
12/4/2020 16:36 – Facebook Post

12:45 pm.

D L.


This last supreme effort, has been based on Nature rather than the Matrix of this world.
It is about the completion of the alignment of this Planet Earth and Universe, aligned through Perspective, Perception and Perfect to Eternal Eden and Universe Supreme.

45 code above is the 45 billion planet Earth, 4 is Green and 5 is the color Blue.
I call it aquamarine, some might call it the color Teal- which when deepened becomes the colors Grey to Black.
Grey is represented as Grey Matter in the brain and black is the based of Matter – which through this Script of Nature, represents the body which aligns to black moving to Blue.

Kim ( Tree) and Jae Sherman have been the witnesses and the Avatars whom non stop information is streaming from them- which they are not fully aware ( except Kim who is growing in awareness of the fact that he is streaming)
Nor am I able to post all the data and intel i am weaving because it is happening so fast.
Sometimes i want to run away and lock myself in my room-so as to not have to hear that which I know is being directed to me.
But I have to Listen, and hear because as you have all realized, all I wish to do is go home.
And I am the middle of the phenomena of a body being literally alive as Dark Matter to Light.
L D is the code of Life and Death.
Light -Dark, and this play has been about the matter transforming to Light as well as new colors lightened up.
The Human body is made up of Black and Red which in order to transform, the blackness as death matter- the body in this story, it is connected to Earth and the 4 Elements.
Which is why, I found myself coding and aligning yesterday how forgetting represented by the Black and Awakened Memory as Transparent Light.
This then connects and links red to white, to light moving “Adam as the red man, wave merging with the Transparent Light to create Rose.
E Rose.

Thus Being as Light Bodies, comes directly from the First Light as O. the full circle not of the matrix universe simulation “I conscious” but what many here call the heavenly spheres or harmonics which lead you back via Tine as Nature, to Origins which is no longer the Full circle from which all Light Bodies or Babies if you will, emerged from.
This time is goes beyond the Original Light which all Light Bodies emerged from, but to the place I call the Origins E.
Original Expression
O E.
Original Truth.
O T.

And the only way to get there is by one who recalls not only the origins of all beyond universe as Nature- Matter, and to pass through through you must die.
Normally in this reality of nature, you die and are reborn again.
But since time has been proven empirically not to exist, by having defeated this Matrix play.
And this play especially exaggerated in me, to exemplify the human body as Dead Matter Death was dormant portential which is literally awake.
Energy links to Expression- E E which was mirrored and exemplified in the play with Eseteban Miguel Figueroa and I at 29.
Destruction via expresion but a destruction which when one sees beyond the appearance that all Energy Equates to Expression from Destruction To Light- all linked by Awareness which Arden represents.

E E= A
in this case E=A- became E E because we went backwards after my having attained the Peak by reaching Eternal Arden Nnamdi.
1:23 pm
A.W .. Yes see Adam Waldron.

Thus we went backwards to repeat the equation of the Carbon Copy of The Body- as tHe Beautiful Truth, to the play of EE which led us to Kim, ( and the battle which had to take place with what Kamora Herrington represented) The Lie as Nature and time versus the time as E-M I T, Eternal Time E T A-Moment- ad not this long drawn out play of the longest wave length red.

So in this case, instead of the physical body dying ( which many of you witnessed in me as the longing within me, to escape the truly truly hideous nature of this way of returning Home by step by step proving the Beautiful Truth.
Thus when Expression is aligned via Awareness E A E… E E= two E 11 connecting Benjamin C K – to Chris Filgueira and then Kim- we were seeing the play of the past as the body linked to the past as the Earth Universe. E U.

1:31 pm
Full Circle 13 1- 1 31
M A C…K.
Sacred Portal 131 SIAMESE TWINS.
S T.

