
12/7/2020 19:33 – Facebook Post

1:29 pm.
1:30 pm.


7-11… 7-3.
6-11… 6 3.

There really is no such thing as 12 everything completes at 10 -11 month,
10-11 … 11=1… 2 Beings who align to become 1.

12= 3.

I arrived in the USA on 3-20-2001.
And entered the play of the EM Field the next day.
3-3-3… 9.

The play of 29 street ended 7-22 when I “escaped” the enders game portal of the Slavery play and the play allowed the line of Esteban as himself, one last chance by allowing him to enter Heaven’s Gate.

7-22 is G V, it’s also the code of letter that was in my locker in the shelter.

What I am saying is that the script ended the moment “I broke The Safe -OO7. and reached Gold” Kim but I had already reached Gold via Aurelia and of course myself.

This last play was about going into the past once again, to retrieve Black Brown gold of African Pangea of the past to the present.
There is no such thing as 12.
it’s really A-B.
See Sacred portal 12.

What is fascinating and terrible about this meddling by the so-called Gods- or ascended masters idea who actually thought themselves real, is how far they went in controlling people via the DNA.
And more troubling, how far they were allowed to go in their rage and vengeance to move people by accessing their DNA.

To literally oppose and challenge The Creator of True Nature and even the one undercover as the Big Brother, The Original True Creator.

1.48 pm
1.48 USD in change.

Of course, they are really Absolute Demons of the 4th kind allowed to enter the play for a moment to take their Human Avatars back down into that hell of which the 4th Kind documentary gave a hint of.

December January
D J.
F.E B…March..
F M.
yes Miguel Figueroa was M F.
So since he is gone as I had to prove that is I E K as well as I, C K, who is the force moving everything E M F Board of Harmony E moving everything from a gift via Liberty.
But why one must ask did I have to do it via a gift Liberty chose was moved to buy for me?
Why did I require that Square Waves BI-ATE 001 coded gift when I have used any surface to do my magic.

I was brought here before Jae Sherman arrived.
Was given the room S-He occupies now with the words “Magical Portal”
Emeka’s Magical Portal
E M P. I R E… Ire.. Ire Chi

And then this E M F F-AIR… F EILD.
A P R I L… / L I…R River Phoenix Arden. L is I..E. L is the space which none can claim because 12 is that love light which created C…
Yes on the tuning fork, and as each portal I passed through the Holy Espirit moving in you as 6th sense each gave me my tools and materials by Father brother Son left for me and moved you each to present to me including Silver Computer, tel.no 86 804 1905, right to the Baphomet Ring presented to me by Jae Sherman and her presenting Kim, with her “late” Bio fathers hat”
Jae is moved yes, by the highest original ore of creation as Energy Matter and the Mobile Police as absolute death but S-He also represents that common decency, and naturalness of Humanity as original disease and death purified, cleansed as matter Hot Hot Larva which formed the landmass called Hawaii Maui – rep of paradise. Polynesians.

2:16 pm.

Serenity and Erabella. Kims and Sabrina’s daughters were, born on 9-12.
I L.

2:17 pm Gavin T.

April means “OPEN”

Nnamdi was born on April 5th- 1969.
We are at A
and A J.
A H.

4th month to 9th month of September.
10th Month is October which actually means 8 and was traditionally in the west, the end of the year. at 10 which is 8.

So in truth, based on Logic and reason, this play of Time yet again was meant to end in the 9 month ( Lunar Calendar: Wolf howls at the moon) Sept-ember.
( 7 is Ember * Ever see the Amazon series “The Boys?”
The Seven Dawn but what is an ember is not a Faggot which is you blow burst into flame)
The very months which I was summoned by Death in 1992.

2:22 pm.

Who named the months?
The stars, and all these things which are used now by the world as the standard.
Who has that authority to name and ID Creation…

Micheal “Who is as God?”
its Creator or the Tenants which the Creator allowed to live and breathe because it was an expression of L… Love which would allow them through a journey reaches the third planet from the sun, C…
To Complete the act of that Love, which none could mirror or match because only It was always there in what you call the formless void and saw the potential of an idea which given a setting could arise from matter as earth creation and evolve to C.

