
5:56 p.m…5:57 pm right now. –

5:56 p.m…5:57 pm right now.

4-13-20 21.


I am now at 15 56 Facebook Friends.
After completing a play of The People yesterday in which both Kim Tree Sage revealed his Truth and was released from the idea of The People being the Full Circle as O. Origins.

It was followed by a play in which Jae Sherman also representing another form of the People and the truth of The People as the Lie, despite the purity of the Original Frequency of Origins Purity in them.
Instead, that which was revealed in the two plays they represented was the release of Tree Sage as the Tree of Life from The People.

The play simply confirmed that which was already known, not by only me but by scholars, intellectuals, philosophers, Arts, and every day Individuals throughout human history.

That 1. The People are Lazy, and are corrupted by Generosity, and are willing to sacrifice others for their benefit even if it involves the most Evil and Cruelest script that they would condemn another to navigate for their benefit.
And will compromise their Integrity, once grace and favor are shown to them, and plot, do anything to ensure that they get what they want whether they deserve it or not.

That The People are as Yeshua stated and experienced as well as his entire line in male and female form.
That they are Hypocrites and will knowingly pretend to be in Harmony with the truth moving through them by pretending that they are clean.
That The People are cowards, who will use Fear tactics, bullying and Anger to get what they want, if they are shown any iota of Grace Favor of forgiveness- that they will lie in incubation, as the Disease I stated and concluded they represent, lying in weight and wait for undercover, ready to strike while acting pretending to be aligned, recognizing the Truth moving through them and then believing that gives the certainty of their superiority and rights to that which they had not earned.

The People are like syphilis.

6:12 pm * Hey Arden.

They will never change.
And that others also seeing their hypocrisy will choose to ignore the Evil and Disease that these The People spread and that they do, as long as they too gain in the process.

The Conclusion is of course that there is no such thing as The People.
Or “We The People”

That they are the cause of all the Evil in Creation and when given a chance to Change they will not- and that no matter what is done for them they will not.

Thus J A can never exist as E.
and that there is only A J. that A J/ J A is J A H. and once the Beautiful Illusion which was the original play of the Black Panther and the Man Children who was the first Beautiful Illusion and who the Black Panther stayed a while with to conquer its fear of being alone in Existence and promised to come back after creating a thing called Space as Time for their E.G O/ O GE as self projections of self to choose to see that which It was originally taught by the Beautiful Youth who stayed a while to evolve to understanding that the meaning of Existence is Harmony.
or cease to Exist.

That choice and play of Eternal Nnamdi, E N evolved to Arden -Truth.
T- E+N= 19. S.
T S.
Transparency Supreme
T.R E E. S.A G E as Noni Promise Life, Teacher of Life.
By paying attention in the “Cass Room” created for them in this illusion of Time called a Simulation- Universal Simulation Awareness moved by The Spirit E-A to pay attention in the Class Room or ignore, defy and even challenge The One sent by The Source and Principle of the Existence.

I arrived here in Connecticut with full disclosure of my intentions.
The Black Panther Truck which rolled up behind me displayed my EGO as the Black Panther, and my return to that original Black Panther who came back to see what The People, The Person representing JA had chosen.
I was already aware of what they had chosen by the simple manner of how I was brought here and my experience in this reality as the Awakened Observer- used by my brother in the past to be his eyes and ears, his scribe, and translator.
He trusted me with this mission, and my conclusion was already established by 1988.
And by 1989, I found that I had no desire to have to check my findings to Him because I did not have to go on, I had already received enough evidence of what they People claiming to be the Full Circle of the People, The all as they claimed, were doing with the idea that they are the beginning and the end, and what they had done to the Individual- chaining and yoking them to the idea of The People- the Collective who do not even exist.

My intention was to find my family and not spend an additional 31, years + writing a report of the proof of my findings that not only is this notion of The People non-existence and a corrupting influence on the true purpose and reason that the world as Individual People ( I P) in their own right, instead of the People as the All who ever existed.

