
11/8/2020 16:50 – Facebook Post

E brought Bella here last night.

She from Oregon 33rd State


Sacred Portal 33

Two C’s. ..Cc. 3/3 C/C = 1 A.

E brought Bella to E K and Emeka Kim Gold.

Beautiful Body.
B B. 2 2

Heavenly Bodies

H B. 2 8

On in rising U.P

On A Electro Magnetic Field.


Sensational Feelings.

Supreme Crown of the Thread Eli Fil of Awakening Memory …

S F brought a young woman called B E L L A..H here last night I was sitting here, when they arrived.

The first thing she noticed was her name spelt out bodly on the wall in black ink felt, with a black heart.

And I saw that where I usually sit painting on the wall besides some birds..
Two birds taking flight painted in Pink Rose..
Is the name “Bella.


Bella means ” Beautiful ”

I S.. True?

I Stephen Tree Sage?
I Supreme Truth…?

I S. T. T =20. S P Lady Echo E.

Confirmation from Goddess Bliss
Sacred Portal 44
That the truth once aligned to Suffering Violence Misery

Is actually Beautiful.

That the Truth is Beautiful…?

That which I have been proving, made to prove and suffer such chastising for, such punishment for daring to hold onto that point of view, right to this moment of the End and Completion of my Proof; Standing at a perceptice, meant to be a void of my truth not fully manifesting, and my harmoniously rising transforming with the first wave and tide of the E Family awakening in this world. Which allows me to finally feel safe with otuers, now living on the same frequency with awakened memory as I.
Leading me to the last designated route linked to the code Hotel Ritz Carlton
(H R C )
And a body, now so activated that I am practically unable to leave the house.

After all the 64 portals, all the coding posting surmounting an seemingly unending story of hurt pain blame, set ups… transforming night and day..
Each expression I equate resolve and send out, Con firmed by Echo T’!
Truth 20
4 5..5 4’s

4 4 4 4 4 (5 4’s) seen by my Ardent Forced Attention and Focus, while nearly everyone Forgets.

“Where will he go.
What will he do?
His truth is not manifest.
He faces the Void.”
Say this world’s we
Watching me..this as one watches T.V
As if all this upheavel taking place in the world and society has nothing to do with them,
That this system is a well oiled machine.

But its not.
And the system is on activated auto Self Destruct.
A natural outcome for outmoded machinery long since passed optimum power.

I see no Void.

There is no emptiness in me.
Its is instead filled with a well fed stomach of contented achievement.
The decor is cool.
The company amazing

But we are still in last stages of completion backstage in the darkest point finally lightening

This is not Home
Not mine
No ones.

Not This World

No I see no Void

A Voi ” Way” C E. Cause Effect. Yes.

So why.has the universe conspired to make sure that I am almost stuck in a chair and limited even more intensely than chez Liberty C Liscomb.

Why is sponsorship, money now taken away. After the 1 USD last money play code 15
On the 15th day of my stay here.
Serial number
F 19 48. 80 62 A
F A. S D. H. H OF A
Hindsight of E Arden.
S D Sacred Portal 89.
19. 48. 80. 62..
Alien Father

No, I do not see me stepping into a Void of despair.
I proved my point, The Point
And simply no longer be treated this way, by a Script.
Like a dependent vagabond with no worth or value that he does not deserve his own home and income after contributing ones entire existence on elevation of human consciousness and Cee of The Beautiful Truth
Repeating the same Truth since age 7-8
Birth.. 8p.m.

Shrug What do you wish me to say, seated here as in enchained -Harmony Motion movement of events still no ease of my leaving and all rising.

I.have done the Impossible
And so have the E Family and the True We, The Victorious People
The Eternal Family
Sacred Portals

I have proven that the Truth can only be Beautiful via the Beautiful truth in all of you ” The Chosen Electroral Elu.. Elected.

That the We were in a play of Understanding Harmony as both an Art and Science..and Social Science

And that the I.. as Individuals were in a play of Perfection

An Impossible Dream?
I D E A. Harmony

Not at all, as I have proven by this aligning layer of layer of correlation, patterns, dimension and dimensions all fitting like layers of an onion intil aligned to its Source and Final expression.

No it was all based on a point of view.
Add Increase… Joseph! B ID EN
not the man, ( Jaymes Bond)
-this is an altered version of reality so rotten and at its end.
No this the reaching of Human Reps in a universe of the worst point of view.aligned to the Original and its Origins.

