
9/13/2020 20:50 – Facebook Post


Adam Waldron A W
Adam Fahreja A F
Adama Bangre A B
Adam Roa A R
Adam Cantor A C

Eternity Eden Adam Arden.

Liberty C Liscomb
Kamora Herrington

L K… L O. O K.. L F/ F L.. O K.
F K.. Forte Knox.
L H… 12 8 = 20 96..

* ( Add is Masculine.. Multiply is Feminine Masculine..
E is M F… YX.. 25 and 49)

L -Hologram
M -is Matrix Man Y.

L M 12 13= 25..Y..
L and M are Men.. Y Chromosome is Y C.
Yeshuah Christ.
28 MAN.. Being Harmonious.
Allen.. Arden.. Beautiful Handsome..Harmonious Rock Stone…
Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F
S F..Y.

E K E Y…

Hologram Matrix.
H M… Harmony of two in 1.. 89 98… 17 17… 1.. 34… 135.. M E M E.. Sacred Portal.

H M… Holly MacDonald.
M H.. 13.8 Universe Milky Way.. 69 Fetus -Twins who are one curled up in a B E A N…. Mission
B E A M … E K…


E Family.

56 11…
111.. See sacred portal 111.
Play linked with Ego Oge Sacred portal 50 and the 50 state where i connected with Stephen Hawaii rep of Paradise in this World.
But meant to mean that From Eden Paradise President B Obama and President D Trump.
P B O..
P D T…

But of course they were the incorrect versions but rather this silly contest of that which is the source .. what you see.. or what you perceive… cee.
What really moves and evolves everything…

8:43 p.m.

Please see the codes in Bible ( meaning Book) of Adam and observe the number.. numeric codes.

1:11… 5:12… places of pause…to link the meaning… yes of the Bible codes…
And the bible is the Book of nature..

Yes John Mack play on his way one day to see me at Jesse Macias Orejuela…

The First twins who were One and on merging down here, their expression would cause the one two to rise.. one was Pale and the Other was tan..
And their Sources.. “parents” were both invisible as the deepest night and that transparent man Dawn First Light..

And yes… Arden is pale.

From Wikipedia… thank you.

8:48 p.m

How we transform your version to the E Version which encompasses and includes All points of View…
But settles on the One Truth.
Proven the One True.. yet again.

8:50 p.m.

A D D AM AH… Ajay Joseph Man


And Elohim Created Adam, William Blake
The majority view among scholars is that the book of Genesis dates from the Persian period (the 5th and 4th centuries BCE),[9] but the absence from the rest of the Hebrew Bible of all the other characters and incidents mentioned in chapters 1–11 of Genesis, (Adam appears only in chapters 1–5, with the exception of a mention at the beginning of the Books of Chronicles where, as in Genesis, he heads the list of Israel’s ancestors[10]) has led a sizable minority to the conclusion that Genesis 1–11 was composed much later, possibly in the 3rd century BCE.[11]

Mankind—human being—male individual
The Bible uses the word ?????? ( ‘adam ) in all of its senses: collectively (“mankind”, Genesis 1:27), individually (a “man”, Genesis 2:7), gender nonspecific (“man and woman”, Genesis 5:1-2), and male (Genesis 2:23-24).[7] In Genesis 1:27 “adam” is used in the collective sense, and the interplay between the individual “Adam” and the collective “humankind” is a main literary component to the events that occur in the Garden of Eden, the ambiguous meanings embedded throughout the moral, sexual, and spiritual terms of the narrative reflecting the complexity of the human condition.[12] Genesis 2:7 is the first verse where “Adam” takes on the sense of an individual man (the first man), and the context of sex is absent; the gender distinction of “adam” is then reiterated in Genesis 5:1–2 by defining “male and female”.[7]

Connection to the earth
A recurring literary motif is the bond between Adam and the earth (adamah): God creates Adam by molding him out of clay in the final stages of the creation narrative. After the loss of innocence, God curses Adam and the earth as punishment for his disobedience. Adam and humanity are cursed to die and return to the earth (or ground) from which he was formed.[13] This “earthly” aspect is a component of Adam’s identity, and Adam’s curse of estrangement from the earth seems to describe humankind’s divided nature of being earthly yet separated from nature.[13] God himself, who took of the dust from all four corners of the earth with each color (red, black, white, and green), then created Adam therewith,[14] where the soul of Adam is the image of God.[15]

In the Hebrew Bible
Main article: Genesis creation narrative

God Judging Adam, William Blake, 1795
Genesis 1 tells of God’s creation of the world and its creatures, with humankind as the last of his creatures: “Male and female created He them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam …” (Genesis 5:2). God blesses mankind, commands them to “be fruitful and multiply”, and gives them “dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” (Genesis 1.26–27).


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