
2/15/2021 3:17 – Facebook Post

11:15 pm.

K O.

A-A- A E.
K A! E.

So perhaps you may understand the nature of this play, and its connection to my Body as the Grid Template the Earth Matric and Body as the true Universal Simulation Awareness.. and yet it was obviously apart from me.
Not connected to me, apart from that which was inside of me coming out of me- via Expression as Awareness Atom
But that all took place in the Eternal Beginning and completed the moment we were Two.

200 at 20 TT.
It was already at C E8.

And that is shown by the play script 2004 2005.

And how via Arden Gemino Dakota- Aria Norris age 16 Arden and then 19 Dakota that the intended play and its original source was A G=A H . A I- A N as Beautiful Youth with Kim representing the Play of the Carbon Copies- and really the Two K= 11 proven as One.

It was always about the truth of Beautiful Youth.
They owned the play.
But it was taken from them via an illusiion that they could not be seen or heard.

11:22 pm
And took over by the babies. Alien Council / Babies Children B C E who went into fear.
And this has been the great battle to unify that which is the A-Lien and that which is the Naturals.
A 3 14 Pi.
A 17 and transforming them to Beautiful youth through Evolution through

An Earth school that had nothing to do with me.
This was The Elegant Nomads Play.

It was K-line play.
Particle and Wave.
And it was corrupted by a fear that was allowed to go far, by one who made a mistake and was too busy seeking to prove that he- she was correct and let the ball drop, causing a hold up until he or she was finally proven wrong.
Not by admitting it, but by keeping Silent, quiet.
When the one who told the truth, the one it usurped AN.K was left holding the blame until I was compelled to enter this play., dragged in to prove his truth.
And not even dragged in by him, but by the lies told and expressed of his play.

A: C N. A P.
A-C Nap/ Pan C. A P

P A:C N- A P. Full Cirlce.

To go this far and not take responsibility.
To blame another…
To let him and them endure the impossible and still say nothing, never take responsibility, Never apologize. Even at the completion, they act as though they did nothing wrong or that it was forgotten all that they did.

This is reflected perfectly here on my page with people who falsely accused me. Fought me, did the most terrible things and in the end, believing that they are all safe now… not called out.
Not made responsible for the “Silence of Omission”

They all act as though it is water under the bridge and that they can sweep it under the rug.

A perfect mirror this facebook play of that which is Evil and therefore non-existence.

Because all have a conscience.
And they knew what they did, but all they were concerned with was not what they had caused, but that they were able to get away Scot-Free.

Without expressing it openly, because of the fear of that which all would think to say and how it would diminish them in the eyes of others.

No sense of responsibility r even shame.

As long as they get away Scot Free.

What did E M F say?
“you can do nothing”

It was more like some lines of that Script.

I can get away with it…

“I have”.

No, you haven’t

That is the Silence, that which I am not going to call people out on.
I through the equation in the air.
Come Clean.
Express and enact.

But to go calling each person out… after all this?
You must be joking.
Each to their own Conscience.

Only the worst kind of children- monsters- mutations- abominations have such an attitude.
Not even babies and children can tolerate such injustice they know they cause – they will almost immediately confess.
I C.

But to not say anything, to keep silent when they know what they did, what they expressed, said, enacted, and say nothing.
No apology, just as the sense of the right to board the spacecraft. Mind Crafted because of their lies…
And then their Lie of Omission.

More afraid of getting caught, than horrified by what they have caused and expressed and that it was wrong, intentional wring, malicious, vile and that someone had to suffer for that…

Apollo Akil Davies expression and intel in August 2011, which made me realize the truth that was afoot.
That someone can be but in that position of a whole world turning against him and the idea being Heroic of him turning the who crowd as I had done in a micro version in 1986 which and then to Mary Jane in 1987.

That is when I knew, the true Evil afoot.
Why would one who had the truth, was falsely accused and then made to do the work to turn the whole world around – through such unimaginable surmounting and transformation of the Lies told of him, them… be seen as something which te person would be proud of doing for his False Accsers who knew the truth deep within?

I always despised this idea in this world of Suffering is Good for the Soul… But this is an abomination of transforming the truth, deviating the truth to transform it into that which the one and ones who suffered for nothing- for the evil in the others, their obstinacy- despite their knowing the truth.

Ah, I had noted in 2011 August and even years before- I see how they play.
I am meant to be grateful when “They” “You” were the cause.

I have always marveled at this unique Talent of the Lie to Flip the Script to make themselves look Cool and the granting to the “Hero” ( they condemned) Lauras of Victory… as long as you do not call them out on the Lies of Omission.( L O M/ M O L..E )
That was not my duty, in this part of the play. It was to alert everyone that we are passing through “Customs and Culture- Cultivation” and that you have to be Transparent Clean…Nickel.
The Check Point and Scanner sees everything.

