
12/14/2020 19:43 – Facebook Post

5:55 pm.

It was a Video Game.

7-22 Confirmed by Kim but also by my awareness of the Date almost 5 Months ago, ( 5 month of fetus Jeron) in the 5th State.

22+7= 29. Lasting 24 years ( not 31 almost 32.)

10 years J.
2010 T J Taun Jay.
30 3O 36
Pierre David P D is 36.
Yes, the Green House, and the play with his own version of David Roman Nicholas he brought from France to meet me.
We found ourselves enacting The Omen ( movie) and I had to transform it to The O Men,
T O.. M. E.

He turns 36 today.
Chris Filgueria 33.
3 years apart, born on the same day.
Meet and recognized them both.
New York the 11th State and in Connecticut the 5th state.
11 -5.
5 11 is E K.

But as you can all see that the script and expression I have been expressing has always been Evolution Awakening.

E A.

And this is what the the true script which i have been publicating Equating has concluded with over and over again.

5 1…
Age code when I met Arden.
Area 51.
Sacred portal 51.

So, how is it that I was spirited away to a Contest and Competition about discovering The One.
The One what?
Source of Power- for it is obvious that this is what this contest was about.
To find the strongest, most enduring power… The most powerful.
– self-regenerating energy source and self renewable.

It definitely was not about truth, integrity, trust, honor, generosity of spirit.. sharing caring, and definitely not about the heart, or love.

It was about P.OWER.
And not the power of love.

just plain old power.

And to do what with it, and considering how I have been treated, the cost, the demand and its barbariousness, savage and ruthlessness, it was not for my benefit or even yours at all.
A Gladiator Pitt, with the crowds in the arena ( you) watching.
Most at first loudly then others, softly undertheir breath and deeply veiling their thoughts.. no sound.

And the very few quietly cheering me on.

How is it that i am the correct script which i created via my expression moved yes, but still mine too.
Enterprise Star Ship: Evolution Awakening.

Festival of Sharing 1999 Dec, was when it was canceled.. postponed.
Festival of Paylasmak.

F O P.
S O F.
S O P.

A O F P…. Free People.

6:19 pm.

The True Conversation between Expression – Energy and A-Tom, AH-Tom

TT CB E-E & A-A.
2010. T J.

How did it become me in a Gladiator Pit of Humanity was Aggressive war like Savages
War Games.
War through the ages.
Star Wars.

How did I end up in a Video Game.

Enders Game.

Ready Player One.
E G R P O / O PR. G E
Easter Egg Treasure. E E T
Cosmic Egg. C E. yes 35 usd from Kim.

G R is Golden Ratio.

G R R G Rebecca Geraci…I C A R E..I.

O P R G E 75 ( The World 12 3 35 12 35=47..
O full circle of Spreading the news to the world G E.

now we O PURGE… U.

That is the question already answered Actuality Manifestation
BluePrint Plan trajector words anointed vibrating expression supreme…Beautiful Youth. E B Y.
And instead, end up in a savage arena where tey cry for blood, let people starve, ignore anything other than their basest desires, so perverted to satisfied..

And Enders Game
Contest to the death and beyond to literal non existence…
And theone left standing coding present… is the One…?

See sacred Portal 3-2.

A question for the Ages Aged… From the being who has proven that they as well as time do not exist.
And yet why am I here, in the wrong setting but the aligned portal of my departure.. Victorious Homecoming sacred portal 111 aligned and witnessed by others in the awakening.

Something or some was meddling.

Kim just told me that Serenity called code 6 28
4 3.

6:39.. 6:40 pm.

Yes, that is the question to ask.

E A is the correct script of course.

2-25-2019. J
9-12-2015. E S.

J E SS E Maccias Jesse Jaymes?

Jay and Twan.

Oh yes.
6:42 pm

Blue… Jay… Jeron 5th Color Blue.

Blue Lighter.

6:43 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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