
12/24/2020 19:34 – Facebook Post

2:56 pm.



I have a new Facebook Friend, Patrice Human Torch Meister.

P H T M.

It is easy to understand this code
P H ( Poverty Hollow, Perfect Harmony)
T M / Micha-el Trahe just sent me a message and moment ago expressing Appreciation and Gratitude for all I have done for his awareness to be Conscious.)

T M as most of you know is aligned to Truth Manifests in solid fact for all to see as Solid Fact. S F- 6 19= 25.
And yes, I have been wondering about Christmas Day and the New Star… but hey, this is not my script I have been just decoding it and it really does not like me to assume that it is what I know it should be.

P H T M.
He becomes my 15 31 Facebook Friend, the Height, and P E A K of My Facebook Friends – since I arrived on Facebook and discovered that it was an interface at which the Play of Evolution Awakening and Extinction of the species.

And, that that for the first time in the history of the Human Species- that they, we, all had to merit and earn it, because enough knowledge had been expressed which contained all the 1-7 notes and 1-7 colors of the rainbow knowledge- which allows us to take all the fragments of “Clean” knowledge and piece them together to form a bridge, which would lead us back to Origins.
1-7= 8 and the Transparent Light of Clarity.

Hence 20 20 Perfect Vision and 2020 Vision in Hindsight.

It took me a while to realize that this was “Gods Plan” ( Truths Plan… Eternities Beautiful Truth) was to find the proof of the BE Beautiful Truth, and that humanity could no longer rely on Nature, rather nature as the 4 elements, really the 4 Cardinal Directions had supported humanities growth, and that it was time for Humanity to evolve to what was the original intention.
And that was to be the literal expression of the 5th Element which through Nature and the experience of Human Nature throughout time, that we could have all the data- tools ( yes even internet and Facebook ) to discern and choose)

An exam and questionnaire “Answer Question” A Q. and those who passed the Examination Test and Check would make a Quantum Leap Jump to the 5th Dimension which is really a species evolving back to that Eternal realm and Identity by choosing to be aware via Being and Doing and reaching the truth of Consciousness Speed of light- meaning that evolution 2020 vision required humanity to rise to the frequency of their Words via Beautiful Expression to find that their Cee was now aligned to the moment of the Big Orgasm or Big Bang and thus no longer see from the past, and through the end product as the Physical but like the term “Holy E-Spirit” see and as Gabriel told Mohammad “Read”
-( And yes, in my own Testing and Proof that I could prove that my Cee Vision could be taught and proven Perfect by having another apart from me, C which is of course now represented by Kim Arthur Hinds whom in this reality I have known for 25 months.
And yes he was designated and out of hundreds, of candidates and scores of them I was moved to investigate and share- only Kim who as Arden represents the All who are true as Perfect Being ( Naturalness) and true in Body ( True Nature) B B align back to 1 Awareness.
Meaning that since it was all set up, the answer was already known, the ones who would rise were already known, but to make this script Fair, and to prove that every one, any one could, those ones who had already risen in the eternal beginning and the begining of time were given the most difficult circumstance- to prove how it was Equal Fair from the begining of creation and that those who rose in the beginning- rose again but through a play of time in this world of which most chose to be be ignorant.

Considering the place I am in now and the amount in my wallet- all seen already by, this response from Humanity was expected and already seen.
I have 4 USD in my wallet.
letter D. U.S Universe Supreme.

Humanity in a Universal Simulation Awareness.
Awareness of 1 of our being O.N E, the Symmterical Perfection Full Circle of Naturalness and Natures Expression.

The result if the examination and test by the unseen and seen- yourselves as your True selves who emerged from the 5 who were Two now 3 lines and the One, was a play anyone here, from old man to child could understand, exemplified by the key players being a 17 years old and a 22 months old baby ( turning that age on the 25th of this months) and a 5-year-old called Serenity, Kims daughter.

I looked at Patrices page, it is well informed and demonstrates what is so apparent and clear to those who are aware. arousing .. so few, that this is the End of The World.
E O T W …O, and like a sacrificial lamb i was placed in the postion of not only calling it out to the world peoples, but also walking the path through my own Examination Test and checking, the same conclusion of my Higher Self and all the alien council and now even Nature, that there is no hope for this species, that they must be comes extinct- while the true evolve.

