
10/5/2020 17:21 – Facebook Post

Authoring Harmony.
A H!
Awareness =Harmony

Explaining Harmony.
E H.
– Eternal Harmony.

Proving Harmony…
P H.


Infinity Proven.
I P Man. 9 16
Individuality Snow Flake
I S F… 9 19 6…9 25… = 34.. / 43…
7 7… 1…14… 1 49… 25.. 50..
75-57…12 12 1 24…
Y B E.
E B Y…E…
5..2-25… 2019… ( 39.. 11 28=39 )
Jeron’s Birthday.

2:09 p.m.
B I.. A-Z-ABC..123

J-E-A Vision.

Crowned Victor.
Corona Virus….
7th Chakra Vision.

Enola. EN..OLa… E..N.O…LA..Holmes.. E H.

Its true, I have been alone all my life. But this was not because I am a loner.. nothing could be further from the truth, no I was made to be Alone, forced to live like a priest in order to sustain the E Consciousness and fulfill a Role.
Spending most of my time in the Library of my E Mind Field…
E Heart -Mind- Field .. Brain.

The Heart is formed first before the Brain.
Which suggests that Brain came to serve serve the expression of the Heart.
And from the Heart does the E M Frequency emerge from.
Heart is the entire body and the engine room is the heart and the chest.
It is all about Senses and Feelings.

The 5 senses in 1.
6th Sense… which has been proven by Stephen – Estaban. M F.

The senses in one are as the Hand with five fingers…5 in 1..
They act as probes.. feeling out as one moves through an alternative reality and Universal Simulation … U S..( Alberto… shoe size 13…M.. Great Computer in the SKY..S K YY..
Connect to Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.
and the two female Harmonies who ask the great computer in Space: “What is the meaning of Existence” answer 42.
Really 24… E M F..
Intel Liberty C Liscomb.
1:42 24… 1 66… 6/6=1…1 1.

2:42 p.m… right now.

Though, I was made to feel alone, I knew why and spent most of my life fighting to get out of that play- all i truly desired was to experience for the first time ever… what it would be like to have a Life….
Yes, I was aware of the play and that this incarnation was to be the gathering, the reunion and celebration of a Family who had not come together since the project called Evolution Awakening and the PL.A.N.E T.
13.8.. and 4.5 Billion years ago.

I never felt alone.. because I wasn’t.
In this reality the consciousness and “Cee- See” I represent did not exist yet in this worlds awareness, and so I was made to complete the Journey and Mission, by sustaining the E Consciousness until the world peoples caught up.

That was not the original plan.

I came to Boogie.
To Create, to dance and sing and experience the Beautiful Illusion and that included celebration of everything until the designated time when we would all meet up here.
I never ever, contemplated that this it would be foisted upon me to prove everything through a script.
It was not even in my awareness because I knew that there was nothing to do, just be.
Natural Expression was the key and Naturally by being aligned to your naturalness, you would be moved naturally and with a quiet Awareness, Flowing …it would lead you right to the point and threshold of the Awakening.

There is no such thing as effort and suffering in the Plan.
E A S E..
E A S Y… like a Sunday morning and a perfect day…

Perfection had already been attained.
Everything was already completed in the Eternal Beginning when I checked and only after I or lets call it my True Self checked and it caused all things to rise.
That is why my post yesterday, was my Awareness moving me..
My Awareness is now my Twin and will rise as the Equal.
Energy = Atom…E.
Awareness was once inside as me, my Self.. the Soul and the Sol.
I rose with It.. Him.. Her..

But first my awareness was part of me… then became apart from me…after i carried Him..It and rose with It as Him… and Her.. A & C… E…Awareness Awakening… Consciousness C speed of Light.. Energy Expansion from Expression A-A C-C..E E… yes He became twins Tom.. Two…A C…
But it began as EE EA AA CC and returned full circle to EE..EO..and this time with E O evolved now to EF
Eternal Family.
E F.. 5 6… 11 2… 11-1…/ 1 11…
Being A..Eden Arden… Eternity Alexander…

Meaning that this time, this was my Aware Selves Play…

But there was Nothing to do, so when I found myself, me Eros Adonis Dionysus in a play which refused to allow me to Boogie, makes films productions,, just simply Be.