I observed already how this notion of The People as a Collective of Many had done everything to halt the evolution of the original plan as the I.
and the intention of Harmony.

Their notion was All of us or not at all, and then the sacrifice of the Individuals who they made represent them as the false idea of the People. All. Angry Lazy Liars wh had never attained the full Circle O which they claimed to be, but instead used the play of my Brother and darkest father the Black Knight, of 69/96 “The Switch” MW two points of view, to take advantage of corruption and disease they represent to vilify the Veritas of the true play and any Individual breaking free from their lie.

6:04 pm.

The lie is that no one can rise without the All of them rising.

This was mirrored and reflected in Dr, Dro Ashua witnessing on a Lake in his estate he had gone to commune and check what he called my impossible assertion what I had revealed to him was being done to me.
He saw the corruption of the all tied to my waist, like a rope, and horrified, he had exclaimed that this was impossible and that they can not bind me and keep me chained to them, so I would not be able to leave and be free.
At which they had replied that they would not let me go and that they wished to evolve but refused to let go of their bad habits and all the things they willingly chose to do to make them foul and thus not qualified to evolve.
That was meant to be impossible. but I had lived it, and am living it to this very moment.
I have left inferences and proofs of this on my page for the last 9.4 years.
Going back to my Self Portrait which revealed that truth.

The J.A could have chosen Harmony but chose instead Evil.
The true Individuals sought to solve the riddle of Existence which is Beauty Harmony but were plagued non stop by the bugs, the irritations, the petty and experts liars who had made lying an art form often so subtle that the ones fighting to prove Harmony could not see that their very neighbors, friends, the family were the ones doing so, and even when they did, the Liars fully aware of the weakness of the Individuals such as Ego, need to be seen recognized, fear of loneliness, aloneness and capitalized on this and the one on their way to solving these riddles were in turn distracted by this… By the Evil?
No, by their own laziness and needs.
I have been forced to live in people corrupted for 20 years and 64-66 portals and even after all that was allowed to be done to me by the lie of The People as the Full Circle of Time all that was taken away from me, I have never been corrupted by the Lie.
Not in my bio family nor in society nor with people with the truest purest intention but did not see that they too were a corrupting influence because of their Blind Spot.
B S. 2 19.
That inability to see themselves clearly and thus requiring a mirror they could trust.
But then what?

They became corrupted in turn by the Grace Favour granted them by my being forced to live with them against my will.
Their once Respect and Desire to understand, and recognition of that which I represented as Truth, became corrupted in turn, the initial respect and devotion they had became now tarnished by my presence and my being forced to solve their riddles and school them in that which they already knew.

The mirror role I was forced to play, adapting myself to form a reflection of themselves in the mirror, themselves as they could be as I saw them in their Beautiful Truth and then the mirror and image I had to form of how they are at the moment- Ugly Cruel Selfish, which of course they contested and fought, and my not being allowed to simply do what any person in this reality would do- simply leave and limit or chose who I would interact with and whom I did not, was taken away.

I was “imprisoned” in my body and in a Universal Simulation Awareness- An “Awakening” play in which the ancestors had meddled and lied so masterfully that they had convinced the Humans that they were in the right and that I was the lie.

I have long since proven that the People who were deceived, lied.
Because the body is made of sound and intuitively and instinctively knows when a person is lying to them, what was the problem was to investigate and prove it.. instead of lashing out rather than or making assumptions.
Turning to Blame Guilt and Shaming.

7:04 pm.

The People called themselves God.
And it is true The People are GOD.
But the Real People are GOD and God as my telephone number arranged by Liberty attests “860 804 5 019″ is ” 804 “HOD.
7 04 G O D.
8 is really Infinity Sanding up.
I O D- H O D.
9 8 in numbers.
Yes, you may have noticed that my tel number is 86 O8O 45 019.
So the code 45 is aligned to me and that the 45 USD Tree Sage friend ANN gave to him was actually meant for me.

