
8/31/2020 21:00 – Facebook Post

6:30 p.m.
F C O…

30 years
8 years age code.

38 see Sacred Portal 38.
C H/H C .. Harwington Connecticut, Hartford Connecticut.
Consciousness Harmony.
Consciousness = Speed of Light ( Sol… Supreme Love.. Supreme Cee…to E Eternity Eden Energy creation.. via Expression)

Creation is Harmony.
Consciousness C is I H= H.
C I H…
C I E H… O M E.

C H H C.. 38/ 83.
Precise Correct code is C H..
C I H.. not H C.. rather H- I C…

Kamora Herrington sons Joseph is 30
Isaiah is 8.
H C- 8369 code placed on my H P Blue Computer by Erik Ebright.
Birth Codes:
2-9-2012.. Isaiah…. ( JessZeus Isaiah)
11-26-1989… Joseph
Birth Mother Isiah
Jesse Booker. JB / BJ
I S A I ” D E” A H. I SAID E IS A.H”
born 9-11..

Jesse Z-ion Matrix
911 Destruction
Arden Redirection Ressurection
E F. A D.. E

Initlals of Two Sons.
I C B… I J H.
J A H… ( Kim Arthur Hines K.A H)
I C B…. I J H.
* J K… A H A H.
I C B ..I J H…( H I J K is the correct sequence… 89 10-11)

H-( A-Z+ 5, 26 Z.. Zion – End of the Line. )
Z to A..
Fairfield to 900 South Road – Poverty Hollow. P H – H P.
To Link 1 & 5 in 1… 4 in 1…

Todays Play was about the completion of Transformation of Fear… back to light Clarity Lightness.

See sacred portal 8 and 31… 83 and 1.
Both plays took place.
But it was anchored tethered at 83 1.

And despite my original contention to Erik Ebright and those who challenged by eq as not being 38 but 83- C H I…
Joseph was born 1989..
9-11. I was at Staten Island. S I.
and the correct code is I S.

I began the journals Talking To The Silence, not from my sisters apartment in Queens in 1988 but from Marylebone, England my own apartment, owned by the famous british Fashion Designer, Katherine Hammett. ( K H)
“Kamora Herrington K H.
Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines)
in 1989.

The year Joseph was born Joseph Allen. J A…

And the play today with Kamora Herrington was about the confirmation AJ .. Jah Fire the First Story… First baby… Man child and the First Aware Man.
( F A M.. E… I L Y)
The 1 Atom eternally connected to him Self and Source E, meaning he never came down real he sent instead a Self Projection ( Ego) Idea of himself into the play and the Dark Matter as the story, the Baby as the first Body as Time- the Story, while A as AH Tom A Tom, Arden was still right besides himself as E, E E having an Informative Penetrating, Pleasurable and Delightful conversation… about S.E. X and Seduction.. Smile…
which created the Magnetism…
E M… to C F…I C…T I O N… I C F -ACT…
E M I…/
I M E.

The play began with my realization that I required some vegetables, Esteban Miguel Filgueira has afforded me the luxury of space here, to work in quiet and totally focus all my attention on my body evolving and the equations posting which aligns to my body finally being released as the final concrete expression of evidence of Evolution Awakening being a Solid Fact; for there is no denying this as a fact when people around you and all over the world start to not only rise but physically transform by the action of Expression and Energy finally being proven to align to Atomic, Molecular and Cellular Nature- wile connected to the Eternal Truth as C I Manifest Awareness Awakening, Evolution Existence to E.O.. E F… E … E T C…

7:09 p.m
Sacred Portal 79 “Blue Print of Existence, * Celia just came over “Au 28 ..79”
Jesse Macias Orejuela father of Zion was born 1979.
Add J ( Joseph means Add Increase..A I.
Amore Ifunnanya …. the two established meaning of Love.
Amour… Armour.. Amore.. “Knight n Shnning Armour..”
the Armour is Amour.. Awareness..and is called the best friend .. The Truth, Harmony E..”

That is Spanish Italian.
A M O R E… Ore of existence and being is dark matter, which is really C.. Consciousness, the mystery of what truly is Love…

Ifunnanya… Everywhere i look I see your face. I See you.
In Every Thing, Every Where, in Every One.
E E E: T.W O..

Italian Spanish French… ( Gemino goes first since it end in Italian.. Roman..” )

I S F…

Igbo… O I Nri Igbo.. N I.. I N E..
Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka E I N../ E N I…N E…
E- A-NI NE/ S I.X. S is 9.

900 South Road.
( year old 2012…)
Isaiah 8 years old… 2020 born 2012.

A J A ..H.. I.. Story.
I H E A…R.. I N… G…
When I E H as 5 8 went down into the play… Story… of Dark Matter the unknown to prove it “Known” in a play of Death as Forgetting and Awakening memory via recollection of the fragments of which make sense.
5 stated constant but moved from 5 to the play of 4 Square…and the Circle and its Point.

