
5:40 pm. – 4-8-20 21. – I began

5:40 pm.

4-8-20 21.

I began this post earlier but the internet went off.
And I lost everything.

5:42 pm.
Story of the World and the Earth The Lie.

What can one do?

I start again.

Just an irritation and perhaps a bug in the system so similar to Enders Game and Ready Player One.

That which irritates and bugs you but which is really refining you, but using irritation- pushing your patience when there is no need to refine or polish.
So it becomes what it actually is- Evil seeking to get attention by any means because one can easily begin to focus attention on that which caused it.

But it is not necessary, is it?
There is no necessity of evil is there?
Or that interruption by the internet.
Not in a play of which perfection has long since been attained.

There simply no need for the interruption.
There was and is no need- nothing required or asked for.

Everything is Fine.

It just confirms why such a frequency and act-ion expression can not be allowed to exist and must be ripped out of this simulation as the consequence, creating a satisfying completion of this Fairy Tale.

A Happy Ending.


No one rising needs to be reminded of that very thing that became and was identified as the True Source Of Evil.

Anyway, I woke up a bit grumpy, anger blue and orange swirled in me like a galaxy of both Infinite beauty as well as a Black Hole.

I had completed “Lucy in The Sky” with Nathalie Port-man.
N P in the language of “Heavenly Bodies”
And then I had watched Ad Astra.

It stars Tommy Lee Jones ( T L J) as Cliff McBride and Will I am Brad Pitt, who shows incredible will by going to find his father who abandoned him at age 16 and never saw him after reaching 29 years of age.
He plays Roy McBride.
R M.
Royal MC.Bride.
* Which is the name of the last of Tom Truman- John Shaws siblings name, Bridy.
Bride E. B R I.D.E. P R I D E.
Master of Ceremonie. M C. B.RIDE-E B R O I D. E.

Which has already been recognized as Infinity- Eternity.
M.Y Bride.

In the movie Cliff ( as in Jimmy Cliff) Mcbride ( C M… T L J) travles from Earth the erd planet to Mars, to Jupiter to Saturn the 4th, 5th-6th plant and somehow skip “Uranus” the 7th and ends up at Neptune, the furthest reaches of the known Universe Milky Way.

He is the first man to accomplish this, and his son follows his trail and not always by intention, finds himself with an opportunity to reach his father after discovering through a radio emmission that he is alive and also the cause of the electical surges which could bring the end of not only the World, the Planet but the entire universe.
He has to be stopped.

The son finds the Father, who does not wish to return.
He loves his father deeply despite everything revealed about him.
But the father loves himself more.
And refuses to come back to earth, his son has to finally let him go.
So the son becomes the first person to reach the very edge of the Universe stopping at the 8th planet before returning to Earth.

Of course, the similarities di not escape me.
I had reached Arden, and we had proven an Eternal bond right to the final contact with him on the 8-6-2020 when we last spoke via telephone.

86 20 20 The Heater.

And now I found myself, doing what I did quietly with Arden, doing it in a play theater with Kim Arthur “Dent” Hines.

But this time… 6:12 pm “Hey Arden”
Publicly Supremely Transparently using Rocket Fuell to ignore and eradicate all obstructions and distractions.

From News Years eve when I began playing Maxwells “Ascension”
to the Descent- Final Destination.

Ad. Astra.

Astra means “Star” Sacred Portal 14 is Evolution of Consciounsess.

The son came back down to earth 8 planets to 8 plant.
3-8-8 3.
Connecticut Harwington-Hartford.
C- 88-C. E ART H.
E D E N.
Mars Jupiter Saturn three planet since Uranus the 7th planet was not mentioned in the film.

He came back after making Peace and Harmony – Understanding his Father’s point of view but not agreeing with it.

He had become his own man.

Keith Grant bed 53.
Grant Moore. 114 Motel.
Kevin Garnet- Laurels.

John Mack is 24 years old.
E.M.F= 24 5 13 6= 24 B D- X- TEN 10.

Kim is age code 33.

24/42… 6. 6 6.

Kim is 33= 6. 3 6 9.
Equals 1. C to C Earth back to Earth.
Grounding, Landing everything you learnt from her to reaching the very edge of Existence.
Express, Explain, Communicate it, share it, is it Understood?
Then U U Double Understanding.
it forms a sort of race track when linked together Unity Unified- Fused O. U F O.
Unified Field O is perfect symmetry.

Feelings Factual-Form- Format- Formulation-Formulate Feelings Sensation.

Double V.
W A V E S W O R L D S.

