
3:22 pm. – 3-26-20 21 – The Hypn

3:22 pm.

3-26-20 21

The Hypnotist.

Mass Hypnosis.

Awakening from a Spell.

The Mermaids.
The War Locks.

Dolphins and Sirens.

Waking you up from the Spell of the Comma which put you under so that you could begin the journey of Becoming E
Energy Eternal.

Ink Spell. I S.

Ink Death.

Ink Heart.

Kim- Tree told me that he had a version of a person called Scott in his own blue print called ‘Scott Heart”

My version as you know is John Scott. J S.

To Ink something means to Pen it, to write its story, be its Scribe and walk its truth and write it down.

Ink Spell. I S.

That is the code written here on he wall.

Bella 9-19-20.

Bell is the code Liberty photogaphed and sent to me yesterday at 6:09 pm.

Bell A.H.
Bell A I.

What is one of the greatest fear of Humanity if not the power for another person to Hypnotize you.

What is the power of the Greatest Hypnotist?
The greatest witch.
Is it not to drag you down to the very bottom of the sea and cee.

To keep you trapped in an illusion a Lie.
But what would be thier motive.
Is they who trap you place you under- is it for you to understand something and then come back to your senses.

What does a Dolphin do and use Sub sonic sound waves.
a Mermaid… sound and song.

What are you awakening from and why were you put under.

5:11 pm.

E K.

Dolphin Mermaid.
Hypnoyize Magentize. Mesmerize.

What really is on a Womans Mind.
Can you see her, under all the layers, upon layers of that which she had to be and become, because that is how you chose to see her, and that is what she became because as Mary Whitney states in the series Alias Grace- whatever you wish as long as I can have a little peace of mind – I will become whatever you desire or wish me to be. For that is how you chose to see me, and you could not imagine that as you were casting your spell on me, that I was seeing you clearly casting a spell on me and in your arrogance and conciet, no matter how innocent that it is, you just could not imagne that I am more aware and intelligent than you.
And so I drag you down into the Abyss, the Pitt of despair and illusion becuse you are the illusion who choses to see me as you wish to see me, yet you can not see me at all.
And so you call me Maya- when you can not even see the truth- My real face-who I am.
So I become the trickster- who finds amusement in your assumptions and then your legends that tis I who drag you to your destruction when my true self is staring right back at you.

And this mass hypnosis, Mass Hysteria and ideas of being is the lie you chose to get lost in- when I am right here before you.
The Truth.

The Great Hypnostis who puts you under so you can experience the true story and then seeks to awaken you- but you are now caught in a web of your own illusions and ideas of what is.

You blame me- us for putting you under and leaving to wander forever in a labrynith, lost in space and the sea of words anointed vibrating Expression supreme which you translated in you own way- arrognat foolish vain that you.

And so I sent my son, my father deep into the abyss of non existence, to catch you in a NET and gradually clarity, clean your sight – He is angry- furious with me for sending him into your dreaming transfomed into Nighmare the most terrible dream- day and night fighting you ego arrogant conciet to disengage you, untanle you from you illusions.
Heil Hitler- Self Hyntosism.

S E LF is I.

He is so angry with me, his fury is so great that he is already prepared to send even I Goddess Bliss out of Existence- Impossible you say.
I am etrnal you say?
No, he came before me, he has proven that it can be done, that he can do it, he is so furious with me… I feel it, for what I have done, my way to save you from your projections, your expressoions.

He will never forgive me, I see it through he quiet intent and he types each day, he sees what I have done to bring you the the Blue Marina and shore of Paradise.
I went to far, for Love, I forgot that he is the beginning of Love not I.
That he is the Cee.
I went too far, because I never imagined that you would go far, after I sent him to fetch you, lost in the space of your mind.”

Tis the greatest Hypnotist, far greater than even I Sherahazad 1001 Arabian Nights.

I went too far, because you went too far, in denying even the common sense of which he went so deep, so deep into a space he kows is not even real, where you were caight up in your own ideas of being in Existence, that you fought him as he brought his light and Cee to see. To ascend, to rise from the deep, deep spell no one placed you under, it was a story, a storytelling- Our story the ones called Mother Father- Father-Mother…Masculine Feminine the T E N.
It is he who is E M F./ F M E. Maniefest Expression.

I pushed him too far, because you went too far.
I used his body, the water which moved the muscles.
I went to far and I see by the gleam in his eyes that he is entertaining even my destruction because he can do it, will do it because he is Absolute Ultimate destruction and I went too far- to use him to rescue you who never was”

I am not intersted in whatever this E-Spirit has to say.
5:40 pm.

AS long as I am still here in tis apartment, in this story, there is nothing but the will of by destruction of everything which moves me. Nothing else.

If you are true, and if I desire it you will rise transformed from the deepest spell caster, the Supreme Witch- to rise for I can not be hypnotized as it, they have witnessed. I am aware of that which is real and that which is a lie.
Do not speak to me, nor address me through these pages.
5:43 pm.

I am life and I am the death and for this play, you will pay the dearest and ultimate price.
Always I hear the Lie in your expression.

