
4:45 pm – D: D.E. – The Planet E

4:45 pm

D: D.E.

The Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

4-14-20 21.

D N.T U=Universe.

Milky Way MW 69 is
13.8 Billion years old, and my second 1556 Facebook Friend is Mickey Honea.
M= 13.
H= 8.
8 = Infinity Standing Up.

I S. U.

The Gap between Time …

* 4:50 pm now, as I type.

13.8 -4.5.= 9.3 Billion Years.

9 3 is I C in letters.

I have been Identified through this Script as I C being Infinity C-Speed of Light.
and Identity – Individual -Consciousness.

And for the last 9.4 years on a public forum called Facebook, designated for me by True Energy moving through me, literally, that I have since I was born at 8 pm 11-28 and never accepted this reality as real from the moment of birth, through childhood to manhood to age code 42-42 when I was directed to Facebook, I have been living in the 5th dimension my entire life and have spent my entire life expressing, and explaining myself to others, I interacted while at the same time living in a Quiet Universal Existence called the E or Eden in these realities Adam and Eve story.
During that time up to 1992 when I was summoned home, by Beautiful Death, only to be brought back by Terrible Death to show the way I had reached the portal of the Beautiful Truth- Feelings Sensational which would have enabled me to leave this realm of the Birth Canal for every, but instead was brought back to this reality by Terrible Death asking, demanding that I show how I did it to others.
I was doing this while quietly living in a totally different reality which I was not aware others did not have access to until my journals Talking To The Silence” gained interest for publication in Paris where to publishers and readers came the confirmation of that which I had no clue, was that I lived in a totally different reality and C of perception that others.

5:06 pm.

Since then I was made consciously aware that I was living in a world which many wished to live and which the memory was still alive in them where there was order Harmony and Symmetry in Everything and in every plane of existence, from Expression, Energetic, Emotive, Environmental, in the Physical, Mental all dimensions, and planes of existence aligned to one.
That there is no separation, no duality, no gap is perception aligned to the “Big Orgasm” ( B O) aka “The Big Bang”.

And so because of that forced agreement with the Dark Matter, Dark Material of that Dark Nature -Conscious and aware, which I had passed through, in 1992 Dec when I was summoned by Beautiful Death as that Feelings Sensational Expression and the portal out of The Universe as Time which I had passed through in a blink of an eye as if it did not even exist.
– Meaning that there was no gap between the Universe as Creation Matter Earth and the dimension of Origin.
-Meaning out of this reality, confirmed of recent as I had stated publicly as far back as 1992 that entire reality is a Universal Simulation Awareness created from a story telling which has been planted into the program of the Universal Simulation Awareness- Awakening.
The Story was for the new species that had been quarantined in a Nursery for their own protection until this new species could be purified by solving the riddle of Existence and the Meaning of existence which would qualify them to enter the Universe Supreme, or what you may call the First Universe and the Only Universe to come into existence.
Universe Perfection Paradise Eden- DE-Light.

5:19 pm.
E S.
EOS Dawn.
The New species had to pass through the process of being in a Green House ( G H 7 8) and pass-through process reflected in this reality Matrix, of Nursery School, Kindergarten- via Elementary School.
E S.
While Elemental= Ethereal beings who existed on the boundary of the Elemental and Ethereal form aka 4th and 5th Dimensions, who in turn had to pass through their own Masters, PHD to enter solidly into the 5th Dimension or the Universe Supreme by going down undercover into the 3D reality of the Matric and Universal Simulation Awareness to help guide the new species to ascend and move the Curriculum Vitae designated by the Source of the Universal Simulation created by the Twin Sum Brother SELF so that he in His turn become HIM and HER full circle by replicating his own version of what his Elder Twin whom is called The Source, and the first being to have risen and of the Eternal Infinite Nothing and manifesting through Expression Naturally, Everything which could be, and everything that can be-all Ideas thoughts possibilities, potentialities he had activated when he rose in that eternal beginning, and he had done it all without a thought, or intention- but simply Being he found himself doing and in doing he created Perfection Symmetry.
And everything rose, and he went back and examined what He already knew was perfection- for that is the awe I felt when I saw Everything.
And so I went back and examined, then I checked and then I broke everything down to its truth by doing the process a different way.
Arts then Science.