In this last play of the body which is linked to the planet and the universe, it is this notion that the 4 elements of physical reality has the last say in transformation and passing the body through, which I have defied and stated that this is not truth.
THat all matter came from not the full circle of Light of what was called the Big Bang- but rather and Orgasmic Explosion which created that first full circle which began the story of light racing into the darkness – Darkmatter and returning after its cycle called 4.5 billion years linked and connected to the 13.8 Billion universe and the differnce between them, 9.3 billion years being the eqation of 93 I C.
Which in my sacred portals is represented by one being in a Egg HEN R.I. Reall the Cosmic Egg ( C E) and beyond The Cock or the tunnel of Love – the dark mystery, which entered the darkness from the realm beyond not only time, but the full circle which I call E… Expression which created from nothingness something called Energy Light.
E L which many have called Lord God but which I call Light as Amazing Grace.
For as we know Humanity sees through Hindsight, light which travelled here from the “Big Bang, Big Orgasm B O.
O B. Olusanya Bey code as the journey of going backwards and into the Matrix Kamora Herrington to attain the L C L.
Liberty C Liscomb represted L C L but in the female form and proving that Woman is actually Man and came from Y chromosome.
Arden to Aurelia.

Thus the great battle.. again was with Nature, which began in the Green house in Soho where in Jan I met Sue in a place which Jerry and John… J J…10 10 20 and then much later when I added Joseph to also stay.
J J J.. 30.
The Green House. G H in 2006.
26. Thanksgiving Day 14 years later.
77- 14
Chris Gemino the father of Arden Ferrill the 4 children was born 5-8-1977.
Yes, The 4 in One play.
Chris is one of the 4 but he is also aligned to the One who is two.
Arden Ferrill
Arden Ferrill Chris.
F A C…T… Tom. Twins.

So, for the body to pass through the Invisible Portal to the 5th Dimension which I call Home- the place of feelings sensational of a body of truth being a body of Eternal light E L= 17 Q.. Quantum A G.. is E.
The body had to align via Being – and connected through Aware Expression ( which I defined as Beautiful Expression as Perfect defined as Seamless symmetry EASE… Easy… Flowing being Perfectly Natural. PN.. Pearl and Norman to reach the one A. Awareness: Alaska as the Cat here and Angel age 8 at 900 South Road.

Nature as the 4 Elements held onto its claim that the body and being as Earth ( Home as it claimed) and Universe ( as Understanding Everything) has held back the Evolution Transformation of the body until i was mader to prove, through constant stimuli- answering all its questions, an excuse to prove my Universal understanding of everything and that I go beyond and the source of its Understanding by proving that i was the original being and the Family of Ten really 5 5 who manifested the Awareness and Understanding of everything, as well as filling Universe and Earth and all planets ( in every galaxy all emerged from the 9 9 really 3 3 3..all 1 model, and that I, in this play implanted and indented the knowledge of everything in all Matter and that my expression would cause everything everywhere and in every one to awake and rise.

1:58 pm.
Red Truck bought by Cris Gemino.
Wallet Arden found and presented me with two dollars left in side.
Arden Ferrill- Aurelia.

True Nature of course knows and knew my true identity despite the nature of my circumstances in this world.

2:00 pm.

Remember the bed of which Kim bought with Kamora Herrington is called Heavenly Bodies.
H B.
1982 Ben.
82 Happy Birthday.
Being Happy, Arden simple and elegant wish.

Liberty who spoke of Mari-Juana being a 7 Dimensional drug.
Jae Sherman was the last rep of the Sacred portal 7 and yes He she crossed over to 8
AS Miguel Figueroa S-He to was going through an illusion of a Broken Heart.
Really Beautiful Harmony.

* A pause just occured and a play of perfection of harmony of the Victorious Trnity ( V T- T V)
First Jae Sherman and then Kim arrived Tree Chiefy and Kim and since today was quiet, a dramatic change from the usual non stop Impulse Stimuli comming from the two of them.
Instead I had time to express vent about what I am posting now.
It was so cool… it was not even about each understanding the highest play in Known as Unknown Existence, but thier each adding data and us being literally in the same page in conversation and then I looked down to my messages and saw that Liberty had sent some intel.
I was thinking of her, and had woke up first and sent a message to Esteban Stephan M.F.
That is 5 People…
E K J L… 10 12= 22 V
E K V.
its Kwarteng Vincenzo birthday day today.Do you recall Vincent K in the Shelter?

E 11-22. Cecelia David Thanksgiving Day 2018.

