
7:50 pm. – Kim- Tree Sage share

7:50 pm.

Kim- Tree Sage shared the image Liberty sent me of her and Jeron, teaching him how to read.

It did not appear on my page here, for some reason.

But I sent it to certain people on my Facebook messenger and the first person to respond was Alexa V and it was linked to her nephew Link or Lincoln. And the room codes pictures she sent… the same colors even, as the Video of Mother and Language.

It is a pivotal video because if you recall, I met Jeron first 5 months in his mother’s womb with Thomas Lang at 29 Lincoln Street where Esteban Stephen Miguel Filgueria lived with his grandmother Esther- Isabel, Celia, and Sagan his Dog.

Code E S- M.F, C- I, C- E.

Then I met him a few weeks after he was born here on the third floor C and then when he was 6 months old, I moved in with him to 900 South Road
( so you kinda get an inclination who was moving me… Little Dwarf!) I stayed with him for his “Crossing Landing” the Gap” and which aligned Arden to Jeron. A J.

And you may recall the last play with Jamshaid Alie (ÍñöXêñt ÂLí )

J A.
A J/ J A “Man Child”
See the meaning of the name JAMEL.
J A I.-M E

I was there with him till his crossing and left when he was 17 months and Arden had turned 17.

Sacred Portal 147 A B code 17, 17 on each one.

But by that time Jennifer had entered the picture and Love and he was in perfect harmony with his Mother, Father, and all his siblings, he was safe.
Arden was Safe, the entire children were saved.
He is Libertys 5th child.
the 6th child is due in a couple of months.
The Bridge Children.
5th 6th.

The truth be told, I know everything is in Perfect Harmony to Infinity.
And now both Thomas and Liberty are Safe.
So I kind of figured that all this was set up by Alien Father as Jeron to evolve him, all to beautiful youth Arden- Victor Chukwu-Emeka- Ikemefuna-Victor Kolo and then to each their chosen Individual expression of I.

This was set up to make me post this, I had no intention to add anything else or post.

As I was writing this Alicia Norris responded, because I had sent the video to her- because I had thought of her and her son Dakota and that Love she represents aligned to Aurelia.
“Rose Quartz”

8:17 pm.
H Q.

Quiet Heart.

Flaming Heart- F H for I had asked Alexa V if she could share the Tarot, The Tower TT, she pulled and posted along with the Flaming Heart- Sacred Couer- Sacred Heart- which I had been in at France as well as Notre Dame Cathedral/ Link my arrival my first day and a portal right beside St John the Divine in New York.

And there is a Cathedral around her Tree Sage keeps mentioning where some of the most pivotal data echo of The Script has come from

Michelle Lobsinger who I had lived with at 57 Street Manhattan near the World Frame monument and then 33 Street near the Baruch College.

It was from the window of one of the Buildings shaped like a great steamer- Ship that I had peered out of and suddenly this reality had dissolved and I saw this magnificent being which tugged at my heart and made me feel such awe, calling out to all Universe Existences and Multi Universes “Nnamdi! Nnamdi” My Father is Here Present!”… even as I write this tears well in my eyes and there are goosebumps all over my body.

It was Spirit E, Awareness and I knew him from that moment in my mother’s womb, and when I was born it was his urging and insistent which made me pee in my bio father’s food.

8:29 pm right now.

Yellow and White.

Despite my knowing full well the consequences.
I must have been about 16 months old, the age that Jenny Jeron’s Nanny had taken the same flower that Charlene Johnston had placed in Arden’s hands and photographed him at 16 months.

The being was so Beautiful, and I knew that he was telling Everything that it was I who he was proclaiming and the lump in my throat, the Awe, and observing Beauty Personified in embodiment and expression made me feel such fierce beautiful pride and humility.

And that is when the family of TEN 10 rose in me a few days later, it was Halloween.
And there were two men who I had encountered in the Elevator who I knew were talking to each other, but really talking to me.

And what they were saying…

I wrote and I wrote- for they had asked me while pretending to address one another, “What if you l won the lotto and that for a period of 25 hours, I could call out and must write down all the ails the world and what I would call out and a strikeout of the world which caused people and the world to become this hideous mess.