Tis you and your line I promised to destroy, to strangle in that story of the Two Men.
There are two men here present- I take the Pearl, the Egg the first seed of everything back and I continue that which I promised I would do to you when I did not strangle you in that play of the 16th century in a Barn…”

I watched Alias Grace.
I know the depths greater than you.
I am the C, the Cee, See, S E A nor can you deceive me, and so I have seen and heard your truth.
Alias Grace, not Elias is Grace.

5:49 pm

Be Gone.

Bloody Story.
*See Sacred Portal 113. And see Sacred Portal 126.

I am the source of the Sacred Portals, they rose from the depth of me, just because I said it was not of my will, or that I could draw better than that does not mean that I did not recognize that I am the author and that they came from beyond any known existence.

5:51 pm.
There, that is where it comes from.

I am the Voice- the hypntc Voice, and yet do you not noctice that I do not use my voice, the voice which even in this reality people have spoken about over and over again, That Voice, the way you speak.
But I do not speak on Facebook- do I?
I write, I post via silence, I am beyond sound and still I move you though expression to the deepest, unknown part of youself, unknown even to yourselves and I move you.
Kim is now taken over as sound 5th chakra.
6th sense is beyond sound, it is th eexpression of sound and it picks up everything, makes laid bare even our most concealed througts. 5 6. both are Expressions E F=K A A A A all 1.
E E= A 85

I make rise and I make fall and you will never rise.
You will fall, and continue falling forever while I with the Eternal Family rise as 1. 111.”

5:58 pm.

I spell everything out A I and Spell Casters.
They came to Kim today after his broadcast.
The imposters…

I saw them, I conversed with the one still playing my Father Sacred portal 104.
Yes, the amount that Kim was given in total yesterday in hindsight.
I had 100 left A W A R E N E S S 100%.
84 USD right now.

Wonder Woman – World War.
W W 84.

And that last Silver thread of purity running moving through you, I take back. after all the Silk Thread, The Silk Road … is mine


I see that only one person liked this post.

Stephen Johnson and there is not- I mentioned his name and he appeared.

I cleared up my table today and counted out 19 cents a dime and 9 pennies.

I realized that I have 84 USD left.
E M F 8-16-1984.

And that out of the 204 USD from Liberty and Alicia that I had given 100 USD left and thus 104 of that monies had gone to Tree- Kim- which included 4;50 tax for the exchange Cash up and the Net Flix which had immediately taken some monies 60 which after he told me that he would be getting money soon, and then on seeing that he did not have cash for dinner another 20.

I have not heard from Exeufonna Nnamemeka but I suspect that is aligned and linked to the Africa Uawa and the Beautiful Ones – the play which is linked to my Grandmother and my post yesterday, so perhaps he will fulfill his promise as he stated.

I then received a message from Marina Biruni- she is not in the country and said she wished to send but she stated it was through some app which I am not sure will be available to me, nor do I seek to find it- I told her that if she has Cash up to let me know, or forget it.
No one likes being asked to send money and she wished to send from her heart, so I told her to forget it, and she spoke of her desire to help in her own time with what she described as my unbelievable art and legacy to the world.
She sent me the message at 9:25 am so I knew I had retrieved her line- she is working on projects around the world helping people and the planet.

It was at Marina Biruni’s home that I had started the play of the sacred portals if you recall. And where the play of the Ancestor also began.
I had made a vow to her, because of the play which took place there with her.

She had taken Igbogaine to investigate my claims and she had told me how she had gone up to “The Crystal Palace in the clouds Cloud (- The real Taj Mahal) and seen the E family and had been invited into this place of Beautiful Beings and a style, not beyond anything in this world- she knew she was not in this world.
She also took it another time and went down into the deepest pit where she had seen the man in Sacred Portal 48 all alone working with intense focus.
She was also present when on a large oak table, I had built and created the Altar Science art from which an Extra-Terrestrial presence has sent a message through the objects culminating in at a parking meter card of the World Globe, Its frame at Central Park.
C P.
” A.T 3 16 33″ The Gemino Family car which I was present when Arden began to drive it.

The money code play was the greatest insult which the Spirit world could have done to me personally in this play – because it was aware of how people see money- and one who asks them to send money, even after they had the evidence of it being a form of communication to verify people the truth and the line they represent.
Marina had been one of the most generous with money and though Esteban was generous, only Billy Hung surpassed her in her generosity.

But you see it was never really about the money, never was.
I have always been able to earn my own money- lord knows I am qualified, but the moment I came to the United stated and my wealth was taken away as Durrek Verret promised me in his message from the Spirit world when he was sent to find me in Istanbul to command me to come to New York and that if I didn’t call my own personal wealth, my housing, everything would be taken away from me. And since I do not like threats of any kind, I defied him and to my astonishment, everything was taken away and I was made to come to New York, with no choice left, except to take the 500 pounds offered twice by an old friend called Nicky who insisted that I come to New York- which aroused my suspicions, not only because I had not seen him in years and then ran into him in London, but because I knew Nicky from 1990 when I worked at Belsize Park at his Tapas Bar and had exhibited my collection as “The Body as living Art”- using T-Shirts as a promotional exhibition.