Attaining each public rep is but a “Marker”
Mark of the True View attained in the worst reality and incarnation of being in Existence.

No, I have no choice but to sit here and record as my body rises, and I recall how I landed here..
From the 64th and my identifying it correctly as the final portal The End just as I did 14 years ago just before and after, I entered Generation X Gardens at Alpha Bet City 8-26-2006.

26 USD in my wallet.
Now 17. How far will this still go…? Smh
That literally the alignment and confirmaton of that ABC playGeneratiom X
X is 24th letter.
And 2004 Manuscripts of the Origins of E.
Dedicated to Aiesha
Light in the Deepest Dark
Q I.E ! S H A. Cut
Is me.

It was about X.
I have been in Connecticut now for 24 momths.
EMF = 24

LL Liberty Liscomb.
Kamora Herrington middle name LL

12 12. 24

12 21 .. 33 1 1 6. ( 34 ..7 12 ..12 7 Leander Gemino).

I am right where the Truth wants me to be…

Chess 64
8 sides
16 black
16 white pieces

Knights Move 8-29-2019 to 29 Lincoln
1 back Full Circle 2-3 to 32
2 รท
Two Squres jumpes back wards
Knights Move.landing at 3rd C Cealia Chukwuemeka CC
Total Solar Eclipse
Oregon 33rd state.
1 and 2-3 here squares Sacred Portal 3-2 and 2-3

Kim H and Jae S ..217 219 South Whitney

K J … / J K…. 10 11 E Galaxy

H S ../ S H.
He Sings!

But the problem.. I am still here..
And there is a small room vacant..
And this is the Portal I am being held down and back from.leaving – leaving the Spirit World of Memories Mind Thought.. called here the Astral Plane.
But really my Spirited Away
Awareness Focus Atrention
On following for 19.6 years. 25
Stephen Filgueria
19.8 years. 27
Kim Arthur Hines

The Streams of the Two Supreme Doppelganger Twins line.
II and the 3 Dots.
Its the code on the yellow Bee ( and Flying Fish) painted by Arden on the mug from the Family)

Sacred Portal 79 is Sacred 79 Blue Print of Existence
79 =16 P Perfection Alien Father Awareness

All past..done.

25 +27
E B. B.G.

25 27 = 52

Esteban brought Bella here yesterday night

E Be..
Emeka IS. Truth.

My age code was 52
But it was an illusion, I never entered this Matrix
This System
I was sent undercover on a mission

My meaning is in the names

Emeka Kim. Nnamdi Kolo.
Emeka Kamora.
Esteban Kolo

But most accurately in the message from the Crown of Universe Supreme Awareness Feelings Sixth Sense.
Can only be Sensational Pure
Not simply via intention but to perfect communication and delivery of the point to message recieved by observing the messages intended effect.

So instead of panicking and entering once more into incredulity of my full awareness at the impossible evil and cruelty which even that, I had to Quantify and Qualify as that which could not be evolved transmuted and Trans formed, I am here instead coding, adding yet more expression via Awareness on the true Electro Magnetic Frequency
And immense Electro Magnetic Body ..
Beautiful, here present
Solving my way home, not using the 3 D World way but using the E C
Expression Sixth Sense. Feelings.
My Stomach belly.
And at Kim Arthur Hinds portal as I did at Estebans
I have a bed, food and access to telephone
To do this work.

I don’t want to be here.
In this once again akwards position and make things work, solve.
I would rather not even be in what was is a great body suit because this play script has gone just too, too far in celebrating Misery and Suffering- reflected in the play you as the All gave to me.

While I spent a life time proving the Facts of how the Truth can only be Beautiful as is Creation Nature Naturalness..
True Life..C

Rose Quartz.
1490 Facebook friend

A D I O.
Sacred Portal 14 & 90.


“Dead Presidents”
Bush Obama Trump Biden.

B O T B/
Beautiful Truth in full Circle of Beautty
Beaing Beautiful.

And so Esteban who brought me here to Connecticut from Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter 2 + 29 months.
31 in total
S.L. Supreme Love 19 12= 31
Jeron Satya
S Lang.
29 +31
6 Feelings Sixth Sense Full Circle Filled the Circle of Existence
Fil Gueria.. By the Warrior Healer, “Gueria” Following the Thread to its Root Cause and all the way back to its Source.