It’s funny how that memory has been rising in me of recent, and I said to myself, that there is no way I wish to write or explain that- too complex to explain as has been all this stuff I have had to translate and put into language all these years.

The Impossible.

I had gone to Barnes and Noble and bought a beautiful navy blue hardcover journal and a black Ravens Quill and for 24 hours I frantically wrote everything I could think of in that Book in black ink and the Quill used in the 17-18th century and then the family rose.

Baruch and the other university I had lived nearby where I shared a space with a beautiful youth called Nnaemeka ( meaning Emeka’s Father), I had my own room but he was right next door and his room was cozier.
It was the place my Aunt in Augusta Georgia had organized for me via my Uncle Sir Pius -Nduka’s friend.

Baruch 2004 and then Fordham in 2005 after I returned the day 4-02-2005 the day Pople John Paul had passed.

Baruch Fordham.
B F 2 6.
Face Book F B 6 2.

74.62 USD.
62.43 USD Kamora Herrington
62nd Portal here the 3rd floor but I would come down as did Chris Filgueira to visit here Tree Sage but especially Johnny New man since Kim Tree Sage would come up often to work in Chris’s room painted Gold.

Of course, I knew that in 2004 I was done, and in 2005 I was ready to go.

In 2011, after having not seen Michelle Lobsinger in years, and not seeing Geoff Lacour who came to stay with me from St Barts at Hells Kitchen, I had received the exciting communication from Michelle Lobsinger M L.
Yes, the 20 USD from Kamora Herrington
L M that she saw the awakening in detail from my being in Paris and how I had crossed Sacred Coeur “Sacred Heart” from Notre Dame, but in space and then arrived in New York after I paused on the steps of Heaven.

8:50 pm.

Talking to my Grandmother Lucy and my Aunt Ieasha – Ijeoma before landing in New York where she said the representatives from the whole world and all ages, eras of Humanity had gathered and were dancing and celebrating.

I have written about this throughout the last 10- 9 years.

That was 10 years ago.

And why I am being made to post this now, is irritating me, but a moment ago in the guest room, I heard Arden Voice saying to me what he said aloud in the Kitchen me, while I was downstairs. “You are such a Patient man” ( “Who me? I wanted to demand… are you using the power of suggestion on me I wanted to demand you scallywag- ” an Immaculate Suggestion and Immaculate Manipulation- he knows me that well and that I had no patience with this, but I also knew he was saying to me “Emeka, pls be patient”

But I had said nothing “Except simmer inside, muttering to myself “If you think I am going to endure or put up with more of this…”

All this is already on my page, so I see no reason why I am being moved to post this.

9:04 pm.

I D.


What are you doing to me, have I not done enough?

H A T E X H A L E.

I am holding my breath to stop myself from breaking something and screaming in rage and anger…

So, I will be quiet and lock this memory in my heart, knowing that I have at least written it down so that I will never forget- just how far I was pushed.

Alexa – Alicia.

A-A 27.

My Hatred. and my hat is not red like the red-capped chiefs of OINRI Igbo people.

I am wearing my Black Cap.
My wine red woolen cap, the last time I wore it was at 900 South Road.

I hate them so much, th epure hatred I feel in me… there are no words to describe it, and unlike the Exquisite Beauty which the E.T A could not put into words but which I did…
This Pure Hatred I feel, in me, I do not and can not put into words, the only action of which all will see my meaning.

Through the True Horror-Scope, The scope of horror I manifest with me Will I AM The End.

And the meaning of I shall never forgive.

How can you forgive that which does not even acknowledge that which it did, or pretends it dod nothing wriong because it was my duty, job to be the lowliest slave if that ensures that the lazy people as Mannerless abusive Oafs have a chance of rising on my back.

Please see my poem Freedom Song, written in 1994, the year Liberty graduated, I move forward but I carry no one on my back.

And so with your will you twisted my words and made me break my own word over and over again?

9:16 pm
I P.

But you can not or did not do you? because I have gone beyond that which I was.
to I and I Cut and I bring Pain, not Bread.
Intention Pain.

I Perfection.
And I only the Individuals shall see Eden.
Those who did the work, yes perhaps with my Guidance but I left them and they did the work on their own.

The rest.
I Smile.

I laugh as I did last night.

9:20 pm

I T. I M.E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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