
1:48 pm. – A- D H. A is Death’s

1:48 pm.
A- D H. A is Death’s Harmony.

3-12-20 21.
C L T- B A.
C is Clarity.
L is Light/ Love.
T is Truth/ Tranquility.

When I realized that I had 42 USD and 43.47 left on my card.
42 A R D E N- Meaning of Existence.
and then the code 43.47.
Each aligned to a Sacred Portal. I must admit, I was pissed- pissed at still being in the Ego Oge Play.

And the mesh of my body is at a point that there is True Pain- my body wishes to rise and yet, I can feel where it is Hooked- the Snag between my shoulder Blades and Solar Plexus.
I am now so incessantly wiggling my body to “Get Off the Hook” of weaving my body- and the Universal Body.

42 + 43.47=

A W A K E N I N G= 85.
47 Sacred Portal 47= 11 28= 39 C I.

85 = 13 40= 53…= 8. Infinity.
M H. Age of the Universe. 13.8.
M D O E C= Infinite Harmony.

47 = 39 C I.

I have been living all my life in a different universe than most of the accepted reality of people here.
My mother’s Line could not land until now.
I have been proving first my Father and then my Mother’s Truth.
I never lived in this 3 D idea of reality or Existence.
I was always in the E Realm but was sent down into the 3 D play via the 4th Dimension called Thought in this reality Thought Space= Time Meaning.
I never really came down from the 5th Dimension- but I was sent down into the 4th and 3rd Dimension on what was really recognizance and a Sacred Journey- not mine.

This is reflected in the play of the Assessment Shelter and then Delta Manor… that I was sent there.
* Anamla Qayin A Q. Intel: “D M. I C, T .P/K 115 A G E”

A.S at Green Point.
D.M- Delta Manor- Beach Street, the Bronx.

Beds 49 to 007 at the Assessment Shelter.
Room 5 B bed 5-019. E O S.
on 9-16-2016.
Alexa arranged my bed in room 5B ( E B) E O S- Dawn.

To room 3 A bed 3-001.
and ended 27 months later at bed 4-019-4-018.
D O S. D O R.
D S… D R. / S D. S O D. S F D.
D R… / R D R O D. R F D.

49- OO7. Jaymes Bond. at A S.
5-019 to 3-002 and 4-016- 4-004 and finally back to 4-019-18.

It means that I was sent undercover as Jaymes Bond into Dark Matter. D M “Mental Health Shelter’ ( M H-S) for a specific purpose.

Room 5-B – 5019 EOS- Dawn.( 4 Man room)
then down to 3A- 3-002 ( a 15 man room 15 man room letter O.)
then to 4 man room Room 4 B ( 42 ARDEN) bed 4-016
then up to Room 5 A Bed 5-016 ( 15 man Room O)

Then back down to the 4th room 4-004 Room 4 A. a 15 man room. “O”
and completed at room 4 B ( 42 ARDEN”)Bed 4-019-18.

E B… Dawn. at 5.
then to room 3 ( 15 man O)
to 4-016.
Then to room 5 A bed 5-006 ( 15 man room O.)

Then 4-004 ( 44) 15 man room
and to back to 4 B.

That is 5 to 3 one full circle.
3 to 4… 15 men to 4 men. O D.
back to 15 man room at room 4 A. ( O D A).

*ODA Nobunaga.

And back Full Circle O to the 4 Man room where I left the shelter from.
* 42 ARDEN… Meaning of Existence.
D O S- D O R… D S Dharma Santan – Death Ray.

5 – 3 ( 5-D 3-O)
4- 5. ( 4-D- 5 O)
4- 4. ( 4-O to 4-D

* the letters represent the number of people in each room 4 to 15.
The Room numbers are half letter and the other half numbers. Example Room 5 B where I started is
B represents Being- Body.
A represents Awareness.

2:41 pm.
2:43 pm.

So you can see that I came down from the 5th Dimension which was instigated by a person called Marina who worked there.
Alexa – Marina.

From the 5th Dimension, I was sent down to the 3rd.
and rose from the 3rd to the 4th a 4 man room.
to the 5th, 15 man room 5 A. ( E A) and to back to the 4th ( 15 man room as 4 A. and completed it at 4.B- ( A R D E N Meaning of Existence) leaving the shelter at that room I had been in before and rose from bed 4-016 to reach Room 5 A- bed 5-016. ( 4-016= 40 16- 56… bed 5-006.. E F. Eternal Family.
Then sent back down to room 4 A. bed 4004… ( 44= 44-= 1= 8… 16) But I had been in bed 4-016 in 2017 and ascended to room 5 A bed 5-006.
Why then was I sent down back down?
2:50 pm.
Completing at a Room 4 B bed 4-019-4-018 with a bed with the number 25 on it.
Y= A F KG.
25 = B.E.
E B/ B E.
From Room 5 B ( E B) to a bed B E in room 4.B.