The truth is, what I have been compelled to observe in such detail by having the empirical experience in 7 differnt countries, forced to live with Hundreds of people in thier homes, and obserce thier lifes, work with them and share everything I knew and know, including the proof while harvesting in my heart and soul their original beautiful truth which i might add all had- by each of them recognizing me, and then oberving the lie of them, the infinite horror of having to see that over and over again, chose that hideous venomous arrogant and cruel nature, made me desire to leave this world rather than have to see up close that which they allowed and chose to become.

I knew as far back as Paris, when the awareness of the eternals and the origins of the species and its frequency made me aware that they were present in this world, and what this was about, they seeking to understand the nature of this species psyche and how thier refusal to merge with them, and my response to the unseen my the eternal Family- that these were not humans or the Naturals that this was an illusion, a species dieased.
While the True Species called the Naturals had retreated deep into themselves, because they were constantly under attack.

It was not simply a physical attack but since we had left the age of the line of Eri Yeshua who brought the understand of balance, the Heart, Conciousness Love , and of course it was rejected except as usual by the few.
And then to the line of Mohammad whose line brought the age of Expression of Reason… Read.
And this Age Empirical Evidence Age of Reason to Age of Vision, align that which we see to how we can make it real.

I knew, when I was given the data and the plan, as a boy 7.8 years old and then again by age 22, and after investigating reality, reading and studying, interviewing observing, making notes and recording all i saw in my journals Talking To The Silence, I came to the conclusion that there was no way that this species or this world will ever came to Harmony- or rise to embrace, invest in Peace and Harmony no matter what sacrifice and love care and devotion shown to them.

I did not need to experience what i was given for 31 more years, that which I already knew based on empirical knowledge and experience of my life from infancy to age 22, and by the time I reached 25 ( and tired of people calling me an Extra terrestrial and not of this world.
I already knew and so duly informed, I knew the only way was for me to rise to the frequency of the source of everything, and only then could I attain the power to move everything to Harmony perfection and the original script.

Observing Patrice’s page, I wondered the same thought I had when I observed my journey as a man in the world. ( I was always my Eternal self and always in contact with that true self and frequency, Eternal Knowing, but I was also a man a youth, undercover full aware that I was here on a mission to survey and examine the human condition and get their point of view of what it felt like to be a man, a human being in this world and to convey their point of view, and as a man, youth, used to see if humanity had an excuse to become what they had become.

I knew there was no excuse, none what so ever not to become this… especially what I have seen in Connecticut rep of the 5th State.

I knew there were Beautiful Naturals, and had felt that as a man undercover, that I would find warriors, people I had admired, warriors of spirit, who fought the system this reality… why was I not being led to them.
Why was I being led to people, who had no awareness, no sense of responsibility, so many like children spouting rhetoric but none of them really doing anything worthwhile?
I did not condemn them for their hypocrisy and complacency, I just could not understand what I was being led to them.

It is true I came to boogie, and not prove that nothing was wrong, but I felt that I would be led to people, Naturals whom I read about and feelingly met.
People who may not have been aware or remembered their Eternal Origins, but at least they were Natural and Clean and not self-absorbed, Pharisees, indifferent to what was happening in the world.

It puzzled me for a long time until I realized that this was a mission to bring the evidence, empirical, proof of the species’ ugliest truth and the cause for the evil in the world.
I was being sent to get the evidence by the E, as Awareness of which allowed the extinction of the Species.

I found many people in the world before I came to New York USA who were noble, that part of the species of Truth and integrity, and even before I came to shelter, already fully aware that this was a preset up script, I still found integrity, and even in the shelter, I found integrity and nobility of humanity, perhaps because they had been stripped of their dignity or others who had become heroes- as I had written about in The Elegant Nomad, who refused the system and were fighting undercover and because of that had ended up here.
But Connecticut… it’s made sense that I arrived here after a few months after the Black Panther movie had reached 1 billion USD in the box office and with that energy reflected in the world mirror of A Black panther Van pulling up behind me when I arrived at 114 Grant Moore.
Yes Kim and Alicia Norris
A N = 114 and then aligned to Kim.
Were there people of E Beauty here?
Yes, of course, but what they had each chosen to become, be, how they chose to see me…
I understood Esteban’s confession to me, at that moment when he was so beautiful how he despised this place.

