
1/2/2021 18:55 – Facebook Post

3:04 pm.

C.F D.

A-B-T.B.A. Yes, A Full Circle.


There is only myself and Kim here.
We have concluded our conversation and mission, the Supernatural to the Eternal and Infinite.

And despite my being fully aware that the majority of my Facebook friends are Avatars, or Avatar Descendants most have no idea what my posting day after day for the past 9 years has been about, and why I refused to have this conversation with the Silence publicly and on such a forum called Facebook.

Because it was forced, and is unrealistic, and because I am fully aware of the mentality of this reality, and most of all if this is Evolution Awakening, then the word “Awakening” literally implies that everyone is still asleep, in a coma, in either of the two Parallel universes of which some might call Day and Night, or History, a distorted histor we, you live within. AKA as the cause and effect of Human existence here in this thing called “World of Words”
And another, as the Observer and actor in watching the movies.
Each influencing the other, with no resolution since does Art mirror life or life mirror art- and if none of them are based on Actual Facts of the truth of human existence and the foundation truth of being in this world in which Imagination ( tainted with fear and need, twisted ego) and the other which we walk in the other we create… without the resolution of these two parallel universes, each influencing each other- that dance can go on for… no, not forever it moves to self-destruction because all creation is founded on facts, not opinions or points of view of perversion of the foundation…

To be honest, this society of selfies and nonstop public masturbation ( and not even enticing, inspiring, or well done) has become a narcissistic hell hole, especially for the naturals, the clean.

And when I found myself watching Benjamin Button last night, and seeing as the last of the resolution of Fiction Fantasy to Fact all the way to play of 900 South Road and then to Kim and I present here.
( Serenity is back with Queen)
Brad Pitt.
Jennifer Aniston J A.
Angeline Jolie A J
I did not feel it necessary any longer to explain the obvious to you.
Friends J A – to A J.
Arden and his Godmother- her memory of being undercover in a mission with Angelina Jolie.
JA -moves to AJ.
Arden Jeron,
Arden Jay.
Aurelia Jayden.
Name meaning.
Jay and Tuan -Jeron 1996 The Collection.
T C. / C T Connecticut 5th State.
203/ 302.
23 32
5 5
1 10 A J 55 25
Sacred Portal 110.
Sacred Portal 25.
Dec 25th. Christmas Star.
Jupiter Saturn… 5th 6th from Earth 3rd Planet.

3 56.

25 Y chromosome.

1 10 25.
1 35.
A: C E.

Benjamin Button literally means “The Right Button- The Button that which sits right next to God.
God of course means the Beautiful Truth. B T.
And has landed at Arden and Kim.

The Correct Button to Press.
Ring the Buzzer, the Bell A.
Bell EA Vue.

Not the Menorah button of the Jewish Tree of life.

3:30 pm but rather the Family Tree of the E family beyond time and within time.

Belly Button- the connector.
Umbilical Chord, tunnel of Love via Golden Spirials Loops of Time, Stairways, Star Gates, Full Circles,
Navel Navy -Mavi. Aegean Sea
Blue Seas… I began watching Oceans 13 last night the movie.

Kim just walked in, and I asked him about the post, He understood everything.
That is all required, One person understood, and I have two whom I know for sure understand what I have been coding and doing.

That is all I require.
But by God, I exclaimed to Kim, the rest of the world people ( except the Noble true line of the Human race) are missing the most exquisitely fantastic gorgeous play of the I.E Line of Beautiful Youth!

I have seen and even made to live in the reality which the rest of these human unnatural chose to focus on COVID 19 – the Distfraction created while the E Family gather the Total Collection, the T Sum of ourselves, and carbon copies ( Reflections as Bodies) now aligned to One Diamond Clarity represented by Kim.

Including the blue print of the planet and the universe, we have taken back all of it.. everything while the illusions of your selves the unnatural focus on that which you are used to.

The Poison Fart has been organized as that parting shot we leave behind.
kiss of the Dragons.

Right under your noses, having made use of that pompous, conceited superior no it all notion of fake selves of what is and is not, what can not be and what can be.
Which we used against you.. or at least they did.

I am still playing Clark Kent, KA.EL ( KAH E.L) and I am still being used as the decoy, while stealing Beauty back from all of you, right under your noses.

Of course, I am furious with this play the script and will never forgive them for letting me endure so much undercover and Arden line Aurelia Kim, etc all over the world.

3:50 pm.

But I can not help but chuckle at the brazen balls and exquisite beauty of the play of Mother Father ( Masculine Feminine)
My mouth is literally wide open…

3;51 pm

Yes, Awe… No, you did you?
( or their would be a crowd outside this door, or words of praise and awe on my page and kims and Stephens)
Its all I can do right now inside me qietly byr gasp as the full picture of their Plan-ET unfolds.
The Audacity!!

( yes a tinge of admiration… okay, alot)
Yes, they did not take into consideration leaving me to carry the ball and continue recording and equating, so yes I am pissed as hell with them, but lord have mercy! I love them, and I love their play.

original gangster but of the coolest classiest sort.
Did you ever see the movie The Thomas Crown affair?

I did say, that my family is the ultimate beautiful Devils did I not?
Mischief and Mayhem?
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Hephaestus Olokun in your stories Aphrodite, Mami Wata but you could not recognize us through your own stories, because we make ours so cool updated, Avant Garde, common sense.

Ah, once Kim, looked and me and said yes he understood it all.

3:57 pm
3.57 U.S.D.

I finally realized why I woke you today, despite my body being twisted ( meaning it wanted me to post… and yes, the coil, kundalini is unfurling as we… I post) I understand why I am in such a jolly mood.

