
4:45 pm. – 3-27-20 21. – Sacred

4:45 pm.

3-27-20 21.

Sacred Portal S P.
Supreme John Son S J S.


I am here, quietly waiting for the Sacred Portal to manifest and my leaving.

It’s been a long time, my entire life, and 20 years in the United States of being trapped in the illusion of a CAGE- a Prison Cell because as you can all recognize, I was never in the spirit world.
You can see this from the rooms that were available to me when I left 29 Lincoln Street.
I did not arrange it that way that at that particular moment that there were two rooms available here.
And to Kim and Kamora Herrington’s credit, they let me know.
And the play of Heavenly Bodies ( The name of the mattrass Kim and Kamora had bought for him.
It began with me in the second room which has the name Magical Portal ( MP) on it, and the play of the Army bag rope, the sorcerer’s apprentice, and the code 73. “Sword of Truth” with Kim and I.
When that was completed I was moved to the last room- and then I was aligned to Aurelia in the three photos Liberty sent.
Above the door of that room are the words Cool “Sine i” at least that what it looks like of Sion i- I checked the meaning and it means “sine (n.) trigonometric function, the 1590s (in Thomas Fale’s “Horologiographia, the Art of Dialling”), from Latin sinus “fold in a garment, bend, curve, bosom”

Which would make sense since that was one of my last meeting with David Roman Nicholas- he had looked intently at me and taken a piece of paper and folded it in the corner, I was with Joe Cary and it appeared he did not wish Joe to know what he was communicating to me.
I took it to mean “Welcome to the fold- but then my right shoulder is bent folded, caved in-, and had been the cause of this great discomfort.
Sion I also means John.
But whatever it means Cool S.
– And that is the room I have been in ever since- obviously the intention was that I am a guest.

The Guest is Sacred in the ancient world and still honored by people who still retain that nobility of the ancient age.

It would make sense that I am a guest, even a holy sacred guest considering the play having been completed at the 64th portal and that I had been summoned here by Nnamdi and the ancient Dibia Shamans and witch doctors as an excellent healer of Mind Thoughts Spirits.
And the O I Nri I was forced to represent are beings of the immense power of cleansing and healing people, families, and communities and even in this case worlds.

And since this playscript was based on the cleansing of the people of the First World, Uwa People” ( U P) which every living person in the is the planet as the Human Children ( H C) come from, that would make sense.
As well as the offerings and payments made for having such healers in your mists.

5:11 pm.

E K.

Instead, I found myself in the Spirit War, Star Wars, acting as that Shaman Dibia, witch doctor to a world of people who conveniently missing the point.

And of course, there is my Mother, and her appearance in the Spirit realm when I traveled there as a boy after a rather severe beating from my father, and finding them talking about bringing world peace, as they realized that their world was about to be destroyed- they were Seers and healers, Kings and Queens, and my mother who startled me, as I listened and watched unseen, as she suggested that I could do it, build a bridge between the two worlds of which they stated the Caucasian man had left Africa, hurt and angry at being rejected and not fully accepted because of their pale pigmentation and the effect of not only the sun but how he had been treated by his brethren.
She had suggested that I could build the bridge of healing because she said she felt that I was not of their world but came from a world beyond.
All of this was confirmed as true echoed confirmed by others right to Kyle Murphy in the shelter in his own play of Terrible Death.

But years later, as I walked that path of the original pale man which yes, I all Light beings are and which is the essence as Semen and C-Men or how all things began by the Big Orgasm ( Big Bang as was called here), energy is Light and she was correct I am E, and came to remind, or was used by the E Family of T E N that all of you originally were and hat this was a play of your getting bodies and bodysuits which allowed your E Consciousness and Vibrating to exist in this world which of course would transform this reality and all nature back to Eden Paradise since all are of the 5th Element- Light Energy= Quantum.