Nothing can come near to the rage of this place, and its mentality and response to the sharing that I was sent here, to do.
They were given the best of my knowledge because I had now the sum total of my experience, was trained, and had the complete picture. No one else in my journey had the advantage the people I was sent to by Stephan, never had they all the facts and evidence and echo response of which each was able to see the truth.
Liberty was given access to me 24/7 and from the first day to the last, was given echo confirmations from the universe that everything I said was reflected back at her, via everything she would see, intel on her page, computer, children friends, everywhere she was given the confirmation of everything I said manifested.
But she never publicly posted it, never came out publicly to defend the truth, simply the facts.

4:43 pm.

it just did not make sense, until I began to understand.
it’s not that she or the people were not brilliant, rather it was a choice.
I will never downgrade the work Liberty did, but the Human Psyche the Need, and the inherent impatience and human selfish desires- made it clear that all was being placed on my shoulders… as I or Creation itself owed the world anything.

I can not begin to tell you, the feelings and loathing of this mentality, I felt and how I fought to retain the Beautiful Truth while being given the ugliest truth back in return.

Dependency on others, to do everything for them, and not taking responsibility for the Beautiful truth which they see me fighting for…

Words, words… empty words.
Forgetfulness… but how can you forget that you have been given evidence that it is the end of the world and your complacency, you twisting bending the rules, two and laws, again and again, is not going to affect the truth of what is.

It is not the Aristocratic or Nobel ones or even the wealthy who were the true evil beyond words or betrayed the Truth, rather but poor in spirit, in every level but especially the Middle Class and the choosing of complacency and of being owed.
The ones who pretend, to be good, who know, and are and have been duly informed, given everything but and still bend the truth even now.
Who require someone with a rod, a sword, whacking them constantly to pay attention, and remember that they are in a play of the end of this world.
With only one responsibility be clean, be fair be honest even if I or people such as me are not around.

No one in this reality does what I was compelled to do, remind people over and over again that what they have always known.
The ones I was sent teach, remind them how to see, read and write at which – yet if there is no threat to their comfort – they drop the ball and go right back to being the cause of Corona Virus, EEE Virus, and all the disease in this world.

After all who is Emeka Kolo?
No One.
Why should we listen to him, tell us that it is the End Of The World as you know it and that if we do not obey the laws… He was sent to guide us through, we will become Extinct.

5:22 pm.

Patrice means, just like Alicia as well as Patrick… “Aristocratic Noble Patrician”

Human Torch…
Statue of


S O L… Eternal Family.

S O L E F…
S F L E F.
S 6-12 5 6.

Meister means “German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): status name for someone who was master of his craft, from Middle High German meister ‘master’ (from Latin magister). The surname Meister is established throughout central Europe; in Poland it is also spelled Majster.”

Patrician Noble
The Human Torch
are the S O L E F…
5th Note Solfeggio
are the Eternal Family
undercover, in Human form,
Masters of the Craft of Being Human, as wells as being Eternal

What is the true nature of being Human?

The answer is right here…
It is not being imperfect or that hideous excuse, I am only human, born imperfect and in sin.

It is Patrician Noble… fighting for a cause and preparing to give up everything even one’s life, to see the true nature of humanity rise to the surface, reflected by the example of being an Individual.

I represent this.
And I knew, always knew I had a family here present undercover in this world, who Be, Do, as I have done… naturally.


Nonsense, we were just being ourselves.

i watched wrath of the Titans yesterday and was reminded yet once again how still Patrician Nobleness is still promoted as an ideal in every corner of the world.
And yet, the echo of my mother’s words she had said to be like a lash, from her own experience of that truth.
“No one cares about you Nobility Emeka, they will use it instead to destroy you”

And her words were true, but I learned to fight via E-Spirit from her womb to this very day.

Many of you might recall my post about Axel Anderson who now goes by the name Axel Love and I stated how I had witnessed him morph into a white Zeus in the alley before just days before I stated that I was made to take 21 pills to enter the realm of death.
In that alley across the street was also a martial arts school and one day, they left me, their full uniform, clothing attire as if they were saying that I was one of them.
In that alley, another mysterious person would leave me expensive leather clothing trousers and shirts.
Gifts would appear from nowhere, while I watched another play of stilt walkers coming to perform there at night.
And the people who set me up and robbed me as slept.
A rat who crawled up my trousers and slept but never bit me, and another who tried to who instead when I woke up the next day he lay Dead.

