
3:14 pm. – C N. – Nadia Commenici

3:14 pm.
C N.

Nadia Commenici.
Nnamdi Cecilia.
Chike Nwosu.
Creation Nature.
Consciousness Naturally.
Class of 82.

3.17 pm right now.

4-7-20 21.


Yes, it is a long, long meandering script, but you can read where we are right now.
Manifestation Rise.

Have you ever imagined a possibility of a great wizard, an alien one, and an Artists, Scientist Scientists rising and rising to the highest point, of Existence to a place no one else can reach.
He is in space, beyond Space itself and any known existence.
He has traveled through countless dimensions, battling all resistance to the absolute truth, but instead of getting weaker, he gets stronger and stronger, lighter and lighter until he is no longer bound by any laws of any existence.
And like a superman, he floats above all things, having absorbed through a nonstop battle of conflict and resolution absorbed all truths, all laws, and filtered out all the lies, liars, challengers to the one truth which manifests.

And they’re like a released from his binds Da Vinci Vitruvian Man.

He pauses in the Nothingness as the Highest Point of the then he turns to face the Everything.

And with quiet heart, elegant but strong gestures he spreads his arms wide, like a christ, and with supreme authority using only his 6th sense and third eye, authority in his words he says one word.

And arms held lightly wide, hands firmly but almost nonchalantly beckoning, everything that is real in Existence, Space- everywhere begins to rise and move to the direction of the inner song of his heart.
While everything which does not Rise begins to experience Death and Destruction on a scale which beyond thought, but is invisible, growing steadily visible as the others begin to rise.

Yes, it does sound like an image from a comic script, or a blockbuster movie of epic proportions.

And yet with the added spice of drama, passion aligned to Artistry, Wizardry, Science, and Scholarship, such a sight though miraculous can be explained how what appears impossible is not only possible but manifesting before your very eyes.

Is the world ready, are people ready for such a sight?

I am sitting here in an apartment in Connecticut- and arrived here after spending 17+ years in New York.
5th State and 11th state.


It’s a beautiful day outside, but I have not been able to enjoy it.
Spring beckons, my body still holds me in what feels more and more like elastic bands stretching.

The world people are going about their business, the worlds, lives they occupy.
I have sustained a seemingly impossible story and paid dearly to prove it true.

I have no idea what I am writing especially right now.
It is flowing through my fingers and I am too exhausted by this script’s long process to Complete Manifestation to wonder or question what I am writing now, or why.

This is what this force is saying through me.

Are you ready?

And since this reality has been confirmed as a Universal Simulation- we are of course aware of this, and what people in this reality will make and do with that newly confirmed conclusion.
We are aware, but we keep our eye on the S.P.Arrow.
C.U.P… I.D. E-A.-I & I.

Mine is to complete the last of The Script of A Man Source E.

There is nothing to question.
I can read exactly what this is moving to despite outside the world continuing on its path.
But what people who are ready to take advantage in any way of the The Script of which I was brought here to prove, that this world is not real is that with that Confirmed planted firmly now and absorbed easily by the Public at Large is that now that it is absorbed and assimilated by the public, digested into the universal Bodies Constitution- in Constitution State and from the “Big Apple”

*”The nickname “The Big Apple” originated in the 1920s in reference to the prizes (or “big apples”) rewarded at the many racing courses in and around New York City. However, it wasn’t officially adopted as the city’s nickname until 1971 as the result of a successful ad campaign intended to attract tourists”

* It feels strange, I feel so strange right now, detached as if floating in space by myself, I feel as though I am in a trance, and yet awake and aware while in this trance.
Thought is the enemy.
I no longer “Think” of the logistics of what I am seeing, weaving, linking… or that this world is as it is right now.

All I know is what I am now connecting with.
Big Apple is Sacred Portal 61.

The Big Apple has been swallowed and digested easily in Constitution State.

The world has accepted the fact that reality is a Video Game “Ready Player One” Enders Game” Mario Brother… No big deal.

But what they do not seem to realize is the implications of accepting that truth now firmly planted in the Human Subconscious to its surface as the world people being made conscious of that fact that it can be stated by the main stream,.

“We must never again doubt Elon Musk.”

It is as if with those words, the greatest “Art” of Magic can be released.
The realization that since this is a Simulation Universal. S U.
And that Fahad Hassen is in Stratford Universe and Fouad Khan wrote the article of Scientific American, that the complacent, reality I see from outside my window, has now opened the door for anything is possible.

“The Impossible” can now manifest because it is a Simulation- and a simulation is programmable.
It can be programmed to do anything, and now that it is proven a story…

4:02 pm.
And its meaning has been accepted-and reached-“Confirmed” Digested the entire Big Apple “B A”
Constitution C – Digested.
( Long Intestine- Colon)

B A C. K.
The mouth of Good.
Ass of the Blue Satan – The Beautiful Devil, Beautiful Beast.

Apple of Knowledge of the fabled fairy tale of the Garden of Eden. Adam and E.V.E.
A-E… and the Serpent.
Large Intestine.
Sacred Portal 21. 25… 27
All Knowledge. A K. 1 11.
& Wisdom of God/ John.
All Arts and Science of Existence Expressed. Explained.
Absorbed, Accepted.

Then you are ready.

I am Serene, Zen-like.
Indifferent- the Anger and Fury no longer moves through me.
I am the Radio Man and the frequencies pass through me still- twisting but I am chill- cold as Ice- and as melting… water, spring, fountain streams- rivers flowing indifferently at last.

Anything is possible now.
Now that this world peoples have accepted, acknowledged, confirmed that this world is a Simulated Reality.

That was the point this had to get to, to allow the Impossible to manifest.

