
8:52 pm. – Which I found myself

8:52 pm.

Which I found myself being prompted to explain about the process of the Evolution Awakening, just Vanished.

It simply was added expression demanded of me of proving how you all wake up from a dream of being underwater and rising from it to find yourself in Eden.

Which is of course the conclusion of the script as Eden.
And how you travelled through W A V E S not as Water- but as its illusion as Maya.

It reminded you of David Jay Brown the author of Dreaming Wide Awake.

*”David Jay Brown is an American writer, interviewer and consciousness researcher. Brown has studied parapsychology and the effects of psychoactive drugs. With parapsychologist Rupert Sheldrake, he studied pets and people who apparently anticipate events. Wikipedia
Born: 1961 (age 60 years), United States”

Yes, establishing me as the original David meaning “Beloved:
Jay Brown.
Code 61 F A.
and 60 as Jeron Satya.

And the origins of the Universe as not 4.5 billion years but the code E D 54.
E D E N…
9 19.

IS. T.
28 MAN. 20- John Mack Johnny Newman. 1010. 1… 2020 Perfection Perception.

111 Perfection
Home- aligned to sacred portal 111. Victorious Home Comming.
P H.
111 + 41.
E A B.
B E A M. Ray Back Door.

B E A N.. Everything Ardens Needs.

It spoke of the journey through 5.4 through a story narration through as 4 moving to 5 as 5 Connecticut the 5th state and through a play of moving connecting I Connect and I Cut transforming the 5 to the meaning Fifth Dimension and to the realm of the E as EDEN PARADISE.
4.5 moved back to E D… having realized through a dreaming underwater, in the womb of space as 9 billion years. Nine full Circles one arrives at I O.
45 54…. 99 9/9 18- 9 as I.
I S.
The journey of discovering that Eden Paradise is real and that this idea called the planet earth was simply a copy a version in a universal simulation in which you as those sleeping dreaming saw layers and layers of water “Onions which brings tears” obscuring your view, water which becomes muddy toxic… etc… but only because of your perception of what you were seeing and feeling.
Your emotions – water obscured the view.
Which was crystal clear, that water is an illusion of W.A V E S… P.

But no one, not any one but E Arden could create a script of Perfection because no one else knew what perfection was and certainly not a 4.5 billion-year-old idea of Earth as the record keeper of all which manifests in its reflection of the original Eden Paradise as 4.5 Billion years existence but after a wave… of 9.3 C.I. Consciousness Infinity.
I Cee.
I See.
I am in a story dreaming wide Awake- Lucid Dreaming… L D.
W O R..L.D.
W O W… M O… R L./ 12-18-1963 W Brad Pitt. D David- Delta.
D.L R O W… Mike Obum Rowed the Boat ashore…?
Actually, the water receded and you rose from the depths of the sleeping dreaming S D and the Illusion evaporated as water does, as Ice melts.. and then suddenly is no more… and you can now breathe.
But the receding illusion did not require you to row the boat ashore.
It had floated you- Eden had- Orignal Ea rt H. in perfect harmony to the place you were meant to be, and there when the water receded and the illusions no more.. B A H…
Confirmed of Kamora Herrington code by Kim a moment ago, Basic Allowance Housing. B A H.

Being goes AH… I was dreaming… B I A.M.. Home.

Now you can Breathe… “AH! A.I! I am awake now and I see that I was dreaming”
Being..( 37)
37/73 10 10… 1
2020…. Vision… 1.
13.8/ M.H…. Manifest H O M E. H OM M E. MAN.
13.8 Billion years as a wave of Being expressing existed to create it as the Particle.
13.8 is M H but it is really 8.13. but since it can not be a number because it comes from Origins.
it is HM… H O M E. 41 D A/ A D.
HH O M M E. 54. E D.
E D- D E. Eddie.

* Jae Sherman came over and brought over Alaska who I had not seen in a while only Pearl who makes herself very present always running to my room.