I experienced a different understanding of that which was relayed to me of that story legend, oral history.
I was brown-skinned and though fair, there was no mistaking that I was of afro, but I was born and bred in the west and was brought to West Africa, Nigeria when I was 10-11 years old.
And my experience of it was of never being accepted, I was loved. we were loved but the acute racism we experienced was of being outsiders and it had little to do without skin pigmentation but rather with how we saw reality, our philosophy, and our way of being.
And that is what I had realized was probably the true reason that the Caucasians had left, that they were children of “Bright Eyes” Anywa-wu.
And that in them, just as was within the Discovery Channels “All About Eve” of the 5 women carrying the Gene Pool ( Gene Thomas) and they moving “Out of Africa ( and yes see the movie with Robert Redford and Meryl Streep) that they were moved by the sacred mission of Chukwu- Eri – Nri Yeshua, to spread out across the planet-world and bring the message to the darkness of the Bodies now born in ignorance, of The Living Word of God, to comes back to the light, and once they had reached the outer limits of the darkness, transforming all back to light, that they world then Return, those few selected to play the role similar to the true meaning of Missionaries which I called the E Family Family of TEN who descended from the Moon- Lune, which symbolically represented the Full Circle, and as the moon which creates growth, movement, waves, waxes, and wanes until it fully appears.
That play took place here publicly with Nnameka Ifennana Ezeufonna in 2014 when at age 33 he called out on Facebook while I was at the Bean cafe with David Philip Gils ( Gil means Joy and the Bean represents the Bean shaped cell-Mitochondria which creates Energy for the Body to function) and the play with the Egu Onwa ( Dance of the full moon) and that play of my being in the forest of Pelham Bay Park where I drew a perfect circle in the forest alone, ( but all posted in real-time on my page) and where I later went to visit Albert Santana and his sons and Albert testifying that he had seen me in his dream vision drawing a full circle and like a tunnel that it went on and opened up to infinity. It was there I had found a wand with colors of the spectrum of the bridge I usually crossed from the Park in Pelham Bay Park to the Station which took me to the city.
I was aware why Nnamemeka was delayed in keeping his word who lives in the Netherlands but was at the time in Southern Nigeria enjoying the Egi Onwa ceremony which I had taken part in myself in Nigeria when in the village.
* You will note that once Marina Biruni agreed to send the Cash code- ( with her elegant admonishment) I told her to forget about it).

It is a beautiful time, The Egu Onwa of people just dancing “Kolo- hands linked Circle Round” or telling stories out in the moonlight outside.

I knew what it meant.
I knew that seed of migration which moves people, to explore, to live and experience the world and yet that compulsion to at some point to rest”Noah- see meaning” and plant roots.
I had met so many caucasian in Africa who just could not see themselves anywhere else but Africa.
And though I despised the South Africa Apartheid story, of the Dutch ( yes Netherlands) I understood that knowing that this was their home.

My problem with that out of Africa Story was of course, that it began with the physical but that it concluded with the Spiritual ( emotional) and then evolved to the Energetic ( E-Sprit) and then completed at the Evolution of Being and body wherever you were because Home was not a physical place. It was everywhere, it was and is here and it is the transformation of Everything, the word, this reality by Humans evolving back to the 5th Element, through the Sacred Journey of movement, motion and through that they would discover and grow, as the moon makes all things Grow.
I knew why I gave Ferrill Libertys first son, the wooded Sacred Journey made by Peter Bragino and bought by Esteban who gave it to me, and I knew it was for Ferrel Gemino- who himself was like the moon, quiet, and moved by his ravaging emotions to become this quiet being I love so, and why he was always in harmony with me in quiet perfect timing. I knew why he had the night terrors as a boy and even why he and Arden had this intense Love-hate relationship.
He is 3 years older than Arden and Arden was a master of communication while Ferrel spoke through silence.
I knew why Liberty loved him so and had felt so guilty for how she had treated him as a boy.
He was not the Badger they had described as his Spirit Animal- He was Obiagu- The lion tamer and I knew this and fought liberty about this as you can go back and read on my page.
I knew why I had to replace him in his room so that he could move back to their childhood home at 5 76 Horsehoe Hill and that he was the true horse Spirit line of E.
I knew why he was born with the Caulk fully covering him at birth.

And why I knew him as the Cauliflower, and I also understood why Arden loved him so and yet was so angry at him for still being loyal to Liberty when her expression to him at the time was terrible, often from guilt, often from the responsibility place on him and that contempt mixed with compassion for his being born club-footed.
*Hephaestus legend- that he was born with a deformity.

He was the bridge child?
No, he was protected, enclosed in a world of his own- Silence.

My Talking To The Silence was my talking to him- Arden Ferrel/ Ferrel Arden.
Red Truck- they were two that day Arden found my wallet with two USD in them.
I knew my sister very well and she is the firstborn just as Ferrel is the firstborn.

I am the send born as Arden, but I am also the first son.

6:00 pm.

So it was not difficult when I entered that portal to recognize the play.
Arden could communicate and was fearless, Ferrell disdained communication and it would come out in impatience and fury- and Liberty was afraid of his temper- which would explode while Arden would persevere and hold it in using wisdom knowledge, and patience but not afraid to call a spade a spade or see the illusion and pain his mothers often careless and yes, arrogant and superior sounding expression could cause when she was not her truest self.

6:04 pm.