2:52 pm.
B E B.

I did three Full Circles.
Room 3 A. 3O
Room 5 A. 5 O.
Room 4 A. 4 O.

And three times in a 4 Bed Room.5 4.4

Beginning at 5 B ( where I was sent down immediately not even allowed to sleep one night there.

Alexa ( and Theo) to Marina

5 B to 4B to 4B ( 40 04)

5 3 4 5 4.
/ 4 5 4 3 5.

And then the E.M F came and in the presence of Kyle Murphy, line of Terrible Death and Bean, I left and was led from 114 Grant Moor to 900 South R.D to A R D E N ( 42) whom I met last of the 5 children Jeron being the first I met as Lang and Arden as the last of the Gemino’s and children of Liberty Liscomb.
Jeron to complete Arden.
J A.
Completing the play with Jeron Lang on 12-10- 2020.
And later new neighbors moved in across the street initials D S.
R D/ D R.
D.S/ S D.

And the arrival of Jennifer- Jeron’s Baby Sister- Sitter or Nanny.

And now Kim. John John= J J= Tiwns- Gemino= K 11 rep of Twins.
1 1 1 Perfection.

See Japan on the Map of the world it has Korea as its border to reach China.

Korea- See Beyond whom I met with Tim roommate of Akil Davis who is originally from Korea.
K O R E A… S ON.
/ N O.S… A E -R O K. R O C..
Roc was the name of the person who slept in bed 5-005.
Ceaser slept on bed 5-012.

Japan Korea- China.

J K-C.

3-11 pm right now.
Yesterday was 3-11.
Benjamin C Krajewski born 11-3-1982.
3 11 is C K.

R O.C.K.
Red color Adam- Full Circle in Rainbow Spectrum moves to Orange. R = O. “Yellow- Gold”

Kim- Tree bought some Basmati Rice called R.O.Y A L.

My lighter is no longer the Beige it was or the Royal Blue of before that.
It is Orange.

R O – Y. A. L-C.

R O C.K. Petter as wells as the name Alan means Rock- Stone.
I have not aligned with any people called Peter but I have with Allan.
Allan Murray in the Shelter.
Allan Ginsberg.
Allan means Handsome, Noble Harmony- Rock.

* See the time of this post.

1:48 pm
Erik Ebright lived in the same street as Akill Davis, but at number 148- which is where I met him just a day after he attained enlightenment on 4-20-2006. I met him 4-21-2006 and stayed until 4-22-2006, 4 months and 4 days later, I met Albert Sanatan, Isaac M., and Sage as I was taken over and moved through 61 days on the streets of new york living in a Back Alley.

Yes, ARSE. HO L E…
AH Release.

Japan Korea China.

J K. C.

10 11 C… I.

E GA LA X Y 10 11 C- I.
This is the Galaxy which has been identified as the manifest destination ( M D= 17.Q- A G) as the portal out of this End Game.
Identifed by Dina Singh Ji
and confirmed by Robert Kyle Murphy and his later brother Brandon Young.
B Y.

Jeron 2-25-2019.
B Y.. . T S.

It has been strange that for me, repeat myself over and over again, my coding and demonstrating once again that this is a Game- A Video Gameplay with a story of the Matrix WEb.

That you do not appreciate and recognize the actual truth of this reality being transformed, revealed “Apocalypse” Revelation

I coded all this already while I was in the shelter, the room numbers. The plays in each room were not on;y set up, but which by resolving each conflict, often violent… nearly always with the threat of Violence and Savagery until reaching 27 months from my arrival at Room E B bed E O S.
to exist at Room 4 B (42) bed 4-019/18.
And then to A R D E N my 64th move via a code 56:56 uttered by Liberty tel call.

3:30 pm.

That no one was paying attention to all that evidence for 27 months of posting and 2 months of posting from the Assessment Shelter.

That no one was seeing the conclusive proof of this reality being a Game Board.
A Chess Board.
A Game of Thrones.

Jet Li the One.

J K C.
Japan Korea China.. MAP.

Jae Kim and I are living here.

Jae arrived with Donna her mom, on 11-10-2020. K J.

I was already here.
I am Emeka and Chukwu Emeka.
E C.
C E.

I was already here with Kim- having arrived 23-10-2020.

Kim Chukwumeka.
K C.
K E.
E K.