– I knew that I was being still manipulated, Esteban Miguel Filgueira graciousness, was intertwined with the will and Force and Control, Terror ( F A C T) of my Brother Twin Doppelganger playing my own Big Brother now ( no longer Father.. but playing me…M E”) but in our most terrible nature…
Black Panther as the final completion of the pause in the Eternal beinginning aligned and connected to the story of Time.

I noted that I am back at 14 84 Facebook Friends..
14 would link to Arden Morgan, Vermont.. Green Mountain” God Mother.. G M… G E M… I N .. O. I N.. E..”
and to Aurelia age 14.
Sacred portal 14.
Nnamdi.. 4-5-69…

Ego Oge.. Money and Time dawn in OI Nri Igbo.
50.. 50th State where I met Stephen was when we met.
5 O..
5 6.
E F.

Love is now confirmed in English..and American English as
I Cee..
I See You.

Amore is the Body which enables you to be Visible, that which seems Invisible.. _ energy emotions expressions, ideas thoughts… are made Visible via having a Body of solid matter which enables I to V.
I V.. V I…
But where we Visible and became Invisible to you, your perception, see, as we became as the Mists of Avalon, clouded over by the Self projection not aligned to Truth Fact.

I C. E..
I S E…

A I S E.

Love is not Harmony..
Love is the Author of Harmony which allows you to Cee and See.. Perceive Harmony C…

Hence yes, 38… J I… Allen C..was a play set up, from not only the intention of terrible deaths portal I am occupying here alone..
* Please note Kyle Murphy linked to terrible death and his message reaching me here while here.

I recognized that I enjoyed conversing with Kamora Herrington but I also saw the play, I even contacted Tree Sage Kim and he responded.

I was and am tired of being manipulated and controlled…
So yesterday as I finally stopped thinking about calling Kamora, the very moment I decided to call her, she called.

We went out to the supermarket but not before the play began in earnest.
Once again, based on here higherself, and another presence, I found myself talking like a river…
I did not show here that I was angry because it is no fault of hers. It began immediately, the car that I noted AT… 170″ I pointed out to Kamora Herrington was telling me what expression was required of me- which was an expression which was create a Quantum transformation from the tired but attractive face I saw today.
to the face she wore when we completed the entire course.

I saw the car and before even the play began, I saw N and Arden as their higher selves are doing this to get you out…of the story of fear.
The car was the confirmation and I read.
It was again about Food.. Ego.. The Truth, The Body.. Self Projection but not really about words, but the difference between how we use words when we see from fear and when we see from the E conscioisness.

Kamora has the middle name L-L..1 12 12.. 25.
K Y H… K B E H.

Y H is Ferrillis birthday, H Y.. Linked to Hung Yeh Billy Hung and Lord Li ( Ye)

Y is the Masculine in her literally as the Eternal beginning. In me is a beautiful woman energetically conscious.. and yes two men…and I…

A T… 17O…
I required to go to an A T M.
She drove to one, and we sat outside for more than an hour…

When I had seen the car which I linked and connected to Arden Nna … I saw a Black Jeep pass by and I asked her what she associated black with…
She said the Void.

I told her that with just that I was confirming what i already knew about where her focus was on…
Non existence, Fear.. that story.

I see dark matter, the Night… I use the blue print of nature.. Facts..
Royal Blue to Black.. Darkness because it all began as Light… Energy Space began as nothingness.. Naturalness expression… The Space air which connects us, but it is not a Vacum.. a Void… nature abhors a Vacuum or Void.

So I knew.. and explained it to her..
Then she drove to that AT M..
the number in right in front of the front door, staring at us, waiting to be acknowledged was 923…
‘She had decided to come at 3 p.m. at 29 Lincoln.

3 29…29 3… 2- 93…

Two I C…
Her car is 00 989…
Tree Sage Train 98.. 6698..
66 1 3 17… Kamora Herrington mentioned 317.. yesterday after I posted the South Whitney 317-319 play and then 217 219 Fair Field.

She had lived in South Whitney and then went away for 5 years and then had lived at Fairfeild.
The birth mother of Isiah is called Jesse…

8:07 p.m

1484 Facebook Friends= 98.
98 = 17…
Date Tree Sage left.

989… 17 +9= 26.. Z Zion son of Jesse and Jessinia…
Jessica Knight
Jessica Doe
Jessica in the movie Dune… Dunn.

92 3… 1992 Paris… the past… 3 C…
The Actual Present…
*Jesse means “Gift a Present”
A P.

By the end of 3 hours, we had returned and I had pointed out how my expression and our conversations was transforming the around us … moving her from the darkness as void fear, and then to cars, moving from the original Ardens Car of Silver A T … 17O… to the black car.. and the black cars which moved .. to colored cars like a rainbow.. and then to Silver and then J A H.. A H cars all in white…

Joseph J is Isiah…
9-11-1989.. see my sacred portal 89… Destruction as the * Ball.