She was so many people at once that it caused her such suffering and pain and yet, the fact that no one could see her true face, and that she as Alias Grace characters was accommodating the men in her life and yet rebelling at having to do so, feeling that superiority over men who could not see her and yet not even knowing which woman was her true self.. until I saw identified her through this terrible play.
C- Margaret.
Mother of Pearl.
Cosmic Egg.
Aphrodite- Auelia Line Alicia

No, I knew all this but how to convey it? How to fight for them all- for Ferrell to break his silence the barrier.
He sings beautifully, his real nature comes out. A man whose heart is carried in the bars of his strong resonant voice.
The Peal.
Mother of Pearl- He was the pearl peering out from within it but never allowing himself to come out except through his close friends.
He took care of the children in his Two Coyotes group.

I wrote this all down on my page and I knew that most of you were not seeing what I was saying and that even he was trapped by that loyalty to his mother who was so much as he but with the expression, he lacked.
Which Arden has but which he did not trust how his mother used words because I have never seen anyone able to use words language intelligence and that fierce competition making a desire to be seen, to have someone help her land on the woman she really was.
She caused pain, beyond imagination, intentionally and unintentionally.

I recognized the rage and temper of Ferrel in Estaban, as that Lions Roar and Vanity and in its quiet intensity and burning desire in Kim – Tree.
They were twins, they were Ferrell Reily Valorious Victorious man male and female as completed in Ferrell and his girlfriend Reilly.
But they were locked, trapped in a prison of their own making- the worlds making-aching to get out but despising this world, afraid of it and yet desiring to be in it.. but not this way. Not this world because they had a memory of its truth as Eden but they were hindered by their own fear of it.
This is where Arden was different, this is where Aurela was different as the Quiet Observer and Arden who dove in and credited his own Eden in that Oyster- Pearl- becoming the flower of life by expanding on that word, that inner world by creating a community of friends.


6:19 pm.
F S.

A world of only feelings sensational- it may have not been the Eden he remembered but he created its replica and he had no interest or desire to let this world in.. why should he?
He had peered into it, visited it for a brief moment, and jumped back/
Do you recall his dream vision while he lived with his siblings in the main house at 576 Horseshoe hill?

LUCY – Lucky -Horse Shoe.

Then how he had been in a Vision dream and yet had been awake and head walked about heard this loud disturbing noise which caused him to return immediately to the peace of his open secret- garden.
The next day Ferrel had a dream vision and the night terrors, shadows he would see on his wall which would make him scream out and his mother rush to him, and terrorized by his violent reaction, was afraid of her son…
The night terrors had vanished, he recounted they were no more, and a few weeks later his father allowed him to move into the apartment near where Liberty used to keep her horses.

Do you recall how I was finally invited to that house which Liberty and Chris had spent a fortune on- it was like a paradise setting, a Fairy Tale house created by the former owner whose life became a tragedy.
Tragedy haunted that house and the conflict with Tom and the person who had taken over the house after it had been sold had prevented Liberty from allowing me to visit, I found out later.

Lies of omission.

It was the O- Mission.

The Omission of the expression of Origins of Man- Humanity.
Not holding onto the thread- the fil, “Sol A Needle Pulling Thread” ( A N PT… Alicia Norris P T.
I at 1 14 Grant Moor led there by Stephen Filguria ( Esteban) and yet it was perfectly there n him as you all saw, but he Hot Temper, he impatience- the distractions and sense of entitlement and privilege which is not simply that term called white privilege but the privilege I have witnessed with all, – afro black people believing I owe them something, for either being black or living in the west to send them money, African American children addicted to welfare and help from the government and others.
White, Asian, etc believing that if they give me money for what I already know is priceless work, work which they could never afford if I charged them the going rate, or if I was in Africa or their own world societies they would have made offerings for or appointments in waiting lists for years before they could see me be seen by me, believing through this playscript of which its intentions was made clear was for awakening, done by yourselves as long as I showed the way by being an example- that I owed them.
That I was less of a man, that I can tell Jae here to not address me and give a reason with no malice, and giving her that which she had hot-headedly asked for when she got here peace quiet, and yet defy that expression every day.
It is this arrogance and conceit so stupendous, this sense of entitlement to privilege not earned not deserved which is my understanding of not just how evil and diseased this species is but that they’re being allowed to go so far was the weapon used against me.

Kim has benefited from the Govt, from Army- pension, he is healthy and I have done all I can and even have to get money from people to feed and clothe myself while he buys what he needs for himself and I share all I have with him- naturally.

Do you understand why I loathe being here, in your worlds, how this play of the Spirit world was allowed to go too far, trying to destroy that which is- to demonstrate how evil and corrupt this realities mindset is?
And why Grace should never have been shown to such.