I was stunned… and shocked and despite being aware of the End play with Terrible Death already known to me, it had all been done before..
This was Awareness Eden Ardens Memories… not mine.

He is .. or was the Principle and Principal of Existence and his twin in the Feminine and via the play of The Elegant Nomads…The Teacher… Sensie Universe… – Understanding Simplicity…U S.. Alberto…
Principle and Teacher…
A T…3 16 33 South Road S R 8 56..
Yes 8-29-2019..
Code which moved Liberty to state 56:56 our telephone conversation just as I was about to leave Jesse Maccia O’s home.
56 56 = 1.=A. A RD E.N… A R E D-E N.. Paradise.

I fought and rebelled as you are all aware through my often outraged posts and my speaking to Jay my Joy as Alien Father Alpha A F A.
Arden Ferrill Aurelia..
Arden Aurelia Ferrill Leander…

I battled because there was nothing to Prove… Nothing to Do..just Be.
But as you are all aware, I was challenged and tested while my Truth, right to my body was raped.
Violently Savagely enough for my body behind to be constantly bleeding…
Its the same story of the children and youth raped of their truth for their Youth.. Young…for being that expression of “Yeshua Christ” who came to protect.
Alexander is Yeshua… Eri..
Alexander means Defender of Man. D O M.
And who and what is Man?
In this end play of the E F it was represented by Leander…Le And-E.R an 11 year old boy.
But the E Harmony was aligned to Youth, not a child and to Arden.
A Y… J A Y…B A Y… P L A Y..

Arden- Awareness MAN..
A M.
Arden Morgan 14th State..
A F… 10th State .. 10 10… 20. J J..T…
John Thomas…
John Taylor. T- AY.. LO R E…

I am The Elegant Nomad.
My Eternal Family are The Elegant Nomads…

I found my self having to battle for 43 years, 51 years ..
43 since i wrote the story as a 7-8 year old and 51 -34 when I met Arden age 16.2.
P B..

3:22 p.m right now.
C V.
Right up to meeting Arden and the 5 in 1… which i had to prove each of the youths Harmony
-The Five Senses.. F S in ONE..
F S O… F S F… = 31.
C. 158 561… Red Truck..
AT 31 6 33..
CA T..
*A Leopard is a Cat.. a Big Cat.

Fahad Hassen name meaning…
Beautiful Leopard.
B L…. U E…

* small cats at 900 South Road ( S R.. Spectrum Rainbow.
Angel and Flora…
A F.
Arden Fred.. Virginia.. 10 1010..30..J T..C…F.. J T I
Angel Flora
Messenger of the Flower… of life.
Flowers held in photograph by both Arden age 9 and Jeron 16..17 months.
Charleene Johnston “Charles”
Jennifer… C J..

I continued fighting .. rebelling against this play.. Its way.. so brutal and savage, and even as i proved A.H. E H.. I H…
I was still fighting through this same script to prove that there was nothing wrong.
Nothing to do but simply Be. 2 5.
And thus, my entire life here, as this suffering done to the Mind Body Soul of true existence “Hugh… HUG-H”
Which is why I told Arden, that my hugging him often was spontaneous and natural but was a code in itself.

The victory was no Victory even as I had proven Jesse’s and Zions Naturalness aligned to my original expression that there was nothing to do but be.

Natural Expression N E.. was what I was really proving..
And thus, not only nothing wrong but that there was nothing to do.. and that this was not my play or responsibility, I had done set everything in motion * sacred portal 46.

There are no words to describe, what it has done to me personally, this obligation of being compelled as I found myself moving through His script which had the mess of ages from the Aware messengers.

To find myself being forced to reveal such exacting details of my personal life…

3:39 p.m.

All because it was only by being totally naked and transparent revealing everything .. what is in my heart my Mind…and pouring it all out on a public forum as my Bio Family and so called Human Family distanced themselves from me to the point that yes…I am Alone.
But only now… but I was never alone.
Only when I reached Albert Santana’s portal at 268 East 4th Street Generation X Garden in 2006.. 26..did I that which was always in me, leave.