Kim is friends with Benjamin as I am through this play.

C E K.
I am also Jay- confirmed from 1996 when I met Jay, Tuan, and Jerome.
Arden is Handsome Beau is Harmonious Noble Rock Solid.
Beautiful Harmony.

He looks like Jay of 1996 and acts like him.. so much so that he used to make me nervous.
Jay has Beautiful Brazen Balls and is Bold and self-confident.
They are so alike that it is a bit overwhelming-
It is the same confidence that my immediate younger brother Nnamdi had.
With him, there was never any real sibling rivalry with me.
He had no insecurity whatsoever, he simply saw me as a good example but had his own mind.
The resemblance with Arden- Nnamdi Jay and add the Eternal Arden… it’s a bit overwhelming around him- He knows me way, way too well.
Which Arden has stated so many times with that his cock sue attitude yet with also contains an Amazing Grace- Humility

A person called A G was interested in staying here but decided not to when he complained to Kim about Scott.
Jae came.
Jay Kolo.
Chukwuemeka Kolo.
Emeka Kolo= E K=
J K.
C. I. Chukwumeka Ikemefuna.

10 11 3

Arden is Jay…
A J.
1 10. Sacred Portal 110.
11 Kim.
1 Arden.
111 Perfection.

E: Jay 5 10.. 5 1.
E Kolo-Kim.
E Chukwuemeka -Cecil I A-

C H U KW U= 87 + 35 EMEKA.
A. V. Arden Victorious. Alexa Vertefuille. B L… Boss Level.
122… = 5… 14 .. 23.

I K E M E F U N A = 85

Awakening = 85.

I A. A I.

85/85= 1.
13 13= 1.
40-40- 1.

C E CIL. I A.=42.
A R D E N.

C E CIL= 32. Age of Kim just before he turned 33.

I arrived in New York via dragged here on 3-20-2001.
But I came with my own will in 1999 with Jon Jason Lee. ( J J L= 32)
Kim is John.
K J.
11-10-2020. the day Jae moved in here.

E GALAXY is 10 11. C I.
11-10 is the back of the lie… Nasa has no understanding of this Galaxy and has never visited it.
It is the Unknown to this reality- the arrogance of classifying it without knowing it or even making no contact with its Frequency is to me, the insanity of Humanity.
And the fact that humanity is seeing perceiving everything backward and not at the instant of C as the speed of Light of the inception of Creation…
11 01 I C… Classification is not only absurd but insane.

4:06 pm.

1101 is actually/ 10 11 because they got it backward.
I C… “I Cee… I See… I Consciousness I C Speed of Light. I C- Sol?”
Sol is 5th note. 5 = E.
I C E…
Space is cold- ICE.
Outer Space- is still within the context of Creation- 9 planets.
Dark Matter
Dark Energy.
To go beyond 9 and 10 is to go beyond Creation itself.
Only C as the speed of light can go beyond that which is manifest creation.
And all Universe is Created- Creation we can see it.

This play has been about that which is Unseen- Unrecognized, Unexplained. bein Seen.

4:18 pm.
D R. Death Ray.

And as you have witnessed- even if you were not paying attention- to the play I coded painstakingly at Delta Manor of my being from the 5th dimension, sent to through bed 49 “DI.” and Sacred Portal Existential Death as DIE in every dimension of being.

4;20 pm.

to the 3rd – 3 D lie, of the C full Circle.
to D the 4th and back to the 5th with the E Family Full Circle
And back down to 4th full Circle.

that is 3 Full Circles C O. E O D O.
E- C A O. E A O. D A O.

O O O at C E D.
And completed at E.O.S to
D S- D R. It is so clear that I was sent on a mission and that I reached 5 O… Bed 5-006
E Family.
in 2017.
And yet I was dragged back down to the 4th- 4-004 D O and then 4 B- bed 4-019 – 4-018. D O S.. D O R.. D S D R. / S D. R D.
S F D… R F D “Reilly Ferrell- Delta – 4.. who is 2 ( 22)
and the 2 are in 1. O N E. 3.C.
Cee of Existence in Expression.

Jay K .. L?
Jay K C.

10 11 C .I… 87+35… 85.

*”IC 1101 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Virgo. With a radius of about 2 million light years and home to 100 trillion stars, it is one of the largest galaxies known, as well as one of the most luminous. The galaxy has an apparent magnitude of 14.73 and lies at an approximate distance of 1.045 billion light years from Earth.”

Well it is in the 8th month.