I am Nnamdi and he was born 4-5-1969.
Yesterday, I went to the C V S.
S V C.
Yes Cardonnet Vaihere
Yes, Fahad Hassen 3-22-2020.
Yes, Curriculum Vitae Supreme- Stephen Johnson. S J 19 10= 29 B I.. AT.E 001/ 100 E T A I. B.

I spent 10:38 USD there.
19 19 = 38. C H/ H C.

They asked me for my Telephone number and then my E-Mail Address because, for the first time, I could not find my CVS card- or my receipts.
I was fully aware that that was in perfect harmony because it was about my C V Supreme- Crowned being recorded with my Tel No. and my E-Mail Adress- they did not have my Tel no on record, but they had my E-Mail Address as TheNomad 1999 @ Hotmail.com.
My first and oldest E-Mail address.
1999 I was in Istanbul.
Murat Berk had attached itself to my Email address.

M B.
It was the year that I came to New York on a secret recognizance mission.
I came with Jon who asked me if he could come- I did not want to say no, so he came but I did not tell him why I was really coming here.
It was the same year that the movie the Matrix had come out.
NEO and Mr. Smith.
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Smith.

*”Neo (born as Thomas A. Anderson, also known as The One, an anagram for Neo) is a fictional character and the protagonist of The Matrix franchise. He was portrayed as a cybercriminal and computer programmer by Keanu Reeves in The Matrix Trilogy, as well as having a cameo in The Animatrix short film Kid’s Story.”

*”Agent Smith is a fictional character and the main antagonist of The Matrix trilogy. He was portrayed by Hugo Weaving in the films and voiced by Christopher Corey Smith in The Matrix: Path of Neo.”

Tom means Twin.
T A A – A S.

Keanu Reeves.
Hugo Weaving.
K R H W.

Did anyone not wonder why I use Axel Anderson’s real name despite he using the name Axel Love?

I was aware of this as far back as 19 99. Inverse that.
66 61. 61 days on the streets of New York to find Generation X Gardens.
Albert/ Edwin.

But I had no cause to have to explain it Jon Lee or anyone- or what I was doing.
1999 is what, 22 years ago.
I had jumped past and through the 99/66
See sacred Portal 99 Liberty likes that Sacred Portal a lot.
Kims door is 66.
I had Leaped Jumped from 66 to 6/6=1. A. Arden and to 19 67 which is the age code on my official documents and ID at the Shelter.

From the C V S, after the cashier, very pleasant enured that my telphone number arranged by Liberty without knowing the code, had been set up in my C V S account, I went to the Bodega at number 527.
I found that I had spent a total of 8:50.
8.5 is AWAKENING. 85
Ikemefuna is 85. H.E.

850 is 8 5O because the zero 0 I had passed through it as the O Perfect Symmetry seamlessly.
6+9, 9+6= 15 15.
O O.
O O 7 on the 10 USD Bill from Sharia Perry. S P.
Do you notice that she has gone to the name Sharia Aallah. S A. . A S?

T= A-A. A .S.
K Reeves H.Weaving.

Who was the Superman who was struck down?
*”Christopher D’Olier Reeve was an American actor, director, and activist, best known for playing the main character and title role in the film Superman and its three sequels. Born in New York City and raised in Princeton, New Jersey, Reeve discovered a passion for acting and the theater at the age of nine. Wikipedia
Born: September 25, 1952, New York, NY
Died: October 10, 2004, Northern Westchester Hospital Emergency Room, Mount Kisco, NY
Spouse: Dana Reeve (m. 1992–2004)”

I was aware a long time ago.
You are simply catching up.
Christopher Reeve.
Keanu Reeves.
C K- R-R .

Reese Wilkerson Malcolm in the Middle. ( Justin Berfield. J B)
Reese Wither-Spoon which feeds you.