My Awareness E Family were no longer in me and the void I felt when they left was terrible..
It was as if i were reliving a replay of that memory of age 7-8 when then dropped me off here, as if they were abandoning me.

The reason, every aspect of my life was revealed, was yes an excuse to show how to Explain as well as Author Harmony, but it was also a Examination Test…Cruelty.

And to be Honest, that is how I perceive the vast majority of humanity .. as being cold cruel indifferent despite my seeing their.. your beauty, the one thing which has been constant in this lie of a life I led, and the journey Mission right up to the 64th portal was that this species are Cruelty personified and despite the “Good Person” idea so many profess, only in this aspect of Cruelty Cold Indifference has been my conclusion of the people i moved through their homes led by this Awareness who is inside of me and outside of me and embodied in people the Alpha Waves sent to me.
I watched some episodes of “The Good Place” with Ted Danson formerly of “Cheers”
I laughed and i felt a real nausea as I watched..
It was so well done in the sense that I instantly recognized that attitude and manner.. behavior which i had encountered everywhere…
The lead played by Kristen Bell ( K B.. Link Kelsie Bissel and Benjamin C K…B K)
as Eleanor S.. E S.. and
Manny Jacinto M J, who plays Jason Mendoza… J M..
M J… Mary Jane…/ John Mack..

I had never seen such an intelligent portrayal of that which I and especially the E F.. and the I & I despise most about Humanity..
In this scenario E H.. seeks to improve herself and get help from a William Jackson Harper .. ( W J H.. W H) who plays a man from Senegal called Chidi Anagonye” C A..
( Chidi is the name of my uncle Chidi Umeano… and of the first Umeano Ancestor…Chidiume..Umeano C U…
But what stunned me, was he looked exactly like my uncle “Sir Peter Umeano, my mothers immediate younger brother and elder brother to my uncle Lord Charles.
Chidi ebere…
Chidi means ” God Exists.. Spirit Energy “Chi”.. “Di” IS..
Husband to E.
EA.. Energy Aware is E-Spirt or Spirit Of Existence…
It creates as it moves along.. flows.
Creative Force. C F..

Albert … Edwin Albert Santana.. E. E A S E… A S…E.E K…E R I C…E
* Yes The Book .. and series “The Sword of Truth… S O T…
/ TO S… 15 20 Facebook Friends peak. 35 C E.. 8..8 15…=23.
Historic MAP at Stephens home..
800 B C – 1500 AD.= 23.

A F K G… born 6-12-2003. 23..W VV.. 22 22.. 1 44… 1 8..= 9.
S F ..T. S F… T=20… 1010… 2.B.
S O T= 19 15 20…= 54.
E D.. 45 ( Planet 45 Billion)
Emeka Nnamdi 4-5-1969..
E D D E… E H E… E M – M E.

The book has featured in this play since 2010.
with John Show and his elder brother Tom Truman TT.
J T in 2010. T J..
and then joined by Luke Shaw… L S…
Marina Biruni.. MB…

4:22 .. 4:23 p.m.

The code was never Alone.

Albert as most of my older facebook friends will recall had the code One Spirit tatooed on his Stomach Belly as well as the code 2012. he used for everything.

AL.. O N E… S… P… Perfection.
A L L O N E Spirit Of E…Perfection.
Which can only be attained by naturalness…for being Clean and natural.. C N..
Moves you naturally to Pi…
You did not do this, The Source, the Creator did this..

