal Ruler”
Sacred Portal 149 is “Alien Father Alpha”

Nnaemeka means ” Emeka’s Father ”
EF ..
Not my Bio Father Maurice Okolo.M.O
Nnamdi Okolo ” N.O” my younger brother was my Father my first Guide..”MY SELF”
The I called E-Spirit of E.
Sacred 90.

Thus, 33 and that play which took place 2015, 5 years ago, linked to the Full Circle drawn in the Woods 5 years ago to me at the Woods of the O5th State.
And 33 Oregon where Esteban and Kim are.
E K.

And me here present with E F Arden.
“Fred Morgan ”
In the 5th State in Infinite Harmony
On the ground and in the play, to etc..I.

Last communicated 8-6-2020
And since yesterday, 8-29-2020.
At 14 86 Facebook Friends
See Sacred Portal 14. 86. And 14+86= 100.
Will Hunnitpercent Real

Eric Lile Brown.
I.met William First in 2012 then Eric little e he is called, a few days later

And latter Will Woods bed 37 C G
Chris Gemino.

14 86. 5 14
E N.

14 ( 9) 5
B E. I.N G.
B. E. G. INNI NG. .. BE. G.. IN/ NG. ( 147 “Emmy Foi” )

ETE R. N- A – Lucifer.
E Tom E Robert. Nnamdi Alexabder/Arden..Lucifer- Lightness.

Eternal Beginning.
Eternity Being..
I -9

14 86

1+4+8+6= 19.
A O. Alpha Omega
Arden Fred.
Arden Ferrill.

I saw a film last night, “Oregon Phoenix” It did not interest me to watch, instead I watched “Ong Bak… ” and the day before Ong Bak The Beginning”

Esteban Kim
E K.

Stephen Tree Sage

W.E. S T.

W EST. W Established

E K.
W =5
Double V V = 22 22 .. 1 8. A H
Awakening- Awareness Harmony
A Infinite Harmony

V and VV
5. 55.. Roman Numerals
E: EE.
15 O. A E.

The Moon rep resents Perfect Timing Perfect Symmetry as 6th Sense.
Its is that which moves all things to grow, moved by its influence on the Sea, the C Tides, Truth.

On my way backwards from my Trail as the ” Indian Scout” IS
( I did play the Chief…
I was following a Trail, picking up the clues, by taking my cues, from this Wave..
I did not seek out Nnamdi Arden, the trail led me to him..)

Oregon Phoenix, ( O.P) at the 33rd State hmmm I mused as I watched Ong Bak.
O 2.

I understood.
Kyle Murphy message was recieved

I had come backwards the way I had come.

17:00 Hundred Hours
Once Arden had turned 17 ( 6-12-2020)
I left ( 7-21-2020 )
See 6 7. 12-21- 2020-2020
67 Ferril Gemino F G. 6 7

13 M
33. Oregon CC.. 1 6. A F .
4 20.

Stephen Filgueria ( A EMF ) left on the 13th, after his 4-20 party back to Oregon 33 State

13 M.

Kim Arthur Hines Tree, Chiefy, left on the 17.

17 Q.

Yesterday on attaining the Equation resolution of Spirit World. W S. E T. Eternal Truth.
W. SET.. H
South Whitney Spirit World as Thought Reflection..T R. U E. Understanding Expression Understanding Energy..= Existence light lightness Laughter.. Love… Luminous..
Moon Lune..

I received two new facebook friends

1485 is Manifest Queen

13 Stephan born Esteban
17 Tree ( Chiefy.. T C) born Kim.

S K.

S C. Chiefy.


13th. Is the age Nnamdi left.
It is also Liberty C Liscomb / Leander.. and Arden
12 1
See Sacred Portal 121 and the play with Stephan and I just before we left to West Virginia.
Its came via the Music Station.

E is Expression. * Love C “Crystal Clear” confirmed by Athena Sarah Kaizer

*17:17 p.m

17 Represented by Kim.. Knowing

Arden is 17.
And both Esteban and Kim met Arden,thtough Liberty though L Stephen Esteban, ( S E. A.. Alexander Esteban Stephen A E S. ..P)
Met him when he was a child when he knew Liberty with her ex Chris.)

