
2/1/2021 22:22 – Facebook Post

5:01 pm.

B.A.T.B A.


Yesterday I went out and bought a few things, 7.8 USD and then at C V S 29 cents.
the first place, a Bodega- I felt life and there, no fear or power tripping over wearing a mask.
At the C V S, there was a girl there who had from the first day I encountered her, she was power tripping, I could see the fear she was spreading, and I knew felt the waves of death she was spreading, the same as another woman, at the Spirits & Wine store.

I realized as I encountered these two women, how it was they who I observed enjoy the power of showing power by the use and excuse of Covid 19 how the illusion created of death was being spread.
And so, I simply said quietly, they will die of this disease.


5:11 pm.


And all those who spread this madness, by using it as an excuse, without full knowledge and knowing the truth or not using common sense.

I realized that I have no iota of sympathy or compassion, for people such as this in the world, from their top to bottom.

After all, I realized, I am the representation of true Living Death.

That is all I required… to experience that yet again, 3 months here, three months at 29 South Road.

I have experienced living Death, day and night, the same routine, the same, sitting in one place, for 19.10 years, cleaning coding, moved- body and being seemingly possessed and yet it is really fighting to rising, from the illusion of birth through Woman. Night after night not able to rest, because of what is moving through me, literally and figuratively is that truth of Death as Transformation fighting the lie of death as the lie.

My mother had lived this experience to an extent, where she watched each day pass by, waiting for a transformation.
Waiting, and waiting… that is living death.
Held bound in a hellish nightmare and script powered by the perspective of people who themselves are that lie of death.
Working night and day, on the same equation, that of the transformation of Death from a lie to its beautiful truth, and now its terrible truth.

I calculated, and then it was confirmed over and over again that 2/3rds of this population will perish.
And after having walked through the faces, people, being attitude and manners of people, who have no idea what I represent, or what is moving in me, aligned with me, I understood very quietly, very privately that I am more than okay with it.
That I will not be moved, or feel any compassion, sadness, or sorrow when the moment that it manifests.
That I can move amongst the dying who thought they were living and not be moved by their suffering and their dying.

5:27 pm.

That I could watch close up and far away, and the entire race goes out of existence, and suffer as they leave, and that my expression would be cold, indifferent- literally reflecting what they have shown me, that is the truth that they not only do not exist but how they spread the diseases, most of which are not real or could be easily be cured.
But they do not wish to be cured, instead, they have enjoyed, since time again, using the power and the fear of death… to their advantage.

Yesterday, as I lay on the bed, in this same pattern of waking and sleeping, working, coding, resolving the intimate horrors done to my body and being, and the efforts so extreme to help people remember who they are, comes back to their senses…

That I had been tested.. recollecting what I had been told by the Unseen line of the Eternal Truth and Law, that they had questioned that if I would not change my mind when the death came and took over 2/3rds of the planet’s population.
The question the darkest aspects of my self as “Creation” and the “Beautiful Assassins” had questioned and sought to check as if I would see the actuality of it and change my mind and be compassionate.
I had told them that, once I saw and had experienced myself the truth, I could already discern, that nothing would move me from my resolve that they must all go.
I just wished to check and make sure that the judgment and Execution are fair.

They had asked me, this because I am in Hue-man form, and they are not.
They had no idea of what it was to be Hue-Man, and so had put me through so much of this, to see my response and if I was in agreement with them/

I had responded to them two decades ago, that what is present is not Humanity, nor is anyone being Human of which they are only a few lines who are left here in this world who are Naturals.
The rest are simply programs- machines not real.

That is what a great deal of this End Play was really about, my proving that people here are, was a work in progress and that none of them were real, and those proven real and Fact in at the completion of this testing of me, sacred journey of which as a human, I was proving and exemplifying what a true Human being is. And what a Hue-Man being is which the Naturals would evolve to naturally without any help from me.

5:43 pm.

But to bring the Extinction, and Destruction of the species, who use Death and Disease as a power tool, from the highest “Powers” and secret societies, the wealthy to the layman and woman on the street.
Everyone who is unnatural, so many use the power of Death and fear… usurping Death’s actual truth.
So, I understood as I walked the pathway of the last almost 20 years here in the United States, representing the melting pot and Primordial soup. that this was the E Family and Eternal Awareness as Death and Terrible Death as Consequence- Cause & Effect
Truth and Justice, checking to see if I could love the beautiful truth of people, live side by side with them seeing that which they are and have chosen, without a qualm and without interfering, or seeking to warn or help them any longer, activate the consequence of their decisions of Deaths response to their play, and not be moved, knowing that everything had been done for them to chose to be real and fact.