But 2011 was not the play, was it.
T K. T.L.
2011- 2012.
31- 32.
4 5.

It was always 2004 2005.
200 200 = 1..4. = 5
4-5/5 4.
5 4 5. Full Circle.
24 25 X Y…

And the A-Z play 2006.
26 8.
8 62 8.
August 26 @ 268 East 4th Street when I had stated waited 4 years, stating that this was the last portal of the Play of A B C.
Alphabet Bet City which was a place I chose to rent from via that group called “Habitat” in 1999 Dec when I arrived with Jon Jason Lee.
I rented a place in the AlphaBet City.. full aware as to why.

Prince Alpha Bet City.
Micheal Jackson M J- A B C. easy as 123.
And he passed away when I was at that portal and he passed through me when he passed on.
Fritz Venique.
Micheal Frazier.
Albert Santana witnessed thr truth of that play.

No, the added Script of 2005 was The script of the End.

*Ionel “Ionel is a Romanian masculine given name.”

*”Ionel Augustin (born 1955), retired Romanian footballer
Ionel Averian (born 1976), Romanian sprint canoeist
Ionel Constantin (born 1963), Romanian sprint canoeist
Ionel D?nciulescu (born 1976), Romanian football player
Ionel Fernic (1901–1938), Romanian composer, aviator, and writer”

That is enough to understand
Georgie Best Foot ballplayer.

Ionel Austine 19 55. I A.
Ionel Averian 19 76 I A.
all the way to I F. 1901- 1938- composer, Aviator, Writer.
19 38 is S C H… O O L/ LOO Toilet.

* at the precise moment J A E S..P entered the Loo.
A perfect Echo but not E C H O…
One must be perfectly Aware of one Perfect Timing.
That is A: E C-H O HF.

The End Game began without my being made aware, but one which I had to figure out, naturally by how I felt- Frustration and Rage.
I had found the portal in 2006- The End- which is why Albert played the expression of th black hole by declaring that he wished the end of everything including himself. a cry of despair on realizing the truth of America, especially after 9 -11 and then investigating, and after seeing the truth, seeing the proofs which he spent 5 years in isolation researching before I arrived.

12:49 pm.
Alien Father Alpha spoke through him everything I would write at a point it would appear on the large computer screen he was working on which I who sat behind him in that tiny studio posting that which he had no clue.
I called it out and it is written in real-time on this page.

I went to bed 49 from his portal as well as to Erik Ebright but to Miami, Florida ( M F) instead of where I had gone with Ravindra Singh ( R S) escorted by Billy Hung to his apartment in Fort Lauderdale ( F L) which to both their astonishment they realized was apt 511.

* yes F L.. 6 12- 2003.
27th State.
L F- F L…
Yes… and the death of Larry Flynt. Hustler Magazine.
It was Play Boy Magazine the magazines my Bio Father kept in his Basement which I discovered and used to sneak and peak at when I was a boy at 105 Wiltshire bay. smh
My intilas.
I had left with Ravindra 268 East 4th Street on 4th July, 20012. I had been at Alberts Home 4 years straight and then dragged back in 2012, after I left Apollo Akil Davis portal and Evan Alexander Judsons and Tim- Beyond portal Rachel Sessions, Rachel Williams. Savanah Blair all lived there when I left on 4-5-2012.

It was the play of bringing the end.
14 years.
7 7 & 7. Ariadne Theseus. Minotaur
The sacrifice of Beautiful Youth.
77 is 1 14 A N.
and 7 G.
A N G.
A is NG.. 147.
Please see Sacred Portal 147 A B.
A is Arden or me as Alexander same thing.
147 = 21. 20 21.
A 147
A C…
1 14 7
N H.
A D H is more correct.
Naturalness Harmony.
A D.H A 48 Sacred Portal Beautiful Death.
Death Ray.
Ray Doug.
Douglass means Dark Complexion.
Ray of the Dark-Skinned One.
Black and Pale.
Two In One.

*”MEANING: This name derives from the Ancient Greek I?ánn?s (???????), which in turn is a form of the Hebrew name Yôchânân / Yehochanan which means “graced by Yahweh, God is gracious”. There are numerous forms of the name in different languages.”

