
10:54 pm. – J.O E D JOI.E “JOY” –

10:54 pm.
A F E D.

4-23-20 21.
D W T B A.

Noisey Neighbors
N N.

* The Pause was because Kamora arrived and I,- we started talking and got a bit carried away then we went to the supermarket.
*Money Food ” Equation “Energy Circulation- Fed The world” completion Play.

I was not even sure if I was going to share this, but on seeing the…

12:25 pm.


There was noise from downstairs and across the street all night up until about 5-6 am in the morning, it was irritating and intrusive- abusive even.
There are some dudes who live there and I had noticed that they were considerate – they play music and one of them, plays and mixes sound.

But I noticed that each time there is a female who comes there, and then all courtesy is thrown out the window.
It’s an old house, and one can hear everything, and literally, feel the vibration of the base.

I had called it out enough times, to be rather indifferent at this point ( or become aggressive…No), but I was furious with Alien Father for allowing it while he was aware that not only was I doing this channeling and translating with 20 years of my body being made so sensitive…
I knew that this was the exact expression that created war, hate violence, that basic lack of consideration for others.

It was okay if people made noise up to 2.am.
That did not bother me, I was born in London and lived in noisy capital cities all my life- right up to New York and in the shelter I had observed the result of the lack of consideration for others- which often lead to violence and death.

So I was aware that I had already coded such being out of existence by proving the truth of war and conflict right to the Alien and Extra Terrestrials and the highest frequencies refusing to incarnate in such creatures called Humans because of this bestial nature of absolute selfishness, but I also knew that this is not how a true Human behave and that such creatures where not real or fact.
In fact, that is what I have been doing on my page through “First Contact”, by proving that this base nature is not human and therefore such should have been cut out long ago.

2:49 pm
Being “Existential Death”. Age Code Kamora 49. Blade Runner ( B R…O- THER.E)

Those Being who simply do not care.
They will never change unless they are given violent repercussions, and I had stated “Kill Them All”

But instead of my expression holding the Sway.
* see Sacred Portal 19 aka 149- yesterday Alien Father Alpha.

It was as if I had no say.
The people were not cut out and so they allowed themselves to think they had gotten away with it, from downstairs across the street, all the way to parallel universes.

I even recognized as they played, laughed and once again I had to bark out the reminder that 4-5 am in the morning and what is now a habit of almost every night, -which was not how it was when I first came here,- was their defiance because they had gotten away with it soo often (again Micro macro in every dimension of existence and in this world).
It leads to people just exploding in Anger-Frustration. A.F

One expects the landlord to care or be aware, but we are in this realistic simulation.
But imagine the insult to me here day and night as the true Land Lord having to endure this intrusive, invasive insults of defiance over and over again, having to earn the right to some peace privacy through A Video Games “Sims” od walking through a Holo- Deck really a Holo Kolo Deck “Delta Quadrant” to regain in this Human form the right to do so by having to prove that I am the literal Infinite Landlord and source of this Story which created and was programmed into the Simulation in the Eternal Begining and when I came down as Beautiful Pride-Beautiful Youth-Black-Panther. then to the man child .. a Dream having to Narrate a story and fight like a script from Highlander, Jet Li The One, to Game of Thrones Isis Osiris that this is a fundamental right given to every being in existence, real or on their way to becoming real Fact. While existing in a body and being made so sensitive that the slightest noise – dissonance not harmonious is a physical agony.

But I know this reality, look at my life and experience, all posted, recounted, and even experienced in this reality forced to prove the Holo-Kolois EMEKA (35) KOLO (53) H K to K K.on Facebook ( Of All stages to be given in this World and in the USA). H K HK D H KK … “KK but a backward K so it forms a Diamond-Clarity. from Kim Hinds Kamora Herrington K HH K. @ Delta Delta -David Darling DD = 8 H and I.
3553 88 1 A That my literal initals are signed on the very Grid and Mesh of creation… ? That I can pass through the reps of Man Woman here as KHKH by proving it K.E.HH.E.K ( K E I TH.E), the I is the joining of the HH in the center and hh a the little High Chair is inverted yy, the actual code is not on the Key Board ( why… Limited Choice of expression but choices of that which is useless to most)

