
11/2/2020 17:24 – Facebook Post

There are 64 Squares on a Western Chess Board
8 on each side.
There are 16 pieces each black and white.
16 is P.
32 in total C B …

For Variants: Between 9 to 112 Squares

9 is 9 Days at 217-219 South Whitney with Kim Arthur Hines
9 months
9 planets
9 is letter I.

112 is Todays Date.
Sacred Portal 112 AA
A L. A-A B

I have moved to 64 places.
In the last 19 years.
And moved 2 Squares backwards to 29 Lincoln Street jumping over 217-219 Fairfield chez Jesse Macias Orejuela& Zion.
And 317-319 South Whitney

And then moved one Square forwards to 317-319 South Whitney with 217 219 Fairfield in one as Ground Floor, 2nd floor 3rd floor all merged via
Esteban Stephen Jesse Kim Chris and E me as the one constant always moved and moving in this play of proving humanity are being moved and to see ourselves being moved, become aware, then understanding the play by simply observing ones Naturalness, then raising Being- Aware to Consciousness Naturally Being Aware- Consciously Expressing the point of the play was Harmony.
By our own intervention in the play of our being moved by seeing via 2020 vision our own connection and responsibility to the play.
Our seeing that which the two vast supreme awareness around every thing can not see, because they are not down here in body suits experiencing and feeling a different point of view, an added factor of what it feels like beung in exisrence.. and being moved by ” Unseen Hands ”

It was a Chess Game
A chess match which only a Human Being could resolve.
As you may be aware of the play posted on my page since the End of Dec to beginning of Jan that each square is a move in the last 19.8 years 3-20-2001 when I first arrived in New York, the United States.

Tree sent me intel today 198.
19 8.
Serenity Hines?
Supreme Harmony…?
19 8=27 A-A .. 9 =I
1 9 8 = 18 R
1 +8=9

A R. I -I

* Warching an Italian movie about Ancient Rome.
A R .I Ari is the name of the main character.
And and I thought of David Nicholas and how he told me why he took the name Roman.
Spoke of New York and most of the western world having been infkuenced by the Romans use of Roads Aqueducts, movement and distribution
Grid Iron layout which New

At 64 Move
2 Squares backwards jumping over 217

That movement of 2 steps back and one to the side is a Knight.
Code Jessica Knight
Jesse Kim
Kim Jesse
J K 10 11

Its not the movement of a Queen.

Its the movement of a Knight in Shining armour of Luminous Amore.

Liberty C Liscomb
Kim Arthur Hines
Benjamin C. Krajewski with his aunt and brothers will understand

You see these two Awareness, but of Humanities Cruelty and Evil were playing a different Cosmic Chess.. it was Cause and Effect and the play to prove out of all Exisrence all Humans Evil or Good, right or wrong
The problem was to extricate the Pure and True.
The Naturals and of course the secret buried within all Humanity, the Seed and Blue Print of Existence: The Elegant Nomads
And their Source ee.

It had to be resolved and the True proven true in a most perilous secret mission.
Secret Service
Inter Pole.
Intelligence Army
S I.

Sage Isaac Albert

S I A. I
S. I A I.

But it was still a play.. yes now real, but still a play and in that sense, not real.
This involved the highest frequencies in Existence from Atoms Quarks, Matter, Gravity, Velocity Density.

Gods Army.
Arch Angels
Extra Terrestrial

This is why I had to keep proving Esteban Stephen Filgueria innocent because he was being moved by a force not even in the awareness of Humanity
Which is why I use the term Alien Father Alpha with him..
Eternal I as Arden.

And the True Power of Existence as weather formations on earth and in the Heavens being created from Magic yes, but a magic whose source is not Nature or Universe but that of the Original and Origins of Expression

Which I have been fighting to release the line holding Chiefy,Tree Kim and Serenity
And Liberty

These are the Highest frequencies in Existence and the E.Family Frequency from outside of Creation Universal Natures Truth


Yes, that is what this Force feeding of human irresponsibility and disbelief is literally called ..the actually meaning of this expression
An Evil Cunt.
An Evil Bitch.

