
1:27 a.m. – I am at 1535 Facebo

1:27 a.m.

I am at 1535 Facebook Friends.

15 35
O C.E.


I have 14 USD in my wallet, just went to take a walk and pick up some papers.

I walked to the backyard and saw for the first time the back window and downatirs neigbours and the Womans loud voice.

It was okay, I had to take the gatbage out, but the profound sadness I felt- for this moment.
Should it not be quiet by now.

Is there nothing sacred and holy in this play script.
In this species- even with the possibility of thier really going out of existence and for many in the most gruesome way.

Is there no redeeming point in this script, in this species even to now?

I walked, me the tall man with the illusions of a twisted body.

1:33 a.m.


Yes, but who cares, I certainly do not at this point of such a delay.

You say, the script says it was for Kim Arthur Hines and Alicia Norris line? For them to pay attention?

To retrieve the line of my sister Nnoyelum. 133.

So many lies.. so many twists and turns while I sit here in this body, this being not me, held back from transforming into my true self.

– I assure you, He… that Emeka Commands respect and would not hesitate in using True Violence at such an expression to the Evolution Awakening.

That is why they restrained me you know, bound me.

Bound my muscles and vertebra.

They know what I would have done to this sacrilege down to the most sacred and holy moment in all Existence Creation long before the creation of Reptiles Mammals and now this constant reminder of abomination called Man born of Woman.

I would be ashamed, but I have nothing to be ashamed of.

1:40 am.

But this 14 USD left in my wallet tells me that which I already knew a long, long time ago… and it got away with it.
For nothing, not my transformation back to myself even as the man Lucifer and the quiet dark presence of light can change what has been done, can it.

I often reflect on this, in quiet moments in my cell.

But there is nothing I can do about it, I have reasoned.
Only after, later in Hindsight when I am back to my true Arrogant Beautiful Confident Expression- not veiled in this pathetic script of meekness, can I look back in Hindsight, and respond.

For now, I am here.

This is what was done.

Vox Chubre V C. code C V Fahad Hassen 3-22 2020 upload of Emamual. World.com.

It all on my page for years, yet no one has even thought of taking the document, calling me- sponsoring it to bring forth its miracles.

Instead, people, lazy, lazy people with inspired greed are given easy access to me and I must respond.

No offense to the true.

Those who chose to not pay attention until something was threatened, something or someone they loved but more so themselves.

1:48 a.m.

I know that I will have to respond to all this at some later moment.

After all, Time does not exist.
And all this was forced upon me through coercion. So even by law here, it can be made null and void.

In Valid as I was made to appear as in Invalid…
I take comfort in that knowledge in the quiet knowledge that I can unmake all that I was forced, blackmailed, tormented, and tortured to make.

The Maker.

T M.

Then I will exercise that right and freedom you all had but which was denied me.


Yes or No.

1 or 0.

1:55 pm.

Vox means *”The name Vox means “Voice.”

Chubre? No Definition.


Consciousness Harmony Universal Being Responds – EMEKA= 35.
C E.

2:03 am.
26 3

See the time.

2:04 pm.

24 E.M.F.


264 Brompton Road.

The Collection
25 years ago.

2:05 am.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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