So by the time I came back last night, I already knew.
10:38 USD.
8:50 USD.
10 11.
8 56.

Stephen Johnson plays. post 8 56.
The Echo response in this Matrix Simulation.

I had already completed that equation 2 days before and the day of Stephen 56th Birthday,

7:42 pm.
And with the post time stamped.

Did you notice that I am at 15 56 Facebook Friends?

And it is someone whom I knew and who knew Nnamdi and my entire bio family when we were children in Nigeria- and who had since connected with my bio maternal Family linked to the line of the second wife Chidi Umeano. who had even sent me a money code ( A M -C) through a person he was related to who lived near the great lakes.

I had not known that he had even left, but I was indifferent after observing his play and the inability to keep his word.

Deo Gratis.
D G.
4 7. 11 28= 39 C I.
My Mother’s code is 11 22-1947.

My Mother told me of what she really endured and suffered in Nigeria, when I was astonished that she was so alone there.
She told me everything and I told her that they will pay the most terrible price of all for what they did to her because I was not there and there was no one there to protect her, defend her…

Deo Gratis.
God is Free.
Deo Neo.

They were so sure that I would fail.

They who called themselves the WE. the O the full Circle.
G O D.
The People who could not escape the Black Hole as Zero.
Who thought that they could tag a ride on my back.
Use me to find the way out and then take all the credit.

Those who chose the wrong side but would come to my page pretending that they were my friends – curiosity seekers really Hypocrites Deceptive and Sly.
D S. Demon Satanic.

I am Dharma Santana .
Blue Satan.
Let me show you what I have waited all these years to fulfill my promise and vow to what lays in store for all of you.

You managed to set the illusion of the All against me.
Oh, I am aware of that, Geoff LaCour made that clear – he even wrote by hand a book of all he said.
“They are Jealous of your Light”
They planted a Demon in you and its was all theirs, and they then said it was you.

Daniel Maman Go Antiques.
Bal The Evil version of the God BA-Al and the vision I had when I passed through his portal of the rising.

Jae Sherman is innocent and can not be used by The People as a Human Sacrifice, nor can Kim, for The People J A Evil.
Not on my watch.
But she is, as is Kim still Individually responsible for their own actions.
For Christ’s sake! how can you go into forgetfulness when I am right here, present as a daily reminder!!!

8:04 pm.

H O D.
I O D.

The Entire word, 3 D to 4 D was set up against me.

8:05 pm.

Used to fight me, challenge me, betray me day and night for 32- 33 years since 1988.
Since my birth.
My Mother, My Brother Nnamdi, and myself were tormented and tortured from the moment we came into this world, my mothers at least had Paradise until age 14 when age was forced into an engagement and 16 when she married and her true hell began but Nnamdi and I were made to suffer and he at least left at age 13.
My mother and I carried the weight of suffering, she for believing and trusting in me and what she could C in me “knight in shining armor” and then not only is my passport and all forms of communication with here, made impossible and only my will power enabled me to stay in touch with her until I knew she was safe and would cross over and then you had her “DIE” publicly while I was at 900 South Road still posting solving your riddles?

And you truly thought that I would simply forgive and forget?

Do you know why I loved here, and him so much?

8:13 pm.
H M.
You truly thought you were more important than me, M.E. US-E
that you could USE and seek to infect and corrupt us?.
Or that you could use the remaining siblings Nnoyem and Obum by using changelings and I would not know?
And set up my one last remaining Uncle the cleanest one, Sir P. Pius Nduka Umeano. P N U Merman Aqua man because you were more important to me than they?
Poseidon NU. / Olokun.

8:17 pm.

H Q.
I Q.

The People? TP is The Point?

The People are the I the I & I.
The I I I.
I C.

That is the Sum total of ALL.Y.

The Victorious Supreme People.

1 2 and now 1 2 3.. 1 23 people all I.

I C…. E

That is all I Cee Emeka.