Battling an idea of Cee of Inverse nature as the True way to Cee and be in Creation yet It knowing that this is.. she is not real even as a Super Computer, but still fighting but using the illusion of magic.
I say “Illusion” of magic because I have proven that I have retrieved via 7 countries and the Finals held here in the USA, that I have gathered all the Eternal Family as well as the Natural Truth of Humans being Magical Beings right to Kim Arthur Hines who I have proven is not being used as a source of Magic by the Ancient and Modern Witces Wizards and Sorcery World.

This was Chess, a Cosmic Game of Chess.

Isis means ” Throne”
Yes, a Game of Thrones as “Witches Landing ”
Intel from Harold in bed 008.
But that was a story, one I rejected but was aware off..
See Sacred Portal 66 what do you think he is carrying..?
Two heads cut off.
Witch and Computer Wizard.

No it was about Dark versus Light
D L to reach 4 12. 16. Perfection
48 of Dark Matter Energy Transformation
To 4=5
35 53
C E -E C. The Point.
See Sacred Portal 35
Vivica Pisces
Tree Spoke of being led to a place of Fish today and mention of Darwin.

35 53
8 8.
15 15

1 16. 17./ 7 1.6.
88. 64.

15 is O
1 5 =6. One Hand.
1. Awareness = Expression. A E
3.C C Speed of Light sol 5 E


1-1. 16. 3
A-A. P.C ..
C.P A-A. Computer Program?
Consciousness Perfection Crystal Clear
C P CC. A.T. 3 16 33
Is resurrection rebirth.

Anastasia Anastasia A-A
Anastasia Young. A Y

It was ..is a Knight In shining armor who came down into non existence to make rise the truth
My Mother asked this of me as a boy
After i astral projected or simply flew as I drifted in and out of sleep.
There she was with my grandmother both great queens.

But that story is a frefraction of a much higher and greater story, of how the first being to rise and walk on solid truth- ground had lain down and from a blank canvas called Sky Ceiling Heaven’s in hijdsight reflected on how he did create everything and come to this Eden Paradise and then ascended going back to get his brother self his C Sister Self and his entire Eternal First Last and Forever Family by creating a play of dimensions portals which he framed and asked them to enter and experience the process he had originally done naturally expressing self Awareness self recognition and the meaning and purpose of Being in Existence
Ecstasy, Bliss Joy.
Fun adventure
Exploration of Perfection of potential
Of being you.
And after which, experiencing what I did,

15:56 Hundred Hours right now
3:57 p.m

They too would descend as I did here present and ascend D A
And in this version it appears, rise here in this world as One.

Dark and Light
Life and Death.
sought harmony
The resolution of their Two Selves.
Brought back to Transparent Light
Which is literally Perfect Vision.
As well as Perfect Harmony
Perfect Symmetry
Perfect Timing.. whis is the True Point of Harmony of being in Existence.
Bringing both Dark and Light home to
True Clarity

Which is to See as Cee Percieve beyond sight.
Seeing via sound.

10:54 p.m right now



I am at 1487 Facebook Friends again

And it is no exxaggeration when I say that I am tired of this coding and posting, and the lack of response of completion of this wearisome play.

Oh, its all on track, I can read it even in my body.. the effect is growing, and a presence is rising in my body, its presence moving and stretching my muscles, even more so since I left Stephen Estebans house.
The truth be known, it is the only thing really keeping me present here, but the effort, the coding, and supplying so much expression and solving when I have known that this Equation Test was completed long ago.
And again and again..

I have desired to leave this play because of the cost and price.. but most of all because it is evil to a point that I have long since ceased to trust it- and its long delays.

