
Always be impeccable with your word.

Always be impeccable with your word.

Do what you say you would do or expressed.

That is why there is no trust left in this realm. Keep your promises and if you can, in good time call alert and make amends.

To leave people hanging is the meaning of rude and selfish behaviour which breeds resentment, at not be seen or respected and it goes downhill from there.

Communication shuts down and the presence of God, the Creator, a man such as me, MY SELF… SELVES transforms from the Warm Sunshine State Smile into a Black Hole of Existential Death.

Because we are simply gone.

Because I am Gone.

Not here anymore.

E Go.


Never to look back,

and you will discover that there is no one, no body, not an expression which can ever fill that Void.

That is how you realize now, something is missing, and whoever looks back sees the echoes- backward in Hindsight foresight, Full Circle, the confirmation of that response.

And that which is missing recollects the expression coming back to them from through the ages, that enormous gaping void Your Gonna miss me when I am gone which becomes the true meaning of empty space, what was once like solid ground is gone, transformed now into an Eternal Self Aware, Vortex, The Toliet, flushes you out of existence because you could not respect that very thing which brought you into existence and being, even after He, S.He They… I present you with our impeccable credentials.


Dharma Santana.


Now there is a real Black Hole.

8:33 pm.



I am already Gone only my body is here, and that will be gone soon too.

9:00 pm Edit.

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