See WHY.
See HOW.

Nathalie Portman.
Neptune Pluto.
Pluto is Hades.
Neptune- Pose I Don. Poise I Don.
N P is the 8th Planet.
88 =…
16 P. 111 Perfection.
Perfect Harmony H P = 24 E M F.
Double Perfection.
P P ( 88 88 4-8 the date)
16 16= 32+1 = 33.
33 is 1 3+3=6.
1 16.
Attained Perfection.
16 1. Perfection Attention/ Awareness/
I K E M E F. U N.A.= 85

John Mack.
Kim Hines.

J = 10.
K= 11 Dobbleganger Twins.
J D T.
J- 420. * Mary Jane – WE.ED Cannabis.
Thus in K there are two
J J 10 10. 10/10= 1.
10+1= 11.
66 is the code on Kim’s Door.
6/6= 1.
1 is Arden, Alpha, Alex, Allan, Ali, Alexander. Awakening.

10: 10 10.
One who is Two in One.
1 11.
30 1 O. 111.
A.N.K. E E D E N. 5th
Nnamdi Kolo. Kim.
Arden- Aurelia- Alicia- Nature-Naturalness- Nnoyelum Kim- Kate.
A.NK. x E 5: 3, 4.. 5..6.

The “Feeling” is the 6th sense.
Facts we Feel through A Body Suit.
And Express-Feelings.

Landed, Grounded, A Tree, a Body anchors Electricity.
All Knowledge. A K
All-Knowing. A K
And spreads it out.
Shares it, distributes it.
Branchers to Root. B R I D. E.

111 Perfection.

I was grumpy but chill, what more could I do, but one thing to leave this absurdity.

What I had come to was to prove my Eternal Family here present in this world representing Evolution Attained.
I had done in this in 2004- 24.
Then spent an unprecedented 17 years proving it.
Really prove that these realities are a Simulation and that this Universal Simulation was a product of Fairy Tales told to toddlers and children.

C is the 3 letter in the AlphaBet it is Universal.
It represents the Color Yellow- Y which is really “GOLD”. Kim means Gold. Aurelia means “Gold”
Golden Ages.

Rainbow Spectrum.

As Sound, it is the Note Mi.
M I, 9 13./ 13 9.
= 22. V.
22 22 V V.
H V.
I V.
I V.I.E.

K.I.M./ MI! K= 11. 11= 1.

The Echo response of this world is that this reality is a Simulation.

The absolute quiet from this revelation confirmed in this “3-D reality of Manifest Thoughts 4 D. is absurd. the lack of the realization of the sheer enormity of this revelation of which changes the entire perspective of how everything… Everything is percieved.
I has transformed the idea of everything.
4.5 nillion year old planet ( 9 zero’s becomes a simulation understanding MW that 9 is 6 and thus a billion becomes a million and that the O is 15 letter and is filled with somethingness called 6th sense.
Everything since Humans came into being and awareness is transformed by this declaration that the world is a simulation.

That very thing, which delayed me for 17 years in order to prove and… make manifest through your own expression and experience- View.
That which I nonchalantly, and quietly wrote in my Journals in Sept 1992, that this is not only a simulated reality but that is based on a fairy tale, and yet not even that can awaken you?

Could anything be that self-involved, or is it that there was something you wished to experience for yourselves?.

Star E aligns to Kim of course, as Nature, Naturalness Earth.
N is 14 as well as Ad.
And sacred portal 14 is Evolution of Consciousness Star E*

33 is 20 +13=T M- 33
But is proven to be John and Kim.
J J J C.

And then when I received the Ten U.S.D from Sharia Perry and it literally has the message delivered on it delivered to me in the Mail Box, T E N 10 USD with the intelligence of the Script I have been decoding and aligning written on it.

Again proving the Money being used as I stated as a form of sending me messages, bot from the Ego Oge Forest People play as the Tree of Life.
But the play as Energy= Money- Time.
( Time is Money as applied to here in the West.E:M T=
E= 33.
E= 1.

Eric Andre is who Kim had confirmed to me today.

It was after I our conversation which was based in the codes 9.8 that Kim recieved a notice that he had recived a notice that he had been given a grant and that all he had to do was acess it was to give them his pass word.
the grant then came to 13 thousand USD and 900.
M.I. MI./ IM.
MI is the 3rd Note in Solfeggio which represents Earth, the 3rd Planet from The Sun.

And while I do not prescribe to such things- I had noted a series of symmetry which led me to my using the Govt Phone I had from Kim to take the photograph of the Ten USD Bill and post the Evidence.
Normally, I forget my password and have to start all over again creating a new password.

