
A R S E. – Awareness- 100 Awaken

A R S E.
Awareness- 100 Awakening- 85
Arden- 42.
= 227. A-A-A.
V: A-A.
V .G/ G V. 7-20 20

Rose Sutton R S/ R S. +A E

E 11
E: A-A.

Sacred Portal 22.

Arse Hole.

A R S E… H O L E…. 86 12 5 14 17. 5 8 E H. I H… 13 50… 53.

@ 15 53 Facebook Friends O; E C.

A R S E H O L E!
E L O H. (“I M) E S R A.

Meaning of the name Esra.
E S.R A.

*?A submission from Turkey says the name Esra means “Nocturnal journey. River in paradise” and is of Arabic origin.
A user from Jordan says the name Esra is of Turkish origin and means “River in heaven, helpful, nocturnal journey”.
According to a user from Netherlands, the name Esra is of Arabic origin and means “Traveling at night, the girl who loves traveling”.
A user from Egypt says the name Esra is of Arabic origin and means “walking at night”.
A user from Netherlands says the name Esra is of Turkish origin and means “helper”.

Oh! P E N I S…S E E S AN E S A M E M E.
B E A U T E.

6:04 pm.

Meme Chose”


Same Thing.


20 19,
79 79.
BluePrint as I.

A N U S P H A L L U S.

A P.
Anus Opening PEN I S = O L
P O A. Post Office A
/ P F A.
A- F P.

Awakening Free People.
A F P= 23
A 22

W A V -E
E: DS.
Dharma Santana – Eternal Law.
E :W.
E: Double V V.
E V.
E V.
A V.
E 22 22
E 8.
E I.
E H.

Private Detective. M D. = 17.

Midnight Traveller. M T= 33.

6:19 pm.

F S.


the anus of
Large Intestine.
Large colon.
Mouth to Anus.
M A- A M.
15 letter O.

Of course, it is the H.E. L P.

H – E C P-G-H-I.
H E C I.

6:21 pm

It Anus Mouth- and from the Solar Plexuxus 3 to the Anus
Center Expression. C E.
Mouth – Expression.

Centered. 5 3 3 5. comes Balance of the Body- Muscles on the Frame centered on the Spinal Column- Vertebra comes the balance of all the KG Weight- Support.
But mass is Nothingness.
The illusion of weight only comes from Anchored Grounded.
A G.
Benjamin Franklin in the west.
B F.
Micheal Faraday. M F.
George Ohm. G O.

G O.

F F = 1.. A O. A F.

Best Friend= 8 I. H.
Masculine Feminine M F
Mother/ Father. Nine and T E N. 19 S.

G O means 5 in Japanese.
G F. 76. Ferrell.

And Thales/

*”Electricity would remain little more than an intellectual curiosity for millennia until 1600, when the English scientist William Gilbert wrote De Magnete, in which he made a careful study of electricity and magnetism, distinguishing the lodestone effect from static electricity produced by rubbing amber.[5] He coined the New Latin word electricus (“of amber” or “like amber”, from ????????, elektron, the Greek word for “amber”) to refer to the property of attracting small objects after being rubbed.[10] This association gave rise to the English words “electric” and “electricity”, which made their first appearance in print in Thomas Browne’s Pseudodoxia Epidemica of 1646.[11]”

Amber… I met a woman called amber the same day I met Axel Anderson ( Axel Love) in 2005 at the junction of 2nd and 3rd, called the Kudos Cafe. ( K C) later moved to 1st and 3rd and called C A F E B E A N.
E F. A-C… E
N A- E B.

That famous painting of the Touch and the Finger bringing Adam to life.

5 3 3 5.
Center Center…
33 of the Body is
33= 1.
33= 6.
33= 9.
33= 3.
33 = O.
= 190… S O… / E: OS. E
O C.
88 1 16 64. 81.. 181. Nine-Ten.

1 6 9 6 3 O.
N T= 14 20- 34/ 43.
7/7- 1.
Merging all of the spaces in between into One.
Anus to Mouth
A M O M A 69
96 equates to… 15 O. 54 ED
A “W O W” A.

O E-D I D.
O E I.

6:46 pm.

Insane to do this via Arithmetic – Mathematics- bringing the evolved Body and being into existence and the AM, EOS using Elementary School Math.

6:48 pm.

Shock and Awe.

Coudre Foudre…!

Lightening Bolt.

A Lightning Bolt from out of the Blue…
Anchoring Tetherthing Man.. A Man Men. Y X Chromosome to the true source of Electrical Power which jolts everything to animation Movement Life-Lights Cee- See.

T O U C H…

Reach and Touch?

Ah yes, but it is a Frequency wave Quantum O. 17 O
Full Circle.
An E M Field which required no support from this idea of the Ground being the ground we walk upon- the illusion we walk upon.
tethered than a Frequency.
5- 28 Hertz.
Lights Frequency. Loves Frequency
filled with Sum Thingness.

9:56 pm.

I Eternal Family.

I E F Fact

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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