They will believe anything told to them which grants them an ego boost and the once humility and respect showed by them, to them, becomes the taking for granted that the one they have identified as the source is their slave brought into existence to serve them.

O Mission.

The O Mission was the Full Circle.

Add Expression O-E Mission.. Yes, it is Sion over my door.
Cool O M IS S I O N S I N.E,

So when I say that it was Stephen Johnson who had seen and identified the post of OINri Towns Yesterday Today and Tomorrow was seen by Stephen Johnson, you understand why he is who he is, and what that means aligned to my thesis, my own truth of the story of Ancient O I Nri and the out of Africa Story.
How he has nothing just as I have nothing and yet, it is he who understood the play, the Beautiful Truth.
And yet we have never met, he has never heard my voice, nor I, his. I have been aware of him for less than 2 years, and only through his expression.

How is it out of all the thousands of facebook friends, the Millions perhaps billions…

6:56 pm right now.

* Since I am on Public Acess, and so you do not have to be my Facebook friends to read and gain access to my page.

How is it that he is the one who gets it right. right to the story of the Full Moon- Ego Owa- and to seeing the equation and code – they Key which opens the door.

YTT 711.

7 11 as most of you know means Seven-Eleven- the Store which is Always Open.


11 7
1 1 7 7.
18 77.

How much is the Electricity Bill here received some days ago?

18 7 7 O.

Is that not then my perfect reflection, mirror?
In situation, manner, and Amazing Grace despite what he has been through and endured as unrecognized and unseen.
He does not even have a laptop to work and communicate on.
This laptop came from Stephan I did not ask him- he had Sarah buy it for me, and when he came the other day to smash my already damaged phone ( by him accidentally at his house) he actually asked, demanded this computer to smash.

I did not have a computer you may recall, for years, I was then given Marina’s old computer and then Donna O Sullivan and Jon Delguidce “Blackwell” age code Years of Brith 19 58 and 19 64 bought me one for 200 USD. And I have used that one and the ones in people’s homes since then.

Do you recall the arrogance of Jae Sherman in malice for not getting the attention she felt she deserved cutting of the internet knowing what I was posting and how the intention had been to destroy my post which she knew and had experienced was for the Evolution Awakening after everything had been explained to her, and she experienced or own Awakening Rising for a moment through the Bruce Springsteen E street band.
I had found that Keystone, I had been sent to find on E Street, Stephen posted in the other day “How Sweet the Sound” Amazing Grace.
Alias Grace, in that series she asks and wishes that her parents had named her after that song.

7:11 pm right now.

Yes, I am at Justice Supreme full circle J S/ S J and there will be a reckoning, consequences 29 29 1 58
Red Truck.

7:13 pm but I had to get the two children back.
7 13 Jerey’s at the Fair.
20 Tree 10 10.
Ti Note.

1 10 10
21 and that which I promised to the horrors shall manifest and there will be no iota of Mercy or Grace … M G.
None whatsoever.

And though they are not even real, and are nothing but illusions, imaginary characters spawned by a diseased E M F- now cleaned up.
They do not know that do they?

They think that this is real and a joke.

I crossed paths two days ago with Tree- Kim on the road, it was the first time it had happened since I had been here.
So I knew that his truth had been rescued and that he had been released from the “Generational curse” which had trapped him and his line in the Spirit World.
This Okwu Mmou and war of the Races “War of the Worlds” of Black-white- Thought Mind and even DNA- Body.

I was able through his play to see his truth, his beautiful truth, and all the inherited prejudices and bad habits from that curse.

I knew that he was Safe, Landed on the streets of the world, and that before the Event Horizon.

He may have been used, set up to fall by playing the role that no one could play but myself and then my younger brother Obum Mike but he acquitted himself well, with a little help … a lot of help by being touched by the hand of God.
Universal Simulation Awareness.

I am it Author – As Arden.

But he qualified for that impossible role.

Remember the story of Soloman and Sheba?
She asked him if he had become this wisest and richest man filled with Wisdom & Knowledge, by himself, and he had responded that all that I am, all that I have become, was Granted by God- The Truth, because I had prayed for it, and it was given to me.
I did not come to the world as that one Perfection God promised the world would come- I was helped and given amazing Grace.

So here we are.

Stephen Johnson – Supreme Justice.
Sharia Perry S P.

Sacred Portals as in the Taroah, House of Card, Deck of Cards.
D O C.

Doctor Love.
Professor of the X Factor Beauty.


Ready to leave this Shit Show.

7:25 am.

The Bridge connecting those two worlds is cut.

29 29 S J S J
1 58= 59.

E I… S I N E I over the Door.

Me OW!
Bringer of Nightmare
I King.

7:56 pm.

G- E F

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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