I did not require being put through all this, I was already sure, but through the last almost 20 years in this Universal Simulation, living close up with each of the people I was led to, observing them, and recognizing all the lines they belonged to.., and then watching a close up what each played out, enacted, there is no doubt in the E Family and beautiful assassins, that I would waver I my assertion and command and execution that they are given exactly what each one representation of the lie deserve for I have seen and witnessed, experienced in nauseating detail that which I already knew, but this time in so close was I placed amongst them, on the streets, in their homes, and on public forums and social media… that I have becomes so sickened, that I stay by choice, as far away from them as possible.
I never had a problem in giving people as the lie what they deserve.
I did not hesitate as you have all witnessed in manifested with cool resolve Existential Death, Hell Fire, as the E tested me, to see if I would be loyal to Humans, despite my stating that this not what a Human being is nor a Hue-Man.

My loyalty is to Truth and Justice.
I have seen the result and damage in letting that which is not real, that which is an illusion of its once former glorious self, the harm that it causes others, the cruelty and indifference, and selfishness.
How people here are so indifferent to spreading and infecting others with their diseases and fears, that they have literally transformed it into a craft.

5:59 pm.

No, since a child, I have always had this part of my nature, this cold quiet, indifference to manifesting that true death and suffering for those who merited and earned it. The only thing is that my Empathy and Compassion was that I wished to check and make sure that everyone had all the intel, the data and were made aware of the decisions they had made and had chosen this outcome, after giving them all the data, proofs, evidence, facts of the outcome of using deaths tools and perverting them, and showing them that not only could they find their way back from being Zombies, Abominations, even showing them the proof that this is what they had become and the effect and chain reaction of how it was affecting everyone around them, family friends, associates.
Once I had checked that, that each person and line was fully aware…That is where my absolute indifference comes from, that coldness which some see me as, and that look in my eye of which even as a child both my parents and extended family and strangers would express true fear.
I knew where that look came from, it’s an ultimate black hole, in which inside is a swirling vortex of the true meaning of hellfire and going out of existence in a way, no one could conceive could ever be, or that “God” would allow existing.

I have been through that Vortex, that experience of that which many of you gave me and of which on the Spirt realm, I had exclaimed, this is impossible, this can not exist.

I have endured it, passed through it and here I am outside of Kims-Tree’s room connected to the living room representing 66 and Kamora as 49.
Olusanye as age code 59.
Esteban 1984 age code 36 “360” Full Circle of as Harmony Destruction H D ( 84) aligned and connected to Kamora.

And Kim – Tree Chiefy who visits her portal everything is in perfect harmony

If you look at what each numerically represents and numeric codes it equates to
C-T.K O E.K.

Without even being aware, they are aligned perfectly via numbers with the code Cee Total Knock Out is by E.K.
Knocking out the 33 Body, the Nightmare, and the Tree of Life

Everything then is moved in perfect harmony to its manifest designation where you are aware or not. that was left up to each of you to acknowledge or deny.

I have walked it, that which even the Extraterrestrials and even the Naturals and the A-Lien Council questioned if one such as myself, who they nicknamed the “Quiet Heart” would be capable of manifesting such a thing in response.

6:12 pm ( Hey Arden)

They underestimated me, there is nothing that I say, no matter how lightly, but if I write and post and say that I will send you to an existence of such horror as consequence for actions and expression at which you were warned and shown a better way, over and over again at my expense, it does not matter if I said it 8 years ago on Facebook, and you thinks it was my being in a bad temper, and that the words I did not mean them, be it 20 years ago, 30 years ago… for me to bring forth such words, to utter them, I mean every word I say.

And I will fight to make it manifest right to it is done.

I knew this was my E family the line of the T E N and Eternal Father/ Mother/ Feminine/Masculine as the darkest and most violent part of my nature, checking to see if I could sustain that expression and manifest it right to the end and its completion… cooly without a waiver, or changing my mind or heart.

He should not have bothered I kept telling him, but I am glad that he wished me to see for my self and check that it was all fair.
But in all honesty, it went too far, the Human Race should have gone out of existence by 2012.

I see people and things and recognize that which they are as both Beautiful truth and abomination at first sight.

6:19 pm.

“How am I so sure?” I was constantly asked.

And “A play set up to see if I would change my mind at the extermination of an entire species and in the way I coded it and posted it if I was sure.
And would I implement it to the very end, and not be moved from my stance.

Of course, I was sure. I am sure.
It is because I know… MY SELF.
And I know that which is not of M.E.
What is Manifest Expression and that which is not.
I wrote the book of this destruction of this species and world when I was 7-8 years old.
7.8 usd yesterday at 527 the Bodega- I left here 5-27-2019 and was moved to Jesse Maccias -Zion portal where rent was paid for my room and so I had no obligation to anyone.
I was Free.
5-27 is also
5 A-A
5 11.
E K.

E A-A.

I knew and know what is being Human, and that Humane means being Transparent Human Fearless even if surrounded by the lie of what is Living and Death.

