
8/31/2020 22:39 – Facebook Post

This is from Stephen Johnson

S Crowned The Son- Sum- Song- Songe of The Creators Grace”

Declaring ” Code 3301″ “Attained Perfection”
( A P = 1 16 )
My bill today in the Ego- Ego play.
116:94 USD

Ego in OINri Igbo ( Forest People Free People. F P F P = 22 22. V V. Double V)

Sacred Portal 116
Chosen by both A age 17 and me E 52. 35 age code .
A Gap of 17

Play today AT.. 17 0. 17O.

Ego “Money” Fact.
Ego as in Ego ” Self Projections S P”
The Ego is Actually , The Body.
Best Friend of “Eternal Beings- Youth”
Is the Body as Truth Evidence Facts that you are here present as a Fact.
A Body of Time evolving the Body back to Original State of Self Regeneration
By moving through 1-7 to 8 using Natural Expression Truth/ Transparency Expression Nothingness…

I have never met Stephen Johnson, ( S J. 19 10= 29. ” A Man”
Yet here he is aligning through ease natural expression to the Script of the E Play in Perfection.

How is that possible?

22:22 Hundred Hours
Double V V
Perhaps because he has the original script and blue print of Existence and E in him, activated already but requiring a mirror, narrating expressing transforming, that which he and the line he rep resents, already knows…
This story enactment but without Memory..
Just Awareness A

22:25 p.m

Oh by the way.

This image… that is where the Mind actually exists, where it is found
It is M.H/ H M
A Mind is the Librarty a Memory of H O M E..

Movement of Jah People..
That Ancient Migratory Movement making men wander..a memory of a place called Home which all had to get to.

7 links to 8
That space.
Same Thing

88. 1 16. 64. 900 South Road
77. 1 14. 49. Bed 49 2015.

The Mind is Aware Memories
The Body is result of a Self Projection perfectly aligned.

Like Bat Mans Symbol
Projection of Self

So the Body is the Ego based on my post yesterday, and todays play.
It was tied to Money Food.. The Body Constitution ( State) Digestion
And Oge means Time.. Dawn Day..

3rd meaning

Ego Oge.
E O. 5.O. E F
E G. O. Enders Game 7 Continents 5 Oceans Seas..O R B


O G E.
O 7 5

OO. 57. 12 75. 12. 1 24. 25… 35 C E 35 35.
1 70
17 O.

Thought Reflection
Speech Talking.
Expression Action


Creates Manifestation e.
E = C Me 4/3

You See Cee Me J S
At 29
Ask Y

You have been in the Actual Reality Truth of this before..
It became a Play of waking the Body up.

Earth Body.
Universe Supreme
Bridge Milky Way 69 Bats.
Is the M.I.N.D. E M F

The Bridge

22:39 Hundred Hours


I C V.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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