
No one can Name- Define Eternity, Infinity, or even SupremacyAwareness, Harmony and Time unless you have been there and have embodied it for all to see.

No one can Name- Define Eternity, Infinity, or even SupremacyAwareness, Harmony and Time unless you have been there and have embodied it for all to see.

Then and proofed it, expanded it, clarified it until crystal Clear and it shines like a diamond invincible. Proving it emprically creating an element which can cut through anything in all realms- creation and destruction…

Making rise from nothing and sending to nothing containing something so, terrible proving that even nothingness may contain the 5th Element of Surprise.

Joy or a Heart-Attacks.

Proven that you were the Author-it, and brought it being yourself.

Until then, all definitions of it given in any dimension, from here in the ass hole of creation to the Apex of the threshold or highest point – Manifestation…

are Null and Void.

I name it anything I desire.

I define it as A Moment

It encompasses all.

In this reality, I had to fight all its given definition through words – despite none having experienced it being and described it in exacting detail.

I have personally aligned even your definition and in your language which in the end conclusion finale, turns out to all mine.

I did it your way, but to enter MY world, you will all have to obey my rules.

All documented and listed on this page.

E Man UEL.

Source Father Mother

F M= 19 – S.

Source E.Kolo.

And yes of the black Hole and the Electro Magnet Feild

By Force.


Harmony I.E


Beautiful Pride.

From here to eternity infinity to I.

10:43 pm

Perfect Timing

The Point of seeing it all Make Sense,

Common Sense.

10:44 pm.

Throne of Existence

… Game of Thrones?

And pray to tell me who is the one who defined what a throne Is?

De Fin E D. 5 4 E N 5 14 19 A I.

De Fin EDEN A is I.

10:53 pm

Jay E C…A

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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