This same youth ful, and now calmed and quietened youthful man, brought Bella here to meet me.

It was insane, a stream of intel poured out of me, a download and once again I felt that quiet panic of not being in control of my own expressions, my body had become so agitated ar her arrival.. and soon I was apologizing for my expression.. but it sank in I witnessed it by her responses and her facial expressions.

She told me not to aplogize, and thanked me, she said she felt it today, that she had to come here and meet me.
Despite my telling Stephen, that I do not wish to meet anyone… as I said the first day and before I came to Connecticut.
Of course, he mainly ignored me, and was correct in that I was meant to meet every One he led me to.
And despite now being, my most exhausted and activated as if in any moment by physical body might transform… so much so that as Chiefy said, I am about to give birth..
I knew Stephens Harmony when he is chill self and even in manic hurt and confusion is beyond belief.
Its Extra Terrestrial

Esteban Tree

Stephen Tree &I.

I S. T

Happy Birthday Leander Gemino
L G . 12 7…. 19 84…103. J C 13. 4.
M.D. 4 in 1

Happy Birthday Man Twins
Leander means Man. Gemino Gemini.

He turned 12 years today.
Representing a line of evolved Children to evolved youth.
Rite of passage
” Eli” Fil… Thread.

Jump Man is connected to the holding the thread of Memory..
Memory once proven True.
Manifests as Solid Fact

Extinction or Evolve.

Always a Choice.

Stay and complete that which I know should be completed but as I have pointed out, this script is not of mine or the original script, it was one which I had to transform to the Beautiful Truth in a play of untangling an illusion creared by Human Perspective and constantly dropping the ball.
Not taking their obvious cues,taking personal responsibility for actions and expressions and perhaps, even pure intentions which did not produce not the intended result.
Hatmony is the intended result for the “We”

Even I have a Choice right now, though its a choice which is in a way not really a choice when all other choices are blocked and you can see the direction tailored for you to walk on.

As most of you have witnessed and understood by my posts these last 8.11 years.

Yes, todays date.



And especially the last 2 +29 months in the Shelter System to bring concrete evidence of the system being truly broken and now transformed literally into the 1999 Movie
The Matrix
Where peoples Energy, their Ideas Dreams, their very I.D is taken away, and like a flash of Light ” Men in Black” you have forgotten who you are.
An article written to confirm an interview arranged with Diane Sawyer in 2001, turns out to be the innocently intended observations which created not only the article “The Elegant Nomad” but also an investigation moved literally my a Higher Power literally which began to awaken in me, when I arrived in New York.
– It, I noticed, growing in strength and power as I moved unwillingly solving an unseen script of which sought Empirical Evidence, Solid Facts that the stysrem called the Matrix was not only broken, but that it had not been serviced and evolved and instead became “self reliant, self serving, mirroring perfectly its creators and those it was meant to serve.

My Grandfather had a saying, if you put one finger in red palm oil, at some point without being aware, all your fingers.. and even garment will become soiled.

The Machine, the System was created by men and since man lives mainly in his mind, rather than his body, and separated from the Body as the literal expression of the Heart. Hearth
And Feelings Sensational
Solid Facts…
Are the only thing it responds to..expanding until Boom Heart…Opens.

The Human Conscious Perception and the Frequency or vibration moving through and emanating from it, carries the taint of the point of view, your body as the batterry and storage facility using electrical Impulses and outside stimuli.
How one translates via Brain Stomach tag team what one experiences as you traverse and interface with the World versus the Aware Electro Magnetic Field, is that which becomes your attention and Focus is fixed on.
And informs your perception of reality.

Your intentions may be of the purest but if you can not access your Feelings, your true feelings and link them to the true Aware Awakened E M F ..but rather one linking connecting feelings to a World Perception and focus which drains the Body via the misery in being and the depletion of the battery body by.not walking on the True Feelings point of view
You are instead walking on a Lie.. of a World consenus of Abandonment, Lost and alone..
Confusion and soon you will even find solace in chaos.. when things always go wrong, obviously because your not walking on solid ground
Your body charged in a infinite energy loop linked to the Source of the Blue Print and One E.M Field.

At this moment.
At any given moment right Now
The Awakening and Evolution Transformation can commense.
And in the realm ” Of Moments ” not in Time.
Every moment is Beautiful.

Not this Hell and Purgatory
And a Predatory Life.

15:49 Hundred Hours right now


A E D I / I D E A!

A H!


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