
6:09 pm. – 69. – 669. – Sixth Sens

6:09 pm.


Sixth Sense is Fact of the I. Infinite Individual.

And it aligns in my personal Blue Print ( which has expanded to Univeral Completeness Inclusive of Every Thing, Every Where, Every One= E EE T.WO.

5 5 5 20 23 15.
3( 5) 15 58.
6 13. Yes, first Intel from Liberty C Liscomb sent from the Eternal Truth of the Beautiful Youth,
F M- 19. S.

And that can be seen in the sacred Portal 2 of the Ethereal Eternal being liked by Tree Sage Kim. He is Eternal- Infinite Nnamdi.

It represents my younger brother and Twin.
6:13 pm Right now as the F.M.)

Why it has expanded E to I, from my own private and personal point of view to incorporate all is because my brother and I were born awake and aware.
He was born 4-5-1969 * 5-4-1969 in the European representation.

He was born on Easter Time and left this world at age 13 full circles and a day to his birth.

We had a mission we both recalled- he was meant to leave this world and representing Death- and then would I would stay behind in Death and then find him alive in his evolved incarnation proving that we had conquered death, by solving the mystery of it, which really is Forgetting.

6:19 pm.
Sixth Sense is a Fact Supreme.
Y. 25 State.

And by using Extraordinary Sensory Perception ( 6th Sense) we would stay in communication with him guiding me ( switching roles to play my Guide Father 69/96 Nnamdi Jay 2 64 Brompton rd- The Collection Chelsea to my 64th portal Jump Man- 8-29-2019)- through the portals represented by People- Avatars and especially Avatar Descendants ( A.D) and as I moved through all the portals, He was communicating to me as C E-via ESP, as I would solve my way through Death represented by Humanity and move through each portal recognizing each person as their highest selves recognized me, open the doors and hearts to me before falling back down in suspicion doubt theier stories and not sustaining the truth they had recognized as I had and fought to solve each conflict from that base nature to bring them back to that original truth they.. not I, had doubted. And their component reps Avatrs they had sunk back into instead of fighting as thy observed me do despite being in Obvious physical torment but seeing with their own two eyes the Beauftul ones literally moving my body and expression as both Beautiful in front of them: A Battle not only going in me but instigated by their own resistance and acceptance of that which their own eyes and senses were confirming as the Beautiful Truth they had prayed for, but they chose to doubt and punish. And I found myself in their plays – the cause of my bodies crying out and acting out, imploring you to see the Beauty- Instead, it became a contest and Ugly, True and False? Yes No?
The illusion created that the choice was in your hands to determine that which is True or false???
When it simply is.
Just as the evidence presented outside of me and my “beliefs” were given to you to witness- not I, since I already knew… I am the messenger- Light Bringer and the Eternal Light, Luminous in one Expression Q. And Nmadi as my past before even Chukwuemeka C E but as Nn-A C N 3.14 Pi, with his using me, fighting for our beautiful past to rise and yet blocked, hindered because he had used his own way, It was his play- I respected that, but not quite in the manner I foresaw or agreed to, as I moved through each person, I would rise higher, gaining more awareness and intel, which I was to share with all, and eventual reach his evolved self via his play of Muscle Memory.

NN N/N= 1= A.M= 13.
thus after crossing through all ideas of Death to reach him and find his embodied self evolved from Naturalness and Nature E S P and Manifest Fact as Embodiment, fact.
NN= A M. D.I/ I D. M A.N. E-A- Fact Solid. F S- 25 Y.


This all played at attaining my 64th Portal.
where I met Arden and then his “Husband called “Di”: in Igbo- his self as Morgan- Free Man.

And their play of going to Vermont the 14 State- Aligned to Sacred Portal 14 which is “Evolution of Consciousness Star E”

I began my journey being led by David Roman Nicholas who recognized me first and, then I, David “Beloved” who had Nnmadi’s memories literally, in 2002-2003 22 23, as the Guide and then to Albert Sanatana at 268 East 4th Street, and to the portal directly across the street from his house where I first meet him, with a person called Sage and Isaac, who were sitting on the steps in front of the Shelter number 269- they were sitting on the stoop 277.