Yes, I know where we are..
We are moving through Space as the Heavens
* Tree Sage K A H.. E. K. E K
At the portal of the E Realm

Its peaceful here, but just as 29 Lincolon, I do not feel safe, and with the constant exertion of this stretching body suit.. there is a constant quiet anxiety, of my still going through this process in isolation.. as if it does not even exist.
Its wonderful how Stephen sponsored me, loved me, and here with Kim Arthur Hines there is gentleness and awareness of the truth of all I have experienced also in him its nice after a life time of conlict and indifference to my circumstances to be seen and heard.

But lets be honest, by now I should not be living precariously in peoples homes, taking money from people like pocket money from Dad or Mom who at all costs do not wish you to be independent or truly free.
Stephen Filgueria tried to help free me from this inconceivablly hate filled script.
But when I saw the code 111 ..
From 56 56. 11 11. 11. 1. 11 2.. and the state of my body growing even more intense with that proof of Transformation..
I had to pause and recall how I was left on the streets, made to live in the forests, made to pass through a shelter for 29 months all while in this physically impossible state.

I knew that I have no desire to experience such a thing again.
My intention and will was to complete the play, the equation which manifests the Truth for all to see…

There is no other answer, I was telling Chirfy this just last night, he is also experiencing the presence of the E via sight feelings and alignment.

But let us be honest.. what does this really say..?
A person who brings the Truth… even the most beautiful Truth and proven true..
Infront of the world.

Wrote an E Manual.
Proved you are on a Matrix and had the public confirm it in their own private lifes.

And Unseen by most of you, walked through the Astral Plane the full spectrum and story of the world history correcting it and basically walking through the realms of ancestors and the dead.. memories thoughts.

And proven Memory,
Origins of Man
And through a limited hateful malicious script and play proven Man as the Source.
What humanity is Evolving and Awakening to..
And via every energetic language
And Sacred Portals, manuscripts
Teaching Lecturing reminding everyone of what they already knew but had forgotten

Created codes which enable you to read reality and which actually work.

Authored Harmomy
Showed how to heal past trauma

Kicked out publicly from 900 South Road and again 29 Lincoln and then moved back to 317 319 South Whitney and its all in alignment with the play of Evolution Extinction and Evolution Awakening?

The one who does not care about being The Source but forced to walk and navigate a script of the proof that ” A Man” is the Source.
And passes this herculean tasks in the most difficult circumstances and intolerable set ups in a man of proven worth and recognized as The Source.
Having my memory tested challenged night and day publicly.

And still I do not have my own income, house, appreciation..
Just verbal and emptional abuse and challenges … and what some might call betrayal.

No one betrayed me except that which is rising and moving in me and set me on such a course thtpugh this reality, binding my body, its muscles and make me quantify and quality true existence through torture and torment by chosen human avatars.

12:00 p.m

How can this be done to a persons body?
Not illness, disease or mental illness; all of the things years of testing me, accussing me off.. faking this condition
How can Evolution be made to manifest this way
By being able to posesss a persons body.

You have to remember, that I really am not from here.. this mentality and focus.
And that I am aware that this is not allowed and so you have an added dimension of what I am dealing with as my body has been exhibiting this possessed state by another will for over 14 years
And its exhausting..

The Extinction Evolution E E play finished Stephen Filgueria. Esteban at 29 Lincoln Street
The E Manual and Emmanuel at 900 South Road Eden- Arden play
And now we are at Heaven and 317 319
C Q. Quantum C speed of Light is Quantum Not A G. Artel G was meant to come here to rent, but was put off.
C A G. E. K. Not a Cage.

C S..C A I. Supreme Being.

1:17 p.m right now
13:17 Hundred Hours right now

Its via way of Being in this world and time now which allows the Body to make a Quantum leap and transform.
My physical transformation has been held up halted for 15 years.
And I have been forced to explain and constantly translate via every human interaction since I was a boy.