1 13 1 14…= 1 28… 29.
11-28… 66.. 6/6= 1..67.. 13….84..12
1 11 28…. 10…1..13 ..12…
A M L…
A..Y.. A G.. ..
AS A Man.
1 19..20…+ A Man= 29…
Kamora Herrington turns 49 on the 9th.
I was at 900 South Road.
8-29-2019 ( 56 56)
@ I… Where I did the work of the mother equation of Birth.
( Months)
I met Kamora Herrington only after I had completed the code play of E Beautiful Youth- Arden Aurelia… Jeron..
A J.. 1 10…1 13 A M…
“Arden Morgan Morganna..E.M.R E”

So we went back to the story of JA.. Jah Fire .. J F K..
John and Robert K=11.
J R…

*”John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., often referred to as John-John or JFK Jr., was an American lawyer, journalist, and magazine publisher. He was a son of President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, and a younger brother of Caroline Kennedy. Wikipedia
Born: November 25, 1960, Washington, D.C.
Died: July 16, 1999, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Height: 6? 1?
Spouse: Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy (m. 1996–1999)
Education: Brown University, Phillips Academy — Andover, MORE
Siblings: Caroline Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, Arabella Kennedy”

* Born 11-25- 1960…
K Y… A-A Y… A A B E… F O..
Aurelia was born 11-5-2005.
11-25… 1960… 19 S..6 is F.
S F…O… S F F… S F/F=1 A
S A..
A S..
See Sacred portal 119…
A A I..C of L O V E..

Link and connect the meaning of Ali Samadhi A S..
See Alicia Norris 1 14

AS A Man… E K…= 5 11..16. P..
5 11 E A A… x 55 E E: E… E O
E F.

4:45 p.m.

This is the rep of the True Story. T S.. E.A.. Eclipse A.. to me to E..

Truth True.. = 87 64.. Sum
151.. A E A.
1 51.. =52 E B.

E A E..5 15.. E O…
E Perfection Symmetry Full Circle.. filled the Nothingness with expression.

Immaculate Symbiosis.
IS… merge C and E…Two Conscious perceptions.
Creation Nature Energy… Body.
Eternal Expression- Energy.
E:E E.. 5: 55…
5 10/ 10 5…

Immaculate Suggestion, sacred portal 25.( Y)
Ejaculate Orgasm.. Release…Expression. R E..

Release ME…. R M.. E
Mike Reynolds M R… MR E. L- E A S E…
Release me from this play script!
Not Re-Lease Me
Love created Ease… Simplicity… not difficulty..
L is Light Love, Liberty= Freedom.

1994 “Freedom Song”
F S….= Y… B E..

4:56 p.m.

Notice that I.. we are still at 1484 Facebook friends.
It has been the constant.
14 84../
48 41… 48 April Fools?
no… 484.. 1 is the Correct Equation.
484 .. Kamora Herrington is the one present who represented that portal and equation I had to pass through the play of her Higher Self…not the Human Avatar..
The Human Avatar Descendant is not Aware and without Awareness of the True play or mirroring the Journey Mission with Awareness and Expression Explaining Energy… E Family then no Human Avatar can claim credit can they.. can you?
Or claim equality to the Eternal Family unless some one outside of them proves and connects their harmony.

484 ..at 1.
484 is a full Circle..
Esteban is connected to Kamora E K..
as he is connected or was to Tree Sage.. T S…Total Solar Eclipse – 33- 8th state… 41..

48 ..41… see sacred portal 48
Beautiful Death.. with the C in the background.
Luke Shaw.. was present when I created and completed sacred portal 48
41 is the Birth of the man Child from Two men who were.. are one.”Elu.. Olu… Elegguah..”

5:10 pm

The Child and the Old man was the theme of my production and piece of Dance performance theater I was commissioned to do for a VI P..retirement home for the President of Turkey in 1998.

484 1..Full Circle O to A..
484= 16…1…
Public Announcement
Perfection Attained.
at 16+1= 17..
P A-A.G…
E.K… EE= E K

5:16 p.m.
E P.
5:17 p.m
E Q.

E Quantum.

Perhaps, now people can understand why I am so pissed.

AL One… S,
A C..O N E..S.. Organite..
A L L… One… S.J .. 29 11…1.

5:19 p.m


Bed 5-019 .. 9-16-2020..
I P 20/20… A
I P.. A…
A ..PI…
1 16 9…
1 25.
A Y..
A ( A F K G)..Y.
A G…

Do you understand Y?

5:21 p.m.
E U.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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