2 represents B. Being.
So I already was aware but had no intention when on the 61st day when I found the portal meant to represents the finally prove that I knew my transforming 6th sense and walking through with empirical evidence and facts ( which eventually became the Codes0 since 1988- 1989 when I started the Journals Talking to The Silence, that I was on a trail by how my life was being moved in a direction which was not my will.
And I was in constant contact and communication with him via ESP and the Magic Wizard World Shaman he represented.
I also knew and recognized the paths I was walking from the original play of I and then he and I.
I knew that I had to provide the evidence, empirical evidence in the language of this age. Empirical Evidence, using this world’s Scientific Methodology – Empirical Evidence Facts Solid which no one could dispute.
But something had gone wrong, first I realized that this was not our way.
Two I realized that the cause of this was the interference and meddling of that illusion which called its Self Nature- or the Lie as Death, contesting and challenging US.

I was aware as he was of that play of the Illusion of Death- it was represented in my own Biological Father and its power to possess and take over all creation- not just people.

My bio father was a Vet Surgeon.

Animal Nature.
Animal Farm.
Stephen Stratham.

The meddling was so much and so impossible that it had attained such power, by using the belief systems and insanity of the species as the Vehicles for the E Family.

For Nnamdi means “My Father Is Here Present” and everything had been done to block the Awareness of that truth.
Yeshua Christ and all those Threads, Truths meant to have been investigated had become distorted to an unrecognizable place.
Nnamdi required my help because he had returned to his Eternal aspect and could not incarnate here and in his body until that lie of Death had been made none existent.
But it fought and we knew who he was, in this play story he is She as Terrible Death- The challenger to Eternal Nnamdi as Nature source via Naturalness.

The battle was unseen because it was all in the Spirit realm, the realm of cause and effect which humanity had not only forgotten by the time of this age we were born, but had been so been disappointed by their expectations-especially in the 60’s that they had shut down completely, never really taking into consideration that they had not done their homework or their part is searching for God- or even identifying who or what God is.

The Battle going on physically in my body, is that battle between Nature denying Naturalness as its source, and thus trapping Nnamdi “Fathers” frequency in me, and consequently all of you” and trapping you in non-memory and just as my body would rise and then fall, so would you rise and fall in enlightenment and then fall and feel the hurt and disappointment of that point you had reached attained, only to fall back into these lower base frequencies until you stopped trying, or having any trust in those moments when you remembered.

Eternal Nnamdi was trapped in the realm of Eden while his body was trapped in a prison of Forgetting.
But despite the indescribable journey of reaching the 64th Portal where I found him-his rep and body and muscle memory and natural awareness, at first sight, all forms of meddling by that which had become the lie of Terrible Death as Woman Supreme fought a battle which was not even part of Eternal Natural and Divine Law.

It was as if She had placed herself outside and above the law and even the rules of the play.
Terrible death encouraged her as Woman the illusion to take over this reality and commit the most unthinkable acts to sustain and maintain her dominance.

It is documented in the perversion of the BIBLE Story of Lilith and Samuel.

*L S / Yes, South Lincoln.
Yes, Snow Love meaning of the name Jacinda- Ardern. * Laura Dern whom I met many times as well as Susan Saradon.
*Laura Elizabeth Dern (born February 10, 1967) is an American actress and filmmaker. She is the recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, and five Golden Globe Awards.
Age 54.”

Correct code L S D.
Yes, Dr. A.H.
*The psychedelic drug (or entheogen) lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was first synthesized on November 16, 1938 by the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in the Sandoz (now Novartis) laboratories in Basel, Switzerland. It was not until five years later on April 19, 1943, that the psychedelic properties were found.”

April 19, 19 43.

4-19- D S. 19 S Sacred Portal Door of Life. 43.

In Sacred Portal 43, there are two Maidens represented now by Aurelia and Jaden. A J/ J A.

Jacinda Ardern.

But behind it, there is a veiled figure of a man as the Vagina itself, with one eye open and the other closed.

7:04 pm

4-19 aligns to Robert O Sullivan.
E-ROS. E. E R S. E.

It is also Salvador Dali’s birthday today.
S D/ DS.



The play of Death became the ultimate battle with the lie of Death moving Woman through a story of her own supremacy as The Creator, with this Illusion of Death playing Terrible death encouraging her, and her descendants to hold onto that idea and like the idea of Satan Devil made real as well as God as the lie, but a veil on memory, but not muscle memory or E S P and the clean.
As long as they could keep you dirty, and as liars, and caught up in infantile, childlike stories which even to children, which did not make sense, beliefs, ideologies characters and a world in a conflict which could never be resolved and that all there was is here and now as this being the true present, then it thought itself victorious.