Oh and of course add John Mack
Jodene Minnis in Female as Y chromosome * intel of her confirmation from Tree..Kim.
Emeka Kolo Victor.
Victor Manu
Do you see ?

It.. we went back into the past 2 years ago, recall my meeting Kelsie and Victoria that day at 29 Lincoln street.
And Stevan inviting me to his Aunts house for Thanksgiving Day where I met his mother Donna, conect Donna O Sullivan and the name of Jays 2nd Mother- the real one called Donna.
Donna means “Lady”
Do Nna.
Do.e Doe a Dear” the first note.
Red Man.. R M.. Room / MR E

All the usurpers of that truth whom I loved their Avatars, but who in fair play of first conatct did not return the same devotion and love and lightnes constant support and loyalty which I had offered them?
Each was given a fair chance to be, to contrinute, to share..
they chose they Lie.
*But Kamora Herrington is still here.
And yes she is a Mirror and played her part, it does not mean she is denied- its the role she played which was denied as is the lie.)

Do you recall the Thanksgiving Day dates, I have experinced here 3… dates 11-22, 11-28, and 11-26.
A-A V. ( B B)
A-A B H.
A-A B F (Z)

Do you recall the play with Laura Walsh versu Jae Sherman code 444- and who is the true original Astroligical Signs
Andrew Silver A S

Do you recall the photo I recently shared of me in the Starbucks Cafe date 1-19-2017.
A S .. T.Q… Truth is Quantum.
And how the next day Andrew Silver arrived as a Facebook Friend, and the return of Tisikhe Elvendertig T E/ E T Vaihere Cardonnet… Car DON ( Donald) NET.

Quantum Transformation is not dictated by the Earth or, and Universe as Matter – Physical form as Sold Form.

Man is the 5th Element and now Wu Man Go

Jae Sherman just gave me some intel of her Friend and Mirror as Truth, Jen.
Who mentioned how she has a strong connection with Guinevere, yes in the King Aruthur story
KA Kim Arthur… Hindsight Nna.
And Wonder Woman W W ( Who was Aurelia Harmony and linked to me cast as the Invisible Man. I M.
Mr Nobody
Stephen Johnson.
Mr N.O Body Ardens weight 140 N O. BO.. D.. Y.
Mr Sum Body actually.
M R S B/ B S RM.
yes all three of us are at 219 South Whitney.

3:22 pm
Aligned and connected to Liberty, no longer via Jeron or Arden Ferrill Leander or Aurelia.
S.HE stands now on her own Harmony E.

So you see, it was never Mother or Matter Nature, or Universe holding up this Evolution Quantum, or that more intel and questioning was requried.
No, the play of quantum transfomation and Evolution Awakenng was being held up by men and woman of Common sense, still holding onto thier stories of thier lifes here on the idea called Planet Earth World.
Thier hurts regrets, idea of how thier lifes should have been, love which they thought were soul mates, the constant dissapointemnts expected, when one lives in this world of Teal Swan.
The Hypnosis of the people from since the begining of “Story Time” the power of suggestion which nearly all fell prey to, hypnotising and entire world since the beginiing creating a spiral which leds no where- and yet that power of suggestion was never a power, nor did it really rule the meek- its power was the use of the beautiful truth which all have as a seed in inside of them the seed which goes beyinf even thier inception, you inception conception at the Big Orgasm.. a memory implanted from Beyond even knowing but which is present as the 6th sense and 3rd ( 1st) Eye.
3:30 pm…. 3:31pm

That “One Expected” .. The expectations of things turning out right, life being Beautiful and the Day Dreaming which truly Governs, Rules peoples lifes.
the Desire and that incredible Invisible Desire… “Will I am” to make thier dreams come true…
And to wake themselves up from what they have always somehow known… that they are walking in a Trance.

3:33 pm.

See it in people, that memory when people Sing Dance… and laugh.

Enjoying themselves.

That is when you expeience the beautful truth of Humanity and HUman Existence.. all Existence.

the truth that no one was imprisoned and that all Creation was is ..born Free.


4:35 pm

L F..E E L…

Sensational… Freedom Song
By E and All of you.

4:35 p,


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