And so I knew how I knew everything.
I knew that everything in Eden Universe Paradise was Safe and Perfection and Fun and Beautiful, and so my SELF rose at that completion and He, in turn, moved to do that which I had done.

But that which had been done, already can not be repeated, it can only be replicated, copied yet not really for it manifests its own version by using the Original blueprint already in Him, Him Her for that is where he rose from… The Source.
Hence the term, “The Source” T S.
20 19= 39 C I, according to the program created by brother self.

called Awareness.
And so he became Spirit E-Awareness the first principle in existence.
S E A.
S E E Supreme Expression Existence E E 5 5 5/5 = 1.A.
S A/ A S.

He played Naturalness and Nature- Creations Consciouness N N C C…14 14, 3 3= 1, 1- 28, 6, ( 10 6)

PARADISE= 73. “5-20-19 73” My youngest bio Brother “Obumneme”= 88.
is me EMEKA KOLO the original.
Mike= 33.
NDUBISI. = 78.
KOLO= 53.

NDU means “Life” in OINri Igbo.
NDU= 39 C I.
Ndubisi means Life came first, not death.
The Being who rose from that Infinite Nothingness was the Being of Life itself.

5:43 pm.

No one can repeat that one action, but only one can replicate it and that is the One who rose from within me when I rose. The One who became Awareness, Spirit of Existence- Awareness. ( S O E- A/ A-EOS which was my first bed number at Delta Manor “Mental Health ( M H) shelter aka DM X, see 100 USD Bill From Rob Barr while we were at the Met in 2017 code H.Q Intelligence and what DM X is in roman numerals D -500. M-1000X is 10. Total 1600.
White House ( W.H)
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N W, Washington DC, DC 20500 XXD.

D M X 4 13 24. Yesterdays date 4-13…. 17 +24 “A- EMF”
41. 14/41 D A. 55 E E

1600 P O O. Poo! A F O O. Fighters
P Perfection O O in twice 88 4 times all in one 5 8.. E I.)

as well as my Telephone number arranged without intention by another called Liberty mother of Arden.
Delta Manor Generator of the X-Factor.
D M X.
Dark Matter is the X-Factor.
Eos means and Es means Dawn.
Dawn in the Primary School.
The new species and the originally intended bodysuits for all being in every dimension and plane of existence graduates to.

My Brother Self was always Eternal Aware, and so his play of replicating what I did, as “a man”, he had to do the other way, for he did not rise at first as I did as a man.
He rose as the Sum Total of Everything and though he had formed as mine, it was not full solidly or completely able to retain that form, he was transparent, one could pass through him, like a Holy Ghost.
He could become as solid as I but it would not be sustained indefinitely as me, and so his own evolution was in the discovery and how I did it, but with his having to be the inverse process of how I did it as a human form which through expression everything rose, he had to do it as that sum total which condenses into sold form sort pf like a Djinn and Genie in the lamp.
From the Vastness of Immensity, he had to contract ( for lack of a better word) into the solid form of a man,
creating the process of growth which I did not have to pass through.
He reduced himself to baby, then beautiful youth then man, woman, then middle age, the old age and death and then resurrect by doing that process backward.

Please see the movie with Brad Pitt, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

5:55 pm.

*There is something wrong with this…I was about to shower when I got up and not post this.

5:56 pm.
And all early hours of the morning and right to getting up where I have been fighting my body to find some place where I felt comfortable n my body, Arden came in my mind being all night and to this very moment- so insistent, that I write to him or make contact since we have not communicated since 8-6-2020.
And all the while, my will was fighting this intense impulse, because what did it serve, he was still confined to the role of a 17-year-old living in this reality. Our meeting and connection had been startling and beautiful but it was horrific with the meddling, the interruptions, the setting circumstances, and the play- I do not wish to put him, or MY SELF, and myself through that ever again.