* Yes, I am a bit surprised to find myself being made to add these calculations in symbols- code.
What can I do..?
with my calling this “Elephant in the Room” But I am sure you get the point the true little H is upside-down little yy but curved as Arden pointed out. It really is a full circle with the lid taken off.
Have you seen the way in China Monkey Brain is eaten?
Or better still a toilet – “Toil- E.T” Seat… Which as you guess was given to me as my throne- Literally. I knew and began to fully recognize this as far back as 1991-1992. But what the truth of that was “Marie and Francois” ( Yes I am addressing their frequency) MF. M.AF, it was to gice you some privacy and space to be a couple, and also have a respite from both of you, so I could focus on how to solve the riddle of all these things happening to age code 24. The little h is actually a Small p which also is a b. Hence the code of Jeron in his birth code 2-25-2019.
b-y-ts-T S. p.p.. with he lid up.pp. PP 111111 Perfection Perfection bb 22 bebe. BA.B.Y T.S.
I am sorry, but enough of that. 9:56 Edit.*
Ek. Emeka Kolo. 88=1 Alpha- so there is no way the Higher Unseen Intelligences, including the Two Awareness Tree Sage posted playing Chess and me down here buying four days before Chessmen biscuits ( I am on my 3rd… oh no, 4th packet, I bought the 4th the day Kim posted the chess players rather late. Today he posted the story of backward of the black version of the incandescent luminous man who was playing with himself as the “Whale of the car crash”. He was as Liberty stated “Circling Back” from Luminous to Black as Coal- Carbon The Black Panther- and like the dark side of the moon circling back to his transparent supreme self. ek. There Supreme higher beings, can not tell me with thier perfect vision from such great heights of Existence Universe Supreme that they could not see what is so obviously in your Simulation signed with Graffitt right where I sit- signed on the wall with Two Birds. Oh Please give me a break. You just wished to see how such a puny human could power and that I not earned it, but that it had been given to me because I was “lucky and it was by Chance” that I rose first.
10:06 pm. 16.
10:07 pm. 17… 1 007 Jaymes Bond. Sacred Portal 106 “Silver Surfers says Thumbs Down” Sacred Portal 107 “U C True Clarity V.E.NOM. ( what does Venom means V.E / E V (Yes, See John Mack seeing it too) Emeka Victor. NOM means Name. and / Mon means “Mine” does it not…

10:10 pm Okay we are done. Kill! Rip- Eat and take the ones you need to take of these lie of the species in to now made real pits of hell.. And let the Naturals about to evolve, know it feel it senses, smell, it feel it, explain it, confirm it by their collective Individual sights of relief able to break at last the master Perfumers scent wafting through the air.

10:12 pm J L. Jeron Langue Emeka Kolo.
I was not even that perturbed- I would do what I did in Libertys home, ( which at least excusable with 4 kinds teenagers, and a baby and she did warn me before I came over that there would be people, teenagers popping in non-stop.)
But even they had some basic manners and respect with noise.

I would get earplugs, and more relevant was I knew that I was not even meant to be here.
That this was now going on 6 months aligned to the play script and play the theater of sixth sense being equated to a numerical value -a unit of Time.
and only at completion would the manifestation happen.

I had given the people downstairs the benefit of the doubt that they did not realize that this was the awakening.
The end of this reality, but deep within me I knew they were aware and the sounds, the reverb even after my calling out that it was 4 or 5 am in the morning, and that their sound was directly under my room- that they had become more defiant.

That meant that I knew it was a play and set up which Alien Father had allowed because his play had yet to complete.

So instead of having these no existence lines rip out of existence Sacred portal 47, 49, and 59.
They were allowed to go this far.
I knew in my heart that they were aware.
The entire planet and peoples are aware something is happening in this world.

So, I lay in the bed, wondering why I was even bothered by the noise, it was nowhere near as loud as it usually is, the voice of the girl even left when I called out last night.
Yet, I felt the defiance and more than anything, my quiet fury was more to Alien Father.

The allowance of such an insult not only to me and my true ID. but to what this is, the Evolution Awakening, undermined the entire truth of it being real.
I had experienced this play and ploy for two decades – which is how I knew that this was beyond Evil, not the silly CGI selfish human brats transformed into Hellish Demons by their indifference to their neighbors be it country “The Angel” movie- or be it people living in the same building or in the parallel universe.
There is no Evil Doppelganger, no evil Twin.
All that had been proven on my page and manifested as an echo response.
The Two realm Origin and mirror are completely back and face BF, no gap any longer and now seamless Perfect Symmetry is proven.
Yet why was I still here, why was Kim still here, why are we living in a reality which creates the idea that nothing has changed and that it is even worse than before.