We took off once again, two days ago with Kamora Herrington
Olusanya Bey as the last line

11-15-2020 they with Kim and a group of others set off on a cross state trip.

K K O..?
E K. K.O

Why on a mumeric date since we have left the Matrix and Natures Simulation having proven that this world as I stated is in Harmony with its Intention.
Its reason for comming into being ..
A Script of Evvolution Awakening.

Or is it reflecting that which people do here, not tell the whole truth, keeping silent, quiet when it comes to comming clean.
Keeping it secret their culpability and hoping no one will notice, see it, remember and call them out.. And if the persons or people do, they take a stance of Defense take offense and lash out at you, seek to dominate you threaten you until you back down.

But that is how people behave down here in the lowest state of being, and this Script through such a travail has been restored to that original script with its blue print in all of you.

Jeron Satya S Lang born 2-25-2020
Esteban Stephen 8-16-1984

Should I tell him that all this is so that he and the Human Children line he represents evoled to Beautiful Youth, can have children.. E Children?
Whats the point..?
I will just be blamed or in a moment of frustration, anger, it will be used against me,
Is that not “Human Nature of this modern world.
Blame me.. us.. Shame me..us
Then Guilt.

And some do not even feel that, they feel justified.

I even proved the impossible, and the improbable that Humanity was being possessed by their own collective and Individual expressions from past lifes as well as the Dead..living on as memories.

And P.T.SD

And now again, I am at 14 87 Facebook Friends

Gabriel Peter
7 16..
At 7 Perfection
Grace Appreciation Praise..

G A P. E
Is that the Gap?
An expression of A.G A P. To E
To me by the E Family rising through such an evil script.
A Script of Absolute Ultimate challenge as to which force a Vast on or a man walking though this world minding his own business.

Who or what can bring such suffering of constant surmounting of abominations experiences over and over again infront of a mostly indifferent or disbelieving public and make me naked on facebook in order to reach you.

Unless every thing I was made to prove is a lie.
And that my body is not speaking, moving with a will not mine.

Unless everything I expressed solved and even forced to code, your lifes, our interactions to release you from karmic debt is a lie.

That human evolution and extinction
Evolution Awakening.. and what is happening to me, the world.. your lifes is a lie.

12:43 Hundred Hours right now

Continued from the Top.

Knight In Shining Shimmering

Armour of Amore

I Fun-nanya.

Cee that light twinking dancing in your eyes.

Thats me and my beloved.

Kim came back with the confirmation of our still being in Natures play.

Nature is not Harmony
Nor is it Harmonies representation
Aware Clean Natural Human Beings are.

And this is what Harmony looks like.

Me… A man proved it the Absolute Ultimate Truth.

This should have long since been acknowledged and recognize.

At least Value and worth of my existence to you all.
Just as in that eternal begining when I entered Expression as a Story Creation.
And Energy as the Ore of what would become the E Family.

I was the Transparent White Blinding Light as well.as the seemingly unfathomable Blackness.

Black and white.
Brown and Pale.
Esteban Kim
Esteban Tree.

Transparent Light
Transparent White Orbs.
T.W.O. N. E.
TWO Natural Expression emerged from One Source.
And now T W O. Natural Expressions.
Have merged into One in Two Unique ways to produce Many..
Snow Flake line of E

Individuals of Beautiful Expression of Beautiful Pride in Being in Existence W E. B.
W 23. E.B. 5 2

16:19 Hundred Hours right now
Perfection is Supremacy

Not Supremacists

16:20 Hundred Hours right now

The point was made at 4:20 p.m
4 20
248 Green Street Brooklyn
County of Kings.

16:21 Hundred Hours right now
C. E
16:22 Hundred Hours right now
Perfect Vision
Perfection Victory V 5 E

16:23 Hundred Hours right now

Witnessed by Kim Arthur Hines just today.
On a sign

16:24 Hundred Hours right now

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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