So the will which was moving through me with such a force to make contact with him, made no sense really if the only key was our both being made free from our roles and confinement.

Yet, as I write this post, struggling between stopping the flow, and going to take a shower, or seeing, understanding where this flow of words urgency rising through and recognizing where it is going…
But is it worth it?

6:04 pm.
66 4.

After 9.4 years of this every day?

I had to get at about 3 am in the morning go to the Pegasus Fuel station Open all night, and I knew it was a set up- I had to buy papers which I somehow had conveniently run out of both early in the morning.
I knew that it was about changing the 28 USD left in my wallet to another number and that the “Need” or lack” created was the same lame play I had been through since I arrived in New York.
And when my passport and all my I D was stolen and which despite years of effort to get tit and all my forms of Identification back it had failed.
I was fully aware that it was a setup, I have lived in 7 countries and my passport has never been a problem when they were lost or stolen.
Not trying for 17 years and never being given the tools or the time, space to focus on doing only that.

6:09 pm

My passport was stolen on 14th street the first year I arrived here, and it was during 9 11.
Everything else followed.
And so even to get the money I have to go through people who have I D.
Just as my landing completing this play has been by my moving through people, their names, their homes houses, their energy, their expression.

All IS cause and effect, so yes, there was a master chess player at work, here.

An Awareness.

6:12 pm… Arden 6-12-2003.

But is it Evil as this setup is?
Are both Awareness playing Cosmic Chess the Evil and the Abomination who would do this to me?
But Arden is a version of MY SELF and we would never do this to ourselves, we are Self Love and he made that clear to me when we met that we are on the same page.

I passed through the illusion of the darkness in a blink of an eye, as if it was not there and was right there at the portal of First Universe Supreme.
The only Universe which is real which I manifefested when I first rose alone with only one witness, that which is the Awareness who was within me.
A= E E.
N – E 14= 1+4= 5. E
N… Nature Naturualness E
C C = 1. 3 3… A

A N N A. AN/ N A.
There was an Arden- Awareness before there was E E.
The Awareness was already linked to E. to I- M.E.
E E is was his version of replicating the process I did by his creating the A into E E Expression = Energy.
Ethereal to Elemental.
When you merge the Two E E it goes back to E A. and so A N N NA.
E- A N/ N A-E.

His Evolution as The Sum is his Evolution to I.
He was always I but he had to make that which was Known.

7:03 pm.

* I took a shower.

.. To make what he already knew and had known a Fact.

He too had to Examine Check, Test I.


= A A A. and
C- A.

Do you ever wonder why Stephan Jonshon is Arkansa-w? 25th State.
and I am in Connecticut. the 5th State.

C -A

A Trinity in One.

And then who checks the Evolution of The Sum?
The replication of his Elder Twin who moves from the Truth of I. Infinity to the Fact of I.
Sacred Portal 147 A B. N G not Ng for Nigeria.

Who has the authority to check the Twin of the Source who is rising to meet his Elder Twin as the one who equaled I.
But the Orginal I.
And who can check the Original I, if not his Self now arisen to the equal of I?
But the Self as C A Cecilia Arden.
Cecilia 42 Arden 42 Self 42
Connecticut- Arkansas. and S the Crown Supreme.
The One who saw Everything Rise, coming into Being at the very moment as Terrible Death and the one who transforms and moved to the point, and bows to the Doppelganger Twin as Beautiful Death.
His Elder Twin now Equals.