Jae Sherman just came over and spoke about her three mothers Dodi Donna and Doreen
D D D… 444 4(3) 12 – Ore of Life Dark Matter.
add Deb 4/4 16. P A F.

You see there is 12 as the beginning of Love, Life common sense.
at Completion you reach C.
3rd Month.

Do you understand 4-5
Jae age code 45
Tatoo with the number 69.
The Skateboard Kim Tree, chiefy shared. Two Wolves undercover.

Do you recall my recounting of Albert Santana’s girlfriend called Ritz, and her saying that she too was undercover as a She-Wolf?
Katlynn Wolff.
Well, that is one of the tatoo’s Jae just showed me.
Do you recall my posting yesterday, and how Stephan Esteban arrived by here speaking about the Ritz Hotel, Miami?
R M is the 27th state, the sunshine state. A-A.
It’s the last intel he was being used to give me, before being left by his Demon he feeds on as power rage.

It’s also my Last portal- the Ritz where I was informed that the last stage in my physical transformation takes place, and that of the E family followed by the Awakening of the planet.

It is a portal representing the attainment of the Sun Shine State; represented by the elements Silver and Gold.
Andrew Silver
Seth Goldfarb.

A SS G… of God?
Sacred Portal 27.

The message being The world awakens in the blink of an eye C – Speed of light Sol .. to the 5th Note.
Sacred portal 37 ( 73/ 37 10 10 Jae Jen.
Marquise Jenkins
Mackayla John Mack.
M J M.
Johan Jordaan see meaning)
Descent of the True Gods.
Gavin T.
7-20= 27.

And the chocolate I took out and ate with the code V on the chocolate was the name, Miguel.
M as Manifestation
( Micheal Micha EL)
I had retrieved his Pearl his Soul and core via his middle name “Miguel” and cut out the rest as Esteban Filgueria for he is not the Crown or the one who sustained the Fil of awareness memory.
I am Kim is and Jae is in Eternal Arden Nnamdi Kim’s script.

* Yes, I am at again for the third time at 15 22 Facebook.

Crystal Van-hoozer C V H.

C V Harmony.
Curriculum Vitae from the moment of birth 8 pm via M.H. Manifested Harmony from moment of birth in this reality to age 7-8 when I wrote the story of the Destruction and Correction of the World back to its original truth.

*”The land before Time” Intel from Kim just before he left.

.. And yes, the story of Gods- who thought they were Gods- go back to the play of my Mother asking me to be her Knight in Shinning Armor after I visited that plane and saw the Gods concerned with the pale man as Caucasians and their fear about his anger being the cause of the destruction of the world.
Yes represented by Esteban Stephen- whose play signaled its completion as harmony Destruction he was not able to make Beautiful Rage- Meaning he represents now that beginning of the end with people going insane with rage and scarring and scaring each ( Yes Scar versus the lion King) each other in the streets, unseen by the ascended or those now safe on the true middle earth.
This is not the Lion King” L K nor Jungle Book, J B- you are in human form and right here right now, if that story was real, ( Animal Farm ) animals would be talking and ruling the world, and in truth animals, though undercover playing Gods- of Animal Supernatural natures were really humans merged with their animal nature represented by the idea of the horoscope Astrological Signs. A.S.

An animal rage in man – or domesticated farm animals as Sheep, are not the true nature of man. But the Sagittarian is- the Scorpion is, as half man have Horse Spirit- Asclepius Ophichus 13th Gate the Healer – Serpent Venom that heals and kills.
All about balance which is Human responsibility.

So yes, it never about Horror-Scopes and the Animal Gods spying on me- but rather Humans as ascended masters (smh) spying on me you- who read the book I chose with my own free will to write- declaring by writing it down that this is the one expression of truth.
But they who were spying on me in the “dark” had wrongly interpreted what i had written and had gone into fear, and like the chicken calling out that the Sky is falling- had interpreted through the fear end of Pangea – not realizing that they had interpreted evolution incorrectly, instead of what is obviously in Nature and natural law, that it was evolution not another form of the Ice Age.

