
2:33 pm. – 3-21-2021. – Hello…

2:33 pm.



It has been 21 years since I arrived here, and 20 years since I began the work, literally on this day.
2:50 pm
– Of proving that everything is in Perfect Harmony, everything in perfect symmetry.
And that the only reason that this world and its people have been living in chaos, war, the disease is that they were not seeing clearly.

This world its people were always slated and designated to cease to exist.
Humanity was simply an Idea, which had to be proven a fact.

Once that Harmony Perfection of my Guide Father’s script was proven Fact. A-E; N T F, then this Nightmare which I have lived and many of you too.

Most of you had given up on the Prophecies and Revelations which have moved through Human Messengers that at one point this reality will cease to exist.

Nor was it made any easier, by my being Blindsided by a script which gave Humanity “Over Time” to recollect that all these prophecies and revelations through what many call the Holy E-Spirit ( which I call in this modern age Sixth Sense- that E-Spirit of Discernment)

That E-Spirit is also called Awareness Natural.

Which forced me to move through this reality and then brought me to New York, and finally Facebook to explain, express everything which you already knew.
History and the past had explained in every culture and language from past to present.

It was not my duty to prove that which was already in the collective consciousness, in your D N A, and in your records.
It was not my responsibility to have to prove harmony or give a reason as to why the species had to cease to exist or others evolve and how and why the Gifts of the holy Espirit included what is now called Super Powers, or even explain how Eternal Law trumps Divine Law, Natural Law or the law of Man.

Naturalness is the wave which people as Individuals, were naturally meant to walk on, being true to yourself and how your Naturalness brings expression which moves each person via Word anointed Vibarting Expression Supreme Perfection.

3:42 pm.
Or to prove that you did not have to be rich, famous, that everyday ordinary people, laymen, and women were all part of the play because the ideas, constraints, and constructs of this reality did not apply.

It was simply about being qualified not based on beliefs but who you are as Individuals and no matter the life you were given or role you were given to play, from President, C, E O to Garbage man, that each had were born equal and with the Gift of Discernment.

Nor has to pass through your religious beliefs or ideas of self and Humanity or your world view.

This was my experience of the Ultimate Betrayal of being made to pass through a script to prove that which is obvious, that which is common sense, that which was is common sense, and instead of enjoying my time in the Human story of life, instead be born into this life to play a role which I did not agree with, and saw as a very bad idea.
Why because I knew and know humanity, I have experienced people, I did my own private personal research and was well aware that there was no amount of Love, Truth, or “Sacrifice” no amount of Evidence or Facts which would move people to people.
Humanity had everything already, you were created Perfect and from Perfection and the savage nature which most assumed was from choice and free will, based on the notion that this world was chaos, had no order… and was random.

That was a choice that people, society made and many chose to follow and abide, live in that truth, and thus feed that Savage nature.
Jesse Savage
Jessica Knight.

There was always a choice, and though I was aware of the overwhelming nature of that lie and how it affected so many, I was also aware of the many who would rather die, who went through torture, torments, and agonies rather than give up on that which they intrinsic knew and were loyal to.
Those who were loyal to God- Truth- That which is their True Self.

I was not interested in people who had chosen to see the world through the popular view.
Humanity had at least 10,00 years through this last age, the last chance to get it right.

I knew that there was nothing to explain.

It was always clear- it’s even a universal dictum- Be True to your Self.
It did not matter what other people said.
Do You.
Be Your Best and most beautiful Self.
Move through your life constantly refining and cleansing your self and it would lead you to your S E L F.
Is it not interesting that in this Matric “Numbers Game” G N/ N G.
7 14/ 14 7 ( Sacred Portal 147 A B) that the world S E L F= 42.
A R D EN = 42.
C E C I L I A = 42?
Does that not mean that through the script I was made to pass through which was an experience of Torment as my mother Cecilia stated, began at birth-my life from 18 Alexander Grove led me to a person called Arden.
Does that not mean, that despite the ravages done to me personally that to age code 51-35 that at my 64 moves from this day 20 years ago that I had sustained not only my True Self- Eternal but had reached the physical embodiment of that True Self and that we had even proven our Harmony with him but also his siblings and friends.