Ionel =John= Grace… Amazing Grace.
I J… I G I A G-J..K..E

*”Adrian · Adrian is from origin greek,Hispanic,meaning is rich, wealthy,dark one. ·

* Man from the Sea.
One who lived by the Adriatic Sea.
The Black Sea. BS.
Where I did the I began the play with Mehmet night Club ( Designed and entrance foyer to be filled and painted with Grafitti) owner at his club 2020.. 2019… I do not recall the number it was called 20 something.
He was from the Black Sea and I went with him and then.
I went there”

I connected him, who looked like a beloved Pirate Black beard, to Nese Erberk who I was a Top Model in her agency and choreographer (undercover) she had been crowned the first Turkish Ms Europe.
And then, Turkey was really trying to enter the European Union,
When they met, because of my being of that agency and was about to dance at a major event there its opening..
It was as if the Mongols and the Turkish Aryans had met.

*”the Adriatic Sea is a body of water separating the Italian Peninsula from the Balkans. The Adriatic is the northernmost arm of the Mediterranean Sea, extending

And ended up at Bodrum were and the Festival of Sharing “Paylasmak” Agean Sea. on the Island called Karada- meaning Black Island.
B I… AT E 001/

Adriatic and Aegean
I found myself either taken of travelling all over Turkey, to Troy, Asia Minor- I even went Horse riding there with friend Jerry Behar ( J B of the Hypnotic- Hypnotist’s eyes.) I met the Amanda there whom became a lover, and then met her again with another I knew then called Renee at 25 Green Street Soho- The Green House.
Amanda – Renee. See meanings.

* Adrian A D R.. I AN.
“Adrian is a form of the Latin given name Adrianus or Hadrianus. Its ultimate origin is most likely via the former river Adria from the Venetic and Illyrian word adur, meaning ‘sea’ or ‘water’.

Adola Mary Jane “Jewel from the sea- see Cee…

Neptune – Poseidon.
Poise I Don-E.
Yes, I lived and travelled in Turkey and lived all over, travelled all over this ancient land and even went to Israel and brought back my manager who was formerly an officer in the Mossad.
I met PKK fighters…
I am aware of the parallel of Alexander the Great as well as Yeshua Christ and Mary Mother who fled and has a shrine there.

*”Meaning: The meaning of the name Stoian is: Stay remain.

*”Meaning of Stoian: Name Stoian in the Bulgarian origin, means Stay or remain, or one who stands firmly.”

* (Stoyanov is formed from the first name Stoyan, which indicates the son of Stoyan. … Yordanka, Yordanka is Bulgarian form of Jordan and means to flow.”

I knew two people Stolyinaya and Stoliyinca in London in 1989 and 90, one was a girl who I went to St Martin’s part-time school, and then I met her brother when she invited me to stay with her a while, He knew me instantly and we slept in the same bed all three of us.

1:40 a.m/

Insane… so all this was to reach the Balkan Twins from Yogoslavia I met 31 years ago.

*”Meaning of Stoian: Name Stoian in the Bulgarian origin, means Stay or remain, or one who stands firmly…
“Standing Rock”,
Sacred Portal 147…
Black Sea- Adriatic to Agean Sea.
Black Island.

B S A-A S Transparent Torquiose
Blue Sea.

See Adrian Mole.

I A S…

Amazing Grace of The Creator- The Source who descended from the North of the Mediterain The Black Sea ( Jonn Deguisce -Blackwell)
The Blackest Well… and to the Torguiose Blue Seas of the Island called the Black Rock….
Stay.. Stand… Remain Firm..

Does not appear as if some one of Some THinhg who made a terrible mistalke but its pride can not admit it, lead me through a hellish play in the United States.
And then a life time to which I said no not this way…
realized that he was wrong and refused to take responsibility and in its delusion still is giving me commands?

Look at how much work I had to do 34/7 for 19.11 years.

And still… Silence.

2:06 a.m

Look at the time…

2:07 pm.
27 A A.
2 6 7.

I have not eaten all day and it has been like this non-stop for 17.. 18 years with this intensity.

I ignore that command and tale it as the true meaning of me standing firmly on the rock of Eternal Truth, as constant as the Borth star.
Unmoving Unmovable Force.
Flow Jordan: Eve of Destruction” Unstoppable Force.
Particle and Wave.
A Sacred portal A” 147… year 20 21.
In 3rd room C.

2:11 a.m.
B K.

Throw the E-Book at them.. throw them all in Jail Prison Black Hole.

All must Die and only the True shall pass through Terrible Death and awakened rise- reborn as they originally intended to be- but merited and earned.

2:12 a.m.
2:13 a.m

The Enslavement of me.
But it was not possible- I chose to fight this to the completion.
To make all Pay the Bill Y and the Price PR I C E and the Cost.

I am Evan Alexader Judson.

2:14 am.
B N..
K R A J J.E – W S .K.I.

B C K.

B K.

2:16 am
B P.

Black Panther.
Beautiful Pride.

Let see how you look and appear when you have passed and surmounted what I have done and how you still stand or not… Tall.

2:17 a.m.

After such a challenge.

I played The Elegant Nomad.
Singular not plural/

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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