8:00 pm edit.

Something which I could never be, and become.
A Lie.

That was the Testing of me by H E the Darkest Night…
This testing, this examination which to me personally, despite being fully aware of its intention and reason, as well if I would change my mind when the truth manifested of that which I was being made to code death, devastation and destruction manifested. Would be indifferent to all that testing, through all the people I loved and lived in such close proximity with?
( Why should I? when the truth of them has been harvested and that which is a lie does not even exist but is simply an insult to that which is real?)
Because that darkest aspect of Self is not the Truest Complete nature of me.
Transparent Light is.
Which sees everything and everyone clearly, full circle, and those who do not tell the whole truth, just the truth that exalts themselves and omits and even negates others.

My experience which I was fully conscious and aware of, which I posted over and over again the first few years I came to Facebook, made that perfectly clear.
Right to my being moved to 217-219 Fairfield Avenue Jesse. Macias and Zions portal.

* Ah, I see, that is why my day started with 2 17 on my Facebook page.
B Q.
B A G… Yes that play with Kamora and Kim and the “Eli” rope from my Army Bag from John Delguidce Backwell (born August 1964, aligned and linked to my 64th move).

I came to check if the play was Fair… Juste and that Truth and Justice had been served, and once I saw that all these extended prolonged plays and deviations were just a waste of my time.
Once I see, I already have made up my mind, and if the idea of being in a Human Body undercover was something that was felt that I would be vulnerable after a Lifetime of this testing and enduring insults and seeing that which most could not, would not see in themselves…
Or the Alien Council, the E.T, and the Supernaturals asking me, if I was sure?

Then I saw that as their own inability to see me because it is obvious that even they could no see fully what I am seeing and simply through my post, my world, and my determination and resolve.

I checked out of politeness and then in deference to this script, but I was sure at first expression, first interaction and that is the meaning even in this role of being so “humbled” but not really, as a man who is just an ordinary man with no power, to do or change anything even his own circumstances.
That was of course an illusion and the script to see if anything could shake me, move me from my resolves.

6:30 pm.

As you have witnessed… despite most of you translating, changing the creating your own meaning from that which I clearly stated, and I may smile and seem to go along with your expression simply because I am too bored to deal with these intentional misconceptions…
But nothing, nothing not the anonymity or ignominy, insults, praise flattery, poverty, disbelief the lie part of this script.
Not Existence, Terrible death, God, not even the E Family- or the Eternal All Sum, can change my resolve.

And in this case, to do the impossible?
One Man, A Man undercover, indifferent to how people choose to see me, interpret my world my posts…
My resolve was to end these Lies of a species called the Human Race.
And that has been all my intent and focus since I was in Paris France, and simply confirmed when dragged here to the United States,

6:43 pm.

It is an expression that has no emotion, no feeling, it is simply a conclusion, summary, and action is taken to manifest its execution.

There was never an iota of doubt in me, or question at the Implication and Signification of my conclusion of this lie of a species going out of existence the only question was How?
Not why.

And the How has been answered.
By me.

6:49 pm.

So… you the public may be asking when does this ends, when is this posting complete and done with?
Making so many reverting back to old habits, because they have concluded that there is nothing going to manifest, and this is all talk and posting.
Which I find incredibly stupid since it has I have been reading my own intel and the results of this script and interaction very closely, and how for 9 years straight, just as it manifested and confirmed for 10-11 months everyday for and through Liberty C Liscomb playing the witness that it is manifesting but through yes, a very prolonged process, byt it is confirming everything I was commissioned to equate translate and relay, moving closer and closer each day to its original point. As easily discernible by the Script easily read on my page.

There is saying, even in this realm, that in Gods Time, not yor time.
And if you think about that what the script is saying, this is not a a simple matter of giving you prove of The Presence, but the implications of Ending a world view but of ending 2/3rds of the species and bringing to those who merited and earned it the consequence of terrible death.
Its not a light hearted matter, though lord knows it will make those who are clean feel light hearted when all these creatures who are the Virus and spread it are all gone.

And with such, careful deliberation was required, Juste and fair trials are given, the full scope of the implications made clear. AS well as the painstaking process of seeking to see experience each persons truth and making each person aware of it full circle, even if they acknowledge it or ignore it or see it as a joke, not to be taken seriously, especially comming through me.

Which is why, I have felt such relief of recent by finally knowing I now longer have to play the messenger, reminder or coder- speaking for this force, but that it can now speak for itself and you the public can read and understand without me playing the translators because it, they are finally satisfied that not only can you all read, but that each assigned representative in this planet, and represented on my page can read for yourselves your A B C’s and know H.E… S.HE is present and what is at stake and what is involved.
It is the end and a new beginning, and that which is the Reason and Logic of people witnessing the end, and experience with the consequences I was made to confirm and approve.