I knew the answer.

On sacred portal 19 aka 149 is the word “Noise” and I was aware that i was going to see Kamora Herrington at 10:30 am this morning.
I was aware that Jae had spoken to me in the E language yesterday and Alien Father had literally risen in me in front of her and addressed her.
After she brought some plants she had said she literally heard the call to Him-Her.
I had not wished to speak to her because she was used to speaking this base human language and had made him aware of that- despite his perfection and perception of the language I could not abide.

3:14 pm
O Pi.

But S-he had come back from going outside and said the plants had literally screamed at her.
I thought she was using 3 D language and was about to ignore him, when I asked for clarity, “Call to you?”

I heard them, literally, have been all my life, but this time they were screaming at me.
Another person telling this, especially in the past, I would have smiled and rolled my eyes inside.
But I knew it S-he was telling the truth and the plants were the ones identified as Alien.

3:17 pm.
The people live in 2 17 and across the road.
Taun lived in 217 Freeman/Fair Field.

So, I simply ignored the people as resonance, the reverberation of the drum machine going on from either across the street or downstairs, and did not sleep.

3:19 pm.

But I got my confirmation that the people downstairs, across the road were aware and simply indifferent when I went to place my earphones on and the internet came on, and it was a woman speaking the end of the world as being universally accepted and more what she felt people should do about it.

I sighed, so this is your play Alien Father, you wished me to finish your mess of ages and left me to endure the Vile and Selfish base toxic waste- the lie of humanity until I got all your line of true Avatar Descendants, no matter the cost to me?

Why when I gave the command to rip them out, it was not obeyed over and over again?
Making me look ridiculous, and they believing that I am the boy who cried “Wolf?”

I had been through worse, but why at this point after 20 years of proving that which was called impossible and now manifested as a fact in this reality?

I put my ear-plugs on, but it magnifies that reverberation of sound- the ones I have anyway.

* John Delguidce Black well rep Terrible Death had given me a gift of Head Phones- special one Chinese which literally means “sound”
* All code, posted on my page.

So I realized that the Evil Selfishness and inconsiderate savage nature in the lie of human were created actually via tracing back cause and effect from Alien father who believed that he had realized that he had gone too far in challenging a man- by Beautiful Youth, and his realization that he had gone to far and that I would never come this far for him to bring him home, that he had given up and said basically “Fuck it” and then forged ahead for the destruction of the species which was always his role as the Adversary- but not to this far.
-its like being made, or provoked to anger so far that you go too far, further than you had intended.

Anyway, that then made him the source, unintentionally of this Selfishness of which many go too far.
It sort of like Esteban Miguel Filgueria whom I love and will always love but will never tolerate that which he allowed himself to go too far.
Even stepping up to me.

That is what Alien Father did.

And so it became ironic, that the very species whom he – she wished to cut out at all cost, that that nature or bestial side of him- that lowest, most vile nature in what you can not even call Humans since Humans are Naturals- Compassion Empathy.
N C E.

“F R A N C E”
Free Persons.
That this not even Animal Nature ( Animals are in perfect Harmony with their nature and programming) its is Vile and Savage beyond even the definition of Evil)

He became unintentionally selfish. And when he realized the mess S-HE had created felt that he no longer merited my love nor would I ever forgive him so he embraced what he had done “One of his names is Pride” hence my distinction “Beautiful Pride”
He felt I would never forgive him.
There he made an error, the same error he had made with Eternal… now Infinite Arden as D.C

Happy Birthday Daniel Crane.

Who rose from within me, and his contesting who came first Awareness Consciousness or Desire created Awareness.

It was that I and I&I saw his Desire through our Cee.
Just as my Bio Father was a Veterinary Surgeon who wanted to be a Medical Doctor, Human Doctor but was not allowed to and thus carried a grudge with my Grandfather who he wished to sponsor him and place his entire family on my Grandfather simply because he was rich so that he could pursue his dream of Human Medicine, and my Mother Cecilia Seeing him and people so shocked by not only how she had stayed married to him but had scoffed and laughed merrily when told he was the evilest man ever.