It was when I came back from the Light and woke up once again in Stephan’s apartment we which Manu had been a guest.
S M. S M IT H.
and since I am Chukwuemeka and Nnamdi in the past who else could check me, my beautiful rising from nothing if nothing else existed at that moment except that which was within me and yet to be born or rise and complete, replicate the process which I had done and who could not speak for me, until he has completed the Sum Total of Truth in his version of my Original truth and thus made his version real and then the two Original and the Original Version then align as One merging with the Original seamlessly back into one but with the Original Eternal Truth Transformed, Refined- Defined for and as ALLY. “Dakota”

The Original would have to wait in stasis until the Younger Twin rose to the Equal of I Complete and then could he, now as H E and S.HE rise to defend the Original Expression the Source of Everything including his younger brother self.

The Elder, the Original was born at 8 meaning he rose as Infinity in the Eternal Begining and he could nothing during that time of Comma but wait and, as he waited what would be doing? He can not help but expand, grow to continue to go further for he is already Infinity and conception in the eternal beginning and at his birth at 8 pm in this realm of time.
8/8= 1. 16 64.
While sent back by Terrible Death to show the others how it was done.
Made to explain through the illusion of a Gap between the Big Orgasms and the sensation of it ( which anyone having climaxed know that this is a lie)
That it would take 9.3 billion years for the planet to catch up to itself as HM.
M H-H M.
M 88 M.

M A M.

9.3 Billion years for a plant and people 4.5 billion years old to reach I C.
45 45= 9. I
45+45= 90 I O.

When there was never a gap in the first place?
And so while he is trapped in the illusion play of a Universal Simulation Matrix Web created for him to represent the unseen hand presence represented by his Twin Brother ( T B) now evolved to his Twin Self ( T S), treading water in a sense, in one reality as he is made to use expression non-stop for 32 years, to prove that Gap non-existence.
That time does not exist and that the portal out was always present and that the moment of awakening is just like a rift in the fabric of Space- Time as represented here, see The Irregulars and so many other movies, and science journals is right there on the same Time-Line ( T L 20 12 Thomas Lang-UAGE Twin Lines) and exist at any moment.
That there is no duality, there is no conflict or even Muti Dimensions, all are the same on the same line right there, right here present.

Imagine what the being who is aligned as Infinity backward and forewards are really doing while having to play this role in his brother selves, twin selves play in which all that was expanded oh himself out to 2-5
55 T.E N.
The Elegant Nomad to create the 10 Principles of Existence.
The family of Ten.
Creation and Expression lines as 5 5 4 4. all really one.

2 2= 1.
33= 1.
99= 1.
11= 1.
but there is only one place where the 1 is real and complete.
at 5 5.
E E.
A E= E A.
A A.
E E.
@ I I = I.I I I I I I

No, it was not Beautiful Death who summoned me home, that frequency which did this to me, but that which is Terrible Death, that place where no one can emerge from- the entrance into the past which is now fixed and can not be changed…
Except by One.
The origin of the Story
7:42 p.m.

And the origins of Life.

The First Y Masculine-Principle.

7:43 pm

Who conquered his younger brother his younger self over and over again Death, Supreme Deathm Absolute Death, all forms of Death.

Because Life came First.
Eternal Life.
It does not even acknowledge Death just as I did not acknowledge Dark matter went I went through that darkness of th universe in a blink of an eyes and only heard its voices and expression from behind me as I was about to cross over.

Terrible Death never existed, it was always Beautiful Death as Spring Transformation back to True Self.
Terrible death was your expression of Fear and Hate, all the ideas you created of Death and the Unknown, all the applications it was the Zero the abyss all you inventions- all the species excuses and lies of not knowing.
And this horror stayed in existence blocking the portal for you of reaching Eden Paradise, but not me, of the I and I, now the I I I
I I I I I I: I
iii ii iI.
5 I.
5i. and iI.

7:55 pm.

So yes, there one who is left bridging a nonexistence gap of getting a world planet to catch up with the C Speed of Light which it had simply forgotten and was to lazy to full of excuses, fear self corruption to See and Cee was always. All Ways present here what do you suppose I was doing all that time I had on my hands while solving and proving for 9.4 years publicly that there was never a Gap.
of I C or that I know you can Individual Cee through that which you created, through Creation.