And that my being here with Kim Aruthur Himes (Tree-Chiefy)
had reached my Eternal Body K I M= 33.
All through a playscript of ultimate savagery and brutality created by the “Evil Spirits” in Humanity from Time – Past to Present.

Does that not mean that if I could do this, through an Unnatural Script which forced me out of my true nature as a PlayBoy, that it meant that everyone, anyone no matters the roles they were given to play, could do it too?

And that to recognize this was a choice each of you had to acknowledge it.. or disregard it.

Did you see the money play?
Can you imagine that being done to you?
Made to not only not be allowed to create your own income, but be purposeful, set up to live without any means of support, a body “Possessed” and at the same time rising, evolving, and alone you are made to walk through a pre-setup script designed to deprive you of earning and income or freedom of movement of your Body- represented by Kim and Being represented by Arden as Body and Being aligned to one. B .B 2 2- 2/2= 1 A.
And equate it, explain it right to Liberty C Liscomb “Tom Bushnell” the simplest play of Word to letters to numbers.

From a most complex Mess of Ages as mass to reduce all the experiences of the Evil spirit of Humans throughout time, equating correcting decoding all human expression from Legend Myths, Arts Science- through the human ego of fear and diseased points of view which created this mess of ages “Cosmic Entanglemmt” decoding the Sum Total of human expression and from “Adam” First Man to world views of this age and finally to reduce it all, align it all to the lowest common denominator or Letters to Numbers and all of it aligned, in the perfect symmetry of meaning. ARDEN – E D E N
to S E LF.

Who could do that?
Who has done that?
Almighty God?
But you do not even know what God is…

To have a person- a man prove, link, equate all of this too literally Person Place and Thing.

Each of you wakes up and goes to work, earn your income, take care of your lives, your families, while each day I wake up, moved by my Being and Body to move for 20 years every bloody day, to a cause I do not believe in, have no faith or trust in a process to prove the Symmtertcial Perfection of Everything.

To miss the experience of friends, family, Life- watch each season pass by, day after day, night after night while you code and equate and demonstrate Harmony in all things right to the apartment I am in, the writing on the wall- “Bella 9-19-20 with two birds in pink and white in mid-flight, to me left as I write.
To my room “Do you Speak with God- to the furniture, to the people present here, Kim and Jae, to the very last monies which you are not allowed to earn, which was intentionally prevented from you earning, as everyone else here does… To every detail of spending amounts….1.34 USD …
42 U S D. To 41 then to 21 USD and 22 with change.
All to prove Harmony Perfection to you…
While my only desire is to be outside, playing, doing me.

And yet in this character this role forced me into, who is more like a Boy – equating and training the selected designated people I was sent to, to move them out of the corrupted Ego selfishness of this reality which they allowed themselves to be infected by and show them- often having to battle with them in silence and through sound to align- rise to their original truth.

And yet I still reached my True Self, embodied outside of me.

E M E K A K O L O.
= 88… 1 16.
to Arden 16 when I met him, Age 17 right now.
88 16.. to its square 64 and meeting him on my 64 moves in 20 years.

Posting battling on Facebook, in Lifes playing field and observing those whom I was sent to- whose portals I never wished to pass through, but still loving them and watching, knowing that they will betray that Love- knowing that it is coming, and why… and yet loving them- that beautiful truth in them which that great Evil spirit in man lies in wait to choose the perfect timing to betray.

Watching it on Facebook and in every aspect of your life.
Observing how you walking through a script which to others seemed a mystery. Black, Blind.. you can not see… but you see- and but you the ones outside can not see… that you are walking through an illusion of Time and the sum expression of not only the species, by the line of each individual, but their ancestors and even the people I am made to interact with who have conveniently forgotten their own expressions and actions and cause and effects they created also did before meeting up with me, and my seeing that shadow of death, that shroud around them of all things, expressions, deeds, actions they did before meeting me.
All of which I have to clean up while protecting their fragile egos.

