
8:16 pm. – *”143 FB…Dany Kunz

8:16 pm.

*”143 FB…Dany Kunz….
Hello, I would like to introduce my 1 43 friend… Dany Kunz…
Dear Dany K, for the last 13-14 months, I have been posting evidence of my life work, which was to prove the Unifying Field is not a theory, but a fact. And that all humanity have the light of the script and play in their subconscious, which rises up and activates people to correct action (like ppl deciding to invite me to be their friends on FB)., through stimuli of energized expression which activates their subconscious to the rise to the conscious.
What happens is that the subconscious aware of a four fifth multi dimensional and of a script written before humans even existed as matter, but only as pure energy. The person is not aware, or in memory but the soul is- So each persons is representing a consciousness awareness of way of seeing reality.
So we now have 143 representative of all consciousness not only in this planet but in everything which Exists…42-24, and lives (my equation for life is E=CMe43=Light).
I have also proven, that each persons responding, is part of script set up for an end play dictated when all was energy and how we communicated with each other before we took on matter bound form, as repeated and demonstrated by all the people who are my FB friends, most whom I have never met, yet each playing a part in this great cosmic play that their conscious mind is not even aware of.
I have also been demonstrating not only that Existence is a presence who resounds echoes reverberates, and responds to the universal script which I am aware of because I have been aware since I was eight years old that this is not true life- but rather a play which was fixed and established for not only our last point of evolution before humans can enter into space- by establishing that Energy of Space (death) and Energy of Creation, is life and that they are both the same thing.
The weaving of all the names of the people who become my FB friends is based on each post I translate, transcribe and correlate as Existence speaking through me (For I and HeShe are one and the same) against the backdrop of Existence all around me shared by all things which exist. Thus, aligning the truth of Existence which comes from within, with the truth of Existence outside (while fighting a mighty battle with the evil done to the true meaning of Existence- the great lie- where ppl live existences which do not correlate with the truth of Existence.
That by riddling out the lie, which blurs the truth of existence not being dualistic but one and the same inside and outside. The illusion becomes the veil in which people are deceived, seeing every thing, including themselves as separate.
I have been proving through the ppl responding to my posts, that they are not and despite the monumental power of the illusion of separateness retained for thousands of years as a tool for power, control dominance that it is not so… because each person arrives in perfect timing to respond to the script weave in perfect timming… P.T.
And finally showing that the evolved being can literally move to the FM frequency of Existence, where the plan ET, was written and manifest from the past and present create the future- from the future already existing in the present.. by joining forces with the Presence called Energy Truth is Love, light, life and laughter..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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