My Family even to my bio family, are very, very, naughty and irresistible beings- you can not see them coming and as you witness even in Arden, they make even me nervous, because they know the exact buttons to push to make me despite how furious I am, and set in my decision No!.
To make me burst out laughing and literally know which buttons to give me a Morning Wood…
No… sigh, in this regard they do not play fair.
And so yesterday as decoded Brad Pitt and then the crew of Oceans… ( Do you recall the singer Billy Ocean? B O)

I will of course strangle them, and have geared and girded myself up, as much as I can to do give in to the attacks of the wiles and charms, and found ways to deal with my awareness of how they know how to push the most secret buttons, which make me melt, because lord there must be consequences even for them… Of course nowhere near the species going out of existence, and other consequences.
No, these ones, always disarm me, and are my Eternal Loves and each day even in human form undercover in this last wretched scene, where my admiration respect and let’s face it, awe and wonder…. at their Beauty and Brazen outrageous cheek and balls, I will not yield ( at least not completely to their unforgettable charms) Bloody Cheek!

..And to this backdrop… Connecticut, USA… World of Covid focus, and me here in the center sustaining our E Frequency while they use me to complete the long elaborate play and script.
Knowing that somehow, I would see it Cee it and eyes widen ( can not help myself) in understanding their plan.

True I will still leave at some point (let’s are honest, this went way too far, way too far, even for a movie that will be the herald of that Eternal Moments final completion
The First 123 Cocksure of the Awakening, Guess who?
E Mother and Father.
Emeka Masculine Feminine.
But the three are apart from me, playing me!
in ONE =1 A.
The Cheek!

The great thing is that I no longer have to explain… Thank Hallelujah… Praise! Praise!
Playing the decoy and distraction..

Because it is obvious that you can all read, Cee See, Feel, Taste Touch Smell, Sense… Eternal Knowing, because Arden Kim Aurelia Jeron to Serenity to Stephen Johnson are the representative bodies representing the proof.

I mean what did you expect?
If the Virus as Humanity knew we were coming and set a trap for us via a contest, competition, Challenge, what would you expect from us a response to such a challenge?
we would come as the Conte ST. Con men dressed as princes and royal majestic objects of your secret desires.
Comp ET Ion. Add L E I ON- Completion Ion
C I.
And C H…

5:08.. 5:09 pm.

For the first time since I was invited here by Kim, and Moved BY E to land here, I took some time to enter the Living Room, take a seat and relax.
Rest & Repose.

I was aware that I had not finished this post, but Kim had come back from Cosmos International where one of the two managers who works there whom he had already when i was last here on the 3rd floor, he had told me about, I knew who they were. * See Sacred Portal 19.

5:11 pm.

Cosmos International
C I.
E GA LA X Y 1O 11 C I.

I did say we are taking everything with us, including the ground, “Heimadall” The Sentinental, the run way, the very ground beneath your feet, as well as the green screen, white light screen – background lighting…
Everything we are taking with us, including the Tree of Life and the Family Tree.

Yes Inclduing Kim Chiefy Kim and his own choosing of his immediate family Tree to it very Heart Core….
Unity Laughter U L 21 12
33 CC
First Breathe.

Henrietta was the one who had given him a gift, a wooden drum, a long phallic drum with a hide top.
It belonged to her Father, who traded in WEst Africa
*Jae had been moved to give Kim her Faher old hunting- fishing hat.

Hat Drum.
Unity Boom! Boom!
Laughter is the Unifier, and our Laughter creates the Big Orgasm for us, but for the unnatural, the Bomb.

The Unnaturals wished to do everything from our taking Mike/ Kim-e back.

5:20 pm


We really are amazing theives, we steal back waht you stole from us, all that belongs to us, yes from the Heart of the Universe where you threw our truth, in what you thought world wizards and warlocks was a bottomless pit, to the Masks and Drums of Ancient Africa- America where the secret of craftsmanship “THe Golden Ratio” Mason 33 laid out codes.

Well Done Alicia Norris

S O A.
S F. A. C E…

Royal and Riegn Santana.
Robert Redford.
Red to Red.
Sacred Portal 57.

Donald Trump.
Trum means “Drum or & Trumpet”
Heart Beat.
I beat the Spell of the Heart Attack.

When Kim came back, moved he said to me, to do something to move the play forwards..
my stomach leaped by the will of something else within me, but i too beamed in recognition.

Scene Two of the stories of colors set in Istanbul Turkey, the Theater Production, inspired by the Self Portrait of Myself and yes Gerald.

I knew what it really meant- this Drum so casually presented to Kim- the significance…

So for the first time, I went to the Living Room and relaxed, paused to chuckle and take in the play with wonder.
Yes, fully aware of Kims vision truth of gathering in the living room in the house of M.ic.ha EL
( / LE “Q.H I” AH C I… M… Course In Mircales)
I paused, took in the moment, coded the last eqautions on Kims Door and faced the Exit… Kim and the line he represents will not be satying behind after all, even in the retsored world, nor will he come down here to work any longer as prophesized, he and his line of Every Thing E T ALL.. are leaving with me I E K Family Definition Perfected.

And so I paused, starring at the door, then still chuckling, I have returned to the Kitchen Table to complte the play of 15 35 Facebook Friend at 5:50 pm.

Rodney Ramage.
Yes a Mage is a Magician of Infinity R is Roberty… A M A.G. E.

Yes ROD N -E Y.

Let us Pause…

Not for prayer… but to let this soak in and digest. Chuckle Chuckle chuckle…. Those scallywags.


5:55 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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