If I could walk through such a heinous script and sustain in my non-being, by not being allowed- thwarted day and night from being my natural self, ( who would never suffer the people I had been made to pass through their homes.. no matter the truth and potential… even beauty in them- because it is not my business.
I am not your God, nor am I even acknowledged or appreciated by such beings.
But who is only appreciative to me with conditions… That which I can do for them, that which they gain.
All of it is in the end Ego.
The battle with ideas of their Selves.

It is not my concern, as you all have made abundantly clear to me, that my manner of existence and my nightmare of being is no concern to you.
You are here present on my page because of that which you gain.
And even then, it has been a battle.
Combat, competition… what began as recognition, humility transforms into Ego and that true self which is not E, raised and exerts its own challenge.

4:42 pm.

Can you imagine if I had passed through all these people’s portals and been my true Emeka?
How you would have reacted to my true way of being?

I had to bend, accommodate, often with such a self horror of the person I had to be for them in order to rescue Your Truth, and prove your harmony in a play and script I despise.

My mantra has always been “Each to his or her own”

You taught me early, that no one owes you anything.
Selfishness is the rule of the day.

And if that selfishness is Pure as a child, then what is wrong with that?

But I have proven symmetry- its perfection.
I have reached the expression of my Beautiful Youth – my S E L F embodied as a Beautiful Youth and his Sister and elder brother as Ferrel- even to a child 5 months in the Womb.

Nothing is enough for you.

No amount of suffering, surmounting, evidence facts is enough for you.
And my curse to this world as a lie, to its people, to this play and to the force which allowed this, placed me in this situation is my Vengeance and the source of my Pure Hatred which will never die, until you and it ceases to exist.

I have got Kim.
Esteban and Kamora were all given the most amazing grace.
I have rescued my truth from all of them.
Even Jae/ Esteban.

Today the E K.
has aligned to Emeka Kolo.

There is no one else.
Kim aligned to my Harmony- the E Harmony the Scripts Harmony and I have taken my K I M back from him while he is able to retain his K A H See Ancient Egyptian meaning of K A.. H.
K A H B A. H.


And because he is in Harmony with I.
I have evolved that K A H of an Egyptian story to K A H as 11 1 8 as Infinity.

It was never his story, and he was used, but he has been a Friend Loyal to the truth I represent and so he rises with his K A H K A I all aligned and done by me.
No one else.

And so, I today the final equation moves to
35 53.

I have taken back all that which is mine, and those few, very few in harmony with my E will rise independent but only because of me, and their own choice to use their free will and choice to pay attention despite each one being forced onto me, by a script which gave me no choice, no free will.

4:58 pm.
My amazing Grace is to not take away their own efforts because of a play script which they did not have any power to control nor of which they created but benefitted from… my “suffering” for that would no be fair- especially after what I watched, observed that which the Evil Spirit of Non-existence did to them in turn – to test them, to place them with Nonexistence to see if they would betray- see if their Ego would go too far as most Humans ego does when given Acknowledgment and praise.

I woke up to the code 1:40 as time and E Arden everywhere.

I sent and received to messages.
From Nnaemeka and Obiajulu Igwe Okolo
N O.

Both required expression and I was holding a fury in me.. still am.
But I knew it was not their fault.
Both required alignment of expression-
I am The source.
Obiajulu is my Half-sister whom I have never met except through Facebook.
She spoke of Blood.
Nnamemeka, had no given me any indication of when the last money code would be sent- he had kept me waiting.
I had to master my temper.

Obiajulu Igwe Okolo play took only a moment to align.
Nnameka’s took a while.

Thier initlas spell N O.
O N.
I completed the expression with Obiajulu Igwe Okolo first.
O I O.

Nnameka had questions and still, there is a message on my page.
his initials are N I E.

They represented the Forest People as Igbo.
I have been watching Obiajulu Igwe Okolo likes.
Nnaemeka has hardly posted on likes to my post- but I have liked his posts- I was saying something by my action.

N O is 14 O.
O N is O N.


R- E … S P. E C T.

5:11 pm.
Right now.


I have had my response.

O I O.

I have my response.

Kim spoke non-stop yesterday about Respect.

R E S P E C T= 86

5:23 pm.
E W.

I have understood the play today. Ego- Ego.

5 5= 1. A R DE N S E L F.. 140.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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