*”The word virgo is Latin for virgin. Klein explains the word virgo; “is probably related to virga, ‘a young shoot, twig’, virgate”, virgate (shaped like a wand or rod, also an early English measure of land area), from Latin virgatus, ‘made of twigs’, from virgo, ‘twig, switch, rod’, which is of uncertain origin.

*”One star in this constellation, Spica, retains this tradition as it is Latin for “ear of grain”, one of the major products of the Mesopotamian furrow. For this reason the …
Stars with planets: 29
Main stars: 9, 15
Stars brighter than 3.00m: 3
Stars within 10.00 pc (32.62 ly): 10″

*”he pertinent to the subject at hand is if the first segment of virgo (uir-) was or not related with Lat. vir ‘man’. If Ledo-Lemos hypothesis is truth, the response is: both words came from an I.E. root whose meaning was ‘youthful, young'”

VI R I L E… Youth.
Virgin as in New, new leaf..
It also means Youth and Maiden.
M Y.
My Youth- not necessarily a Virgin.
Arden Fred went and Aurelia went to Virginia…
Liscomb Family is from Virginia.

* Morgan went with Aden to the 14th state.

Virginia is the 10th state- 10 10 20. 2.

So why is Jae Sherman here?
It would mean that she is unknown to her representing that which is none Existent in the play and a test of my awareness was in the recognition of that.

That I was sent back down into the 4th Dimension after having attained the E Awareness at bed 5-006 from room 4 B bed 4-016 with David Dawn and Tre as my roommates.
The from J Roc and Ceaser Riveria.
J R- C R… J C – R R = 18 1.. 360 Full Circle.
Why was I sent back down into room 4 A bed 4-004.
Room 4 B in 2017 bed 4-016.
Is D-OP/ PO D Perfection attained at room 4 B. * D B Doing Being 42 ARDEN and then up to Room 5 with the Full Circle of Area 51. ( Room 5 A- E A. 51, the age code I met Arden age code 16″
Bed 4-016…room 4B).

Who can challenge Perfection attained Full Circle in the 3rd 4th and 5th dimension?
Who sent me back down to bed 4-004?
4:40 pm.
Africa Uwa Story.
The Spirit Realm as Mind Thoughts in Time as Space.

No I came to Connecticut with a Fury and Rage…
FA! A long long way to go..?

I came to destroy that which dared to Challenge Perfection.
C P.
AT… 3 16 33.”- 3.

3 33 333.
1 2 3.
Apple Cider.
A Cee.. E.

But 2018 moved to 2019.T S.
Then 2020. meaning that my 2020 Vision and it accuracy, as well as my Perfection and Perception, was challenged and tested.
E- C T.
True Clarity sacred portal 20.
And excuse created for more time and so the inconceivable, the impossible was manifested.

It has been 2 years and 5 months since I left the Shelter… and obviously, I never left.

4:48 pm.

My body is in Hell as we speak, and I am still being held back, after being forced to continue even as far as the Ego Oge Play and still Existential Death nor the Evolution Awakening has not manifested, and every effort to stop posting, linking weaving has been obstructed by the horror happening in my body and the being of my existence.

4:50 pm.
There is only one person here present with the age code of 45.

Kim is 33.
I am 53 – 36… 360. O.
A 20-year difference.
Sacred Portal 20. True Clarity.
E T C. Emeka Thomas Christ.I. E.
Letter T.
Bella 9-19-20.

E T C I… 5 20 39.= 64 64th Move.
I C TE.9 3 20 5. = 37… full circle37 37- 74.. 37/37= 1.
2018 when I arrived here.
38. 11 2 11 1
20 2 1 = 23.
not 41. Done that already.
See again sacred portal 40. It does not exist except as D O.
BEING= 37 “E T C I= 37”
Sacred Portal 37. Sophia O Lauren

Gemino.. TwinsE- T C I… 5 20 39= 64.
10 10.
A T… E.
there is no 20 + 1.
only 3.. E A K… A.
and the one who is all 3 in 1. 4 in 1.
5 in 1.
6 in 1.
7 in 1 7 1
8 in 1… 8 1.
9 in 1… 9 1.. A.I.
TEN in 1. 10 1. J A.
11 in 1… KA. K A H… K A I.
111 1 Perfection.

5:30 pm.

But the question would be, why am I still being held prisoner in the 4th Dimension why is my Body and Being stilled tied and tormented. Crucified at this point.

By a Lie… A Liar who refused to admit what they did.
And why is the lie being given this indulgence?

I am saying or posting – doing nothing here that I have not done and proven over and over again before.
I trust nothing here or no one because here everyone lies… even the script to gain an advantage, no matter the cost.

5:33 pm.

E A.
E F.


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