My Expression and Nnamdi- Arden line would always be a fantasy, a work of entertaining fiction to you- in a deep coma, undercover in what was meant to be a Nap.

Time is Relative.

The absolute battle was to stop me and I & I, from reaching each other representing the Completion of rescuing all fragments of the original truth, and from proving that this reality is only not real but also bringing forth the unrefutable evidence manifested in this realities collective consciousness.

The Devil Satan is not real, nor was or is the Great Witches, non of the Brother Grim Tales, or the ancient Fairy Tales of the Celts, of the expressions of the ancients folk stories of using the animals like the fox or the turtle, lion Leopard…
They were all tools that allowed you to understand Nature its story which allowed you as a species to evolve from that animal and reptilian nature to the 5th Element which was your species inheritance.

Which you had to merit and earn yourselves- not by someone else doing all the work for you.

Does that make sense to you, even in this reality, even in your state of coma?

Instead, they encouraged you to stay unconscious and your ego became corrupted, messages distorted, the truth distorted, all the Divine Epiphanies and messages sent were encouraged in you to distort into babble, lies each taking power as their right to destroy that which was true, and broadcast it in a way that served only your corrupted ego and need for recognition and power.

The devil, satan, God, Goddess none of these contracts, your creations “The deceivers the liars your mirrors you created, are or were every real for you are they not?. But you powered then with your beliefs, your needs, your desires, out of that sense of incompleteness, to blame, falsely accuse, to create the very force which would send you as an entire species out of existence and in a way that you would never rise as a species ever again.

I had known all this by 2005, and in 2006 when I arrived at that portal Generation X Gardens and observed what happened to me…

7:21 pm.


The Gorilla frequency and the three men appearing to me as Gargoyles Isaac Albert, Sage.
I A S.
I E S … *Al is also Edwin his real first name.

They sat in front of the shelter
2 77.

See Sacred Portal 77.
but it is really Gemino- Gemini.

I entered his home portal 268 all on 4th Street.
4th Dimension.
Color Green.
Note of Fa! “Far a Long long way to run”
Who invented these distortions of the truth.
Nature tells you the codes.
Green plants life, it created Oxygen, that is the 4th Dimension color green.
Osiris is the Green Blue God of the Underworld.

Are Plants the Key to Life?
No. Sex Penetration is. S P and it is not simply through the physical that the S.EX Penetration takes place is it? But Symmetry Perfection Expression Supreme Perfection Symmetry Perception Expression 6th Sense.
Nature is the Template is it not?
That which Naturally occurs and awakens that desire to Penetrate another way of being which concludes with the Physical Act-ION. Share Touch Explore Orgasm Explosion OH! AH! Release Robert Albert- meaning. Mba Afor Ocha!

I had had enough of explaining and cleaning up a mess which an entire species seemed to have no desire to clean up, nor investigate the truth of their lives, their existences.

I had had enough, by 2006- and I told Eternal Nnamdi- that I had enough and would rather leave them to their fate, that he should trust me that it will all work out in perfect harmony, for that is how creation first rose, as I was made to describe and recount yet again yesterday.
That there was no need to go this far to prove the truth- to find the E Family through such a script od such unfair advantage.

7:28 pm.

I was aware of the true natural power I had risen in 2002, the year I met David Roman Nicholas.22.
With Erek E Class Mateo and Nexus present… E N E Nexus means Cross Roads Eric ‘Eternal Ruler which is not Energy, it is Expression sixth sense which originally manifested solid fact from Nothingness- Out of The Blue 5th Color.
I did not require this species dormant, comatose to be aware or even part of this play, they had no say, they were illusions on their way to becoming complete, not realizing that they were always complete.
And that they would rise and the others would fall away, there was no need for subjecting myself or him – her to that which had already been made inevitable since the Inception Immaculate Conception of I and I, and I.

The code 22 is here in this apartment, on the internet, in Kim Tree Sage telephone number, Sacred Portal 22 that Arden called out to me.
To Flora and Angel instigating it.