I coded all this before via the play of my Uncle Pius and my mother Cecilia who had made her enter a church of Seers and they sent me intel through him
*( a hilarious play took place like a tag team just took place with Jae Sherman and then Tree, Kim with scent and perfume)
… me intel through him, of which everything they were saying and seeing was what I had posted before.
This play took place last night with Jae Sherman arriving and using words I had just a moment before written down- “Oblivious” ( Oblivion) was one of the words.
They were oblivious to any other point of view but theirs- after all they saw themselves as the highest point which is ridiculous 7 is not the highest point is it- you are still in the refracted light of Original Sound and Light of Gabriel Harmony Lightbringer literally.
to return to the original Sound “Expression” and C as Light- the original state of light as 1-7= 8 has to be restored.
These Gods were looking backward because they could not break through or realize that there was something greater than them, and which came before them.
Nor could they pass through the Great Wall of their ignorance by proving Harmony which if they had would have released them from what they thought was the wall barrier – blinded by their idea of enlightenment and yes, superiority to the mere mortals below in the playing field.
Which the so-called ascended masters thought belonged to them.

Hence this Challenge and Testing of the Earth Creations as to who is the true Land and Space Lord: from the golden yellow defecation of the source ( transformed into yellow baby diarrhea of the mouth) blinded by their own Ego and Light of that which they never created, not even their bodies could accept the fact that they were simply the reflections on a mirror of that which was down below.
As Above so below.

And here, I am as a Man, placed undercover and yet proclaiming via my being the Awakened One “Jay Brown Creating while wide awake” the true nature of Human Spirit as being wide awake and the truth 5th Element called the Element of Suprise. E O S
Yes, my former bed number, as well as my telephone number
Phone from Stephan number from Liberty.
S L…= 31 C A.
yes C is Arden.

C V H.

Curriculum Vitae Harmony from A-Z-A.
27the state the I & I rise as, and now as well as the true WE.
Victorious People now handed to the line of Jr.
Kim Jr.
K J.

April means Open “A. P.R.I L-C”
April 5th. 69.
May 20 …73.
4 years difference.
4 years a leap day year – Jump man
Neil Armstrong.
A.N 1 14 Grant Moore.
G M God is Mother?
MOT ( Word) TO.M ( Twins)
E R.

Yes, Arden ( Ward-En) recognized me as Mother *see Mother Day play.
See code posted by Key Stone La Parole.
Who said Mother is a Woman or that Father is Male?
Who wrote that law?
It’s an action and expression one to Guide and the other to Nurture teach both protect and nourish and guide but in Ying Yang ways.
Waves of natural exemplification and naturally the children Of Spring, absorb and defecate that which is shit… toxic.

We Absorb everything.

G M… recall the two boys at the Fair i attended with Liberty, blue jerseys 13 and 7?
who moved towards me right to left…
G M = 20 T.
God Manifests Truth to a Ti.

You understand why Stephen by flinging the 20 USD as he took that which was not his nor was any money given to me, Kim has been sustaining me here as I had and have sustained him.
Jae Sherman arrived and added he-r own response while Kim was away and it was only I and he.
I was supporting Kim as a guide and releasing the toxins in Jae Sherman story of her life .. until a few days ago she rose to such a height of elation- light as a feather and joy so pronounced she was all over the place while Kim and I smiled. S-He had played the guitar on her knees in absolute amazement and confirmed that this was something she had never felt and never felt S-he could ever feel.
I asked H.er, yesterday what did it mean to her, S-He replied when prompted that he had no doubt that it was the awakening.. not doubt or question about it at all.

In this reality we charge money for healers, doctors, psychologists spending often hundreds of thousands and even willing to sell your souls for some peace of Mind.

I am the prince of peace. P O P

How much is that worth, someone who can work with you and bring you to that point in 22 days?

I am fully aware of my value, even as an Every Man. E M.
E K A H.
E K A I.
J F K.
R F K.

I am fully aware as an ordinary man who was forced to give up success and all my training to go enter what you call the rock Bottom pit of human existence and share all I had, in the language of the ordinary layman for 19.9 years in the USA.

