
10/6/2020 17:41 – Facebook Post

15: 10 Hundred Hours
3:10 p.m
O J. E A-A O /F

F J A.
F A F. A.

A Movie. Film..
A M.
A M F ..

Fashion Designer.
Film Director.

Fith Dimension

I.began drawing Women and Fashion when I was 6 and designed a wedding dress for my sister which she said she would be her wedding dress, if she decided to get married.
I began writing at age 7-8
My first poem was called ” The Sad Tree”

By.the age 14 I had acted and directed my first short play in front of an audience of University Lectruers with another person Patricia Emereuwa… Uwa means ” World”
We recieved an ovation and encore.

Family Dollar Store.

B.U R P.. Bachelor Degree in Urban Regional Planning.
Being Universe River Phoenix
P.R. U B
Public Relations Understanding Being.
Perfect Response.

Advanced Pattern Cutting. A P C

Based on a Book
Kelsie Bissell K B
Benjamin C. Krajewski B K
A True Story. A T S. Tree Sage
A Love Story. A L S.
Eztabon Miguel Filgueira

Jay Crew.
Jay Cru..e. “Cru” means Believed Me.

The J Crew links to Arden… Eternal Arden which means the E rising and moving through him is the Sum Total of all the people in the World.

For a long time, people would come up to me and tell me about they seeing my Life aa a Movie and they would ask me, Who do you want to play you?”

It always surprised and mystified me, why these people would say such things.
It was as if they knew something which I didn’t and I began to suspect that Some thing elde was moving in them to say such things.

I knew why I chose Fashion Design

And I had planned my Life to completed at my becomming a Film Director

My Mother was..is.. an extraordinary story teller.
So much so the Script acknowledged her as Scheheazard of 1001 Arabian Nights.
A N. 1 14.
Rm 114 Grant Moor

I spoke about this often in the past on my page during the firsr 5 years.

That I had been chosen to make a film about the Evolution Awakening
And that I had been cast to play the Starring Role based on a book
And that the people who kept on asking ” Who will play you…?”

I had always responded that after living this experience that I had no desire to repearlt the experience by now having to relive it.
But the peope and the question persisted.

Until even I.began to reflect on it..
Who indeed play me… or better still the character called Emeka Kolo
But then, this is not my life, this is the life of Another which I have been walking on from Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino.

Did this not mean that this is Arden Nnamdi’s Eric story and he cast me in the role to play Him.

Stephen Filgueria recently spoke of his idea of making films and Acting Producing
When he mentioned that, it all came back flooding to the fore.
Thus Script.. and is the original reason I call this a play with a Script which crrates a Book which the Movie becomes based on.

Kim Arthur Hines and his Oscar..
Golden Man.
G M.
Sophia Oscar Laurent.

My Uncle Lord Charles widow had told me on a visit to Augusta Georgia ( A G) that she had had a dream of me and a whole group of people..
J Crew and Cast on stage and being awareded An Oscar for A Film..
A Movie

Obviously it was a Family on Stage she saw.

The truth is, I knew this but balked at the role given to me to play and as far back as my 3rd Volume of my journals ” Talking To The Silence- The Eternal Dancer”
Yes connect Kamora Herrington and her appearance on Ted.

I knew..
The Awareness Spirit
Awakened E
I.call Father streamed through my writing telling me I must go to a world stage..
I balked ..
To be honest, have spent my entire life running away from that role given to me to play.
I said No.
It responded by chuckling

15:56 Hundred Hours

Yes, now I knew why..
Here I am.

I knew that this book would inspire certain pre cast Individuals all.over the world to create and.recall their own versions of my codes.
And Evolved Arts Sciences… their versions.

As well as Movies Films …

As find myself watching more films movies series…I can see how the need for New Stories is paramount, I.see how all the stories are basically rehashing the same stories over and over again but like a viscous cycle.
There is no true resolution

And the Americans with their feel good movies with the “Happy Endings ” which the majority of the American audiences demand is not a solution.
Its a Film Studio Formula
F S F…= full circle 31
See sacred portal 31

AT. 3 16 33.
AT 31 63 3 .. 31 6 33..

I recall once again, my response to A F .E AG that I wrote the play which involved me taking the stage to demand in outrage though a Soliloquy..demanding ” Who wrote this Absurd Script.” I was at.the portal of Two Men.
Christian and Gerald.
C G.
Chris Gemino
3 7
Sacred Portal 3. 37
4 -8
5 0
5 O
E F.

And a few months later Jon Jason Lee came to Paris to “get me” and I was soon back in London after being away for almost 5 years, where i met Jay
Jay Tuan and Jeron.
At The Collection restaurant in Chelsea.

Christian to Jay.
C J.
Charleen Johnston
Ardens God Mother.