Why should I pass through a Shelter for a species who are sleeping in nonexistence, why endure this play of Misery and Suffering which they as a species love and love inflicting on others.

Why bother showing them a mirror of themselves so that they would what? Clean themselves up, be horrified at what they have become… Really?
Take a look at yesterday’s play.


That was a play between Arden Gemino and I here recorded so if Arden is my “WOW” 69-96 who then is M.O.M? if not me? 69/96 1996 I met Jay Taun Jerome and Peter. J T and J P * on the wine glass on top of the Black Box Square waves “P J” – T J – Taun Jay.

“Happy Mothers Day Emeka”
Happy Valentines Day Arden”

Do you know what I really experienced here with Kim Tree Sage and then with Jae Sherman, and before that at 29 Lincoln with Esteban then Cecil and Isabela.

Did you see the betrayal of Chris Filgueira even John Mack, and Mackayala, and all the rest down the line?

What was the point of fighting for these creatures who will always betray as they made it clear and I saw at the moment we met in their eyes?
I already saw the beautiful truth in them, I did not require that they recognize me, but rather M E- M E Sacred Portal 117.
Recognize the Manifest Expression above and below, ME ME. where ever I walked and expressed which echoed daily in their own realities as it did with Liberty and from the moment she took and made sacred Portal 20 here Screen saver on her phone.
Meme Chose. Same Thing.
Meme Choice

They wouldn’t, I know this, knew this of this species ( but not even I could have imagined just how far they would go to ignore and then defy that which was is obviously greater than you), and that is why they, you were slated for destruction- all written and foretold in all your Sacred Tests ancient to this modern world- the writing is literally on the walls- even to this last portal.

Their Beautiful Truth will rise and that hideous Greedy, Savage oppressive, aggressive, competitive, and jealous nature will be cut out.

The Spirit- not E-spirit of Jealousy, is that the not the tester as Satan Lucifer, the tester of Lord God in your stories?
What is causing the destruction of your world if not competitiveness Jealousy?
Competition for even Natural Resources, competing with each other. And had these stories, tales evolved to something cleaner. clearer…? Not by observing your movies, literature- same old same old.

What can you read between the lines of my recounting for 9.4 years on Facebook,

Or why I was assigned bed 49 on entering the Shelter at Green Point Avenue… Green! Point!

49 is D I. NN AM DI./I-D. M. A.-28 NN= 28 1 29 “A MAN”

And where are we now?
I D is Infinity – Individuals – Like Snow Flakes. 19 6= 25 Y BE
Snow Fall. 19 6= 25 Y B E

And why are we back at sacred portal 49 Age rep in the matrix Kamora Herrington

Is it not a script.
A Prommers Script?

So what was the point of all this?

My Mind has not changed, nor has this challenge with the illusion of Terrible Death been worth it, not with his She line- it was inevitable that I &I and I ( 999 27 3 9 C I. 9-3 I C) would be Victorious because I am that “I am I” no matter which character, which form, which situation and circumstances you surround me in.

7:42 pm.

It’s still A Story.
Of Liars and lies – distortion

Even this my posting right now is a waste of my time.

Not one of my first impressions of each person I first met has changed, and I am fully aware that I did all the work for each to get to this current state.

I have always seen clearly, from the moment I was born, is this all meant to make their flesh ego feel better, and having been given a go at insulting me day and night, insulting my intelligence…?
Giving nonstop access to me, so that I would explain over and over again when non of them in this form was ever slated to rise.
Using me to manually transform them through constant expression.

Who is this Nnamdi who has pretended to be me? The Devil, Sanatan in human stories Witchs as Goddesses and Queens of Nature?

Dear Lord, you have no idea how I have been bored.

7:50 pm.

I do not forgive because there is Nothing to Forgive.
I have been dealing with Illusions Lies and Liars who never would exist, never meant to exist, and always were slated for destruction.

I will never forget because I am Memory- Awareness and none of this is real, despite how much you the liar as the great deceiver the great Male illusion playing the great Wicket witch of the W E- ST EA ST. SO.UTH but none could play the Role of The NORD- NORTH…The Constant. True North because that requires one to be Constant.
And is there anyone who has been Constant- Sustained Consciousness Perfection?

Don’t they all succumb and Forget?