It was Free, I charged people nothing and have lived 18 years + in this play before Stephen was sent.
It was not to get me out of the shelter, anyone going back in the posts will see all the times I could have left via people, but I chose the portal which I would leave b simply reading my own personal script and that of the magic as Nnamdi Emeka Chukwuemeka Kolo.
N E C K … rising through me through my art and my breaking down its science.. which I shared with all of you.

I announced a long while ago by the stingy miserly- value and donations given to me as appreciation and gratitude that now, it was no longer free and that each line representative who did not add contribute to this play will face taxation and others who will pay with my removing their sols and souls, that pearl and perk – the privilege, of that seed of pure love and beauty planted in the Clam of your Body and Beings which now I have taken it back- and see how the truly ungrateful miserly “Scrooge” who truly felt they screwed me, was simply earning the last supreme nail in the coffin which only I can open as proven yesterday after I reopened in this story, the seal of the manhole, ( M H) and sent Stephen and his line of Demons of racism and ego superiority and need to debate and challenge back into the deepest truest most terrible black hole.
Without an iota of sadness or regret
Key Stone La Parole

The KeyStone is your word.
The Corner Stone is Loyalty to your Beautiful Truth- non of which any of you created all you were asked was to be loyal to your Source… not me.
I am not your source only my Bother Father Brother now Sister’s source am I.
Not illusions and a story which my Brother Twin had to create to reach the same rank as I C E K.

No regret.

It’s not in my nature, a long rope is given, and then it is cut forever.

Margret Mother of Pearl.
M M O P- P O M M E G RANT access not any one of you.

12 does not exist nor does December, only the date code as 25th.

Crystal Van-hoozer


C V H.

at 15 22 Facebook friends for the 3rd time C.
45 66. = 111.

Please see Sacred portal 111.

C V H, has two meaning in this play as Fork in the road and U-Turn ( Tunning Fork see sacred portal 64 and 21)

Everyone gets to go home to their Origins as the Expression via this play codes of Eternal life ( even those who will taste it for perhaps what you might call 500 years and then return to back to this point the original players and then end with this world “I ever forget or forgive… those who did not contribute or make amends”
and Absolute Death.

Fahad Hassen F H 6 8.
Beautiful Terrible Death.
Beautiful Leopard…

5:00 pm.

At last in Connecticut the 5th State “Complacency Arrogance Superiority E Rag.. E Rage. at this C A S E…
Chosen as the rep of the 5th Dimension the Eternal realm where the last of ELastic Man equation of the E Family was placed…?
White Trash aligned to Black Body Bags.

Victor is 86…
Emeka the One Trinity
Kim the One Trinity.
I V… I Victorious Trinity.

attained in my first and last …
and middle names.

“From the English word crystal for the clear, colorless glass, sometimes cut into the shape of a gemstone. The English word derives ultimately from Greek ?????????? (krystallos) meaning “ice”. It has been in use as a given name since the 19th century.”

“GemStone”, Crystal Clear.
ICE Phrozen and Frozen Rage of the Blue Flame.

Von” V..On
The name Von means Son Of and is of German origin. Von is a name that’s been used by parents who are considering unisex or non-gendered baby names–baby names that can be used for any gender.

From the German-surname prefix “Von” meaning “son of” or “from (the family of).” Or an alternative spelling of the Welsh name Vaughn, meaning “little” in the junior sense–to distinguish father from son.”

* I ignored the other meaning as “Hope” for the little people humanity
They really do not exist.

Crystal Van-hoozer

Hoozer H O O Z E R Emeka Robert.

” *But by all odds the most serious student of the matter was Jacob Piatt Dunn, Jr., Indiana historian and longtime secretary of the Indiana Historical Society. Dunn noted that “hoosier” was frequently used in many parts of the South in the 19th century for woodsmen or rough hill people. He traced the word back to “hoozer,” in the Cumberland dialect of England. This derives from the Anglo-Saxon word “hoo” meaning high or hill. In the Cumberland dialect, the word “hoozer” meant anything unusually large, presumably like a hill. It is not hard to see how this word was attached to a hill dweller or highlander.”