Gerald Taun Jerome.
G T J..
God is T J.

Truman Show
T S.

This Script.. you can understand my refusal and why.
And what turned out to be the challenge of Terrible Death Alien Father Alpha of my stating this was the Ugliest Truth.which I refused to write aa the basis and foundation of the Movie.
His challenge was that I prove Harmony by being able to use Alchemy Magic..Magical Thinking Linking Connecting Weaving to transform it back to the E Original Truth via this lie of a life I was given.

I.am not an Actor and in Paris Spain and Istanbul I kept getting offers to play characters in films
The tortured Poet Rambeau
Jean Nicolas Artshur Rameau J.N A R. / R A N ..J. I R AN. To Jay.

Born 10-20- 1854. J T. R. E D. EN
Dies 10-11 -1891. Yes E GA LA. XY 10n11 C I .
I A. Yes I Arden Alexander.

.. You will not believe the roles I wafs suggested for including a role in ” Comming To America” which came out in June 1988.
My agency told me about the role .. which perhaps was an off shoot or something..
But I recall it was 1989.

Some as Istanbul

But my answer was always that I had no intention of playing anyone but myself.
I lived in a totally different reality then and had no interest in how this world system worked- nothing could move me from my secret intention to find my Eternal Family.

I still have these visions of me in the audience watching someone play me on the Silver Screen or this Story of my Life in this world and tears so quiet streaking down my cheeks.
And my leaving .

The truth is.. as the years passed and I continued to be in His. Her play.
Always observing from ourside this character I have been playing and the role the script.
The disgust I feel for anyone one having to play such a role, and that such a script even came into Existence.. that this waa not Satan Santana, Lucifer nor Ellehuahs fault.
That this was created not for the Chuldren of Man. MEN. C O M. E
But by the Illusion called Woman and her children..and that it could go this far..

Who would want to see such a Movie
What sort of Abomination rwquires such a movie- entertaiment? And Empathy.

I do not wish to see such a film even if it does have a true logical Harmonious Ending.

5:0 6..7 p.m

This will never be my story
But it is My Father Brothers truth.
Satana Lucifer
Supreme Love.
S L. A Y.
Slay them all!

E are Noble Aristocratic Royals in the true meaning of the word and I was already aware even in the modern history of this world.
That the Revolutions which rocked and formed this modrrn world.
Was not Fair or Juste .. yes there was horror but there was also great ” Noblesse Oblige” in those whom the Lay slaughtered out of mainly Envy and Jealousy.. desire to have the same thing not Equality Liberty Fraternity


Not of S E LF. F L. Y. E S. P is the correct equation

Did you read George Orwell
Animal Farm? A F.
The pigs take over the Humans and sluafhter them and do even worse

Look at this modern world
At least the old word cuktivated those qualities which make humans evolve refine..

The world I have walked through are filled with Mannerless Morons
Ass Holes..
Who have no respect or acknowledge those who built the better aspects of this world.

I find human nature devoid of these basic refined qualities of Polish Refinement
P R as base a devolution to a Selfishness which the only conclusion of this contempt shown for these better qualities in humanity which they secretly admire but which all seem to rebel against the Pigs can feel better.

Ms Manners is Sacred Portal 91.

They deserve Hell Fire these Mannerless Morons Assholes
MM. = A H

I have coded them out of Existence these hypocrites who secretly wanted to be Gods Royals G R
Golden Ratio
But instead of aspiring being inspired by this to refine themselves instead chose to destroy it.

And in consequence instead of seeing the Truth of these Examples and choosing to destroy the best qualities in Beings..
Instead tale delight in destruction of all that is beautiful noble and heroic in the Human Spirit..
To celebrate the base, excretable shityy expressions of the Vulgar and coarse

That which has created a way of being which True existence can not support or bear
For true existence, its core is Beautiful Pride Respects Recognizeing Acknowledging that which is the best of ourselves represented by another.

Instead of being Inspired
These lay coarse beings will comptete challenge and war to prove themselves equal and even superior to those who spent their entire lifes polishing refining themselves so they may be worthy of this Beautuful setting.

I prefer the RAW materials that I can work withA Diamond in the Rough..not the ones who have chosen to be unclean vulgar coarse War Mongers against those who remind them of Beautiful Pride.in being.

P.S .. recall the Mississippi Virginia play of Imperfection Perfection
I P man
9 16. “28”
25. 28
7 10.

Jesus I bought something yesterday for 10.07 and i was to bored to equate its meaning

10 7 usd.

A Movie..
A Film.

All of it.
E Family is Jay Crew. Cast and Crew.
A E Family under cover in roles..
Diamond in the Rough.

17:41 p.m

A G D. A

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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