Only the criminally insane, no existent beings would stand by and watch someone posting, with growing and certitude -evidence that he is The Source, and do nothing, take no action, send no presents of awe and gratitude unless they were programs, artificial programmed by the Demonic Force who would to challenge the “The Source” A Man, and who then can not admit to Herself that all is lost.
She, it lost.

7:59 pm.

Its is obvious by the enaction and having to be told and programmed what to do- that you can not be real if you do not recognize that which is in that which you have described me as A Man.

Are you not meant to be also of MAN?
And yet, you do nothingm take no action- waiting for some one else to do something, to take action like something from your comic book mythologies- you are waiting for a miracle as you watch, gain, take, relish and wallow in my praise, and my misery and suffering as you read and go back to your daily lives.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous and absurd this whole thing appears to me?

You waiting for something you have denied to manifest a Miracle for you to decide if this is real and a fact.
As if you have no sense of self, no discernment- simply a program waiting to be told what to do and then resisting what it requires you to do naturally if you are even biological much less human.

You are just Owls, watching and waiting- for something to happen and of course, that action comes from someone else, not you.

So would that not make you Satan Devils- The Great witches children held bound and loyal to these characters, since the real Devil Satan Lucifer
is D S L/ L S D.

Dharma Santana Light- Bringer?

After all is that not what those words’ names’ mean.
And as I walked through the portals even Delic Spencer ( D S) became a Facebook friend while I lived alone at 29 Lincoln Street.

Manifest Expression – Manifest Expression.

Why is it that it was only Jorgee Maxine page manifest that truth?

No one bothered to Investigate, was Curious… Someone else will do all the work but it all together for you?
Ah, then what did you do to merit the right to evolve and transform?

*The psychedelic drug (or entheogen) lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was first synthesized on November 16, 1938 by the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in the Sandoz (now Novartis) laboratories in Basel, Switzerland. It was not until five years later on April 19, 1943, that the psychedelic properties were found.”

Albert Al… Santana.

*”Albert is a masculine given name. It is derived from the Germanic Adalbert and Adelbert, containing the words adal (“noble”) and beraht (“bright”, compare Robert).”

Hmm, Alberty- Robert A R
David “Beloved” Eric “Eternal Ruler” Nathaniel:Gift of the Creator”

It’s all recorded, coded, it all done, despite the delay by the Cartoon Comic Characters as Devil Demons Satan, Lucifer, witches, and wizards sorcerers, mad scientists, spells in your way of being and doing using your core beliefs as Needs and desires to delay, prolong, Drag-On it does not matter, I am personally Indifferent.

The ability I witnessed in Liberty and Jae to simply block people out to literally not hear them, Tune out and pick off where they left off repeating the same thing while entirely missing the point.
And then you give me a script which you translate that I must fight for them as the Word ad world Matrix?

Does that make sense to you?

15 39 Facebook Friends.
O C I.

A E C I.
8:00 right now.

What do I care for this silly, silly game or ven who understands what it is all about?

That is why I know that you are insane and programs from a computer, non or you are real because you have to be told what to do, how to read, how to paying attention and what action to take, even to how to respond to the presence of the Source – you tested.

Instead, you Freeze. reset and do the same things again.

It’s not Natural not even of Natures Truth so how can you even claim to be real when you have no Heart of Mind EMF to understand such a basic and transparently clear play of your own illusions being codes out of existence- and that you are not natural for there is a natural response and.. if you do not see and have to be told how to see it, what to see, and how to respond… Then you are a machine and not an Individual.

8:06 pm.

And if you do not recognize what has been done.
Take no initiative it means that you are dead waiting for a programmer to complete the Programming to manifest that truth to you in each of your individual realities…

Ude Udun Peter. U.P.

Vox Chubre V C.

?????? ??????????
Larrisa Vinokurov. L V.

UP. V.C L.V.

Udun means * The name Udûn is Sindarin, meaning “dark pit, Underworld” or “hell”

*means “hidden depths” in Quenya, while its Sindarin name is Udûn, meaning “dark pit”. It is in Utumno that Melkor gathers rebel Maiar, monstrous .”

Kim- Tree Sage saw that code via a picture of Flowers on Jae Shermans page.

Lord of the Rings- since you are still obviously in a story.

Ring of Baphomet given to me which I threw away.