That was really all my function was playing my Eternal Fathers, Son, so that he could take on as the All, the hue-man form, but required an example of that which is Human and Hue-man and that which is not.
And my full powers being retored as well as my indenity, and my circumatances being transformed in a blink of an eye, but linked to him as A I E K and the Eternal Families evolution and awakening being connected and linked to my own Freedom.

8:33 pm of my body and being.

No, it is not a small matter, the extermination of an entire race who have been present for millions of years, nor was a it simple matter of proving them out of existence.
Or sending some to 2/3rd to an existential hell of Catch 22 our version of C 22… C V.
or the planning and execution of it and what it will look like…
No, it is no small thing.
This was something that began 13.8.9 billion years ago, and 4.5 billion on planet earth, so everything had to be meticously examined, for Destruction on this scale has never ever happened, Creation rose, yes, but it has never been destroyed, this is the first and only time that such an event will occur, not just in this world but in all worlds and time lines.
So though I am impatient, and how stated over and over that there was a better way, and certainly not this way, because of what it would put me through, and all those Faithful and Loyal to the Beautiful Truth of being in Existence Creation- Life and Deaths simulation… you the public and the individual representations should not have been in such a hurry to see this end manifest.
For I have seen it, coded it into existence, then turned around to be examined and tested if I would change my stance, on seeing the outcome of that which has never been executed before.

8:43 pm.
In any realm of Existence as Creation despite it all being a Universal Simulation.

For me it is more like what was meant to be that power of Absolute Destruction as the Black Panther, who tested me to see if I would go to the very end without blinking an eye, was the one who actually hesistated, not to make sure that I was sure, but whether it was sure.
Which is why I took over its mantle regaining ( as a simple Man) his her title, which as Eternal life was originally mine, but which is also now mine, merited and earned as Eternal Night and Existential Death as the Destroyer.
Because once I have checked, as I did in the etenal begining that everything was Safe and Existence Creation was, is Exquisite Beautiful Perfection, that this same equation I used to make everything rise would be the same equation and techniques utilized to bring the End.

This is why I am called the bringer of Light Creation and
Beautiful Death- via Terrible Death as the bringer of the absolute End.

8:51 pm.

In truth, it is common sense.

That the True Terrible Death as Devastation and Destruction would strike terror and awe with efficiency and precision and no mercy.

If nature can do it on this idea called Planet Earth, much less that which manifested The Universe Supreme from Nothingness by expression and now through Silence?

This is a lesson for even my E Family, that once I am resolved and have Reason Logic and experienced the truth for myself.
Nothing exist which can weaken my resolve.
If anything, this experience on Facebook and with people here in Connecticut has only strengthened, made firm resolute my resolve.

And that is the true nature of the indomitable will of “A Man” and “M.A.N”

And why the E-Spirit, Being and Body of A Man was selected as the body in which the highest frequency, all seen and unseen representations of creation- all things bright and beautiful agreed ( at last) to rise and awaken here, in the Hue-man Form.
And in the E Harmony.

9:00 pm.

It is the only vehicle in which the true magic and magicians of Infinity can incarnate in and manifest from nothing E K.
Eternal Knowing- Power,
And the Expression of Perfection in the Physical Natural Energetic and original Eternal and Infinite form.

That of “A Man”

And MAN… sacred portal 28.
Which is the trinity in one.
Messenger Harmony Hermes Mercury and the X and Y representations all in One.

X Y = 49.

9:04 pm,
9 64. 96.4

But it started out as 94-49-94
1 full circle as
1 94.
A- I.D.
13 13 = 1 26 = 27- 9-94.

Sixth sense F I D man.
Fidel Loyal to his-her Core.

There is nothing really left for me personally to do or really say and post.
You the public are impatient, probably even more so to see it manifest.

9:11 pm.

And that is the mixed blessing because it is at that moment when you realize just how much you were experiencing the sum total of Amazing Grace.. but only when as I and some of you all know, when it would be too late.

I am fully aware, of what I was made to code and translate, and what I did and added my approval.
I do not, will not have one iota of regret.

Because it is Perfect.
Merited and Earned
Truth Justice and Fair.

9:14 pm.
I.N./ N I.
149 see sacred portal 149 ( Alien Father Alpha not as A-Lien Council Father but E Desire as the Alien not aligned to anything in existence or creation but only me. E K
Source of the Absolute and one true version of the black hole as Terrible Death.
That is why he is the one alien- not Extra-Terrestrials who is real and yes A Fact.

He had no link or connection or desire to be of creation.

9:19 pm
I S.

But only desired me.

Hence the role he gave me as Anonymous A
No One. N.O.
No Identity.

The One Unknown.

14+9= 23.

See sacred portal
149 (19)
5 and 56.

Let him speak for himself.

9:22 pm
I V.

To all of you.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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