So we have Esteban as E having known L a = 12 1= 13 M..1000 in Roman Numerals
since childhood when they were a Family
Linked to Nnandi Past. Age 13.
Esteban means Crown but it can also express thr rays of the Star.
Speed of Light

K then would be Knowing
Dark Matter
Delta Manor where Stephen took me from and led me here.
5th State E
Esteban Eric ..Sol.
Exoression 6th Sense

And then Kim ../ Mik..E K.I M.
Hmm only the I ..is not accounted for..
But oh yes it is..
I= 9.
OO is Two Full Circles.
Perfection Projections aligned as Perfectly aligned
Ego is The Body, The Baby The Script
Beautiful Youth is the Script Play.

17 is Ardens present Age

Is is Q.
Kim means “Gold”

C is Speed of Light
Transparent Light Rays From a Crowned Star.
Kim is Gold .

Stephen gift of my Silver Phone
Stephen and Sarah recent gift of Silver Lap Top.

E is 5.
K is 11 .
Connecticut 5th State
New York 11 th State..

I am here at the 5th State
Esteban Home Portal

Jeron Satya born 2-25-2019 represents The Script called Beautuful Youth .
The Ag Silver Present Here is the Beautiul Truth of Silver containing Gold
Meaning the Here Present containing the past, here in the present as
I left the 11th State 21 months ago taken by the E
S E A..
Alexander is the name of Stephens Father
I was born and brought to our house in Alexander Grove I was there from the moment I could express from my Mother’s Womb.
Which I did, even recording in my journals memories of my first sensations in my mpthers womb, which was confirmed in Paris 1993 via Erica (Ekayani) who contacted a world renown Indian Yogi who made that instant declaration.

So it is simply Jeron and I meeting here at 29 Lincoln with Chris Filgueira John Mack,
C J F M.
Thomas Liberty
( L L .. 1 24. 25 Y)
2012 32 =5
5 Months.

I met Jeron here, when he was 5 Monthsin his Mothers Womb.

E K is 5 11. 16. 55. = 71. ( P.E E)
* See Sacred Portal 45.
Planet Earth 4 5 Billion years old
* Nnamdi born 4-5-1969.
Born Easter Esther.
Left Esther Easter age 13. N age 13
14 13. 27 8 D 90. M

Arden gave me the wieght code: 1.7 85 7 14 29.

13 Past
17 Present
13 +4 Leap Year, Jump Man Leap DAY, E.
Delta Manor
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
Dark Phoenix
D P S..

D M = 17.
Kim left..
K= 11 Doppelganger Twins 4 20
4 is 20
5 5 5 5. In
4 1
5 1
444 44 in 1.

17 is 8
8 O Full Circle Summery Prefect Expression Meaning Love Cees Crystal Clear.
O Phoneix
A S: E M F .
River Phoenix
A P R I L. O P E N.
S.EE S A M. E. ( S A N E). M.E

6:04 p.m
18:04 Hundred Hours

E K was already Here Present
Represented in Esteban finding me and linking with me via Facebook to Face Book..me as The Book.. Original Manu- Script Embodied and his sixth sense connecting me to the True Story of E
Solid Facts
All with 6th Sense not even fully aware just following a feeling.
Which turns out to be Loves Truth.
I C.. but it was a long process 20..21 mounths.
Golden Spiral..Stairs..
Yet he is Silver Speed of Light.
They stayed behind
Eric The Red
E 20 18… 29 Lincoln
Red to Purple.
Purple Red.. P R
7th Color 1st Color or vice versa
1.7 85 7 14 29.
We cane as 1 via 7 to 8 5. As origins 1 as 4 via 14 Nature to Evolve Consciousness to C
An Example of a Man
And A Youth.

In us.
In all is the Past Present and Future Present all in One.
I am not in the 11th State

Kim was one of the first people Stephen wished me to meet.
I.met him here.
Sa cred portal 114 was not really about Kim it was for the Late,
The Dead .

K A H ..
T S. ?
No it is not the Ancestral Moors who lead me Home.
Its is through the E
Esteban M.F.
Expression Loves Clarity.

18:18 Hundred Hours
18 Alexander Grove
To Alexander Esteban’s Father

A F and Brother Darius.
A D 800 BC 1500 A.D
The Historic Mediterranean

It was not about Knowing or Knowledge real but to Express how One Knows.
1 manifested 11 1 8.
8. ( 98 17. 8) 1 11.
This is why Stephens E Self left 1 11 usd twice in the drawer for me

See Sacred Portal 111.
It was an indication of A A A
Full Circle A
A C C ..
A F…
Finally E Me.
A F …H.