The same way I had peed in my father’s food while he ate, ( moved by Spirit E in me) it was not about him but his anger, temper which had not mastered.
So how could Alien Father be my Supreme Sensei?
How could the Ja Man Child seek to overthrow the Beautiful Youth who was the original Black Panther but who transformed back into a beautiful youth and stayed with the Man Child “Ja” who felt such fear of being alone in existence- fear of the dark.

I recall at age 9-10 in Canada when my father came up to me and sat beside me, asking me “why did I hate him so much?”

I had not even bothered to answer him ( I was much tougher, colder, and natural as a child before I was made to bend so much and so far via an imposed Compassion and understanding that the character I was made to play was constrained by).

I sent him a thought wave and said nothing.
If you do not know by now…

Because he saw I had loved him but not any longer ( I knew he was not real by then a cartoon character C G I… a wind-up toy but was scathing with his manner and expression).
I was supreme indifferent.
He did not exist and he saw that change reflected in my expression to me,
How could he hurt me once I understood that he is not real and could not even play the role of a Father?
I knew what a father character looked and acted like.
And he was outraged by my manner, and though he stopped beating me savagely ( he would black out and forget, my mother would be screaming at him to break him out of his spell, she was always convinced that he would one day kill me)..
But as you can see, 4243 years later… and my openly declaring it in 1982… It is I who killed him- the lie of him.

Hence my expression to Esteban Miguel Filgueria, that I will never see him again but when I do, he will be a totally different person.

But my father continued to battle me, my Bio Father in Nigeria, and even here and even after his death from Cancer in 2002.
Erek E Class Nexus and a beautiful girl were present as well as a very dark-complexioned man called Alex.
I never mourned him, despite Erek’s insistence that I do- and making me stay in a room ( much as the ones I stayed in with a terrible view and the one right now)- but there was nothing he could do to change my stance.
A few days later in that same venue and office building, but not in that room I rose literally in a blink of an eye I must have risen 4-5 inches to my height.
And then was forced to spend an additional 19 years proving how I did it manually so all could rise- and make him rise from that illusion of Dark Matter Tree Sage to Transparency – Stephen Johnson and finally to Transparency Supreme Rocket Fuel” Sacred Portal 123.

Maurice was his name, My mother who I also did not mourn, but for completely different reasons that I did not mourn my father.
She was, is with me and evolved ARDEN

He was nonexistent, never existed, instead I rescued and recovered his actual truth which I could see even in the man.
And that is the play of Obiekwe -Obiekwe, the middle names Nnamdi shared with my Father.
Nnamdi is me 55
Obumneme 88is me
Nnonyelum 133 is me.

Cecilia 42
Onuabuchi. 94.

* 42 is the Meaning Of Existence.
M O E/E.O.M.

94 is I D.
Identified as Infinity.

I have been on Facebook now for 9.4 years at the completion of the story.

MAURICE= 70 See sacred Portal 70 “Greed”

His Igbo name IKEGBUNAM= 83.

OBI.EK.W.E ( Knowledge & Wisdom K W)
= 55.

Nnamdi= 55.

Ikegbuman Obiekwe 83 55= 138.
Nnamdi Obiekwe.55 55= 110.
55 55= 1. Hence 111

138 as I O= 138 M H Universe.
A-C H/ Hartford Connecticut. 62nd portal and “Circle Back” 66th.
A-C. I- Harrington Connecticut. 64th Portal
See sacred Portal 110.
110 +1= 111 PERFECTION
Obiekwe Obiekwe. O O.
Two rings,
O NNAMDI O 55 55 55= 165.
A.F.E… Alien Father E. Emeka.
16 5 P E Planet EART.H.
Total= 21. 20 21. True Universe TU. (“Tu” You in French, “Uwa” in OINri Igbo).

Arden lived in Harrwington Connecticut.
Esteban… and Kim live in Hartford Connecticut.

4:42 pm,

Today I went out with Kamora Herrington I had not been out in a car since the last time we went out.

4:43 pm.

She bought me some meat and stuff, but it wasn’t about that, it was just a correction of the play I met her at with Kim, the play of the Super Market when both were concerned each individual with the Generation curse.

Kim- Tree Sage was Money.
Kamora Herrington was Food.

This time it was perfection.
And just as Alien Father rose in me to Jae, he rose in me with Kamora Herrington and it was yes invasive, intrusive but it was also beautiful.
He was so excited to see her.
Yes, he is what is called HE RM APHRODITE.
Hephaestus – Aphrodite.
H A.