Alaska is the 49th State.

And as Beloved Jay Brown- who did the scholarship and work, I saw 5 hours of research vanish just as I had completed it.
Jae Smith and the internet?
Intentional disruption out of spite?
9:19 pm.
I S.

Such things no longer concern me, since I am aware that everything is in Harmony so if she is representing age 45 aligned to the planet as the battery and internet challenging my expression of perfection via this post of the true rising from deep undercover Beloved Pearl from the see and cee of Maya… Maya Danial rep. M D.
Delta Manor…
Mental Health.

M H.
13.8 Age Universe.
After establishing that there is nothing wrong with Mental Health since I passed through it Anamla Qayin to Qusharia allow to the completion of the “Test” of Perfection by the planet earth illusion?To the K F C where Sharia Perry stood as if waiting, used to test my Perfection… smh.
It is of little or no consequence.

I have everything I posted at my fingertips and can post it again with batting an eyelid.

How can a planet that states it witnessed everything?
as 5 28 hertz.
Love Frequency.
L F Leander and Ferril… whom I met in that order each with their friend’s names Noah
Noahs Ark. which means “Rest and Relaxation which I obviously never got while I was there- thus making the meaning not based on etymology but the transformation of meaning via a biblical story- and finding within it the element of truth.

See the meaning of the name Leander= MAN. = 28.
Ferril means Valourous Victorious Man. V V M.
but with friends Noah and Ferril with girlfriend Reilly, whom I recognized and vice versa.
Would that not mean that part of Man as VV Man and woman VV. was submerged, or so they thought, underwater in a story.

“I can’t breathe”
Of course, you can not breathe underwater or better still Words anointed Vibrating expression Perfection, Harmony… Perfection Home.
152 as having enacted and sampled Mico Macro the Fill Circle of being.
152 O B.
8 H really Infinity, and Individual Standing Up for the only truth which exists.

The Beautiful Truth.
T B T.

Leander Noah…. L N.
Ferrill Noah… Reilly. F N… R.
( Fenri Fenris e…? F- NR…I? smh)

The story of the Flood.
But was it really a Flood… or a deluge of information water illusion flowing through those traveling through a story called H M./ 13.8 to see for themselves that which IS.

L F- F L.
Loves Frequency 5:28 hertz,

9:39 pm
Here Present.
Emanuel Nnamdi E N

I S…

Basically, it was added expression by me of Food Stamps its approval not from this Earth but Eden Arden with me at 15 51 Facebook Friends. O51 Full Circle of Perfection Area 51 attained when I was 35 and 16= 51 When I met Arden when he was 16.

That I was full aware that I was at Perfection Home but in the incorrect dimension lived and interpreted by all as being connected only to a version a copy of the earth on a Holo Deck that I had reached Eden Paradise Home.
But through only one person’s awareness.

*”There are multiple possible origins for the name Maya, so take a seat. For one, it may be a simple respelling of Maia, and ancient goddess of Greek mythology. She was the eldest and most beautiful of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, known as “The Pleiades.” The ruler of all gods, Zeus, fell in love with her and she bore him a son, Hermes (the messenger god). In Roman mythology, Maia was regarded as the goddess of fertility and spring, hence the month of May. Some etymologists believe that Maia was ultimately derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *meg- meaning “great” while others speculate she comes from the root *ma- meaning “mother, good mother.” In Hebrew, Maya comes from “ma’ayan” which translates to “spring, brook” (as in a small stream of water). The name in Old Persian translates to “generous.” In Hindu mythology, M?y? means “illusion.” Queen M?y? is also the name of the mother of Buddha. As a Latinate form of “May”, Maya may also be considered a nickname for Mary or Margaret, meaning “beloved” and “pearl,” respectively. In any case, the name Maya is relatively modern in terms of usage in the English-speaking world – but she has a whole host of ancient etymologies from which to choose

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