Top most level…
Large …
Highlander… yes literally the movie about the Immortal and yes see EzeNwanyi testimaony who actually called my mother and said my mothers voice sounded as the Ocean Breeze which is true and at the time I was living in Kew Gardens in my own apartment, in 2013.
( 33) with a law firm down stairs called “Sum-mer Breeze” S B- B S ( 219 South Witney B I A Being of A I… Arden I Kim Jae.
Bia in OINri Igbo means “Come”
Chinedu Biafra C B… 3 2
see the meaning of the name Chinedu”

** Hoosier /?hu???r/ is the official demonym for a resident of the U.S. state of Indiana. The origin of the term remains a matter of debate within the state,[1] but “Hoosier” was in general use by the 1840s,[2] having been popularized by Richmond resident John Finley’s 1833 poem “The Hoosier’s Nest”.[2] Anyone born in Indiana or a resident at the time is considered to be a Hoosier.[clarification needed][3] Indiana adopted the nickname “The Hoosier State” more than 150 years ago.[1]

“Hoosier” is used in the names of numerous Indiana-based businesses and organizations. “Hoosiers” is also the name of the Indiana University athletic teams and seven active and one disbanded”

Yes, My sister Lives in Virginia, so does the Liscomb family except for Liberty.

You recall that it is coded as the 20th state yet is also the 10th state in two lists but it was listed in the first list i researched as the 20th state. Echo and yet Liberty took the Sacred portal 20 lady Echo and it worked with here 10 10 J J T.. 2

But Indiana is the 19th State.
In Diana.
Tiffani Diana
T D.
19 is S Steven the name a Tree gave to me with a name tag dangling from a tree.
Yes, Tree Sage.

10 +9 = 19. S
20+9= 29. B I AT E 001.

10 by 10 = 100
Roman ( Mother of Romulus and Remus) founders of ancient Rome.

A Story.
Two Wolves undercover… that is not a story, that is the actual truth.

Please see the sacred portal 19 and 19 and 149 -19
That is Kims release, and his line of the true Full Circle’s I D.. Identity as the WE
AS well as Arden Nnamdi.
A N linked Kim
A N K.. E

DI-ANA is the Moon God, The Hunter.

Di means Is… The Ground, Ground Floor.
Di also means Husband who is married to the Ground
In Diana is Tiffany “Meaning The manifestation of God- attained at Grounding… Liberty. the Cee’s Sees Ore as Love.. and Devotion.
It also means “IS”

It Is what it is” is Kim just informed earlier today, is tattooed on the back of his neck.

E: N E C K E

The Hoover surname is an Anglicized form of the German and Dutch name Huber, meaning “a large measure of land” or “a man who owns a hube (a 30-60 acre parcel of land),” from the Middle High German huober and Middle Dutch huve”

J Edgar Hoover.

J… E.H.

* ohn Edgar Hoover was an American law enforcement administrator who served as the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States. Wikipedia
Born: January 1, 1895, Washington, D.C.
Died: May 2, 1972, Washington, D.C.
Height: 5? 7?

First Director F D Fifth Dimension

C I A.. A I..C… Amor Armour Ifunnanya I C is the meaning of Love .. I Conscious.. that is why I See.
That it Is what it is.

A Hoover is also used to Vacum.

*”a vacuum cleaner, properly one made by the Hoover company.”

Nature Abhors a Vacuum
hence a Vaccum does not exist because nature cuts it out .. Natural
Existence is Seamless Perfect symmetry and everything in Existence has a function and purpose- Natures abhors pollution and waste.. that which can not exist.

That is how Natue itself rises as we code, to take out that which is not in Harmony with the Truth- The True Nature of everything which made everything which came into Creation a celebration of that which was conceived and created from Source, as Whole.. Wholesome and Complete.

John Macks line has been pardoned by Nature as The Truth.
His loyalty was understood but Truth is loyalty ( he saw my Face peering from the Trees) yes Tree Sage.. Mage.

Magen James M J.

5:29 pm.

No words can describe my feelings as i sit here yet another day in this stupid infantile game.

6:30 pm

Waiting for the First Contact with I & I by the W.E D VV E
and meanwhile, I was put to work as the loweliest slave without pay.

6:31 pm

..And so few of you rebelled at such an idea.


As long as there was something to gain or hold your breath and see if it would manifest.

6:33 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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