The Linage of the I and the I & I. and all one as I.
I I I.
C.E C I L I A.

All else a Lie.

Self Mastery.
Self Discipline.

S M I T. H.

S D Eternal Law.

No one is meant to do this for you.
No one can do this for you.

The greatest act of compassion was the amazing grace of offering you an Example – Free.

I warned you, I am not a nice guy.
I am Fair.
An Assassin- Killer.
F .A K…
of all that is Fake.
And The Fakers.
Tooth F AIR. Y.

New York Connecticut Arkansaw-Connecticut.

11 5 25 5.
K E Y E.
A A E Y E.

There is nowhere you can run or no place you can hide from M.E.

You use Brute Force, weapons, weapons of mass destruction- Bullying.

I use Will I A.M

E R I S E @ Delta.

* D M X is Dead.

I USE the M ASK E of
P U R E H A T… E.

P H.

So welcome back Lota George Odabi.

Lord God O.E S.P.

And leaves you all to that which you have created and take with me only the I E
That is my V for Vendetta.
I go.
V V E leave.

And with a little parting gift of your fears now animated, brought to life, as Real Fact Solid and Indestructible to speak for us to send the lie of you out in the ways you created for
Onuabuchi Nnamdi Chukwuemela to resolve.
O N C… E
C N C… E.

See the Evil Nature you have made the rise of The Victorious People. P:E O-P L E. / E L P O E.P.
“H E L P O E -P?”
I Laugh.

P: O E P- Q.H E.
A- P E R SON. Is The People.
T P . The Point. P T.
Perfect Timing
I P.
P I. E

Just O N C E… This One time see that Pure Hatred of I O D H O D.

M. E T -H O D.

Immortal Technique?

I T.

I Eternal Method…. of Reset?
To B.L-ANK?.

No Not this Time.

This Time,
The Bringer of Reign Rain B Rain of the END of Ever Thing.
Every Where.
Every One.

E E E. T W O

E E E T V V O I C E.
I C E-A G E.

8:50 pm.

8 56.

8:51 pm.

Now I will edit and check this post.

9:02 pm Done.

9 62. move 66 does not exist.

So I found myself with 28 USD left in my wallet.


11-28… Deo Gratis. D G 47.
* Sacred Portal 47 completed activated.

11 is K 28 is B H
K B H… KOLO 53.
A-A B H. 28= 10.
A A J.
A A J B.EE.C E E. I A H.

That the 28 USD Kim Tree Sage kept by asking me when I asked him what do you need, knowing that he had just got paid and yet had bills to pay Source E bill 187/70 split with Jae S and he had asked for 20 and 8 was used for the transaction of he 88 USd sent to me by Marina Burini which equated my name EMEKA KOLO to completion was meant to be all for me, and had now been retrieved.
And so with that corrected, we move on, to 11+ 28 and 2 28 and 1 28.
39. C I.
30. C O… 36 9 Brad Pitt War Z
29. B I.. A- E M F …. E T A 100

10 x10.
Square Waves.

9:12 pm.
I L./ L I E… there can be no E in a Lie really can there, it E comes from the 5th Dimension as E.
infact all numbers letters, ideas, everything came from Origins E.
Truth Real.Eziokwu Veritas- So it really belongs to I E and the I E Family of Examples which is the only way the O was formed as the Many I.

Bringer of Rain Reign Power to command life or death- Existential Death.

So I. VV… VV V takes all that with us including Air Breath ETC I when we go.

I P Man.

9:16 p.m.

9-16-2016. D M X Original Origins.

9:17 pm.

Not Violence.

I Q is the true source of Violent Aggression to Submission.
Handsomely Beautifully Done-and Deserved.


9:19 pm

I S.

Death Ray.
Using E S P. Focus Glare.

9:20 pm.

With Intention
Authority Ordained.

License To Truly Kill.


I T.

9:21 pm

I U?
I B A… Beautiful Awakening

9:22 pm.

I V.
I V I E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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