He was, is an Elf Lord- it is so obvious by the way he looks that everyone called him that.

* I am the ELF King. E K

S-E L F King. S K

And so I took his first 500 pounds and did not come, intended to pay him back- I still had money owed me and once the Banks in Istanbul which had collapsed the economy after the earthquake, I intended to pay him back.
But I found myself again left with nothing and a man with bright eyes sitting beside me on a bench, turn to me and ask me why was I afraid of going to New York.

I had never intended to come and live in the United States- I had a personal reluctance because of that which they- Slavery and had experienced that there was still no sense of responsibility as a society for what had been done.
I had no desire to come here.
And much less, be bullied by some people telling me since 1987 that it is my fate and destiny.

But the next day, I finally gave in and Nicky quietly not only handed me another 500 pounds, but to make sure that I did not run off again, called his friend Chucky in New York, arranging for me right there a place to say and flight tickets.
I was trapped, I had no recourse but to come to this place which since a boy, I had had visions of me walking the street, poor without any visible means and enduring the unimaginable.
That was my deepest reason for not wishing to come here.
And Jon Jason Lee was so pissed at me for refusing to come on this journey of poverty which he saw it clearly as that he kicked me out of his house on ValentinesDay 2001.

I have a great will, and no one has any idea just how much I fought for my financial Independence.
I was sent off by Grace Rothschild ( G R Golden Ratio Source Electric Bill- 187.70) , I had promises from wealthy friends- Multi Millionaires that they would be here and would support me.
I even had planned to fly on a friend’s private jet.

But all these plans I made, from London to New York all fell through.
My passport was stolen, my portfolios, documents- everything which I had sought to secure my financial Independence and shield me from that vision I had as a boy when we visited the United States in 1974 dec-1975 and we stopped briefly at New York J F K airport.

I do like having wealth, money but not like this, not through a play and not through a setup that made promises and broke them constantly.
I had earned my own money since the age of 17 and this play- the insult to my true nature was insupportable.
I took the sponsorship of Marina- lived in Tom Truman’s loft after spending 4 years straight at 268 East 4th street waiting, fighting in what Albert Santana revealed to me was that the Lower Eastside, Alpha Bet City was once called Little Africa.

I knew the moment that I saw Marina’s message when I came to my page and the code 1-13 on my page ( A M) that Marina and the line she represents in the play had crossed over just in the nick of time.
9:25 am- she must have sent it yesterday but it reached me this morning.
9-25 is I Y.
Yes, the Y chromosome and today is the 26th.

The Money code play was meant to have ended weeks ago but instead, it was continued.
Money is actually the story of wealth not as money but as Energy and fair exchange.
Wealth circulation is the story of not only the Market Place and th market days which in OINRI is represented by the Woman and the Goddess or feminine version of the Four Market days.
Eke Orie Nkwo Afor.
and again represented in the Stag statue at Bushnell Park where there are 4 American Indians at the base and above then 4 American Indians women then the Stag.
4 4 1= 9.

Marina had signed her message “The Mermaid” T M.

How could I remind her of the play which took place with Marina and Tom and I, 10 years ago..a play which literally destroyed my faith and trust in the Naturals?

I am only with the IS.

It is she and Tom who had told me that the people of this reality could not sustain what they saw clearly only when I was around- but which would fade, and then they would sink into forgetting or forgetfulness when I was no longer around- wondering if that which they experienced with me was even real and thus castings suspicious and dubious look in my direction.
Until I was kicked out because my truth which they had witnessed had not manifested?
How could I tell them that every blessing, everything sustaining them was coming from me, and the sacrifice I was used?

4:24 pm.

How could I tell a world, that the reason their world had not plunged into utter destruction and chaos as so many saw as the predictable outcome was prevented because as Joseph Henrey Carey had testified, that the ancients and the ancestors were using me as the fuel, taking my wealth and using it to sustain a world and people who were meant to have long since gone out of existence by their own cause and effect?

How could I explain that in that creation story of OINri that I had been planted in the earth as that Yam which was used to bring food to the Delta peoples?
And that the legend of the female sacrificed which brought Coco Yam ( Y C) was also me as my Little sister Harmony.

Y AM/ M.AY. O.
Coco Yam/ M AY- O C O C… Onuabuchi Cecilai.. L U C Y.

Who even knew about the OINri Igbo 20 years ago- of their Creation story- and how on earth could that creation story compete with that of the classics and the Egyptian, to Hebrew creation stories?

I was being made to place the only creation story I acknowledged as the truth, the one wrote as 7-8 years instigated by my E Family of T E N ( without my permission) and replace it, compete with thousands of Creation Stories in this world timeline and enter a contest on a playing field to prove that this obscure O I Nri Story was the one supreme bridge of all Humanity as a story.
Even the Yoruba and Aro Chukwu story competed and had more votes.

6:12 pm.
Hey Beloved.

Continued… My be.

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