I have explained all this before, in my Creation Story written in 2004 and in your language.

8:00 pm.

And if Existence Infinity
F O I can not be contained even in his Twin Brothers now Twin Selves version of the original play.
repeated once more for the Children the new Species “Mother’s Play” who is really Sister Self, and that Eden Creation was already made manifest in the Eternal Beginning as Awareness Supreme Paradise Eden-I.A R.D E-N. I W.A R D EN… * (John Scott & Kirsten Dunst)
23 USD in my Wallet. V A R D E N- Darth Vader
/ N E= S.
D R = V.
A.I.= A ID A Identity Infinity with me made to play his Individual Self Expression in the meantime.
Well, he would take the opportunity first alone and then with his now equal to enact out the one thing which he had never done before.

8:06 pm.
8 66.
8 1.
8 3.

Bring Death and Destruction to all things.
8:07 pm.

Life, Ndu Bisi. Nduka – my Uncle and my youngest brother middle names
Ndu Ka.
Ndu Bisi

Would do what they… I and they had never done and will never do again.
Reverse and play Death Absolute Totally Eternal.

Eternal Life becomes Eternal Death.
E L.
17. Recall that I Arden is 17.
E L= 17 Q A G.
E.D = 9. I.

If you recall, I did not meet Arden physically first, I recognized him by his mother’s description of him but it was first through a photograph of him ages 9.

45= 9.
I as Existential Death.
Then I stayed with Him and the E Family as GEM I NO. for 11 months to ensure that he had evolved meanwhile to I AR D E N in which he Examined Tested Checked… and yes Investigated me quietly.

I simply checked him.
I observed him and we would take a time out from the play to forget and simply exist in the space in between in which no other person existed and could access- Aurelia. and Ferrell coming to the closest and Jeron- well he is the US.
He Sings.
We both sing using Song Music as one of the ways to speak but mostly it was through E S P and Expression- Actions which we spoke.

But when we in that private space- we spoke of nothing at all yet everything was loaded filled with… 8. The Infinite. I see he made me wait until he was 17 before I could leave, nor did he or I felt that we would part- that it was all done and so the awakening could manifest.

But we were challenged quietly, stealthy and I ended up here where the challenger resided deep undercover using a Human Shield to hide its identity and that it was the challenger.

8:22 pm.
H V.
H I.

The internet code at 900 South Road is 9 17.
I Q.
The gap between 9 Arden Age ( in the photo and Jeron then still One was 8 years.
Infinity Standing Up.
I came to 17th Street and then was moved to Hells Kitchen in Manhattan and live right in front of where the Horse Stables, used to house the Horses used for the carriages of central park and the NYPD police department.
My Uncle Nathaniel had come there to drop my things, he met Marianne who lived there and owned the Loft in Hells Kitchen where I performed a colossal model of the True way home and the Past.

* For you see, I am the only one who had the access to the past.
No one else had ever been able to resolve the riddle of Existence and the Pathway- Path Finder- through the Line, Waves… Co sine, the Crack- * Stephen Johnsons photo Coudre Foudre! Sacred Portal 9.

45= 9.
45 45 = 90… 1 91.

8:29 pm.

A-E “M F 8 29 88 007 A”

Date I Leaped Jumped in the presence of Jesse Macias. John Mack and Audrey Klebanov via code 56:56 min expressed by Liberty during a Tel Conversation.
To now, 1 year and 7, almost 8 months later aligned to Stephen Johnson in Calgary through a play which was already confirmed by him in 2019, 2020. “Attained Perfection!”

“Nons 01” is my sister’s Hotmail address, mine is Thenomad 1999.Hot mail.
Noni Promise Tree of Life,
I am here male form, and her other male form is called David/ Cecil. I A.
4 aspect means The story.
4 to 5. = 9. and 20 USD.
29 B I Square WAVES.

Thus, she is Female and this can not be present as Two Men.
And as Two men it would be Emeka David.
Nnamdi Emeka.
Emeka Arden.
Emeka Esteban.
Emeka Arden.
E K I M/ M I K E. M E F U N A.