See my sacred portal 98… Diamond Hearing…D H.. 48.
Kamora Herrington age code.
I am at 1484… 84 is H D Harmony Destruction…
48/ 84… Destruction Creation…
Her brother is 43…B J… Benjamin…
Aureila B.J Gemino.

Liberty C Liscomb B Js..

Hence A J is J A I…C.. E E= A. J M E…

I found myself buying groceries, irritated that I was wore the mask for the first time, loosely and that I knew I was to leave any moment, but that moment could be tomorrow or weeks and the way I leave being confirmed but still here…

I can not stand being Controlled and Manipulated.
And so much of Liberty C Liscomb and Kamora Herrington line play was about Control Manipulation and a similar story as that as Arden and Jeron with I and Robert… but her’s was the evidence of programming children from birth, even to the changing the time of birth to fit ones own agenda.

She had had great news from some youth who were diagnosed with schizophrenia, and she had told them to listen to that Inner Voice.

* 8:25 p.m
H Y… H B E…
And though she had done the correct thing, she as the revered original beginning when Woman were revered as the Goddess.. Knowledge and Wisdom but could not provide evidence, knowledge in this reality of her knowing… what she was doing saying streaming… Oracle…
Which caused this never ending distrust of woman .. supreme.

If you don’t know… A S K…
Ask M.E… Manifest Expression.
A or E…

8- 29 p.m

As we sat there… infront of the 923…
I pointed out that her son was born 2-9… and that his initials at birth were I C 93..
3 2 9.. Wrong Side… as 923…a story… correct but a story…
I W..
I D..V…
I D E… was more correct..
Just as I D is 94
and yesterday I spent 9:40 usd.

And today… I bought groceries for 116.94 Usd.
Independence Day.. I D.
Impossible Dream.. I D

She stold me how she K and Jesse ( yes J K) had a hell of time and for years could not get any ID for Isiah and that for 4 years it was hell and that it was only recently that she got it.
And that she began to feel as though she was not meant to have this child with her… Mind Doubts…
I told her that the difference between the E way of looking at that expression would be more actual and factual, grounded… “Why are they making it so difficult for my son to have an Identity.. Identity Card… I C
Identity Passport… I P.. 9-16.. another date she mentioned.

Sacred portal 116 and 117 are the sacred portal which both Arden and I opened up to.
9 4 links to I D Independence day…
5 8 goes undercover in a story called the 4th and 3rd Dimension.
43 Dante’s Divine Comedy.. D D C… so 5 stays constant as E.. but plays.. D.. D AV I D…”Beloved” E B.
B E 2 5… 55… 25… EE= A.. Y.. 55 25= 80… 1 8O… I 8O…
Zero is a ‘Void as Non Existence” is now transformed completed proven to be a Circle.. O called perfection symmetry, seamless.. Like a Cosmic egg. To Eggs.. Testicles.. Balls…
And then this System of Zero 1.. ceases exist..
this system of Nature is numbers, when the Truth is it is an EG G who went undercover as two lines in one… planted a seed in the “Ego Projection”
Baby J… Jeron… And this projection was is perfection recognizing in an instant its source E and A…
A and E… Alpha Bet City play..
A B C… already in the Blue print..

Jesse born 19 79.
John Mack 19 97.
79/ 97.. there was a gap of TE N.. I C.. 79 to 89… 17… 7.1…4 29…weight…89+ 8= 97.

So we added 10 T E N… to the Blue Print…79 becomes 89… a seed of destruction planted in you- a placebo.. Spirit of Jealousy..
And yet you were made from O.. Cosmic Egg of infinity and harmony in one.. two males… man and youth.. M Y…
Fear or Love…?
Facts Light
Facts Clarity.
Light Conciousness.
A I C…E…
Amore.. I-Funnanya.. I C.. I See… E..

Kamora Herrington remarked on my Love for Arden, and I corrected here, that this was not about my Love for Arden human and as my Eternal One line..
That is private and not the business of this world or play.
It is about what he and I are representing and have done so as the Sum the love of Self is the love of All.
And to Love All you must know the difference between false and fact..
And that is what All of you represent and that my meeting him and connecting him represents for the All, not for he and I whose reunion was disturbed by this play of fear…
L K… L H…
Look Lauren Hill..
C O O K… 12 8.. 20 96.. 116.
A P… Attained Perfection.. 1 16= 17.

I asked her what her bill was…it was 64:64 usd.
64th Move.. the 1 Harmony established even in Human form as an actor in a play linked to me.

64/64… = 1.. 128…1 29…
3 29… 9 23…. 6-12-2003… 23 W
Double Victor…
A and E at 900 South Road..64th move.

J A H..
H : AJ…

9:00 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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