When you Express..
Stream of Consciousness
Flow ..
Speed of Light dancing reflecting on the River which runs through us, Attention Focus Awareness Facts of Phoenix were once stories, legends of Dragons
Imagine Dragons ID
Dinosaurs Ancients
D A.
..As you are Expressing Naturally, Speed of Light, in hindsight rest and repose you discover gold treasures in things, while Pausing Reflecting in Hindsight Lying down on your back in repose, like an Infinity Sign..
But that is only after ones Expression Explaination is Crystal Clear
Checked in Hindsight
Infinity 8 began standing up.. Action Expression E-Motion, ” Mot- I ONS, Movemrnt
Motion.. Momentum Expression until Completion.
Rest Pause
River Phoenix
and then from lying down now as Harmony lying diwn to see the Phoenix Rising from that Dark River
” Dunn. Douglas…)
Gold from treaaures of that Natural Stream of Expression said in a moment from out of the Blue at the speed of Light.

No, the T E N came into the slowness of Time- Nature as Numbers, to help encourage, inspire beung to Evolve Consciously by Choice by choosing via planted examples, Exemplification of the E way.
No Identifications or even naming of it was required.
It was simply another choice in the billions of choices given and planted in the Matrix of how to Be in Existence.

No force
Just a Natural Choice.
That is P.R
And how bodies Rise as Phoenixes in Hindsight Foresight Thought Reflections..
Of Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme Perfrction.

Knowing.. Knowledge Wisdom all came from E
As 1 .. then E A 11.
But it began
As 5 8 complete at 8 5. 7 14. Yes..29.

18:43 Hundred Hours
Kims ex wife is called Queen.
I began this story on leaving my sister’s place in Queens Park in London where I arrived in Dec 1988 left in Sept 1989.

I began my Mission from my own apartment in Marylebone.
Mary Le B ON E.
* St Marys Hospital I was born 8;00 p.m
To Alexander Grove

H: A G M A G

* I began my Existence here in the Womb not a Hospital
And on a bed.
A G Emeka E M A G

G A M E. G..A H I. Born 8 pm

7. 1. 13. 7 1.

1. 7 85. 7 1 4. 29.

There is no peace for me here,
My body
My focus.
My memories
This posting…equating educating in a void of Mind connecting commenting, completing

There is All for Breath Rest Water Food, Yoga..
And I do all now, music fills the House..
But I can not allow myself to feel, not while still here, still in a Play where I do not feel Safe, but instead used abused at any cost to get the Dead as 11
Which is really A-A
Emeka E Know
Its A A
Arousal Awakening
Of the Line of E

Where the process of fighting to align my constantly moving interior body and being moved from that often 5 hours of effort to often 8 hours of non stop posting
Awaiting Equating…

19:05 Hundred Hours
E O S. Dawn

I don’t feel safe or secure
Can you blame me.

Imagine being in my shoee.
An Extra Terrestrial under cover from the V Future Present Here and now.

Coding St Marys Hospitals
MH 13.8 aa the Begining of Time aligned to Yeshua Mary.
Y M.
Mary Joseph
To Mary Jane S P 34.
To MY RRH. Ancient Egyptian used to anoint Cherished and Beloved ( Memories) Bodies
And back to Adam and Eve.
To E V.E. A- Tom.. Ah-Tom Ava Gardner
And rhen to Arden Eden Eternity to
I as 9. 9 months.
9 Planets
To 3
Earth Moon Sun Stars.
To I.
3 as 1
1 3
Sacred Portal 86
Sacred Portal 14 A M

E A. Manifest Queen.. Q. U. EE A N N A
As Male and now as Elemental Goddess Kings Queens
Rising in Female firms having completed the play of Two
Alexander Arden.. to Athena Aurelia – Autum Smol Tess.. Alexa Vertefeuille
And then back to Arden Emeka Ferrill, Quaker Friend
Face Book.
Best Friend
1 16
Quantum True Clarity True Love Story
Bro Romance through that opening.
Anus Mouth
Anus Vagina
Below and Above
Via Expreesion Desire Heart in public
8.8 years.
8.9 in Sept.

E A A ..
E 27. 5-27-2019
*Day I moved to Jesse Macias -Zion Maccias.

And if I do not feel. S A F E inj this Script
H A G VIA Saint Mary
Then its not Existence Life Creation its is Beyond even Evil- Negation Denial
Its a G A M E

M G = 20.
Two Boys
Jerseys M G.


13 Esteban lefr.
Aj is 20.
Which is the Echo. Sacred Portal 20 T C
True Clarity.
AGA PE Completed
At 14 6 sense
77. 14. 33 6
5 E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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