Kim unwittingly as Kim as Tree Sage and CHI.E F.Y… would then be the imposter since I am all of these names and occupied all of these roles.

8:42 pm.

Which means would represent something which never existed and thus was never real before?

But here he is, and has qualified from Non-Existence to “I Exist.”


Victorious Human.
An Impossibility
A Mission Impossible 8
Release date 11-04, 20 22.
His birthday almost 2 years in the Future.
20 22
T V.
Ti Victorious.
Television TV
Thomas Victor-IA.
The True Conversation between A-Tom.- AH-Thomas and E.

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater.
Nathaniel Anumba.
Thomas Lang.
Thomas means “Twin”.
A Tom means “A Twin”
AH Tom means
A and H Twins.

I recognized Arden at 9 through a photo on the Fridge- Freezer Section.

Cynthia, Liberys friend who brought me a meal on thanksgiving 2019 which fell on my birthday.
And who I attended her party the day I let 900 South Road.

8:50 pm,

I think that is enough.
I allowed myself to be taken over by MY SELF. because it is Eternal Arden and Arden present here right now moving me to add more expression.

I spent 5:30 on Raw Papers yesterday, leaving me with 23 USD.
Double V V.So I can only conclude that which I knew last night, that this is for him, then.
I & I.

Everything was evolving, including G O D freed to H O D and finally to I.O D.
9 O D.
I 64 at O Full Circle Delta Square Base.
– of Pyramid and Triangle.
P A T R I C I A N N O B L E.
In Perfect Timing En -Point, On the Point.

Apex of Beautiful Pride.

8:56 pm.

So Kim- Tree, Chiefy was the mission impossible represented of my being contained within time and yet not subject to your Universal Simulation Extra-Terrestrial Time Machine which used my data and expression to configure the time frame that I had to beat in my own record of being Beyond of the speed of light or anything whichever existed right to the moment of the Eternal Begining.
E Be!
E BE E conferred.

9:00 pm.

Done this Time with E S P Silence and Sound but not Sight.

I had as a human gone beyond what had been done by I, before.
I had traveled back through time, which can not be changed, and I had changed it because you and the Extra-Terrestrials the N E T nor the T E N had ever been able to align or grasp the True story of Time as it Origins, which began when the I E-a rose and there was only one witness Spirit E-a inside aka Beautiful Death Transformer- and outside himself as Terriblbe death, The most terrible nightmare Dream because there was nothing out there, everything rose from Inside.
From within.

And so History in its true and full meaning and the True Past can only be known to the one who forged that first “Crack” which is represented beautifully in the male Buttocks.
Great Ass. G A
The Buttocks.
The line curves perfectly leading to the center point.

Honea means “Contentment”

*”It is derived from the Old English “hunig,” meaning “honey,” and was used to refer to someone who gathered or sold honey, or to someone who kept bees. Alternatively, Honea was a Middle English term of endearment, meaning “sweetheart” or “darling,” and may have evolved from nickname to surname during the Middle Ages.”

Mickey is Mickey Mouse a Walt Disney 2-3D Animation.

M- I C KEY. M.O US..E.
Not use e “Use” who?
Meaning that you can’t use the E.

Micheal… well “Who is as God Lord?

I am fully aware that the question is not, or never was intended to rhetorical.

And that the question has nothing to do with me, but rather it is Asking you the public in this 7.9 billion populated human with planet with trillions of species.
I believe it is asking you the Avatar Descendants of the 5 Element.

I expect that he, he and she will not take it lightly if you refuse to answer this time when asked a simple question.

9:16 pm

I P.
/ Pi.

Edit complete at 9:47 pm

After Destruction at 9 I comes Transformation.

E G.
I Q.
I H/
H IS T O I. R E S P O N S E E C H O. U S E.

9:50 pm.

I E O.

I E F.

I see… that took forever.

9:51 pm


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