It was the place where some people say me and set up to rob the shop in the corner right beside it, a Frame Shop- setting me up as the thief. And my having to go to the police station and the detective taking one look and me and my expression and dismissing all charges, as I sat in his office.
“Obviously, it was not you” he said, “I can tell simply by looking at you and your posture that, the thieves set this all up to Frame you.”

-It was a Framing shop they had robbed.
But the last and most important intelligence, received there, was the evidence and confirmation that the original script of existence had been switched for another one.
And so when in my natural harmony led me on the 61sr day to Albert, Isaac, and Sage sitting opposite Generation X Garden 8-26-2008 and I was suddenly taken over by the energetic bodysuit of a Gorilla and pounding my chest in a fury so terrible… and rushed into the Tee Pee over an inlaid peace sign… which later A S confessed that a Voodoo had been placed there so that there would ever be world peace.
I understood where I was.

That was 14 years ago.
Do you recall Chiefy Kim in New York and King Kong 33rd Street?
and what “Kong” means.
or Kunta Kente …

It was I who was sent to rescue the truth of the line of Axel Anderson.
Man and God, alined as one.

All that is the truth of the Human being and Hue man E-Spirit.
Yes, Humanities Eternally beautiful Truth.

Patrician Noble…
Qualities represented in both Arden and Kim … and the Gemino’s… Gemini Man… Gemini Twins.

*” Ten years after defeating the Kraken, Perseus (Sam Worthington) is living a quieter life as a fisherman and sole parent to his young son. Meanwhile, trouble is brewing on Mount Olympus: The gods are weakened by mankind’s lack of devotion, and they are losing control of the Titans and their leader, Kronos, whom they imprisoned in Tartarus long ago. When Zeus is betrayed by Ares and Hades and captured by the Titans, Perseus leads a group to rescue him and save mankind from the ancient beings.
Release date: March 30, 2012 (USA)
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Film series: Clash of the Titans
Box office: 302 million USD
Budget: 150 million USD”

84.. 94 ten years later…

P H T M…
16 8… 20 13
24 …. 33.
6 chakra lined to 7 which is 8 to I

6 is 9…Pineal Gland. 16 7 P G.

N Z 67 67 46 B.

13. M- A-C.

A C M e…4/3 .. E=CM.e4/3.
Equation of Infinite Energy
E and A same thing.
Expression is Awareness.

A Course In Miracles… an “I” was missing in that equation.

A C I… M… Man Manifests.

7.8 Billion People currently in this World planet,
14 87 intel.
Kim just gave me a gift of 20 usd.
now i have 24 USD in my wallet

6:04 pm.

yes aligned to the literal date.

and Brian Dempsey left me a message… have not had a moment yet to read it.

B D 24

6:18 pm
F R.

Sacred Portal 14
Only Evolution of Consciousness I knew, could transform the World.
Nothing else.
So i climbed the ladder to reach the Source.
it was not my intention, i thought it was enough that I found the solution and that another could take it from there.
But as I observed my trajectory and that I was climbing hugher and higher leaving all i cherished here ( except my Mother – Harmony and Nnamdi Emmanuel ) behind, memory started comming back in deatil and when i attained the PEAK… Apex in 1992 and then in 2002, the face I saw staring back at me was me.

And I was sent back down to get the E Family contained in Human form and they rose in 2004 which is when I wote the Original creation story Aiesha SHE and the family of T E N.
The Elegant Nomads, the 1 3 6 9 planets as well as the Sum and the one planet which became before all in Scorpio.

And then came the battle in in 17th street to Hells Kicthen
And 2010 the arrival of light beings at Pelham Bay Park witnessed with me by Fritz Venneiqu. F V


K V… V V.

And 15 years 69= 15 x =54 O E D E N. O E D S… ( N,E= 19 S)

And 14 years to my incredulity of proving Evolution of consciousness via a corrupted and diseased point of view, created by the lie of what is being a Human.

Evolution of consciousness…

Here is the answer.

6:31 pm

That was the exact time that Dr & Professor Partick Ikem Okolo was able on the 3rd try to reach me.

510.00 USD from him.

Dean Dunkwu 800 usd sent to me.

330.00 USD from my Hi School via Dean and Chidi Nwosu.

6:33 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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