But I was able to remember it for the first time after not accessing it that way.
I remembered my password and was able to post the image.

Then this thing happened on my page where the internet went off- it is the grid of the planet.
And you can see from my expression above what it brought forth.

Kim Tree just came back and told me that he had been locked out of his account because he had given them the passwords- which I had recommended after reviewing all the evidence and allowing Kim to make a choice.

The same test is given to me?

They had changed his e-mail and then he showed me the codes from Facebook and I understood everything.

Yes, Star E is him as the reflection like my younger brother-and yes, top of his class.
But the Star E was also being designated as me.
Because Kim is Star E as Expression Explaining- Entertaining.
But I am the Star E they have designated because I am representing the E link since I came into this world.
Nor have I ever acknowledged the mentality of frequency of this reality, I have never acknowledged anything other than the E.

It is true, I was vexed, but I knew that everything was in perfect harmony, I checked using the E Codes and common sense of negotiating this reality.
I had answered favorably to Kim because the numeric codes offered as well as everything Kim had expressed was aligned to the E Codes- Script and Consciousness and I find myself watching him today as he spoke publicly and I had said to myself AH!
This is what the play has been waiting for.
The Voice Eloquent Erudite, I watched and I saw that he had anchored the Sum of Expression Knowledge into a Language this realm could accept and absorb. It instantly lifted my Grumpy but chill spirits at seeing him shine.

Here was the Star Pupil The Eye.

But if this is the Star E judged not by me, but Arden- The Self- Cecilia then yes, I understand but why this way?

John is a star.
Liberty is a rising star.

But yes, Star E would be Emeka Kolo because I am E, and just as I noticed that the asterisk sign on the Key Board ( K B) is aligned to the number 8.
I recognized myself and my personal script in Lucy In The Sky.

L I T.S.
and as Roy-AL Mcbride- even to the Rice bag Kim brought for me.. us to consume.
Royal Mayan Rodrigues Satana and Reign Maxwell Rodriguez Santana.

8:29 pm.

E: “M F 8 29 88 007 A” RD EN

Mother Father is Father of Infinity.
Infinity Harmony “A MAN” ( A B.I Emeka Kolo aka OO7 Abigail.

Meaning Father Joy.

I understood the play in Foresight Hindsight F H as well as Hindsight Foresight. H F.

8:33 pm.
8 6.
8 1.

I am Nnamdi Kolo. Obumneme Kolo. Nnoyelum Okolo.
Celica and Maurice Okolo.
I am the representation of the E Family.

This I have always known as is patently obvious to anyone.

So, I understood the play and relayed as much of it as I could to Kim.

I just did not add, that it had apparently not been about his playing a role as me- which he had cast as Tree Chiefy T C True Clarity.
That this was no longer the Play Script of Human Children Elementary School.
But about the Originals Origins Of E.

And that is why in the movie, there was no 7th Planet as Uranus or 7th note, or color.
It jumped from Mars Jupiter (M J =23) to Jupiter Saturn. ( J.S= 29) and then to Neptune-Poseidon.
N = 14… 77 1.
P = 16. 88. 1
A-A. 27

8:42 pm.

8:43 pm.

They used money and time.
M A T. E.


I am weary of translating and decoding this play.

Kims broadcast lasted 2:02.23 secs B O B-W.

Robert Richard.
B F B W.

I am not really sure how to respond with what I am have understood.

Some one, some where else, some thing was acknowledging me.
I do not forget ME.
I have acknowledged myself very well, and felt that I had been intentionally forgotten.
8:50 pm

And the entire focus had shifted to the ECHO Response from the A.LL.

I was the Director of the Play- Directing the Human Children evolving through a play of the E Family.

If anyone appeared and was given with such indention that I was The forgotten one, it was not me.
It was the experience given to me to this very moment, that I did not matter.

But I already proved that I do.
I Did.

So it did not matter that I appeared forgotten, denied, alone in Space.

I was not lost but simply became quiet, the Quiet Heart by the Echo Response.

Where and how I am living, even after 20 years here ( 10 10) says it all despite my responding to the Echo of my on Expression of True Clarity.

I really just don’t care.

8:56 pm,

I just wish this to be all over with so that I can go home.

8:57 pm.

As I am and embodied as The Elegant Nomad.
T E N- N E T.
T E E E E T.
Y 25 E E 25 Y

T S S T.
T A.T.

No more of this Tit for Tat.

9:00 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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