The code was 74.62 and 62.43 as the last code.

62nd portal last year I was here on the 3rd Floor.
43 is the door of life.

4:49 pm.

74 is 11 28= 39 C I.

I was first in the Actual Truth.
And then I was in the Story ( 2nd Floor) as Truth.
Constant in both realms- the same person even though in both realms I was playing a Character as an Illusion of MY SELF. – 38 42= 80.
J.AE Sacred Portal 80.

Constant even when not even my self or my true nature, not even my true nature as I am in this realm before I came to New York.

Liberty had sent me a message.

Kim was here, and heard as Kamora Herrington spoke of the code “Cool” exclaiming that he just met a friend called “Cool”

Kool- Kolo.

Cool Colo- Colo the Gorilla born in Captivity.

*”Colo (December 22, 1956 – January 17, 2017) was a western gorilla widely known as the first gorilla to be born in captivity anywhere in the world and as the oldest known gorilla in the world”

My Mother and David were born 11-22-47-8 and 68.
I am 20 years older than Kim Tree Sage in the True Story ( Bella 9-19-20) and 22 in the story of Evil, The lie.

We were never Gorilla’s or “Bathing Apes”

So just as I commented yesterday in numeric code “That you can see why I had to meet Kamora to get to 87 rep Kim.
So we talked and Alien Father spoke through him but not through me, for I am Alien Father Alpha- The First.

He provided the intel and I caught up to a speed of the Alien Father play and he confirmed the original Alpha was me… a puny man.

Which was obvious via Kamora Herrington and Arden as Prince.
Public Relations I NCE.
And in the play of 1987 with Prince Chidi Ejikeme P: C.E.
“Cee Emeka” whom I met just after I split up with Adola Mary Jane. Yes, Sacred Portal 34.
Intel later sent me time code 4:34 which arrived at 3:35 pm.

And then Jae Sherman arrived just as I was talking to Kim about her.
And all three of us spoke in Harmony, with my telling Jae that she and Kamora should definitely connect.
Tree Sage telling Jae that Stephen Johnson wished to connect with her.

We finished the final refinements of Self codes, I… that we had to give to Jae Sherman the intel and yes, Alien Intelligence S.he grasped at lightening speed and spoke of her desire to meet with Kamora Herrington
but had sought to be neutral.
She quoted a name- A.G.

“Arden Gemino”

I then saw another message from Liberty in perfect timing.
“Circle Back”

Kamora Herrington had spoken about the Circle but in the E way- as Space and not magic.

I sat back, realizing sigh, so this is my Uncle Lord Charles as his highest selves, Charlies Angels.


Connecticut Arkansas.

5:10 pm.

All inside the Circle and so that which had to be cut out is akin to the noisy neighbors, the other side of the street, that mess made by the lie of Alien Father saying he is Alpha- all that is not inside the circle of Perfection
Perception. 121.

See all sacred portals 111 and 121.

That is which is to be cut out and sent to the incinerator with our thoughts and reflections of Pure True Hate X.
The light grey cap Jae Sherman was wearing and my own Pure Hatred for the Noisey Neighbors who are not harmonic Sound of sensation but are simply Noise and hence of no use to anything or anyone.

And believe me, no hate is greater than mine- I want them gone- especially that Noise as Woman – The chicken that crossed the road to bring chaos noise and that which had crossed over but let that thing in.

5:17 pm.

E Q.

Woman as the lie.

Kim Tree Sage last intel 5 merges with 4.

6-22 was the code he gave me.


Fritz Venneiq.
Who witnessed the Original Earth and this Pale copy of the Earth Transformed into the Vivid Vitality of the New Earth… The True Garden of Eden.

5:42 pm.
So even in “Bella: 9-19-20/ True Story I”- Emeka- code 42. It’s in Harmony at last.
as Hartford Connecticut. H C/ C H.
While Harrwington-Connecticut 64 Portal- that is now * as H a Beautiful Story.
That is 8 as Infinity Standing up.

The realm of I & I.

Not a Story, Actual Fact.
Perfection Attained and this time bo circling back no hook in the I or I I on that money from Kamora Herrington and now spies in a mask.
Lone Ranger.
L R.

Masks Off!.

M O.

5:48 pm.

10:13… 10:14 pm.

J M J N.

John Mack Johnny Newman.

J J M E N.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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