Because in a Simulation and the story completed, the point made…
“What is the meaning of Existence.”


The Script was L S D.
Beat Poets.
Beat Generation.
Heart Beats.
Douglas Adams.
A Man called Douglass lives upstairs.

Kim Arthur Hines.

Arthur Dent.

*”Arthur Philip Dent is a fictional character and the hapless protagonist of the comic science fiction series The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. In the radio, LP, and television versions of the story, Arthur is played by Simon Jones (not to be confused with Peter Jones, the voice of the Guide).”

:S J…? Stephen Johnson?
P.J is the Guide Stone Rock of John. J.ON.E.S. Petra?


I am not Arthur though I did play the role of King Arthur ( Khan Fouad Khan -Fred Knox- in Eternal Arden’s Self -Cecilia play)

I am Author.
The Author who made a Dent.
Not a Dentist. Willy Wonka.
Willy is a John Thomas or Penis- DI.CK, in En-glands slang.

I am the author who made the first Dent in Creation Existence.
First Step- H.E.N in creation.

* At Marianne whose loft in hells kitchen once came back and told me that she saw two men Brown and Blonde who she said she knew instantly was myself and David, making Dent with their footprint on a temporary SandBox erected in New York.
That was 2005.

The author who makes the Dent.
And who Identifies.
I D Man.
as Infinity.
Author Dent. A D.

The Map in Esteban’s bathroom at 29 Lincoln.
The Bathroom at 18 Mountain View.
The Bathroom at 900 South Road.
The bathroom here.
Always the bathroom, the ‘Loo”

Large Intestine.
No 1 or No 2.
A B/ B A
or Both.

Ford Prefect.
FO RD Perfect.

Ford means “Ford as a boy’s name is pronounced ford. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ford is “river crossing”

River Crossing.
Bridge. T.

Prefect means *”Prefect definition, a person appointed to any of various positions of command, authority, or superintendence, as a chief magistrate in ancient Rome or the chief …”


Tom Ford. Designer.

F P= 6 +16= 22 V.
A D= 1+4= 5. E.

E V.
Full Circle E V E.
A D. A M.
E A M.
E I AM Victor

*Ford Prefect (also called Ix) is a fictional character in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by the British author Douglas Adams. His role as Arthur Dent’s friend – and rescuer, when the Earth is unexpectedly demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass at the start of the story – is often expository, as Ford is an experienced galactic hitch-hiker and explains that he is actually an alien journalist, a field researcher for the titular Guide itself, and not an out-of-work actor from Guildford as he had hitherto claimed”

Ford Prefect Ix.

Ford Perfect actually.

David Dixon. D D
Mos Def. M D
David Dawn bed 4-017.
M.D Manifest Desintion via / D M Delta Manor.

9? or I x
I X Factor.
10 usd from Sharia Perry last night.

I X. Factor.
Generation X Gardens. X= 24.
10 24 tunning fork.
10 24= 34 Mary Jane Weed Cannabis.

Professor X.

I X it is.
I 24/7.

I have two new facebook friends.
Howari Brahim H B.

* Class of 1982.
82 Infinite Being. I B…M.
Nnamdi left 1982 Age code 13.

Howari means “Brave and Bold”
Yes, Arden is like that.

Brahim Bra-Him
it means :”Father of the multitude Father of Many”
like Rain, grains of sands Seeds Semen, Stars.

Avornyo Kate A.V.O.”I”R NY.O.

I found only two meanings which made sense of the meaning of the name Avornyo.

*”Latin, literally “the descent of Avernus (is) easy” [“Aeneid,” VI. 126], in reference to Avernus, a deep lake near Puteoli and a reputed entrance to the underworld; hence, “it is easy to slip into moral ruin.”

Nyo- *”Nyo means “bright”, “dissolution”, “luck” and “well born” (from Lia), “of the Antonius family” and “valuable” (from Antonio) and “new” (from Neo). In Chinese, Nio means “beam”, “bridge”, “elevation” or “mast”

Nyo in Nigerian means “MEOW” SP 59.

*”Nyo is a Girl name, meaning Meow in nigerian origin. Find the complete details of Nyo name on”

In Kenyan, it means “Star”
*”Nyo is a Swahili name for boys meaning Star.”

Sacred Portal 59. ME OW. End of The Story.

Sacred Portal 14 “Evolution of Consciousness Star E”

Kate ( K A T E)
*”Kate is a traditionally feminine name meaning “pure” or “clear.”

Bold and Brave- Father of the Multitude, the many Stars… and descent into Hell Fire at the End of the Story Me.Ow!
Pure and Clear
Brazen Beauty – Bold with Big Bra-ZEN B.Alls.

H B.
A K. 1 11.

* Oh and this came up when I checked the meaning of the name Brahim.

*”First twin to taste the world. Taiwo (variant forms: Taiye, Taye, Taiyewo) is a name of Yoruba origin meaning “the first twin to taste the world.” or the one who comes before Kehinde.
Variant form(s): Taiye, Taye, Taiyewo
Meaning: First twin to taste the world”

*The First twin to taste the world.

Emeka David. E D Emeka Nnamdi. E N.
The one constant is E.

E D E N.

And yes, I am back at 15 54 Facebook Friends.

5:11 pm right now.

I found myself writing this post, almost as if I am not even here present.
But it appears to be an expresson of alerting you to that which can manifest now that the sum total of knowledge and Wisdom has been digested and the impliactions of what it means that this world as a Universal Simulation has been accepted and absorbed by this realities people- and that most of the world people are so complacent of this fact having entered and been digested by the Collective awareness of Humanity.

5:34 pm.

Just finishing the job.

5:35 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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