Correct meaning not in a story is

*”A user from Nigeria says the name Edun is of Yoruba origin and means “Twins”.



*”A submission from Nigeria says the name Udechukwu means “God’s presence, aura, glory or fame” and is of Igbo origin. … According to a user from Nigeria, the name Udechukwu means “Blessed child”.

*”and complicated ones, a comprehensive Dictionary of Igbo Language will be … Ude – Loud sound; fame. 62.”

*”Translates to. fame noun. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed. favorable public reputation.”

*” all languages: cream, pant, recognition, ointment.”

Vox means “Voice”
Kael Superman same thing
Sacred Portal 74.

8:29 pm.


*In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Larissa is: Cheerful. Joyful. A lover of Poseidon”

Joyful A Lover of Poise I Don.

*”In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Larissa is: Citadel.”

*”In Russian Baby Names the meaning of the name Larissa is: Protection.”


*”Vinokurov, feminine: Vinokurova, (also Winokurow, Winokurowa) is an East Slavic language occupational surname derived from the word “???????”, which is an archaic name of the profession of spirit distilling.”

“Spirits Distilling- Alcohol
Dionysus- Moon Shine.

True Life- Awakening from this Nightmare you have decided to accept as Home- requires a willingness to fight for it.
Just as when one is sleeping and it grows deeper, just as one finds oneself paraylzed by a great weight on one chest, or the realization that you are in a terrible dream a Nightmare… You fight and struggle with all your might to get out of it… or so your movies despict.
And those they are mainly mundane in grasping the point they are honest. And so one can see that only there does your truth exist. In Imagination, in Fiction – that desire and recognition that you know what to do.

But here present, in the past because to be present you must have caught up with the First Expression of Creation. Universe.

But I find you all content and literally beng the cause of your own decent deeper and deeper into the comatose acceptance of your helplessness and the realm of hell.

So Udun Peter it is.

P.E T E R the Lode Stone- The Stone Rock S R. or LOD E/ DOL E Door of Life Sacred Portal 43 which is why I notified a still mystified Daniel Crane D C 43. I am not the Lode Stone I activate it but I face DC. 43
See the meaning of L O D its is actually “Legion of Doom”= versus Door of Life. Lode stone navigates you there it has barely any magnetic properties all of which are temporary. Now recall the lay with Erik Ebright in Miami Florida little Haiti- The play of Victor Von Doom. Yes, it is from D.C Comics. My name is Victor. Erik Ebright recognized me as Victor Von Doom. So it is made real and fact for those who live still in the Comical Realm. R S is Real Solid and grounded in Facts Truth.
For me and the I and I, it is Rainbow Spectrum.
R S. South Road 900 I OO. C
Ravindra Singh R S took me to his apartment in Fort Lauderdale Florida # 511 E K. E- AA with Billy Hung. B H.

Which aligned to my meeting Arden and the open code we sang “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” SP ECT. RUM code at Jesse Macias home J M Jump Man Q 17 Quantum”

Qunatum. Hagar Flight.

R S I E… R I S E…
While others can SINK.

S INK Death.

Each to his own translation and understanding and enactment.

There are only Two anyway.

Two Roads. One Two and they merge into Y and then V I and then back into One. O TT O.

O T 15 20 Facebook Friends = 35 C E.
Attained Perfection at 900 South Road.

Now At 15 39 O.CI./ I C… The O PEN NI NG. SEE S. AM. E – ME.
MEME Chose-
Same CHOICE.. SP 116 & 117
Arden s now 17. 1 17.

Today I know was about getting Robert. Do you recall how I met him with Arden- how we all converged in his room,

Arden Robert David Emeka-Nnamdi.

S J announced his true self declared. “Attained Perfection!” 3301.

Why How?
He let his E-Spirit out- Spontaneously, he did not let his Humanity get in the way because his Humanity was fearless, it had endured and stood steadfast despite his personal life suffering for it.
That is MAN. Being Happy Beautifully Harmonious but aslo the Ink Well of Death Darkest Face- A Smiling Joyous Expression of Beautiful Pride and the Mask his animal nature of the Black Panther- Absolute Death. AD.
I should know.

One Two… C.E O-NE. F.

Edit 1:26 a.m

A -Z
Absolute Zero.

and Sacred portal 126
L F/ F L Heir Hair Heir,

1:27 am

A A A. C A

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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